Taken from the Various Disciplines in the World of Natural Medicine By Health Resources . Your Resource Site for the Natural Health Disciplines . Includes, Alternative, Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, Homeopathic, Holistic, Flower Remedies, Herbs, Chinese, Acupressure, Reflexology, Animal Herbals, Organic Gardening and other information. .. Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any of these remedies. We believe that everyone's body is different, so, we each respond differently to various treatments. You need to study and learn what is best for your body. This category will be constantly changing and added to based upon new information and your input. . The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and healing was that the group that had been prayed over, even they didn't know that they were being prayed for, improved so much more than the other group that they concluded - If there was any medication that could accomplish that much, people would line up around the world to buy it. Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients. . click here - to view the studies. Your Journey To Optimal Health Begins Here Link - Holistic Health Path ...
This list is just a suggestion of where to start and what to consider. Additional Remedies & Health Information by NOW products Always check with your Health Care Provider first. deceived" In Greek, Sorcery means Pharmaceuticals. Just something to think about.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease .
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