Essence Oils Your Information Site for the
Natural Health Disciplines
Side-effects of these natural
remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of
life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality,
and a pleasant aroma.
Rosemary oil is one of the
most popular essential oils for its wide array
of health benefits. It has become increasingly
important and popular over the years as more
of its various health benefits have become
understood, including its ability to stimulate
hair growth, boost mental activity, relieve
respiratory problems and reduce pain.
The health benefits of Rosemary essential
oil made it a favorite
of Paracelsus, a renowned German-Swiss physician
and botanist, who made big contributions to the
understanding of herbal medicine during the 16th
century. Paracelsus valued Rosemary oil
because of its ability to strengthen the entire
body. He correctly believed that rosemary oil
had the ability to heal delicate organs such as
the liver, brain, and heart.
Indigestion: Rosemary essential
oil is often used for
indigestion, relieving flatulence, stomach
cramps, constipation, and bloating. Rosemary essential
oil is also thought to
relieve symptoms of dyspepsia and it is an
appetite stimulant. Furthermore, research has
shown the essential oil to be detoxifying for
the liver, and it also helps to regulate the
creation and release of bile, which is a key
part of the digestive process. It also
stimulates blood flow and improves circulation,
which can benefit the absorption of nutrients
from food. Rosemary leaves are often added to
meat dishes because it is particularly helpful
in digesting meat, particularly lamb, beef and
Hair care:Rosemary essential
oil and rosemary teas are
widely used for hair care in shampoos and
lotions. Regular use of Rosemary essential
oil helps to stimulate
follicles, making hair grow longer and stronger.
It is also believed that rosemary oil slows down
premature hair loss and graying of the hair.
Therefore, it is an excellent tonic for bald
people or those who are beginning to show signs
on male pattern baldness. Rosemary essential
oil is also beneficial
for dry and flaky scalps. Regular massaging of
the scalp with Rosemary essential
oil nourishes the scalp
and removes dandruff. Furthermore, it is often
mixed with tea tree essential
oil and basil essential
oil to alternately treat
scalp problems. For many years, rosemary has
been combined with olive oil as a way to darken
and strengthen hair by using hot oil treatments.
Mouth care:Rosemary essential
oil is a disinfectant and
is often used as a mouth wash. It also helps in
removing bad breath. Rosemary essential
oil kills oral
bacteria, can also prevent gingivitis, cavities,
plaque build up, and other damaging dental
Skin care: Rosemary essential
oil has antimicrobial and
antiseptic qualities that make it beneficial in
efforts to eliminate eczema, dermatitis, oily
skin, and acne. Topical application of Rosemary essential
oil, or regular massage
with the oil helps in toning your skin and
removing dryness. It can also give your skin a
healthy, even glow when regularly applied, or
when it is a main component of your moisturizers
and other creams.
Boosting mental activity:Rosemary essential
oil is an excellent brain
and nerve tonic. It is often used by students
during exam times because it increases
concentration and helps in studying efficiently.
It stimulates mental activity and is a good
remedy for depression, mental fatigue and
forgetfulness. Inhaling Rosemary essential
oil seems to lift your
spirits immediately. Whenever your brain is
tired, try inhaling a little Rosemary essential
oil to remove boredom and
renew your mental energy.
Stress Relief: Inhaling Rosemary essential
oil has been proven
to actually decrease the level of cortisol in
the saliva. Cortisol is one of the main stress
hormones that are released during the flight or
fight response of the body to stress. Excess
cortisol in the blood that may occur due to
chronic stress can wreak havoc on the body,
including its hormonal balance and the
efficiency of the metabolism. A study released
in 2007 said that inhaling Rosemary essential
oil and lavender
essential oil for five minutes
significantly reduced the levels of cortisol in
the test subjects saliva, which could seriously
decrease the damage from chronic stress.
Immune System Boost:
Studies found that regular use or inhalation
of Rosemary essential
oil in aromatherapy
sessions or in other ways can increase the
strength of the immune system and help combat
all of the diseases associated with free
radicals, including cancer and heart disease.
Pain relief: The ability
of Rosemary essential
oil has been found to
relieve pain for headaches, muscle pains,
rheumatism and even arthritis. Massaging the
affected area that is in pain with Rosemary essential
oil can give quick pain
relief. Vapor baths with Rosemary essential
oil are also found
to be effective in the treatment of rheumatism.
It has certain anti-inflammatory qualities as
well, which makes it very good for relieving the
pain from sprains and joint aches. Furthermore,
it is known to stimulate blood circulation,
which can relieve pain and also aid in
coagulation of wounds for faster healing.
Fun and Informative
Pages on Essential Oils
Essential Oils
are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean
and refresh.
Don't forget prayer and listen to your body
as you take anything. Remember that even
doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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