Early Cancer Warning Signs
or kidney |
in the urine; pain and burning with urination;
increased frequency of urination. |
Breast |
Lump/lumps, thickening, and other physical
changes in the breast; itching, redness and/or
soreness of the nipples (not from breast
feeding) |
Cervical or
uterine, endometrial |
Bleeding between menstrual
periods; unusual discharge; painful menstrual or
heavy periods. |
Colon |
Rectal bleeding; blood in the stool; changes
in bowel habits (persistent
diarrhea/constipation) |
Laryngeal |
Persistent cough; hoarse throat. |
Leukemia |
Paleness; fatigue; weight loss; repeated
infections; easy bruising, bone and joint pain;
nose bleeds. |
Lung |
A persistent cough; sputum with blood; chest
pain. |
Lymphoma |
Enlarged, rubbery lymph nodes; itching; night
sweats; unexplained fever and/or weight
loss. |
Mouth and throat |
A chronic ulcer of the mouth, tongue, or
throat that does not heal. |
Ovarian |
No signs or symptoms in the early stages of
development. |
Prostate |
Weak or interrupted urine flow; continuous
pain in the lower back, pelvis, and/or upper
thighs. |
Skin |
Tumor or lump under the skin, resembling a
wart or an ulceration that never heals; moles
that change color or size; flat sores; lesions
that look like moles. |
Stomach |
Indigestion and pain after eating; weight
loss. |
Testicular |
Lump/lumps; enlargement of a testicle;
thickening of the scrotum; sudden collection of
fluid in the scrotum; pain or discomfort in a
testicle or in the scrotum; mild ache in the
lower abdomen or groin; enlargement or
tenderness of the breast. |
Coconut Emulsifier
- Makes oils and water dispersible. (mixable)
Directions: Add an equal part of coconut
emulsifier to your essential oil or blend then add
distilled water or other liquid.
Caution: Avoid eye area and mucous membranes
Testimonial on Digest-Zyme
Digest-Zyme is the greatest! I had
suffered with stomach problems for a very long
time. I had
major bloating and gas and had been diagnosed
with a hiatal hernia. The doctor prescribed
"Prevacid". This only worked for awhile. I
took Tums, Pepto-Bismo, Charcoal Tablets,
Mylanta, Pep-cid, etc. Some of them worked
for awhile, others didn't seem to phase my
thrased-out stomach! Ginger Root
helped--and Chamomile and Valerian Root. The
gave me a prescription for Donnatol - then
Aciphex. They didn't do the trick; it just got
I tried Multi-Enzymes, but they didn't work
well. I didn't think I would ever be able to
around people in a social situation again.
Then I tried "Digest-Zyme."
take 2 Digest-Zyme
capsules with my meals, and my stomach is calmer.
I can actually go out
again without a lot of embarrassment! Thank
you for this great product! I tell everyone I
know that I don't think I could live without
this product! It has literally changed my
life! Just wanted you to know what a
great product you have. By the way, my
chiropractor has been "muscle testing" me and "Digest-Zyme"
came out as the one that my body reacts to the
best! He tried several other brands of
multi-enzymes, but none of them even came close to "Digest-Zyme"!
So, thanks for making such a life-saving
product. I couldn't live without it!
Sincerely, Karen M. - Downey,
We were giving a lecture one night
in Seattle at the Y.W.C.A. auditorium. As it was a
woman's club, I did not stop to think that they must
rent out the auditorium to all types of groups for
lectures and meetings. When we stepped into the
poorly ventilated hall I was shocked and staggered by
the horrible rancid stench and odors of stale cigar and
other tobacco smoke, beer, body odors, etc., enough to
make you sick!
I made the statement that surely we shouldn't have a
health group come into such a stinking hall--yet it was
not too far away from lecture time, with just a few
hours left. A young gentleman student who had come
to the hall with me said, "Oh don't worry about the
disgusting stale stench, I will have it smelling like a
fresh garden by lecture time." I was astounded,
but had faith in him and his positive attitude. I
told him to go ahead and fix up the room to make it fit
to meet in.
I was surprised upon returning to find the hall
smelling fresh and clean. I turned to this young
student and asked how he performed such an outstanding
miracle in such a short time. He told me he had
made up a pot of chaparral
tea and then had concentrated it down to a 7 power
tea. He had learned about strengthening herbal
liquids through our teachings, but I had never thought
of using it this way. He had simmered the tea down
to one fourth its original making. Simmering a tea
down to one-half its original amount and it becomes a 3
power tea, 3 times as strong as the original, but if
simmered down to one-forth the original amount, it
becomes a 7 power tea. This is what he had done
and then put the tea into an atomizer and sprayed it
around the hall, on the seats, curtains and
carpets. By doing this he neutralized the rancid
odor. The hall remained clean smelling the whole
I asked him how he ever discovered this
principle. He told me he had always had problems
with underarm odor and was, for some time, reluctant to
go out in crowds because the commercial underarm
deodorants did not help him. By accident he had
discovered the amazing deodorant effects of chaparral
and so he made some deodorant up with this herb and he
had no more problems with body odor. He just
figured this would work on the lecture hall, which it
(Taken from the writings of Dr. Christopher)
Cell Salts
12 Cell Salts - To keep those vital cells in your body
healthy and strong
Cell Salts... Why?
You take a regular mineral
supplement every day to supply your body's requirements
for Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, etc. Good for
you! But did you know that some cells require a
"special" diet? Well, they do! That's why Hyland's Cell
Salts are so important.
Specific Compounds
According to the Biochemic
Theory of Dr. W. H. Schuessler there are a dozen mineral
compounds (or salts) which are required in minute
Homeopathic amounts by specific cells in various parts
of the body. They are known as Cell Salts, and most of
them are compounds of minerals which, in other forms,
are used by the body in much larger amounts every
For example, the body needs a
great deal of iron to keep going, but it only needs a
minute amount of Iron Phosphate (Ferrum Phosphoricum).
Certain cells can't use just any iron, they have to have
Ferrum Phosphoricum. They need only a tiny amount but no
other iron will do. So to keep those particular cells
healthy, it's just common sense to give them the minute
amount of Ferrum Phos. they need each day.
Many books have been written
which discuss the twelve Cell Salts in detail. The
following information is condensed from Materia Medica
of the 12 Biochemic Tissue Remedies of Dr. W. H.
Schuessler, and is merely a very brief outline to
identify and differentiate the twelve tissue remedies
(Cell Salts).
Potencies Available
Hyland's Cell Salts are
available in 6X, and 30X potencies. Some
authorities recommend all 6X for nutritional purposes.
The authority we follow recommends nine of the salts in
3X but Calcarea Fluorica 6X, Natrum Muriaticum 6X and
Silicea 6X. This is the formula for our Bioplasma (12
salts in one tablet) and this is the way we supply
individual salts if potency is not specified. 30X
is generally used as a therapeutic agent.
Homeopathic medicine is based
in symptomatology and the law of similars, "let likes be
treated by likes". A very minute amount of a substance
is used to treat the symptoms produced by the same
substance in massive dosages. The Cell Salts are 12
among over 1000 Homeopathic substances used as remedies
in the treatment of disease. Their therapeutic use as
remedies in Homeopathy is quite different from their use
according to the Biochemic Theory of Dr. W. H.
Schuessler. Schuessler believed that symptoms resulted
from a deficiency of one or more of these 12 Biochemic
Remedies of Cell Salts. The patient could be restored to
health by taking one or more of these salts in minute
quantities as indicated by the symptoms.
Homeopathic Potencies
The 3X and 6X potencies are
used therapeutically for minor problems and
nutritionally to insure against deficiencies.
Furthermore, some authorities recommend 12X or even 30X
as nutritional supplements. However, 3X and 6X potencies
in 500-tablet bottles are by far the most popular.
A quick way to figure decimal
potencies (indicated by the letter X) is to translate
the number preceding X into zeros in the bottom of the
fraction: ie. , 3X = 1/1,000, 6X = 1,000,000, etc.
Expressed decimally it is the number of spaces after the
decimal point where the "1" appears, .001 = 3X, .000001
= 6X, etc.
Our Cell Salts are triturated
by a slow, exhaustive method (8 hours for each
reduction) which results in an infinitesimal breakdown
of the active ingredients. This permits ready
absorption, diffusion, and assimilation of these salts
into the cells of the body thereby enhancing
In trituration, for example, we
add 1 pound of a 3X powder to 9 pounds of Lactose and
triturate the mixture for eight hours to produce 10
pounds of 4X. 1 pound of 4X would then be added to 9
pounds of Lactose and triturated 8 hours to produce 10
pounds of 5X. 1 pound of 5X would be triturated with 9
pounds of Lactose to produce the 6X potency.
Cell Salts in Combination
We feel that combining two or
three cell salts in a single tablet to treat a
particular condition is unnecessary and wasteful. With a
complete set of the individual salts one can put any
combination together to treat a problem and then
recombine salts as conditions change with no wasted
"The Twelve Tissue Remedies of
Schuessler", by William Boericke, M.D., and Willis A.
Dewey, M.D. Sett Dey & Co., Calcutta, 1965.
"Dr. Schuessler's
Biochemistry", by J. B. Chapman, M.D., New Era
Laboratories, Ltd., London W3 6XH, England.
I have been a doctor for 35 years. I am licensed in
various states as a homeopathic physician, and
osteopathic physician, and a board certified
naturopathic physician.
About ten years ago, I was at a medical meeting and it
was coffee break time. I happened to be standing next to
a group of doctors when I overheard one say, "My
child had the measles for two hours!" The other
doctor said, "Yeah, my child had the measles for one
hour!ÿ" Well! I could not contain myself... I
broke into the group and said, "How could that
Both doctors said the same thing: that their children
got a sorethroat, a red throat, enlarged neck glands, a
fever, a measles rash... and and the whole thing came
and went in one or two hours. I demanded to know how
this could be and that's when they told me how they
immunize their kids with homeopathic drops... drops
which stimulate the body to be ready for all the
childhood illnesses. They simply spray the drops in
their childs mouth every six months. They do not
that it is wise to give their kids regular immunizations
because of the serious side effects and reactions, and
the mercury preservative in the shots.
Since then I have dispensed these drops to parents and
grandparents and all I have had were a bunch of repeat
orders. Never a complaint. And you can bet my
grandchildren are taking the drops too, literally in
place of orthodox immunizations.
Basically, there are three separate bottles of drops
(in spray bottles).
For three days in a row you spray a few drops from the
first bottle in
your childs mouth three times a day. The next three days
you do the
same using the second bottle. The next three days you do
the same using
the third bottle. Thats it. You are done!
The fist bottle stimulates the body to overcome all the
childhood virus
diseases. The second bottle does the same for bacterial
diseases, and
the third bottle is for fungal diseases. It is that
You could save a fortune just not going to the doctor
for shots.
Especially since there's enough in each bottle (2 oz.)
for several kids,
or to accommodate one child for a few years! Moreover,
stored in a dark medicine cabinet can last for