.Remedies - G - K
from the Various Disciplines in the World
of Natural Medicine
Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any
of these remedies.
We believe that everyone's body is different, so,
we each respond differently to various treatments.
You need to study and learn what is best for your
body. This category will be constantly changing and added to based upon new information and your input.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease. .
The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and
was that the group that had been prayed over,
even they didn't know that they were being prayed
improved so much more than the other group that they
concluded -
If there was any medication that could accomplish that
people would line up around the world to buy it.
Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important
. click here - to
view the studies.
This is just a beginning - Please keep checking
back or E-mail
us for more information on your needs for
Enjoy what we have now and then please
check back
Formulas are impossible to put on the internet - You can
E-mail us for
more information.
This list is just a suggestion of where to start and
what to consider.
Check out our Books & More
Books for more in-depth information..
1 cup of orange juice with 1 teaspoon of
ginger, 2 raw garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of
olive oil. for pain relief. Gallbladder
Care, PA
formula Hanna Kroeger - Many
traditional healers support female
reproductive health through regulating the
liver, gall bladder and digestion.
Support for elimination through the bowels and
urinary tract, assisting the body's natural
hormonal balance and soothing the nervous
system are an essential part for women's
Many studies are finding the bacteria
found in the mouth that causes Plaque are being
found in the arteries and causing plaque there
as well. I put one drop
of Tea
Tree on my tooth brush and then what ever
paste I use, brush as usual. My last dental
check up showed an improved Oral Hygiene bill of
health. The bacteria in my gums had almost
completely cleared up. If your up to the
burn X
Plague works wonders!
This is important because when you brush,
and it bleeds, the bacteria in your mouth enters
your blood stream, and causes artery plaque,
Heart Disease and other problems as well. So
brushing with either Tea
Tree or X
Plague is very beneficial.
Oil pulling is an ancient, Indian folk remedy
claimed to whiten your teeth, freshen your
breath and greatly improve your oral health. I
swear by oil pulling for overall oral health and
healing canker sores.
Oil pulling is swishing coconut oil in your
mouth, without swallowing, for 10-15 minutes.
Coconut oil has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
properties that will help with your overall oral
health (not just with canker sores). For an
extra boost, add a drop of X
Plague to your coconut oil while oil
Peroxide - dilute with water and rinse or put
in water pic. After treatment make sure
you rinse good with water.
essential oils can help to
promote better circulation and
thus lower blood pressure and
improve the health of the eyes
and the body in general.
mix 5
drops of an essential oil
with one tablespoon of
coconut or almond oil and
then apply to the cheeks,
just underneath the eyes.
Glaucoma - caused by a
buildup of fluid around the
eye that leads to increased
pressure on the lens and
retina which damages the optic
nerve. The optic nerve
transmits the images and sends
them to the brain.
oil has been studied for its powerful
anti-inflammatory properties. If you have a
swollen or inflamed thyroid area, applying
lemongrass oil topically may provide relief. Frankincense
oil has anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and
pain-relieving properties. It also helps repair
your skin barrier and treats dry skin. Rubbing a
few drops of frankincense oil on dry skin caused
by a hyperactive thyroid could relieve itching
and flaking and help skin heal.
If you have anxiety caused by hyperthyroidism,
consider the use of lavender
oil. Lavender
oil has been used for centuries as an agent to
promote relaxation. When diffused in the air, lavender
oil has been found to increase feelings of calm
and well-being. Wintergreen
oil, methyl salicylate, is a well-studied pain
reliever that works similarly to aspirin.
Wintergreen oil can be used as a topical
treatment for aching joints and tired muscles
caused by thyroid conditions.
essential oil may decrease inflammation and
treat sore joints when applied on your skin
Gout -
Gout is an arthritic type of pain in your
The symptoms of gout -- the stiff, swollen and
painful joints -- are due to excess uric acid
forming crystals in your joints, and the pain is
caused by your body’s inflammatory response to
these crystals.
Besides gout, elevated uric acid is related to a
variety of other health conditions, including:
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Kidney disease
Heart disease
Gout drugs have very dangerous, long-term side
effects, and gout is frequently a lifelong
condition, so you may end up staying on these
drugs for very long periods of time, which can
wreak havoc with your health.
Change Your
Diet -- Reduce Inflammation Naturally
Because the REAL underlying problem causing the
inflammation, and subsequent damage, is likely
due to having chronically elevated blood sugar.
(The sugar molecule causes far more damage than
any other molecule.) And, your number one way of
normalizing your blood sugar and insulin levels
is through your diet.
Recent research shows you can lower your risk
of gout by an impressive 85 percent, simply by
reducing your intake of sugar.
What this means for most people is: eliminate
the soft drinks and fruit juices.
It never ceases to amaze me that the number one
source of calories for Americans is high
fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in the form of soda.
This is so tragic because soda can be one of the
easiest dietary modifications to make. Alcohol
is also a risk factor in gout. Instead,
drink plenty of pure water, as the water will
help to remove uric acid from your body.
Other Natural
Tips for Treating Gout
Exercise, just like optimizing your vitamin D
levels, is an all-around health booster that
helps improve your health no matter what your
problem is. Exercise helps normalize your
insulin and hence your uric acid levels,
naturally. Some natural
Tart cherries have similar activity to aspirin
and ibuprofen. (consider red tart cherry
juice concentrate.) Nutmeg
is useful for gout. Vit
E is a good anti-inflammatory Fish
is a natural antihistamine used to treat
inflamed joints and works as a diuretic and
flush out uric acid. Turmeric
excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
As many as 3/4ths of all gout patients have
inherited a genetic defect that inhibits the
excretion of uric acid. Kidney failure and a
high intake of diuretic drugs or diuretic foods
(such as liver or watermelon) can also cause
this problem. The other precursor of gout - the
excessive production of uric acid - is triggered
by hereditary factors too, as well as obesity
and excessive alcohol consumption.
Raw onion poultice over area, left on all
seed may stop gout attacks, and it has
many other benefits." may be taken in extract
form. It is also reputed to reduce
inflammation, calm muscle spasms and fight
bacteria. May even help protect the liver as
Warmed cabbage leaf applied to the inflamed
joint. "Put a bandage on securely, put a
sock on, and leave it overnight. In the
morning the leaf will be really black (Uric
Gum Disease - see
Oil pulling is an ancient, Indian folk remedy
claimed to whiten your teeth, freshen your
breath and greatly improve your oral health. I
swear by oil pulling for overall oral health and
healing canker sores.
Oil pulling is swishing coconut oil in your
mouth, without swallowing, for 10-15 minutes.
Coconut oil has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
properties that will help with your overall oral
health (not just with canker sores). For an
extra boost, add a drop of X
Plague to your coconut oil while oil
Oil pulling therapy has been effective on
halitosis and organisms, associated with
halitosis. The oil “pulls” bacteria and toxins
out of the mouth and, over time, can leave your
teeth whiter and your gums healthier. And while
oil pulling may seem a little “woo woo” at
first, many studies have proven that the
practice can be extremely beneficial to oral
health and hygiene.
Start with about a tablespoon of coconut or
sesame oil.
If you can’t handle a tablespoon, use a little
more than a teaspoon and work your way up to
more. If you’re using coconut oil, warm the oil
in your mouth until it liquefies.
Swish the oil around in your mouth for about 20
minutes. Make sure it covers all areas of your
teeth and gums, but don’t let it touch the back
of your throat, and no gargling!
After you’re done, spit the oil into a trash
can. (Beware: oil can clog drains!)
Indicates a toxic system - Need to cleanse
- cleansing
products -Also meat tends to putrefy in
some systems and create bad breath,
(especially beef).
Best natural deodorant I have found is
a grain alcohol called Everclear sprayed
or rubbed on skin - not to be taken
internally. (Get from a liquor
store) (not for alcoholics) Regular
household alcohols are wood alcohols which are
a poison. You can add your choice of an
Essential Oil such as Lavender
for a nice treat.
Headache starts at top of head - intestinal trouble
Headache starts at forehead - kidney
Headache starts at back of head - liver & gall bladder
Hearing see Ears -Essential
oils - Lemongrass, Helichrysum
Essential oils should never, EVER be
placed directly inside the ear canal! This can
cause serious damage as you could end up burning
the mucous membranes inside your ear. Rather,
you should massage the oil onto the earlobe only
and behind the ear and on the neck.
There are two types of hearing loss,
sensorineural hearing loss and conductive
hearing loss. Each of them carries its own
unique attributes and causes.
Essential oils contain properties that
can help the body fight what may be causing
hearing loss. Eucalyptus
is great for people with allergies, which could
be contributing to some fluid behind the ears
and even a muffled feeling. Lavender
can soothe and possibly help with the by
products of hearing loss or tinnitus by reducing
overall body inflammation. Cypress
is considered to help with blood flow
stimulation and also it can act to calm the
nervous system. Echinacea
- counters bizarre infections that could
lead to hearing loss. Echinacea houses
antibiotics which help in fighting viruses or
germs that can cause inner ear infections.
Additionally, it also reduces inflammation of
the sinus and ear tissues thus enhancing good
hearing sense. Ginger
- has antibiotics and antiviral components that
are essential in preventing infections that
cause hearing loss. That notwithstanding, the
herb regulates and activates nerves that
facilitate sound transmission waves to the
brain. Turmeric
contains bioactive compounds with powerful
medicinal properties that assist your brain and
body to function in a seamless fashion. Closer
home, its rich in potassium mineral which plays
an essential role in facilitating healthy ear
functioning. Ginkgo
- has been shown to facilitate proper blood
circulation throughout the body and more
specifically the ear tissues. Sufficient blood
circulation in the ear makes it function more
efficiently. Ginkgo
gives a hand in relieving ringing in the ears.
Vinegar & water compresses on heart until
doctor arrives.
Heart cramping (Angina) Drink fennel
or anise
as a tea. I got rid of mine by taking Hanna
Kroeger's Circu
-Flow I have also had an irregular heart
beat since I was a small child. It is
now gone also. Cardiovascular
Health Products
Heart Fibrillation - Rosemary
tea, chew on basil
herb, lemon juice with cloves.
Arteriosclerosis & Herbal Chelation -
Hanna Kroeger's Circu-flow
E is known to reduce the risk of heart
disease. A nutrient called Coenzyme Q10, more
commonly known as CoQ10,
is also an effective antioxidant that helps to
protect cells throughout the body from free
radical damage, which leads to clogged arteries,
strokes and heart attacks. One of the primary
fuels within the intestine, called L-Glutamine
also supports and promotes healthy heart
tissues. Magnesium
has been known to offer beneficial protection
against conditions such as atherosclerosis.
General: Cramps at night - magnesium.
Tea (should be taken in liquid or
tea form - not capsules) Electrical, restore (tonic) 4
Tbsp cane sugar, 4 tbsp beet sugar, 4 tbsp
corn sugar, 2 tsp sea salt, 2 tsp baking
soda. Take 1 tsp 2 to 3 times a
day. Enlarged - B1,
asparagus. Extra beats or too fast - B1
Hanna Kroeger's Circu-flow Nervous palpitation -
lecithin, magnesium,
and trace minerals from valerian root. Valerian-PlusVascular
Support by Western Botanicals Pain from time to time - Chew basil
or cinnamon
tea, lemon water with cloves
Palpitation - chew on cinnamon
stick --- at night - calcium Heart and chest pressure - iodine
Muscle - rosemary,
Berry Syrup Valves - Malva, blue Tea Weakness - slow pulse - 1 qt water,
add 2 tbsp vinegar. Dip small towel in
and apply over chest close to heart.
Change every hour.
The American Medical Association (AMA)
admitted in its official
that 44% of all coronary bypass surgery is
inappropriate reasons.
The average life span of a cardiac doctor
is only 57 years old.
Dr. Christopher's - Blood
Circulation Formula, Hawthorn
Berry Syrup Heart
Formula by Western Botanicals -
Strengthens cardiac function, eases angina
pain, improves shortness of breath. A
wonderful heart tonic effective for irregular
heartbeat (arrhythmia) and congestive heart
Could also be a Hiatal hernia which is
easy to heal (See Hernia, Hiatal below)
Heavy Menstrual Flow -
Also see Hemorrhaging & Menorrhea Marjoram
oil helps in relaxing muscles which can
become taut with pain. It works fast
because of its analgesic and antispasmodic
properties easing the pain of the cramps and
allowing your body to go back to its natural
oil is mild and acts on the body in a naturally
gentle and safe manner. It relieves stress which
is a huge contributor to menorrhagia and its
accompanying symptoms. It has
anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties
which allow it to alleviate any cramping you may
experience. This oil helps your muscles relax
and soothes your senses so you can sleep better
and feel rejuvenated.
oil reduces blood pressure and regulates blood
flow by constricting blood vessels. It
works too by stemming the bleeding thus reducing
the amount of blood during your periods. Stops
bleeding naturally and fast. Helps to
relieve pain associated with heavy bleeding.
Place 5 drops of cypress oil in 10 drops of
sweet almond oil and massage the mixture onto
your stomach with circular motions.
Do this for at least half an hour and then lie
down and relax. It helps to balance your
hormones even as it regulates the flow.
Geranium oil is another great oil for
helping with the heavy menstrual flow.
Sometimes the heavy flow is as a result of
hormonal changes so you only need to restore the
balance to your hormones and you will resume a
normal flow. Geranium oil helps with balancing
your hormones and regulates your blood flow in
the process.
oil helps to regulate your menstrual cycles
eliminating prolonged periods and the subsequent
pain. It also helps with the hormones,
regulating them and preventing heavy
periods. The oil is also very
relaxing and calming. It will soothe your
muscles and help you experience a normal
menstrual period.
Hematoma (swelling or tumor filled with
diffused blood)
oils - Helichrysum
A hematoma can be treated naturally with
anti-inflammatory essential oils such as Lavender,
Tree, Fennel
and more. Lightly rubbing a few drops of these
oils into your skin can speed the healing of
Cayenne Shepherd’s
Purse (capsella bursapastoris) has been
used as a remedy for centuries to stem
internal and external bleeding. It is a
hemostatic plant in that it constricts blood
vessels reducing blood flow. One of the best
specifics for stopping hemorrhages of all
kinds including the stomach, the lungs, the
uterus and bleeding from the kidneys.
spray- It is invigorating, relieves
irritation, comforts stressed skin and is
really gentle. Especially on
Hemorrhoids. How to make it yourself
you will need:
A 2
ounce amber glass spray bottle (amber is
necessary to preserve the compounds of the
essential oils) Fractionated
coconut oil Witch
hazel Essential
Oils –Myrrh,Tea
Tree, Lavender,Frankincense,Roman
ChamomileandHelichrysum Directions:
(for every 1 ounce of spray)
Add 1
teaspoon of witch hazel to the bottle then
add 1 drop of each essential oil top it
off with fractionated
coconut oil shake
before use then spray on affected area a few
Cold - anyway you can get it on hemorrhoid.
Sitz Bath - Generally, experts recommend
people with painful hemorrhoids sit in warm
water for 15 minutes, several times a day —
especially after a bowel movement.
Witch hazel is reputed to reduce pain, itching
and bleeding until hemorrhoids fade out. Witch
hazel contain tannins and oils that may help
bring down inflammation and slow bleeding.
Supporters say it tightens the skin as a
natural anti-inflammatory.
Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts with 2
tablespoons of glycerin
Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and place it
on the painful area
Leave this application on the area for 15-20
Repeat every four to six hours until the pain
Make a suppository out of a raw potato -
insert into rectum at night.
Make a suppository out of garlic clove dipped
in oil
Eat 3 or 4 almonds per day -
Internal remedy is 2 tsp of apple cider
vinegar in glass of water with every
A new report released by The Cochrane
has concluded that the hepatitis B vaccine
offers little or no protection from a
hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis B vaccination is given to reduce the
risk of developing hepatitis B infection. The
decision to mass vaccinate new borns was based
on only four randomised clinical
trials of poor methodological quality involving
1230 participants. We need to fight
mandatory vaccinations!!
Hernia - Feel for sore spots
along sternum (bone down middle of chest) -
press and hold until pain goes away, even down
below sternum. You can also kind of reach
under the sternum with a downward motion to
help encourage the stomach out of the tear in
the diaphram. Do this until hiatal
hernia is able to heal itself. Hiatal
Hernias are a tear in the diaphram caused by
leaning forward. Sometimes what we think
is acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn etc. is
just a hiatal hernia. It also helps if you cup
your fingers on one hand to make a pointer
which you place in your navel. With the
other hand move it from the chin downward from
7 to 10 times while concentrating on the area
(I say Heavenly Father please heal my Hiatal
Hernia). Then change hands and repeat. (You
don't have to actually touch because you are
working with the electrical system of the
body.) Never go up - always go down.
powder, mixed with water or aloe
vera and applied directly to sores
How long the sores take to heal all depend on
someone’s individual immune response. Sambucus
- immune boosting
Herpes Zoster - also
Aging, trauma, stress, or another illness can
all activate the virus.
Essential oils have properties that may help
with skin irritation and healing Essential
oils - Bergamot, Chamomile,
has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
properties and can improve ulcers and pressure
sores by aiding skin-cell regeneration. Eucalyptus,
has anti-inflammatory properties and can
increase the speed at which cancer patients'
sores heal. Geranium,Lavender,
Tree (Melaleuca) has anti-inflammatory and
antimicrobial properties and can promote wound
Dan Cao / Chinese Gentian Root / by Golden
Lotus. has a positive effect on pain relief in
shingles and decreases the likelihood of
postherpetic neuralgia.
Apply witch hazel topically to areas of
irritation and inflammation to achieve relief.
Hip problems - Coxsakie
- Homeopathic - A physician in the town of
Coxsackie, NY, found that many who suffer from
pain in hip joints, hips, and lower back do not
have arthritis but have something caused by a
virus. This is a vicious disease. It
takes a long time to manifest so that it becomes
painful but there is, as far as I know, only one
help and comes from Dr. Ray in England and is
called Coxsakie homeopathic. Only one
small bottle can take away years and years of
suffering. Taken from Hanna Kroeger's book "God
Helps those Who Help Themselves"
Prehypertension is systolic pressure
that's between 120 to 139 or diastolic
pressure between 80 and 89.
Stage 1 hypertension is systolic pressure
between 140 to 159 or diastolic pressure
Watch the salt in-take. Stress Management: deep
breathing, Meditation, relaxing music this can
bring the points down by 5. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) A
study showed that significant reduction in
systolic blood pressure and four in diastolic
blood pressure after taking Garic.
The herb hawthorn
is often used by traditional herbal
practitioners for high blood pressure.
Preliminary studies suggest thatfish
oilmay have a modest effect on
high blood pressure. Folic
D Magnesium
Dark Chocolate Vitamin
Caused by body's Ph being too acid. Eat
more Vegetables less animal products - also
Apple Cider Vinegar in water. (recipe -
1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar & 1 tbsp honey
in glass of water to taste.)
Bathe in Apple cider or most other herbal
vinegars. Allergy
Defense by Grandma's Herbs
AllerAide 40 tablets by Boericke &
Tafel Homeopathic Allergy Relief is
clinically proven to relieve a wide variety of
allergic symptoms.
Natural hives treatment can come in the form
of a calming oatmeal bath. Simply add a cup or
two of uncooked oats into a stocking or
cheesecloth. Tie it up with a rubber band so
the oats can’t leak out. Put the oats under
the running water as your bath fills up. Your
bath will be infused with oatmeal’s
skin-calming goodness. Oats are known for
their ability to calm skin inflammation,
thanks to their naturally high salicylic acid
content. Taking an oatmeal bath for hives can
help calm these unwanted eruptions for both
adults and children. Just make sure the water
is warm.
.Bloodsucking pests, called
Ancylostoma, can hatch and live in soil.
Customary avoidance includes not walking
barefoot in grass, gardening with gloves and
cleaning produce carefully, especially in
climates where the ground does not freeze.
Serious cases of infection can lead to anemia
caused by the hookworm’s thirst for iron, which
it gets by voracious consumption of blood
through the lining of the intestines. Garlic
cloves act as antiviral, antifungal, and
antibacterial agents, and are often used by
alternative medicine practitioners to treat
parasites, like worms. Allicin, the active
compound in Garlic
is used to cure giardia, pinworms, roundworms,
tapeworms, and hookworms.
Carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are
some foods that are rich in beta carotene, a
precursor for vitamin A. Vitamin
A is thought to increase resistance to
penetration by larvae. Vitamin
C and zinc
also support the immune system
Some of the best essential oils to use for
stimulating sexual hormones and promoting
fertility in women are: •Basil •Chamomile
Roman •Clary-sage–
Stimulates the pituitary gland which produces
estrogen. Clary sage is also a uterine tonic
and is best paired with geranium. •Coriander–
Phytoestrogenic and a glandular tonic.
Stimulates vaginal lubrication. •Cypress •Eucalyptus •Fennel–
Fennel is known to have a strong estrogenic
effect and is one of the most effective
phytoestrogenic oils. •Frankincense–
Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and
calms emotional wounds. •Geranium–
Has a profound balancing effect on the
endocrine system and regulates hormone
function. •Lavender–
Balances the endocrine system and regulates
scanty menstruation. Greatly supported by Geranium
and Clary-sage. •Marjoram •Melissa •Myrrh–
Clears obstructions in the womb, regulates
scanty periods, and contains phytoestrogens. •Nutmeg •Oregano ºRose
Otto •Tarragon–
Known for its ability to regulate erratic
menstrual cycles. Calms menstrual pain. •Thyme •Ylang
Energizes the reproductive organs,
aphrodisiac, and supports hormonal balance.
Hyperpnea (abnormal
breathing) -Essential
oil - Ylang
Breathing in deeply through the abdomen can help
someone manage
lie down, putting their hands on their
breathe in deeply through their nose, expanding
their abdomen and letting the lungs fill with
hold their breath for a couple of seconds
breathe out slowly through the mouth, emptying
their lungs
steam inhalation at home, a person should:
fill a bowl with very hot water
add a few drops of Peppermint
or Eucalyptus
essential oil
place their face over the bowl, with a towel
over their head
take deep breaths, inhaling the steam
5 drops of Lavender
essential oil
5 drops of Clary
Sage essential oil
5 drops of Frankincense
essential oil
2 oz. of coconut oil
Rub a small amount into your temples and under
your nose.
Watch the salt in-take. Stress Management: deep
breathing, Meditation, relaxing music this can
bring the points down by 5. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) A
study showed that significant reduction in
systolic blood pressure and four in diastolic
blood pressure after taking Garlic.
The herb hawthorn
is often used by traditional herbal
practitioners for high blood pressure.
Preliminary studies suggest that fish
oil may have a modest effect on high
blood pressure. Folic
D Magnesium
Dark Chocolate Vitamin
Vanilla bean tea - may sweeten with honey
Essential oils can improve your well-being.
Essential oils work by stimulating the smell
receptors in your nose, they can send messages
to your nervous system. They also have an
effect on the body’s chemical and energy
systems. Essential
A patient study found that an essential oil
blend consisted of these essential oils in
equal ratios of Bergamot,
and Lavender.
All patients who received the aromatherapy
hand massage reported less pain and
depression. Rose
Otto is very settling to the emotional
heart and perhaps the second most popular
after lavender for relieving anxiety and
depression, helping with panic attacks,
grieving and shock. Vetiver
oil has a tranquil, grounding and reassuring
energy, often used in trauma helping with
self-awareness, calmness and stabilization. A
nervous system tonic, it decreases jitteriness
and hypersensitivity and is also useful in
panic attacks and shock. Ylang
Ylang can help depression due to its
calming and uplifting effects. Ylang
ylang helps with cheerfulness, courage,
optimism and soothes fearfulness. It may calm
heart agitation and nervous palpitations and
is a moderately strong sedative, which can
help with insomnia.
can be effective in helping to manage
pancreatic functions and promoting better
weight loss results. It may also help lower
blood glucose levels when used correctly.
oil may also be effective at controlling blood
glucose. It has been found to increase insulin
secretion and also help with digestive issues.
ylang is a good choice for
diabetics who have irritability or mood
swings. It can help calm the mind and body and
bring focus back to your life. Additionally,
it has been found to have a positive impact on
blood circulation and on lowering overall
blood pressure – two problems many diabetics
essential oil can help to calm the mind and
body, making it easier for you to relax.
Additionally, early studies are finding that
it could help lower glucose levels in some
people when taken internally.
Protein deficiency - Cheese, eggs, meat,
protein powder.
Cinnamon according to Jonathan V. Wright, MD
- both for prevention and to help.
1 - 2 drops of each in carrier oil, rubbed over
liver and kidney, it is incredibly supportive of
our immune system.
Vitamins and minerals can
help to boost your immune system’s natural
response, but essential oils can also play a
significant role in improving your overall
health. These natural remedies can help keep
your body at its optimal performance level
Whenever we are exposed to anything that we
feel would be contagious we start taking Garlic,
preferably with goldenseal
and use our 3
in 1 essential oil remedy over tonsils
or other lymph nodes. Vitamin
C and/or other vitamins are also good.
which helps to increase the number of
antibodies and encourages growth of immune
Another important antioxidant is vitamin
E. This nutrient helps to slow down the
symptoms of aging and strengthen body cells
that fight infection.
I would
just stock up onOlive
Oregano, and
lay off sugar. Sugar, even a single
teaspoon, can impair the immune system by 50
% for several hours.
Immunizations -
see Vaccinations
After on serving of possessed carbs your immune
system is compromised for 12 hours How to Detox after a vaccine:
essential oil - rub 2-3 drops on the
bottom of your feet morning and night. Pulls
heavy metals out of the body. Healing,
1 - 2 drops of each in carrier oil, rubbed over
liver and kidney, it is incredibly supportive of
our immune system.
Castor oil rubbed over liver front and back,
cotton flannel wrapped over it and apply heat,
heating pad or hot water bottle, for 45 minutes.
Detox bath:
1 cup baking soda
2 cups epsom salt
5 drops Rosemary
5 drops Juniper
Impetigo -Essential
oils -Lavender,
. Garlic
has historically been used to treat bacterial,
viral, and fungal infections. Place a slice of
ginger, cut side down, on impetigo sores. Aloe
Vera and Neem
Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection that
most commonly occurs in toddlers and children.
However, people of any age can get impetigo
via direct contact with an infected person or
Incontinence - See
Bladder Ylang-ylang
oil is known to have nervine and sedative
properties, which are useful in remedying the
symptoms as they relax the bladder, better
controlling the urge to urinate. To use this
essential oil, rub it on the lower abdominal
region after diluting with a carrier oil like
jojoba, coconut, or almond oil. Cypress,
and Juniper
essential oils all have an affinity for
supporting the urinary system and have been used
for incontinence. Choose one, dilute with a
carrier oil, and apply a few drops to the lower
abdomen once or twice daily.
Focusing on the muscles that both men and women
use to start and stop the flow of urine, squeeze
those muscles together tightly, hold for a count
of ten, and then release. Repeat the process,
gradually working up to fifty repetitions. A
round of kegels can be done while sitting at a
desk at work or while watching television at
home. Since the squeezing and releasing is being
done under the clothing, no one has to know.
Performing several rounds of fifty kegels per
day will yield some great results in a couple of
claw is an herb that is meant to help
strengthen the bladder, making it easier to
retain urine until voluntary release. Uva
ursi is a single herb that has long been
used to strengthen, tone, and tighten the
tissues of the urinary system
Indifference -Essential
oils - Jasmine
Essential oils can work to stimulate our
emotions and our mind, restoring our desire to
get back to our ambitions and dreams.
5 Drops Lemon
2 Drops Nutmeg
3 Drops Ginger
Mix together inside a carrier oil such as
avocado or sweet almond to make a wearable
perfume that you can make and take whenever you
need it.
Another good one is:
3 Drops Juniper
2 Drops Basil
2 Drops Geranium
2 Drops Marjoram
1 Drop Cypress
Antacids make ulcers worse. LGD
makes it better in no time. It strengthens
your stomach's natural lining while healing
existing ulcers per Dr. Mark Stengler.
(also good for indigestion)
Sometimes what we think is indigestion is
actually gall bladder -
Take Dr. Christopher's - Liver
Some of the best essential oils to
use for stimulating sexual hormones and
promoting fertility in women are: •Basil •Chamomile
Roman •Clary-sage–
Stimulates the pituitary gland which produces
estrogen. Clary sage is also a uterine tonic
and is best paired with geranium. •Coriander–
Phytoestrogenic and a glandular tonic.
Stimulates vaginal lubrication. •Cypress •Eucalyptus •Fennel–
Fennel is known to have a strong estrogenic
effect and is one of the most effective
phytoestrogenic oils. •Frankincense–
Calming effect on sexual nervous tension and
calms emotional wounds. •Geranium–
Has a profound balancing effect on the
endocrine system and regulates hormone
function. •Lavender–
Balances the endocrine system and regulates
scanty menstruation. Greatly supported byGeraniumand Clary-sage. •Marjoram •Melissa •Myrrh– Clears obstructions in
the womb, regulates scanty periods, and
contains phytoestrogens. •Nutmeg •Oregano ºRose
Otto •Tarragon–
Known for its ability to regulate erratic
menstrual cycles. Calms menstrual pain. •Thyme •Ylang
ylang– Energizes the
reproductive organs, aphrodisiac, and supports
hormonal balance.
Bacteria in the mouth has been known to cause
infertility. Brushing with a drop of Tea
Tree on your tooth brush along with your
normal tooth paste every day can make a big
Xenoestrogens are essentially environmental
oestrogens, coming from pesticides and the
plastic industry. When you are trying to
conceive, one of the most important things you
need to do is to balance your hormones. It is
extremely important to avoid anything that
might cause an imbalance, and one of the main
culprits is the xenoestrogens.
is an antioxidant that helps to protect your
body from highly reactive chemical fragments
called free radicals. For this reason,
selenium can prevent chromosome breakage,
which is known to be a cause of birth defects
and miscarriages. Good levels of selenium are
also essential to maximize sperm formation.
essential fats have a profound effect on
every system of the body, including the
reproductive system and they are crucial for
healthy hormone functioning.
is the most widely studied nutrient in terms of
fertility for both men and women. It is an
essential component of genetic material and a
zinc deficiency can cause chromosome changes in
either you or our partner, leading to reduced
fertility and an increased risk of miscarriage.
Zinc is necessary for your body to 'attract and
hold' (utilise efficiently) the reproductive
hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.
E is another powerful antioxidant and has
been shown to increase fertility when given to
both men and women.
Colon inflammation - Make tea of Irish potato
peel and flax
seed meal
One of the most vital herbs for inflammation
treatment is turmeric,
rich in antioxidant curcumin.
John's wort is also a beneficial natural
cure for inflammation. Ginger
is another crucial herb that not only has
anti-inflammatory ingredients, it also has
substances that suppress the action of
pro-inflammatory compounds.
is another herb that heals tissues and reduces
inflammation. Omega-3
essential fatty acids. Found in fish oils,
EPA and DHA are essential building blocks for
the body's anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Vitamin
C Long recognized for its
anti-inflammatory properties.
Add a few drops to your bath, diffuse them
into the air, or mix them with a carrier oil
for a rub. Keeping a few basic oils around,
such as tea tree, peppermint, and lavender,
can be helpful, even if you're not sick. Flu
fighting Products
Sometimes insomnia is actually pain in
our bodies which we are not aware of - in
which case you need to treat the pain. Insomnia
& Pain Blend
Sometimes its a lack of magnesium.
What are the symptoms of a magnesium
deficiency? Millions suffer daily from
Insomnia, Sleep-Disorders, Fatigue, Body-
Tension, Headaches, Heart-Disorders, Low
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click here
Sometimes in children it is actually Pin
worms. (They come to the surface
[rectum] early in the morning - can be
checked at that time using piece of tape to
gather or even visually.) Washing
all surfaces children touch with disinfectant,
washing hands after using bathroom and
before eating and no fingernail biting really
helps in controlling pin worms and other
contagious problems.
Itch - Essential
oils are an ideal remedy due to the
short time they take to effectively reduce the
itching with very few side effects. Essential
oils also contain anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, and antioxidant properties. Rose
essential oil is used to relax the mind and
muscles, which in turn translates to the
prevention of the urge to scratch the skin. Bergamot
is a very powerful essential oil which is
mostly known to be an anti-inflammatory tonic.
The oil has been shown to be quite effective
when it comes to relieving itchiness caused by
environmental irritants, stress, or
inflammation. Myrrh
essential oil moisturizes the skin while
nourishing the body with antioxidants,
preventing skin infections. This essential oil
also contains anti-inflammatory properties
which allow for quick relief from itchiness. Patchouli
essential oil contains antibacterial,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic
properties and can be used to moisturize the
skin while preventing infections that can
cause itchy skin. Frankincense
essential oil is also known as a skin tonic
and is used primarily to prevent itching
rather than to remedy it. Tea
Tree essential oil is known to have some
of the most potent antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral
properties. This makes it very effective when
it comes to remedying itchiness. The oil works
by numbing the human skin while simultaneously
countering the discomfort and pain. Peppermint
one of the most soothing oils when it comes to
itching relief. It simultaneously numbs the
infected area, attacks the underlying
infection, and reduces inflammation. Helichrysum
is one of the most powerful essential oils
packed with anti-allergenic, analgesic, and
anti-inflammatory properties. It has the
capability to relieve itching, reduce
inflammation in bug bites, and promote healthy
immune system function. It also acts a
preventative oil, fighting infections before
they invade the skin. Eucalyptus
essential oil is well-known for reducing
inflammation and swelling, making it a perfect
remedy for itching. Chamomile
essential oil has been shown to reduce itching
associated with eczema, dandruff, diaper rash,
or dry skin because of the soothing properties
it provides when applied topically.
Interstitial cystitis
- Sometimes referred to as "painful bladder
syndrome" Melatonin,
an antioxidant substance available in supplement
form, was found to protect the bladder lining
from irritants in a 2003 study.
In a 2001 trial involving 22 interstitial
cystitis patients, researchers found that four
weeks of twice-daily treatment with 500 mg of quercetin
led to a significant improvement in interstitial
cystitis symptoms. Quercetin, which is an
antioxidant found naturally in foods like black
tea and berries, also produced no side effects
in the study participants.
Intoxication -
see Addictions
Drink water. It’s important to stay hydrated
Drink other fluids, too. Remember: Water isn’t
enough. You need to drink electrolyte-rich
fluids, too — like sports drinks, coconut water,
or bouillon soup — that can restore the salt and
potassium you’ve lost.
Grease up before you go. One longstanding folk
remedy is to take a spoonful of olive oil before
a party. Some swear by it. Eating a pizza or
other fatty food has the same effect. Both are
said to grease the intestines so the alcohol
takes longer to absorb.
Consume sugar while you’re drinking. Studies
show that fructose may speed alcohol metabolism,
thus reducing the risk of a hangover. It’s
important to eat sugar while you’re drinking,
not before, since fructose metabolizes quickly.
Try plain orange juice between cocktails.
Eat ginger. For centuries, people have taken
ginger to reduce nausea and vomiting. Try
nibbling crystallized ginger in the aftermath of
a night of drinking.
One study has shown that taking 1,600 IU of
prickly pear extract five hours before drinking
reduced risk for severe hangover by 50 percent.
hydrate and restore with this globally used
recipe. It returns starch, sugar, sodium, and
potassium to your depleted system.
1 teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar
into 5 cups of distilled water.
in ½ cup orange juice or ¼ cup mashed
the mixture slowly throughout the day,
storing it in a cool place. It’s good for 24
Ions - negative = energy
Positive = decreased energy Essential
oils - increase energy - Bergamot, Cedarwood,
There are many ways of increasing energy levels:
getting extra sleep by going to bed earlier or
taking a nap, eating a healthy diet, staying
well-hydrated, and regularly engaging in
exercise. Essential oils are another great,
natural choice for an energy boost.
Mix the oils together and rub onto your
belly in slow circular motions to relieve
cramps, reduce inflammation, stimulate digestion
and heal the gut
Best results use Digestion Combination Slippery
Elm Bark used as a lubricating and
nutritious herb that coats irritated areas,
allowing the body to heal itself. Its high level
of mucilage helps to soothe a sore throat, ease
indigestion and lubricate the bowel
Bone Broth is an excellent way to heal and sooth
Bowel issues.
Itchy skin
- Marjoram
essential oil in carrier
oil on skin or bathe in Marjoram tea. Essential
oils are an ideal remedy due to the short
time they take to effectively reduce the itching
with very few side effects. Essential
oils also contain anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, and antioxidant properties. Rose
essential oil is used to relax the mind
and muscles, which in turn translates to the
prevention of the urge to scratch the skin. Bergamot
is a very powerful essential oil which is
mostly known to be an anti-inflammatory tonic.
The oil has been shown to be quite effective
when it comes to relieving itchiness caused by
environmental irritants, stress, or
inflammation. Myrrh
essential oil moisturizes the skin while
nourishing the body with antioxidants,
preventing skin infections. This essential oil
also contains anti-inflammatory properties which
allow for quick relief from itchiness. Patchouli
essential oil contains antibacterial,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic
properties and can be used to moisturize the
skin while preventing infections that can cause
itchy skin. Frankincense
essential oil is also known as a skin
tonic and is used primarily to prevent itching
rather than to remedy it. Tea
Tree essential oil is known to
have some of the most potent antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral
properties. This makes it very effective when it
comes to remedying itchiness. The oil works by
numbing the human skin while simultaneously
countering the discomfort and pain. Peppermint
one of the most soothing oils when it
comes to itching relief. It simultaneously numbs
the infected area, attacks the underlying
infection, and reduces inflammation.
Fresh lime juice sweetened with honey - 1
glass per hour for 2 or 3 days - nothing
Dandelion vinegar daily
For breakfast eat cooked beets and/or
carrots and a few hours later a baked
with NO butter or sour cream.
Since sugarcane juice helps in strengthening
your liver, it is a great remedy to cure
jaundice. Restoring the functioning of the
liver can keep your bilirubin levels in check
Jaw - Peppermint
Essential Oil. Peppermint
essential oil relieves pain and soothes aches in
addition to having a very cooling and uplifting
effect to the areas it is applied. Apply it
directly to the joints to help with treating TMJ
If you have a temporomandibular disorder (TMD),
you may have suffered from a number of painful
symptoms. People with TMD may experience jaw
pain, headaches, back pain, and even ear aches.
These symptoms come and go, and can get better
or worse depending on the season, other
illnesses, stress levels, and more.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint pain) To open Jaw - Place
fist against your chin between index and
middle fingers. Slightly open teeth and
push upward gently. Open jaw to 1
finger width apply pressure. Count 12
and close jaw after removing fist.. To stabilize jaw - In front of
a mirror, keeping your tongue on the roof of
your mouth - clutch both sides of chin with
index fingers over chin and thumbs underneath.
Open it approx. 2 finger's wide and apply
gentle resistance. Repeat moving jaw
back and forth. To control rotation - Put the
front of your tongue on the roof of the mouth.
Put your index fingers where the lower jaw
meets the skull, just below the ears.
Open and close your mouth until you feel the
ball of the joint move forward against your
fingers. (Keeping your tongue on the
roof of the mouth all the time.)
Use certain oils for specific TMD symptoms,
essential oil for tension headaches, jaw pain,
and fatigue
essential oil for stress, better sleep, and
First get out of the water and identify the
location of the sting
Next remove any remnants of the stingers by
scraping them off using the edge of a credit
Avoid getting sand on the wound Do not rinse the wound with fresh water Do not rub the area with a towel
apply some drops of essential oils onto
the site of the jelly fish sting and rub gently,
if possible.
If the area of the sting is too tender and
painful to touch, this sting soothing mist is
the perfect remedy to use.
4 oz spray bottle
½ cup of rose water
2 tablespoons of witch hazel
10 drops of Peppermint
10 drops of Lavender
5 drops of Geranium
5 drops of Clove
3 drops of Tea
An Australian study claims that vinegar can
stop the spread of venom from jellyfish
stings. Some species can cause death
within minutes, so quick action is
necessary. Rinse the site with 1 gallon
of white vinegar for approx. 1 minute.
This treatment can also relieve the itching of
minor stings.
This sounds strange but the back of your
knees exposed to light will stop or cut down
on jet lag.
-Essential oils can often bring about great
relief without precipitating undesirable
side effects because they contain several
other components that work together,
modulating one another’s effects.Essential
oils - Birch (discomfort), Cajeput (stiff), Chamomile (inflamed), Nutmeg,
Spruce (aching). Pain
- Anti InflammatoryNo
Mo PainKidCare
No Mo Pain . Pepperminthas
excellent anti-inflammatory properties along
with an anaesthetic effect that helps in
relieving the pain and swelling. Eucalyptusactive
agents that provide a powerful
anti-inflammatory effect. Rubbing
eucalyptus oil diluted ina
carrier oilover
swollen and aching joints often brings quick
Arthritic - Eliminate white sugar and
chocolate from diet if still need more
eliminate red meat. Vit
E is a good anti-inflammatory Fish
is a natural antihistamine used to treat
inflamed joints and works as a diuretic and
flush out uric acid. Turmeric
excellent anti-inflammatory properties.
Stiff joints - combine 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp
turpentine and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and
massage into joints.
Poultice of potato juice boiled down to 1/4
and added to glycerin to preserve it.
Lubricate joints and make joints
supple. There is a Recipe gleaned
from a flower child and printed in
Hanna Kroeger's book - "Ageless
Remedies From Mother's Kitchen."
Kidney, Liver
and Gallbladder all work together as they all
cleanse the body.
Stones - Parsley, Asparagus, Concord
Grape juice with 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
per cup, Dandelion root boiled in apple
juice, boiled beet juice, cucumber juice
or avocado leaf tea. Only use 1 per day
fasting from everything else. also Dr.
Christopher's - Kidney
Formula, Prostate
Kidney Stone juice - Carrots, cucumber,
celery, parsley, apple
This is not conventional Natural Health,
however, it works and in cases that we are
aware of there was 100% dissolving of stones
in people scheduled for surgery and after
drinking a 6 pack of coke (red container,
original formula) - 1 bottle or can every 20
minutes until gone.
Every single stone was gone when
Infection - Watermelon - all you can eat -
nothing else for 2 days.
Swollen - Grated cabbage in cotton - place on
swollen knee for several nights
Knock-knees - Chickpea
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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent any disease Remedies A-Z