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.Remedies - P - R
Taken from the Various Disciplines in the
World of Natural Medicine
Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any of these remedies. 
We believe that everyone's body is different, so, 
we each respond differently to various treatments. 
You need to study and learn what is best for your body.
This category will be constantly changing and added
to based upon new information and your input.

The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and healing 
was that the group that had been prayed over, 
even they didn't know that they were being prayed for, 
improved so much more than the other group that they concluded - 
If there was any medication that could accomplish that much, 
people would line up around the world to buy it. 
Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients. 
click here - to view the studies.

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Additional Remedies & Health Information by NOW products
This is just a beginning -  Please keep checking back or E-mail us for more information on your needs for now. 
Enjoy what we have now and then please check back
Formulas are impossible to put on the internet - You can E-mail us for more information. 
This list is just a suggestion of where to start and what to consider. 
Check out our Books for more in-depth information..
Pain -Also see Aches & Pains - Essential oils  - Helichrysum, Marjoram Birch, Cedarwood, Fir, Juniper, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Spruce. 
 Essential Oil Combinations    No Mo Pain KidCare No Mo Pain Jr., & Pain/anti-inflammatory
Helichrysum relieves muscle spasms, inflammation, and pain.
Clove is often used to treat pain. It also has a warming effect on sore muscles.
Black pepper  alleviates pain by warming up your body.
Ginger  has a warming effect on sore muscles, which helps relieve pain.
Lemongrass works quickly to reduce inflammation and swelling.
Marjoram relaxes muscle spasms and tension. It’s known for its ability to ease pain and inflammation
Peppermint  contains menthol, which has a cooling effect on sore, achy muscles. It also has analgesic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Lavender  is prized for its ability to calm and relax. It also relieves pain and inflammation.
Eucalyptus  has a cooling effect on muscles and reduces pain and inflammation.
Yarrow  is used to reduce pain and inflammation.
Cypress  calms and relaxes muscles spasms and works to soothe inflammation.           .    .

Generally speaking -Pain is usually an indication that there is swelling (inflammation) 
 Get rid of what is causing the inflammation and you get rid of the pain.  
Comfrey is an excellent anti-inflammatory

Eliminate white sugar and chocolate from your diet and see how fast and how much pain you eliminate from your body.  You can substitute carob for the chocolate and honey, fruit sweetening, stevia, real maple syrup, molasses, etc for the sugar.  Absolutely no artificial sugars or sugar alcohols like nutra-sweet, maltitol, etc. 

Dr. Christopher's Joint Formula for Arthritis/Rheumatism pain

Arth-Aid  by Grandma's Herbs
Deep Heat Oil & Ointment by Western Botanical's

Calendula Extract (anti-inflammatory), St. Johnswort Extract (relieves pain of bruising, sprains, muscle strain)
or  try Arnica Helichrysum Balm

Arnica Gel The Natural Topical Pain Reliever • Doesn't burn or chill    .

Apple Cider Vinegar for Fibromyalgia, arthritis, rheumatism, etc. pain - mix with an equal part of honey and add water to taste.   (make sure it isn't white vinegar with carmel coloring)

<>Dr. Christopher's Valerian Nerve Comfort - for relief of minor pain


Rub Baking soda on painful area. 

St. John's Wort - reduces inflammation and pain.

<>Tylenol - I would not use for anything because once it gets in your body you can never  get it out. (toxic buildup?) Now discovering it causes liver failure
Painting - Essential oils - Add a bottle of your favorite to a 5 gallon bucket and then mix well. 
            Helps with the fumes and after smell.
Palpitations:  See Heart
There are many causes of heart palpitations. Here are some situations that can lead to a feeling of an irregular heartbeat:
Anxiety, stress, fear and panic attacks. Anxiety is the number one cause of palpitations world-wide.
Medical conditions like low blood pressure, low blood sugar, anemia, dehydration, fever and thyroid disease.
Things you can do:
Morning sun is critical, but sun throughout the day has benefits as well. The sun makes vitamin D, melatonin, nitric oxide and has benefits science has yet to discover. Sunburn bad, sunshine good. The sun prevents cancer.
Vitamin B
Not many nutrients are more important than Co Q 10 to crank up cellular energy and function.
The vagus nerve connects the brain to the heart, and stimulating it can help to calm palpitations. A person can do so by:
holding the breath and pushing down, as if making a bowel movement
placing ice or a cold, damp towel on the face for a few seconds
splashing cold water on the face
chanting "Om"
taking a cold shower

Lavender oil is considered to be a restorative for the nervous system, relaxing nervous stomachs, general anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, restlessness, and irritability.

Rose essential oil benefits the patient by calming the emotional heart, making it a great choice for those who are grieving, in shock, or who otherwise have anxiety or depression.

Ylang-ylang oil can induce feelings of optimism, courage, cheerfulness, and a calmness as far as fear and anxiety are concerned.

Vetiver is great for generating reassuring energy by grounding you and offering tranquility.

Pancreas:  - Essential oils -  Cinnamon, Coriander, Cypress, Dill, Fennel, Geranium, Helichrysum
Essential Oil CombinationX -Plague

Dr. Christopher's Pancreas Formula

Grandma's Herbs - Pancreas-Aid

Raw Pancreas  Natural Source  Raw Pancreas is a glandular extract to support the pancreas, the digestive gland that has two main functions within the body it produces enzymes that are released into the bowel to digest protein, fat, and sugar for growth and energy; and produces insulin to help regulate blood glucose sugar levels 

Pancreas Formula by Hannah Kroeger 

Pancreas Support Formula by Western Botanicals 

Pancreatitis  - Essential oils - Lemon, MarjoramOregano, Peppermint, Cypress, .
Pancreatitis can occur as a result of gallstones, excess alcohol, a sluggish immune system, or an infection - viruses like hepatitis and rubella can trigger the condition.  A gallstone can block the pancreatic duct, trapping digestive enzymes in the pancreas where they can become active.
Common symptoms to watch out for include:

Severe pain and swelling in the upper part of your abdomen
Excessive sweating, nausea or vomiting
Fever, mild jaundice and rapid pulse
Diarrhoea, containing undigested fats (called steatorrhoea). In chronic pancreatitis this may result in malnutrition and weight loss.

Nutrients that are able to reduce inflammation have been found to be effective for alleviating both acute and chronic cases of pancreatitis. Evening primrose oil is a well-known anti-inflammatory that has been found to be beneficial. It also acts as a preventative, helping to ward off attacks. The recommended dosage for evening primrose oil is 3,000mg a day.
Aloe vera has a double benefit when it comes to treating the condition it not only helps to reduce inflammation within the pancreas but also rebalances digestive juices in the bowel. The recommended dosage is half a cup of aloe vera juice twice a day.

Repeat attacks of pancreatitis can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency, which increases the risk of anaemia (Glasbrenner B et al. Klin Wochenschr 1001. 69(4):168-172). For this reason, it is wise to take vitamin B12 in supplement form as a precaution, particularly for those suffering from chronic pancreatitis. The recommended dosage is 100mcg a day.

Chronic pancreatitis causes indigestion and insufficient absorption of nutrients from your bowel. Fortunately natural enzymes like bromelain and papain (pineapple extracts) can help. They are able to digest protein inside your bowel and also have the added bonus of reducing inflammation both inside the pancreas and the bowel. The recommended dosage is 1,000mg taken three times a day.

Digestive Aid  Western Botanicls
Panic  - Essential oils Bergamot, Birch, Chamomile, Fir, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Rosemary Sandalwood, Spruce, Thyme, Ylang ylang. 
Essential Oil Combinations  - Balance, KidCare Stress Be Gone Strength, Composure, Serenity, So. Seas

People with panic disorder are typically faced with a range of difficult emotions, such as worry, anxiety, sadness, and embarrassment. Panic attacks, the main symptom of panic disorder, often occur with strong emotions, including fear, uneasiness, nervousness, and apprehension.
A distraction technique is simply any activity that you engage in to redirect your mind off your current emotions. Instead of putting all your energy into the upsetting emotion, you reset your attention on something else. When you distract yourself, you are able to manage your string emotions by bringing your focus elsewhere.
The next time you experience a panic attack or intense anxiety, try to keep emotions in check by temporarily distracting yourself. The following is a list of some distraction techniques you may want to try when faced with overwhelming emotions:
Entertainment, book, TV, magazine
Count your breaths inhale  essential oil of choice
When string emotions take hold, try participating in some form of exercise. You may want to take walk outdoors, hit the gym, or stretch through a few yoga poses. If crunched for time, you can always try doing some jumping jacks or other easy and quick exercises.
Relaxation techniques such as visualization, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), or mindfulness meditation can help you re-center and find a sense of calm. These activities can help divert your mind and let you refocus on more pleasant thoughts. Plus, it is difficult to feel anxious and upset when in a relaxed state of mind.
Get your creative juices flowing.
Paralysis  - Essential oils -  Cypress, Geranium, Helichrysum, Juniper, Peppermint
 Essential Oil CombinationsStrength Nerve Damage
Parasites - (Click on link for more information on Parasites)

Essential oils - Cloves (only one we know of that will kill the eggs), Chamomile, Fennel, Hyssop, Lemon, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Nutmeg (helps keep parasites away), Oregano, Ravensara, Tangerine, Tarragon, Thyme

Dr. Christopher's Herbal Parasite
Grandma's herbs Parasites and Worms
Hanna Kroeger's Wormwood Combination, Rascal 

Hannah Kroeger  Black Walnut Tincture

Pomegranate was used to eradicate tapeworms in ancient Egypt.  (Fresh or juice is best)

Parasympathetic Nervous System - Essential oils - Marjoram Lemongrass,
The nervous system is your body’s communication channel. The nerves send and receive messages that allow you to think, feel, process sensory information, and control movement. The nervous system is also responsible for emotions.

Lavender - for its calming effects (sedative, relaxant, nervine). It can be used to alleviate nervousness, irritability, and anxiety, and to promote sleep.
Frankincense is used in aromatherapy to calm the nerves and soothe cold and flu symptoms.
Jasmine essential oil 5% is used in aromatherapy to calm the nerves and relieve headaches.
Sweet Orange has a pleasant fragrance and can be used to calm the nerves and reduce tensions. Sweet Orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy as a sedative to treat mild anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia. It can be used alone or blended with other essential oils.
Parathyroid - Essential Oil Combination  - Vitality   Energy,

Lemongrass, Geranium, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Pine, Sandalwood
Spearmint topically on aching joints caused by hypothyroidism could improve circulation and relieve pain.  
Your thyroid helps regulate your metabolism, your emotions, your brain function, and almost all the other processes in your body. 
Helps with the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

Raw Thyroid  Raw Thyroid is a glandular extract of the endocrine gland responsible for controlling metabolism and growth and may benefit individuals with slow metabolism, low energy, melancholy, cold hands and feet, and restlessness.
Thyroid Maintenance  by Dr. Christopher

Western Botanical's Thyroid Formula   .

Parkinson's Disease  - Essential oils - Basil, Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense Geranium, Helichrysum, Juniper, LavenderLemon, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme .   
 Essential Oil Combinations
Strength, Alert, Security, (bottom of feet)

(Shaking) - Goldenrod extract/tincture - just a drop or two in water. 

L-Dopa or Dopamine - homeopathic (carried by some chiropractors, naturopaths, or homeopathic doctors)

Link to website on Parkinson's
another link (pesticides linked to)
Past - Essential Oil CombinationsHere & Now
To help ground and balance emotions, Letting Go uses a fresh, cooling aroma that can ease stressful feelings and promote a sense of calm.
Peace - Essential oilsChamomile, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram, Rose, TangerineLavender Ylang Ylang
- Essential Oil Combinations  - Strength, Letting go
Pelvic Pain Syndrome - Essential oilsBergamot, Cloves, Geranium, GingerNutmeg, Thyme

Essential oils that have been studied for their great support with pain are: ThymeLavender, Clary Sage, and Marjoram. These essential oils specifically, have been found to support the body when there are times of need such as pain during menstrual cycles or for pelvic discomfort experienced by men and women.

Castor oil has been used for hundreds of years to treat endometriosis. It can be used at the very beginning, when cramping is first felt, to help the body get rid of excess tissues. It’s important that this technique is only used before the menstrual flow, and not during.

Castor oil
should be massaged directly into the abdomen. You can also mix it with a few drops of a relaxing essential oil like lavender to help relax the pelvic muscles, and apply it to a warm compress to place on the abdomen.

Dilute one drop of black pepper essential oil and two drops of rosemary essential oil in an ounce of fractionated coconut oil and rub it on the sacrum, low back and thighs. You should feel relief within ten minutes.

Dr. Christopher's Vaginal Bolus formula (can be used in rectum)

Kroeger's Coxsakie

Pepsin supplier - 2 oz. pineapple juice before meals
Papaya is another tropical fruit that is rich in digestive enzymes.
Mango contains the digestive enzymes amylases — a group of enzymes that break down carbs from starch (a complex carb) into sugars like glucose and maltose.
Peridontal Disease
Information click here

Personally, I had a sore  like a canker that would not heal, I began oil pulling with coconut oil, It was the only thing that healed it.
Adding a few drops of essential oils to address discomfort, infection and prevention. Add 1 drop each of Cloves, Orange, Lemon and Peppermint with 2 tablespoon of coconut oil.
If you're battling an infection or something, I would change it up and mix Cloves with oregano and tea tree, x plague

Once it's in mouth it will melt to a liquid state, swish slowly for 20 minutes. Do not swallow! The oil will be full of bacteria and other nasty stuff, you’ll want to spit it in the garbage at the end of your 20 minutes. Brush your teeth and feel the difference! Your teeth will feel smooth and clean every time

Bad Breath - Halitosis - Peridontal Disease  click here to get free e-book

Perspiration  - Essential oil - Petitgrain   Lavender, Clary Sage
Essential Oil Combination  -  

Odor - Everclear Alcohol (from liquor store) (Put in a spray bottle and use it under arms etc. - kills the bacteria that  causes odor.) Everclear is also Ph balanced to the skin so it does not cause lesions in skin.
 Propyl or isopropyl alcohol from stores are a wood alcohol and a poison to your body besides being drying to skin.

Perspiration is one of the bodies ways of cleansing itself and getting rid of toxins

Anti-perspiratnts inhibit the bodies need to eliminate toxins from the body and are suspect in causing breast cancer.

Linden flower tea and hot lemonade encourages perspiration.
Pimples -Essential oil - Nutmeg         (put in non-perfumed lotion)
Apply Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider, or the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. is known for its ability to fight many types of bacteria and viruses
Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 3 parts water (use more water for sensitive skin).
After cleansing, gently apply the mixture to the skin using a cotton ball.
Let sit for 5–20 seconds, rinse with water and pat dry.
Repeat this process 1–2 times per day, as needed.

Take a Zinc Supplement. Research shows that people with acne tend to have lower levels of zinc in their blood than those with clear skin.

Make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask. ...

Spot Treat With Tea Tree Oil. Mix 1 part tea tree oil with 9 parts water.
Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply it to affected areas.
Apply moisturizer if desired.
Repeat this process 1–2 times per day, as needed.

Apply Green Tea to Your Skin. ...the flavonoids and tannins in green tea are known to help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, which are two main causes of acne.  Multiple studies have shown that applying a 2–3% green tea extract to the skin significantly reduces sebum production and pimples in those with acne.

Apply Witch Hazel. ..contains tannins, which have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Witch Hazel is used to treat a broad range of skin conditions, including dandruff, eczema, varicose veins, burns, bruises, insect bites and acne.
Combine 1 tablespoon witch hazel bark and 1 cup water in a small saucepan.
Soak witch hazel for 30 minutes and then bring the mixture to a boil on the stove.
Reduce to a simmer and cook, covered, for 10 minutes.
Remove the mixture from the heat and let sit for an additional 10 minutes.
Strain and store the liquid in a sealed container.
Apply to clean skin using a cotton ball 1–2 times per day, or as desired.
It is important to note that commercially prepared versions may not contain tannins, as they are often lost in the distillation process.

Moisturize With Aloe Vera. aloe vera gel can help heal wounds, treat burns and fight inflammation.  Aloe vera also contains salicylic acid and sulfur, which are both used extensively in the treatment of acne
Take a Fish Oil Supplement.

Exfoliation is believed to improve acne by removing the skin cells that clog up pores. ores.                   

Nutmeg - 1/3 tsp in 1/2 cup hot water with honey for 3 mornings in row - then none for 3 mornings -  Repeat 8 - 9 times   (freshly ground nutmeg is best or you can substitute 3 drops of Nutmeg essential oil 

Pat brine of Epsom salts on face and let dry before going to bed until dried up.

Everclear alcohol from the liquor store applied directly on pimples.  Do not use if any chance of it being abused in the home.  (usually used in herbal extracts and tinctures)

Mint can help remove pore-clogging oil. To help clear acne before it begins, mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of plain yogurt and oatmeal (use a blender to pulverize the oatmeal to powder). Leave the concoction on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with water.

pH Balance

An acid system is the state of  dis-ease  - animal products are usually acid to your system 
An alkaline system is the state of health - most fruits and vegetables are alkaline to your system 

Actually a healthy body should have a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 - To keep this balance you should eat 80% alkaline foods to 20% acid foods.  Apple cider vinegar is one of the best ways  to make our systems more alkaline.   (mix apple cider vinegar in water with a little honey to taste). 

Celery has a high alkaline pH factor.

Phlebitis The simple definition of phlebitis is an inflamed or swollen vein - Essential oilsChamomile (Roman), Cypress, Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Lavender
 Essential Oil Combinations -    Strength, Systems strengthener

Absolutely no birth control pills or medications.

Phlebitis (which is a varicose condition in its advanced stage, wherein the pressure is intense and the pain is excruciating), often just a wash of white oak bark (or some other appropriate herb) will give immediate relief within minutes.

Oak Bark tea applied to afflicted areas can eliminate severe varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
Pineal Gland  - Essential oils - Cedarwood, Frankincense, Pine, Sandalwood, Spruce
 Essential Oil Combinations - Balance, Forgiveness, Letting go

Certain essential oils are thought to stimulate and awaken the pineal gland and encourage heightened spiritual awareness and deeper states of meditation. These include SandalwoodFrankincenseLavender, and Pine.
Pinkeye - Conjunctivitis  The bioflavonoids present in green tea — like matcha green tea — relieve irritation and inflammation caused by pink eye while fighting bacterial and viral infections. Dip a green tea bag in boiled water and place it on the infected eye once it’s cool enough to touch. Or make a cup of green tea and soak a clean washcloth in it to create a warm compress. 
Slice or grate potatoes and put on closed eye - Red potatoes are best

Harness honey's antibacterial qualities with this eye wash. In a small saucepan, mix together four teaspoons of honey with one cup of milk or water, and boil for several minutes. Allow to cool completely. Use this mixture to wash out the affected eye several times a day until you start to feel better.
Pituitary - Essential oils Frankincense, Geranium, Sandalwood, Ylang ylang
Essential Oil Combinations Balance, Forgiveness, Letting go

Clary Sage helps balance out those estrogen levels, it’s an incredibly effective essential oil in the a wide array of hormone imbalances. So, whether you’re looking for natural remedies for PMS cramps during the month,or possibly already know you have excess estrogen in your body, Clary Sage is a great essential oil to consider adding to your essential oil regime.

Thyme oil benefits the body by improving progesterone production. Both men and a lot of women are low in progesterone, and low progesterone levels have been linked with infertility, PCOS and depression as well as other imbalanced hormones within the body.

Sandalwood essential oil is very effective at balancing out testosterone levels in both men and women. Sandalwood has actually been used as a natural aphrodisiac.

 Dr. Christopher's Master Gland  

Cherry juice for deficiency

Eat bunch of watercress 1 day, next day drink 6 oz. pineapple juice twice. alternate back & forth.

Plague - Essential oils - Cloves, Cinnamon, Garlic     Essential Oil Combination  -   X-Plague 

Dr. Christopher's - Super Garlic Immune

Immune Boost by Western Botanical's This formula works by boosting the number of immune cells and natural chemicals to help fight illness. A very powerful and potent herbal combination to be used at the first signs of any illness. Also available in a non alcohol children's formula.

Garlic  Fresh is always best - We chop it up and put it on baked potatoes or salad or just take it like a pill or in a sandwich. (never on an empty stomach.)
(Used by the home robbers during the plagues so they wouldn't catch the plague.)

Cinnamon and Cloves in any form are good (The embalmer's didn't catch the plague in the "Great Plague" because they used Cinnamon and Cloves to embalm people.)

Sambucus Black Elderberry syrup proven effective against Avian Bird Flu

Pleurisy - Essential oils - Cypress, Thyme
Diffuse Lavender oil to help relax the body and mind to relieve anxiety, nervousness and to improve sleep quality.
A condition in which the membrane that covers the lungs becomes inflamed. Chest pains often occur during deep breathing, coughing or sneezing.    The cause of pleurisy is mucus forming in a weak area caused by the failure to breath deeply.  It is common where there is general debility of the body, especially in the lung area.
Vitamin A with Vitamin E which is a strong antioxidant and will nullify the effects of excess oxygen on vitamin AVitamin C in large doses can be used to fight the infection.  The addition of B vitamin complex. Internal helpful microbial flora in Acidophilus is helpful. And Zinc.

The respiratory system can be healed and restored through the use of the comfrey herb. This herb encourages healing and the growth of new cellular structures, it also eliminates dead and dying tissues in the body and has an added property of dislodging accumulated mucus in the lungs. The stimulation of the drainage through the lymphatic system and an ability to act as a dilator of the bronchi are some of the properties of the immortal root, and its use as a supplement is advised during pleurisy.

Take ashwagandha (500 milligrams, twice daily) to stabilize your stress response and to improve anxiety symptoms.

Some applications such as hot chest wraps, chest packs made from the seeds of the seeds of mustard and washing the body in vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

<>Herbal aids:
Use of pleurisy root (a specific), slippery elm, comfrey root, hyssop, and vervain
Click on links and then scroll down

Flax seed as a tea and as a poultice.
PMS - also see Hormonal Imbalance - Essential oils - Angelica, Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage,  Fennel, GeraniumGrapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Tarragon 
Essential Oil CombinationFemale Aide    Can also add 1/2 part Basil to it.
Women's Balance Essential Oil Blend,  Hormone Balance,

Clary Sage. Clary sage oil is a must-have oil if you struggle with PMS. Rub the oil into lower abdomen and cover with a warm compress for 2-5 minutes. Or stir the oil into a cup of Epsom salt and add to a warm bath.

Lavender. When in doubt, reach for lavender. The oil is a mood stabilizing, pain-relieving and sleep-inducing wonder. It can ease headaches and stress and also act as a mild analgesic for cramps. Add lavender to a bath or keep these baking soda-based aromatherapy bath bombs on hand for when you need to chill.

Geranium. Sometimes referred to as the 'woman's oil,' geranium is a commonly used remedy to regulate hormone levels and relieve PMS symptoms.

Cypress. is a favorite for easing annoying menstrual cramping. The warming oil improves circulation, soothes body aches, and relaxes muscle and joint pain. Cypress is also an excellent astringent that helps flush out toxins and water retention. Use cypress in a hot compress, bath, massage blend

Rose definitely has a connection to women’s reproductive health. Rose has a toning effect on the uterus that can ease heavy periods and regulate menstrual flow. Along with soothing physical PMS symptoms, rose is a calming, soothing scent to turn to when PMS irritability and anger strike.

Dr. Christopher Female Reproductive, Female Tonic, Hormonal Changease Combination,  

Western Botanicals Female  Balance Formula,   

Nature's Way PMS  FemPrin

Fem-Aid  Grandma's Herbs

Female Balance Hanna Kroeger

Natural Source Raw Female,

Pneumonia - Essential oils - Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, OreganoRavensara, Thyme  Essential Oil CombinationsImmune, Kidcare Immune, X-PlagueRespiratory Congestion or Respiratory Problems

Sambucus Immune System,

Cranberry juice
Most cases of pneumonia begin with a cold in the head or throat. The patient generally feels a chill, shivering fever, difficulty in breathing, and sharp pain in the chest. This may be followed by a cough with pinkish sputum, which may later become brownish.

Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made by steeping 15 gm of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a teaspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.

If there is a great deal of whizzing in the chest, the phlegm produces a whirring sound, grind 6 corns of black pepper and 5 large raisins in two cups of water. When the water is reduced to half the quantity, strain it and drink it thrice. It will act as an effective expectorant.

The juice of parsnip has been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia.

The juice of carrots, in combination either with spinach juice, or beet and cucumber juices, has also been found useful in pneumonia.  The pain of pneumonia can be relieved by rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it.

Simmer 1 tsp each of collard seeds, onion seeds, parsley seeds, spinach seeds,  in 1 pint water.
 Drink 4 oz. every hour.

Poison ivy Tea Tree essential oil Soft Baby Skin Blend helps reduce inflammation
1 tablespoon of warm water
½ teaspoon of sea salt
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 drop of Lavender Essential Oil
1 drop of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
1 drop of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
1 drop of Peppermint Essential Oil
Glass bottle spray bottle

 Jewel weed that usually grows close by is best

First wash the area with soap and water thoroughly, along with any affected clothing

Cover the rash with a paste made from cold coffee and baking soda. First put about a half a cup baking soda in a bowl and slowly add cool coffee to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your blisters to remove the poison.

Take a warm bath with oatmeal or Epsom salt. Use about one cup of oatmeal or two cups of Epsom salt in a full bathtub.

Whip a potato into a paste in your blender. Spread it onto your skin and cover with plastic wrap. Potato is an anti-inflammatory, which makes it an effective home remedy to heal poison ivy.

Take Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, help to prevent infection and the rapid spreading of the rash cause by poison ivy and reduces swelling.
Take Calcium and Beta-carotene, they help to boost the immune response and to speed healing of poison ivy.
Take Zinc, helps to repair skin tissue damaged by poison ivy.

Wash area with Fels Naphtha soap 

Hydrocortisone cream - available in your drugstore.

Calamine lotion - available in your drugstore.

Antihistamine -- anything with Benadryl (diphenhydramine) will do, but be warned that Benadryl causes sleepiness

Cool-water oatmeal baths --  mix a cup of oatmeal with three cups of cold water and add it to the bath.

Calendula salve - We carry calendula here.

Rhus tox (a homeopathic preparation)

Whole-milk compress. Use whole milk, not skim. It is the fat in the milk that brings relief.

Poison Oak - White oak bark tea - applied to area

Drink Rice Bran Syrup - take it every day to toughen up the skin to help the skin not be susceptible in the future.

Poison - metals -  The toxic metals are eliminated by these supplements from the body as they act like extremely powerful chemical oral chelators; elimination of the toxicity is though the urinary system. Detoxification is carried out by using wheat grass and barley grass; these green foods contain large amounts of the helpful organic substances Chlorophyll which aids in the cleansing of the human body. Also kelp, alfalfa and spirulina.
Western Botanicals Bountiful Blend
Vitamin C  aids in the complete elimination of the toxic substances from the body-it is also very useful against heavy metals in the human body, also selenium and vitamin E.

Dr. Christopher's Vitalherbs

2 tbsp. ground pumpkin seeds, 1 tbsp Okra powder, 1/2 tsp cayenne
 Mix and take in 1 tablespoon rhubarb sauce about 3 times a day for 10 days for lead, 
 arsenic, platinum, gold, and mercury poisons. 

Dr. Christopher's Heavy Metal Formula , Adrenal Formula

Hanna Kroeger's  Metal X

Arsenic poison and also nicotine poisoning - Squash & strawberries

Poison - Food - coffee helps move things through the system faster.

Apple cider vinegar in water - may add honey to taste 
             (can't be white vinegar with carmal coloring) 

Charcoal - (One way is to burn a piece of toast) Drink tea of mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry.

Don't interfere with progress. Your body is trying to flush the toxic organism out of your body.

Fill up on fluids. The bacteria irritate your intestinal tract and trigger a great deal of fluid loss, possibly from both ends. You'll need to drink lots of fluids to prevent becoming dehydrated. Water is the best replacement fluid, followed by other clear liquids like apple juice, broth, or bouillon.

Try a food flu cocktail. Vomiting and diarrhea can flush out important electolytes—potassium, sodium and glucose.You can replace them by sipping commercially prepared electrolyte products like Gatorade.

Reintroduce bland foods. Usually within a few hours to a day after the diarrhea and vomiting have subsided, you'll be ready for some "good" food. But go easy. Your stomach has been attacked; it's weak and irritated. "Start with easily digestible foods," Try cereal, pudding, soda crackers, or broth.

Tea of anise and caraway.

Positive Feelings - Essential Oil Combinations - Security, Forgiveness, Serenity, So. Seas, Inspiration, Composure, Gain, Happy Memories, Chakra,   Inspiration
Essential oils can be effectively used to improve mood and get rid of stress and negative emotions.

Caraway has a soothing effect on the mind and instills feelings of harmony and trust. It acts as a tonic for the nerves and encourages positive thoughts. It eases the mental strain and makes you feel full of energy and life.

Clary sage essential is a sedative and is used to help with emotional issues such as anxiety, stress, and tension. It uplifts your mood if you are feeling down. Clary sage can boost your confidence, mental strength, hope, and self-esteem, thus fighting depression. It works to balance hormones and is a great choice for moodiness related to an imbalance in hormones.

Fennel essential oil is believed to support a person’s responsibility both spiritually and emotionally. It was used historically to bestow courage and strength to warriors. It can be used to help a person struggling with lack of motivation, low self-esteem, self-doubt, stubbornness, or accountability and to help them live in alignment with their integrity and values.

Lavender oil has a relaxing scent that makes it a great tonic for the nerves. It is used to treat emotional stress, nervous tension, depression, headaches, and migraines. Its refreshing aroma gets rid of restlessness and nervous exhaustion and increases mental activity.

Mandarin is good for calming the mind, relaxing the body, and inducing sleepiness. Mandarin has anti-anxiety and sedative properties.

Marjoram essential oil helps heal the symptoms of stress and anxiety. It induces a sedative, relaxing, and calming effect on both the mind and body. It also generates a feeling of happiness in times of sadness and anger, which can be helpful for people who have suffered some sort of trauma, shock, or a major setback in life.

Petitgrain has the ability to promote relaxation and calmness. It is considered useful in helping you deal with stress and anxiety as well as nervousness. Petitgrain  is also great for helping combat insomnia.

Thyme essential oil helps to lift your mood and even boosts memory function. It is a mental stimulant capable of helping you fight fatigue and improve your focus.

Pregnancy  - Essential oils - Chamomile (Roman), Elemi, Geranium, Grapefruit, Jasmine, LavenderTangerine, Ylang ylang   Essential Oil Combination - Birth
 Do not over do any of the essential oils - a little goes a long way - mix with a carrier oil 

Peaches are good for pregnant women. - also Coconut milk. 

 Breasts  - Essential oils - Fennel (Tones), Roman Chamomile for sore nipples
                Mega minerals & vitamins #1 link   # 2link  #3 link  #4 link  #5 link    

Delivery - - Essential oils - Clary Sage, Lavender 
 Essential Oil Combinations -Birth (especially on perineum to avoid episiotomy),
 Emotional balancing, ForgivenessStrength on bottom of feet
ClaraDerm spray- It is invigorating, relieves irritation, comforts stressed skin and is really gentle.  Especially on Hemorrhoids. Heals after birthing
How to make it yourself  you will need:

A 2 ounce amber glass spray bottle (amber is necessary to preserve the compounds of the essential oils)
Fractionated coconut oil
Witch hazel
Essential Oils – Myrrh, Tea TreeLavender, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile and Helichrysum
Directions: (for every 1 ounce of spray)

Add 1 teaspoon of witch hazel to the bottle
then add 1 drop of each essential oil
top it off with fractionated coconut oil
shake before use then spray on affected area a few time

Dr. Christopher's Prenatal Formula - to be taken the last 6 weeks of pregnancy to prepare body for birth. 

Hemorrhaging - Essential oils - Helichrysum           Essential Oil Combination - Birth

Hemorrhaging - Cayenne, or Lady's Slipper

Labor - Essential oils - Clary Sage, Jasmine (speed contractions)    - Combinations - Birth, No-Mo Pain 
     Post labor - Lavender, Geranium 

Milk  - Essential oils - Fennel (increase)      (Sage - dry up  )

Miscarriage (after)- Essential oils - ChamomileFrankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Spruce

Threatening  - Dr. Christopher's False Unicorn & Lobelia

Morning Sickness - Essential oils - Ginger, Peppermint       - Essential Oil Combination - Digestion

Water, at least 2 quarts a day preferably 4 quarts -- pop, tea, juice, milk, etc. cannot be substituted for the water. (only increase your water by 1 cup every day or two or you will spend a lot of time in the bathroom) 

Peach leaf tea 

Placenta  - Essential oilsBasil, Jasmine

 Postpartum Depression (Baby Blues) - Essential oils - Bergamot, Clary Sage, Fennel, Frankincense, GeraniumGrapefruitJasmine, LavenderMyrrh, Orange Patchouli 
 Essential Oil Combination  - Emotional balancing, Woman's Balance, Happy Memories

PostPartum Depression - Vitamin B shot is what worked for me - my midwife called it the "happy shot" 
If not available take lots of B vitamins  #1 link 

Stretch marks  - Essential oil CombinationBirth

Toxemia - Essential Oil CombinationStrength
Some of the best essential oils to use for stimulating sexual hormones and promoting fertility in women are:
• Basil
• Chamomile Roman
• Clary-sage – Stimulates the pituitary gland which produces estrogen. Clary sage is also a uterine tonic and is best paired with geranium.
• Coriander – Phytoestrogenic and a glandular tonic. Stimulates vaginal lubrication.
• Cypress
• Eucalyptus
• Fennel – Fennel is known to have a strong estrogenic effect and is one of the most effective phytoestrogenic oils.
• Frankincense – Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and calms emotional wounds.
• Geranium – Has a profound balancing effect on the endocrine system and regulates hormone function.
• Lavender – Balances the endocrine system and regulates scanty menstruation. Greatly supported by Geranium and Clary-sage.
• Marjoram
• Melissa
• Myrrh – Clears obstructions in the womb, regulates scanty periods, and contains phytoestrogens.
• Nutmeg
• Oregano
Ί Rose Otto
• Tarragon – Known for its ability to regulate erratic menstrual cycles. Calms menstrual pain.
• Thyme
• Ylang ylang– Energizes the reproductive organs, aphrodisiac, and supports hormonal balance.

Prostate - Essential oils - Cypress, Lavender, Myrrh, Myrtle, Sage, Spruce, Thyme 
  Essential Oil Combinations  - Digestion, Female Aide, Hormone Balancer, Woman's Balance  Immune system

Dr. Christopher's - Male Urinary Tract, Prostate Plus Formula, Vaginal Bolus (can be used in rectum)

Pygeum (herb) effective in treating enlarged prostate, or benign hyperplasia (BPH), inflamed prostate and urinary problems associated with prostate complaints , or Coconut milk 

Kroeger  Men's Special

Western Botanicals -  Prostate Plus Formula

Available as a nutritional supplement, lycopene not only prevents prostate cancer but also may reduce existing tumor size.

For enlarged prostate 1 yellow spanish onion - grate and press through a cheesecloth. 
            Take 1 tbsp 2 times a day.
Selenium and Zinc

Other terms   (BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Protein Digestant - Celery helps digest proteins 
Prozac - possible herbal substitutions for Dr. Christopher's Mindtrac
(Never, never, never, go off medications "cold turkey"  You have to listen to your body and gradually work off.)
Psoriasis - Essential oils - Bergamot, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Lavender, Thyme

Drink a quart a day of strong Peppermint tea.

Wheat Germ Oil   rub on areas afflicted.

Dr. Christopher's - Complete Tissue or Rash ointment or Itch ointment

Oregon Grape Root

Essential Fatty Acids

Nettle Leaves, Silymarin and sarsaparilla have been known to help.

Sunlight and or Vitamin D 
Pulmonary - see Lungs
Essential Oils to help you deal with pulmonary fibrosis issues. ...
Essential oils: For Pain:Lavender, Sweet MarjoramPetitgrain, Roman Chamomile and German Chamomile, Clary-sage, Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Ginger, Black Pepper
Purification - Essential oilsCedarwood, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Lemon, Lemongrass Orange, Peppermint, Sage, Tea Tree 
         Essential Oil Combinations  - Cleansing, Gain, Security 
Pus - Essential oilTea Tree (Melaleuca)

Hydrogen peroxide will clean out wounds

Q - none
Radiation - Lavender is calming, pain relieving and anti-spasmodic. ...
Helichrysum oil has a powerful, rich, floral, tea-like scent that comforts, lessens the effect of shock, phobias and improves the flow of energy through the body

1 pound baking soda and 1/2 pound salt added to your bath. 

Seaweeds for overdose 

Rashes - Essential oils - Chamomile, Elemi, LavenderPalmarosa, Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
Essential Oil Combination  - Letting go
KidCare Skin Soothe  Essential Oil Blend an effective way to help clear your rough, red skin. The oils used in this blend were specifically chosen to alleviate dry, irritated patches, while nourishing and revitalizing the skin

Drink lots of water - at least 2 quarts a day - cannot substitute pop, juice, tea, coffee, 
milk etc.- just WATER (increase by 1 cup every day or two or you will spend a lot of 
time in the bathroom.)
Baking soda is a useful ingredient in drying skin rashes and relieving itching and inflammation. All you need to do is add one part baking soda to three parts water and apply on the affected area every day.
Rubbing extra-virgin olive oil or a combination of olive oil and honey on your rash a few times daily will soothe rashes and relieve itching.
Raw and organic apple cider vinegar is a common home remedy to treat skin rashes and ease itching.  Place a cotton ball dipped in apple cider vinegar over the affected area everyday for 3-4 days.
A cold compress can be beneficial in reducing rashes and helps ease swelling, inflammation, and itching.
Aloe vera is excellent for treating a number of skin ailments including rashes as also soothing the skin.

Chamomile relieves itching, soothes the skin, reduces inflammation and helps in healing of blisters.
Neem Place a cotton ball soaked in over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can use neem  in cream or other neem products.

 Vitamin C
(2,000mg daily)
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and has antihistamine properties, which can help to reduce the inflammation of a rash.

Nettle leaf (300 mg 3x daily)
Shown to be effective in reducing hives because it reduces overall histamine production.
 Quercetin (1,000 mg 3x daily)
Anti-inflammatory flavonoid found in red wine, green tea and onions. Quercetin has been shown to reduce inflammation and allergic reactions.

Dr. Christopher's Vitalherbs 

Rattlesnake Bite - Lavender Essential Oil. Feeling stress and anxiety is universal after a snake bite. Remaining calm, and still is essential, particularly when bitten by a venomous snake as an increased heart rate can cause the toxins to spread more quickly.

After a bite, cleaning the area thoroughly is important. Using a natural antibacterial cleanser, specifically one that contains Tea Tree oil, can be helpful. Wrap with a clean dry bandage; do not wrap too tightly.

Echinacea is a powerful immune system booster, pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. It fights infections and is useful in wound healing. Research shows that Echinacea purpura root extract reduces regulatory T cell numbers and function, enhancing immune system function. If you’ve been treated for a venomous snake bite, talk to your doctor before taking an echinacea supplement as it may interact with prescribed medications.

Remove tight clothing and jewelry before swelling begins.
Remain calm and move away from the snake. They can, and will, strike again.
Keep the bite area at or below the level of the heart.
Clean the wound, but don’t flush it with water.
Do not use a tourniquet.
Do not apply ice or heat.
Apply a clean, dry bandage.
Do not take any pain medication or allergy medication.
Do not cut the wound or attempt to remove the venom.
Avoid caffeine or alcohol as this will speed the rate of absorption of the toxin.
Keep as still as possible; carry the victim, if possible, to get help.
Do not try to capture the snake; take a picture if it is safe to do so, or make a note of color, markings and shape of the head.
With a marker, draw a border around redness, swelling and bruising every 15 minutes.

Black Cohosh also known as  black snake root, squaw root, rattle root, bugbane, cimicifuga, macrotys, tall bugbane, bugwort, rattleweed,  rattlesnake root, rich weed. 

Stun gun or animal (cattle) prodder.  Apparently the shock neutralizes the venom because a man went to the doctor afterwards and there was no sign of the venom in his body. 

Always talk to the doctor immediately after to make sure there are no after effects. 

Salt on bite and wrap wet salt on large area around bite then - Rush to Doctor

Raynaud's Disease (cold body - especially hands & feet which can actually turn blue) 
Essential oils - Clove, Fennel, GeraniumLavender, Nutmeg, Rosemary

You can put Cayenne in your socks or gloves  (Cayenne helps with circulation)

 Cayenne  #2 link      (to learn more about cayenne click here.)
Fish oil. Taking fish oil supplements could help improve your tolerance to cold.
Ginkgo supplements could help decrease the number of Raynaud's attacks.

Regenerating - Essential oils - Helichrysum, Lavender   Essential Oil Combination  - X-Plague
Frankincense -when you get a wound, depending on how it heals, it may or may not result in a scar. A larger or deeper wound can be more likely to produce a scar. The process of wound healing is actually quite involved and includes several phases: blood clotting, inflammation, growth of new tissue, and remodeling of tissue
Lavender essential oil has been shown in numerous studies to promote healing of wounds and burns.
Carrot seed essential oil also exhibits potent antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help a wound to not become infected and heal poorly, resulting in a scar.
Tea Tree skin boosting, including antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties.
Helichrysum can help to prevent scarring by regenerating new cells and preventing the accumulation of free radicals.
Geranium oil is useful in treating scars by relieving inflammation, evening out skin tone, and encouraging new cell growth. Its antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial wound-healing properties may help scars to be less visible.
The rejuvenating effect of cedar wood oil shows potential in treating skin conditions including scars. It has been shown to reduce inflammation and has a pain-relieving effect.
Hyssop essential oil has antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties that aid in repairing damaged skin. Hyssop oil has been shown to have antimicrobial activity. It may help heal wounds, prevent infections, and reduce the visibility of wrinkles and acne scars.
Neroli oil is used for a variety of skincare conditions and can be useful in treating scars. Neroli oil has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation. Its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties make it a powerful healer. It also has antifungal properties.

See Dr. Christopher's Cleanses

Relaxation - Essential oilsClary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Ylang ylang
 Essential Oil Combinations - Birth, Tranquility, South Seas, Winter Silk, Serenity, Composure

Dr. Christopher's Relax Eze
Reproductive organs Woman's Balance    Hormone Balancer                       e 

Dr. Christopher's - Hormonal Changease, Female Reproductive, Prostate Plus, Male Urinary Tract, Male Tonic,  Herbal Iron, Vaginal Bolus can be used in rectum, False Unicorn & Lobelia, Pre-Natal Tea

Hanna Kroeger - Women's GoldFemale Balance, Men's Special,  P A Formula (PAP)

Make a tea of White Oak Bark and put in bathtub and soak in it for infection. 

Itching genitals - Wash with strong Sage tea. 

Prostate Plus Formula  by Western Botanicals  Female Balance Formula

Fem-Aid  by Grandma's Herbs also Prostate

See Fertility

Essential Oils for Ovary Health

• Basil
• Geranium
• Rosemary
Essential Oils for Uterine Health

• Frankincense
• Geranium
• Lemon
• Tea Tree
• Myrrh
• Sweet Orange
Essential Oils for Cervical (infertile mucus) Health

• Cardamom – Detoxes the blood and liquefies thick dry mucus
• Cedarwood – Breaks down mucus and supports kidney function
• Frankincense – A supporting oil for moistening mucus membranes
• Geranium– Moistens mucus membranes and stimulates circulation
• Eucalyptus citriodora– Helps the body produce more cervical mucus
• Rose Otto – Known for its ability to increase vaginal lubrication. This oil also balances hormones.
Essential Oils for a Stagnant Liver

• Bergamot– Balances the flow of Qi to and from the liver
• Grapefruit – Purifies the blood. Regulates liver efficacy
• Mandarin– Stimulates the liver
• Sweet Orange – Moves accumulated stagnation in the liver, stomach, and intestines. Allows one to let go of anger.

These essential oils can be diluted in carrier oil and applied over the liver before bedtime

Resentment - Essential oils - Jasmine, Rose I have been told that negative feelings cannot exist where rose is.  
 Essential Oil Combinations -
Balance, Forgiveness, Letting go.
Respiratory System - Essential oils - Basil, Bergamot, Cajeput, Clary Sage, Clove, Eucalyptus Fennel, Fir, Myrtle, FrankincenseHelichrysum, Hyssop, Lemon, MarjoramOregano, Peppermint Pine, Ravensara, Spearmint, Spruce, Tea Tree 
 Essential Oil Combinations - Digestion, Vitality, Liver/Gallbladder, Respiratory problems, Respiratory CongestionX-Plague     

Lemongrass  can support the common cold in many different ways.Used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce fevers and induce sweating. A natural analgesic, it can also be used to reduce muscle aches and pains, which is excellent for people who are experiencing cold symptoms throughout their entire body.

Repiratory System Products

Hanna Kroeger - Lung Formula (Sound Breath) 

Dr. Christopher's Lung & BronchialRespiratory Relief

The following natural lung support remedies can help clear harmful toxins from your body and repair your respiratory system.
Peppermint. ...
Osha Root. ...
Lungwort. ...
Eucalyptus. ...
Plantain Leaf. ...
Chaparral. ...

Restless Leg Syndrome ( RLS ) How to use essential oils for restless leg syndrome

Vetiver is ideal for the relief of muscle aches and pains thanks to its antispasmodic, calming, and sedative properties. Vetiver essential oils can also help stimulate blood circulation, which can make it good for helping restless leg syndrome sufferers.

Vetiver essential oils can also help stimulate blood circulation, which can make it good for helping restless leg syndrome sufferers.
Vetiver Essential Oil
2 drops Vetiver essential oil.
4 drops neroli essential oil.

Lavender oil can help calm and soothe the mind and body. This can help dilate blood vessels by eliminating stress, anxiety, fear, and tension, all of which may contribute to muscle tension.

Pain relieving bath blend:
4 drops Lavender essential oil
2 drops Vetiver essential oil

Marjoram  essential oil has excellent warming and soothing properties helping to ease joint pain and muscle spasms.

Massage rub:
2 drops Peppermint essential oil
4 drops Rosemary essential oil
4 drops Black Spruce essential oil
4 tsp carrier oil

Lemongrass helps to promote blood circulation, this essential oil is great for lowering cholesterol levels as well as having potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass oil is also known for keeping blood vessels dilated, providing smooth transportation of blood flow.
2 drops Lemongrass essential oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil

From Hanna Kroeger's book - "New Book on Healing"

      Folic acid deficiency 
      need Vit E rich foods   
      Lack of tryptophan (an amino acid)
      Amino Acids help sleep after a few days
My daughter suffered years from restless leg syndrome one evening I gave her some Natural Calm
Magnesium - for the first time in years she had relief.

Selenium supports dopamine function in the body, which is thought to be directly linked with restless legs syndrome

Poor diet can also trigger RLS. Sugar depletes magnesium in the body, which in turn can cause RLS symptoms. Stimulants like caffeine and alcohol also tend to make the problem worse.
Restlessness - Essential oils - Angelica, Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Orange, Rose, Spruce, Valerian, Ylang ylang
Essential Oil Combinations - Security, Balance, Happy Memories, Tranquility, Strength

 B-complex, B1, B6,  


Restless movements of eyes and fingers - Magnesium #1 link   #2 link   

Rheumatic Fever -
Caused by untreated strep - Causes heart damage. Possible consideration for strep would be anti-biotics or our choice and what we have used for years is equal parts Tea Tree, Cloves and Lavender essential oils  You can buy the combination already made up here   3 in 1.

The above recipe was given to me by a naturopathic doctor.

Hot and cold compress helps a lot in easing the swelling of the joints. It can be done by applying an ice pack and hot water bottle, alternately. Put sand or salt in a bag, and heat it on a hot plate. Apply it to the swollen joints.
Almonds provide you with your daily dose of vitamin E. It helps strengthen the immune system, which boosts up the process of treating the fever.
Fatty acids found in fish oil, flaxseeds, and borage seeds are good for speedy recovery. The anti-inflammatory and pain relieving qualities reduce the fever speedily.

Enough sleep and proper rest reduces the inflammation and exhaustion, thereby curing fever. Bed rest and complete 8 hours sleep is advised for the early treatment of fever.

Potato helps ease the discomfort and pain caused by the rheumatic fever. 1-2 tablespoons of potato juice just before meals helps a lot. Alternatively, you can drink the water in which potatoes are boiled.

Garlic has high antifungal properties which treat the rheumatic fever. To reduce the fever, you can eat it raw or mix with the herbal tea. It will fight off all the infections.

Nettle helps in the reproduction of tissues and also cleanses the body. A daily dose of nettle provides the body with the useful minerals.

Drinking about 3 cups of Echinacea tea daily can boost the immune system. All you have to do is take three teaspoons of dried Echinacea and mix it into a cup of water. Boil the mixture and drink it after 10-15 minutes. Repeat the process until fully recovered.

Apple peel concentrate

Rheumatism - also see Arthritis - Essential oilBasil
Eucalyptus oil has a number of anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This oil may also help to improve circulation.
Ginger is a common healing agent used for its anti-inflammatory properties and pain-relieving effects
Turmeric is an herb and a healing agent. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active anti-inflammatory compound. As an essential oil, turmeric can be used to reduce inflammation, stimulate blood circulation, and improve digestion.
Frankincense is the dried sap from trees in the Boswellia genus. It has been used for centuries as incense. It’s also known for its antiseptic, regenerative, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Orange a powerful essential oil with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant properties.

Dr. Christopher's Joint FormulaItch ointment

Eliminate white sugar and white flour from your diet. 
Honey, molasses, stevia, or other natural sweeteners are OK.
Absolutely no artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols, such as aspartame, nutra-sweet, maltitol etc.
Rhinitis - Essential oilBasil     
Essential oils may be used as an alternative or complementary treatment for allergy symptoms.
diffusing them into the air
using them in bath and spa products
applying them to the skin when diluted
spraying them into the air
breathing them in directly from the container

Lavender can help soothe your symptoms during allergy season thanks to its ability to calm and reduce inflammation.

A blend of Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Ravensara oils have been found to treat perennial allergic rhinitis. Study participants reported improvement with their blocked nasal passages, runny and itchy noses, and sneezing.
Breath EasySneeze Stopper KidCare, Respiratory CongestionRespiratory Problems  .
Ring Worm - Essential oils - Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Myrrh, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme          Essential Oil Combinations - Cleansing, 3 in 1

Ringworm is a very common fungal infection that is not, despite its name, caused by a worm. It is caused by the fungus Tinea, which is highly contagious. Anyone can get ringworm, although some people are more susceptible than others, such as those with compromised immunity and young children.
Fresh garlic poultice
Aloe vera contains six antiseptic agents that, according to research, exhibit antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral activities.
Turmeric is a popular spice with anti-inflammatory properties, extensive antimicrobial abilities.
Tea Tree oil as a remedy for many bacterial and fungal skin conditions for almost a century. Today, Tea Tree oil is both popular and effective in treating ringworm.
Oregano can stop the growth of the fungus Candida albicans. Always dilute oil of oregano with a carrier oil before use.
Lemongrass essential oil has been shown to reduce the activity of several types of fungus. To use lemongrass oil for ringworm, mix it with a carrier oil, and apply it to the skin twice daily with a cotton ball.

Rub banana peel on area. 

Black Walnut tincture - Dr. Christopher's

Good dose of Sunshine.

Rosacea -
aloe vera is emollient and moisturizing. It can be successful as a topical remedy for rosacea.
Burdock Root can purify your liver and clear up skin conditions such as acne. Burdock plant extract can be an effective treatment for rosacea.
chamomile is common in moisturizing skin products. It’s often used topically in herbal treatment for inflamed skin.

Vitamin B-12 

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