Garden essencce oils for all your
                        arommatheraapy needs.
September 2021
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most from your life, You need to have good health and a strong belief in yourself.

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more
30% off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! Sale Starts on Monday
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!

30% Off Retail Monday September 1st   
nerve damage essential oil
                                    blend by garden essence Helps
                                    restore nerve damage which is also
                                    the cause of a majority of hearing
                                    loss.  Nerve Damage Essential Oil Blend
Consider for: Helps restore nerve damage which is also the cause of a majority of hearing loss.
30% Off Retail Monday September 6th
grapefrruit lime essential oil  Grapefruit/Lime Essential Oil Blend
Cheering and restorative, lime refreshes a tired mind. Congestion due to colds and spasms or inflammation are eased. Antiseptic and astringent it makes a great deodorant. Headaches, sore throats.

Antiseptic, anti-viral, antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, anticoagulant, aperitif, bactericidal, febrifuge, tonic-restorative.

Our 30% off Retail Sale  Monday September 13th  
  Birch wintergreen
                                                  essential oil
Birch/Wintergreen Essential Oil 
Consider for:   An effective addition to a massage oil for sore muscles, sprains and painful joints because of its' anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
Wintergreen: has a history of use as a pain reliever. It is also believed to increase the speed of healing for skin disorders, and when added to lotions, acts as a natural moisturizer. Respiratory conditions, chronic mucous discharge, joint and muscular problems, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, myalgia, sciatica, lumbago.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday September 20th  on 
orange tangerine essential oil Orange/Tangerine Essential Oil
~ Like most of the citrus family, can be depended upon for refreshing and rejuvenating characteristics. Its aroma clears the mind and can help to eliminate emotional confusion. Aromatherapists also consider it to be very comforting, soothing and warming.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday September 27th  on
 Carpal tunnei essential oil
Carpal Tunnel Essential Oil  Blend
Useful for tennis elbow, carpal tunnel and other muscle and tendon problems.

Contains: Rosemary, Peppermint, Ginger, Ravensara, Sandalwood, Helichrysum.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday October 4th on 
Juniper essential oil by garden
                              essenceJuniper Essential oil
  Muscular/Skeletal: rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica

Cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic: hemorrhoids, aids lymphatic circulation- drainage of toxin accumulation Immune: colds, flu and infection
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday October 11th

My Graine Essential oil by
                                    garden essence oils My Graine Essential Oil
This blend contains oils that help relieve migraines and stress headaches. Also helps with nausea and depression.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday October 18th

 Nite Cap essential oil by
                                    garden essence oils Nite Cap Essential Oil
Relieve nighttime restlessness.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday October 25th

 Alert essential oil by garden
                                    essence oils Alert Essential oil
This blend may help with memory retention and mental alertness; it may even help oxygenate the brain. One may study with this blend and then smell it during the test to help recall what was studied. May be used as a stimulant for low energy and may keep one from going into shock.
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!

5 Practical Tips to Deal with Anxiety
Going Back to School
and Anxiety in General
During this time, you may find there is an increase of Anxiety in everyone. In some way or another.
Essential oils won’t cure your emotional issues (such as depression, anxiety or stress) but they can absolutely help boost
your self-care routine.

 5 practical tips
 Keep a Journal
Journaling comes with a lot of health benefits. From getting to know yourself better, to letting go of negative thoughts, to reducing stress, routinely writing things down is a practical way to manage an anxious mind.

To stop our negative thinking patterns, we must know what they are first! Writing our thoughts and feelings down helps us identify our automatic negative thinking patterns and get to the root of our anxiety.

Try to journal for at least 20 minutes each day. If this is too difficult, don’t be too hard on yourself! The key is to be consistent. Journaling a few times a week is still a step in the right direction. Do the best you can, that will make all the difference.

Don’t worry about spelling errors, or not knowing what to write about; just let it all out! And don’t overthink it either – write everything and anything that comes to mind.

Here are some excellent prompts to help you get started:

Today, I choose to let go of the things I can’t control, including…
I recognize that I don’t need to have all the answers right now. Today, I give myself permission not to know…
Dear inner critic: You always focus on everything I’m doing wrong, but I know I’m doing a lot right, including…
I know I’m strong enough to handle whatever comes at me, because I’ve survived a lot, including…
Instead of worrying about making the “wrong” choices, I trust that no matter what I choose…
Keeping a gratitude journal, and jotting down a few things you are grateful for each day, is another way of coping with anxiety because it puts you in a positive frame of mind by helping you focus on the good in your life.

  The 333 Rule
Think about the last time you were anxious, were your thoughts racing? Yes, they were. One thing that can help with this is to try to bring your thinking back to the present moment. Although this may sound simple to do, it can be challenging and often takes some practice.

Web MD shares a trick to make this process easier. They refer to it as the 333 rule. Here’s how it works:

The next time your anxious thoughts are getting the best of you, do these three things:

Name three things you see
Name three sounds you hear
Move three parts of your body – a finger or toe, for example
This simple and effective rule will help bring your mind to the here and now. And you can take this little trick with you wherever you go!
Orange or Tangerine Essential Oil: Like most of the citrus family, can be depended upon for refreshing and rejuvenating characteristics. Its aroma clears the mind and can help to eliminate emotional confusion.

Avoid Sugar

When things get busy. You tend to eat what’s easiest to prepare and most affordable, which may not leave you with many healthy options. But, if there’s one thing you can do that will make a difference, it’s trying your very best to avoid sugar.

Sugar is terrible for our physical and mental health. And when it comes to anxiety, it can make it worse. The high and crash of sugar can lead you to feel irritable, shaky, and tense. It can also lead to depression and negatively affect your memory and learning.

So what’s a person with a sweet tooth to do? Say goodbye to processed sugar and enjoy healthier alternatives.

Get Outdoors
I know when I’m feeling anxious, spending time outdoors, in nature, helps instantly ease my anxiety. And there have been countless studies on these positive effects.

Research shows that nature does wonders for our well-being – both physical and mental. In addition to helping improve stress, depression, and anxiety, it can also have beneficial academic effects. It can improve attention span, self-discipline, and can even improve symptoms of ADHD.
Alert Essential oil
This blend may help with memory retention and mental alertness; it may even help oxygenate the brain. Reduce ADHD symptoms.

The importance of this is especially crucial if you’re living in an urban area where green space can be hard to come by. Visiting a nearby rural area, or spending time at a smaller local park, can be ways you can still reap the benefits of nature while living in the city.

Even a little time makes a significant impact. Spending even 20 minutes in nature can help reduce stress levels.

Schedule in Me Time

I’ve noticed that when my anxiety is at its worst, there is very little balance in my life. Balance in life is everything.

You’ve always got a million things that need to get done, like by yesterday! And sorry to break it to you, but this is one aspect of life that continues as you get older. Some may even argue it gets harder!

The truth is, it’s very easy to forget about your well-being. Everything else always seems more important. But, taking even a few minutes each day, or an hour a week, whatever you can manage, for YOU, counts.

What is “Me Time”? It’s taking the time to relax. It’s about giving yourself a breather. It’s about unwinding and reducing stress.

Read a chapter from your favorite book, go for a walk, take a nap. “Me Time” includes doing something that brings you joy and helps you de-stress.

Self-care is vital to your well-being. Take care of your physical and mental health by making time for it.

The Takeaway
Dear student,

You got this. school can be tough, but you are tougher.

Turn to these five self-care tips when you’re looking for some guidance:
1 – Keep a Journal
2 – The 333 Rule
3 – Avoid Sugar
4 – Get Outdoors
5- Schedule in Me Time

And, remember, you are not defined by your anxiety. You are a bright, caring human with a heck of a future in front of you.

It’s important to remember that aromatherapy is just one tool in the toolbox to assist with emotional concerns like depression, stress, and anxiety.
Lavender is the quintessential relaxing scent. Use Lavender together with deep, resinous scents like Frankincense to create calm and peace or with lighter citrus notes to provide a lift in mood
This bright, fresh-smelling oil is excellent for brightening mood and lifting spirits. When used with Neroli, Bergamot is one of our favorites for moments of feeling overwhelmed or stressed!
Frankincense is one of the most frequently used oils and when blended with Cedarwood or Sandalwood.  It can be useful to help calm and focus your mind, creating a relaxing and meditative feeling.
An uplifting and balancing essential oil, Geranium is best blended with deep scents like Vetiver or Patchouli. This oil has a very strong, floral scent and when combined with either of those grounding, calming scents can create a very relaxing environment.
Vetiver is a root oil that is jam-packed with therapeutic properties. This oil is known for its ability to promote relaxation and balance. Vetiver is very popular to use before bedtime to help calm the mind. It has a very strong aroma that has an earthy, woodsy, smoky scent, but is pleasant to the senses. Many people swear by Vetiver when it comes to emotional support and mood-boosting properties.
A light, fresh scent that blends beautifully with small amounts of Geranium and Lavender, Roman Chamomile is calming and relaxing, and so nice when used in a bath prior to bed!
It’s important to remember that aromatherapy is just one tool in the toolbox to assist with emotional concerns like depression, stress, and anxiety. A proper diet is another key factor, using herbal preparations is another and finally, plenty of rest can be useful in the reduction of stressful or anxious feelings.

Your Immune System Health and
 Your Overall Well-being.
During the winter months, our bodies can benefit from a little bit of extra attention. The immune system is one of the main engines safeguarding us, so we are happy and healthy.
Immune system health is one of the most important factors in determining our overall well-being. A properly functioning immune system helps our bodies fight off disease and keeps us us happy and healthy. Now more than ever our focus should be on doing everything we can to keep our bodies natural defense system running at peak performance.
The immune system is our bodies defense against a wide variety of pathogens, viruses, and diseases. It is a complex network of cells spread throughout the body that keep a constant lookout for pathogens, viruses, bacteria, or any other organism that could potentially cause us harm. If any of these are detected, the immune system immediately gets to work clearing the unwanted invaders from our system.
Lavender is one of the most widely used essential oils across the globe. Lavender has anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial properties that make it a great addition to our body's natural defense system. Another added benefit of using lavender is its ability to relieve stress, which is often one of the biggest factors in promoting immune system health. Along with relieving stress, Lavender is filled with antioxidants that remove free radicals from our system which are often associated with cell damage, illness, and aging.
Lemon is a great oil to use for detoxification of the body because of the abundance of vitamins and minerals it contains. Since essential oils are the distilled essence of the parent plant, lemon essential oil retains the powerful toxin fighting properties of the fruit itself. In addition to aiding the immune system, lemon can also be used to improve mood and sharpen your focus.
We're all familiar that oregano has powerful healing properties. Like lavender, oregano essential oil is antibacterial, antiviral, and has immune-promoting properties. These properties also make oregano great for fighting infection, an important part of maintaining a healthy immune system.
Tea tree, also known as melaleuca, is one of the most efficient and useful essential oils for immune system support. Tea tree is highly regarded for its outstanding anti-microbial properties and its ability to stimulate the immune system, which helps fight off infection and disease. Tea tree is also one of the more gentle essential oils that you can use, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
Often used in natural cold and flu remedies, Eucalyptus is a wonderful decongestant that can help clear your respiratory tract and prevent infection. Multiple studies have shown that simply inhaling eucalyptus oil helps fight the bacteria that cause infections like strep, tuberculosis, and MRSA.
Rosemary essential oil has potent antibacterial properties that help protect your body. Similar to eucalyptus oil, rosemary essential oil has a positive effect on protecting you from airway illnesses. Because of its high percentage of 1,8-cineole, has an anti-inflammatory effect on airway illnesses.
On top of that, the oil has fortifying qualities boosting the immune system because of its psychological benefits. Research shows the feel-good properties of rosemary; reducing cortisol-levels and so increasing the strength of your immune system
Clove essential oil is one of the most robust antibacterial essential oils. Its high percentage of eugenol, generally between 70-76%, supports strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties that cleanse harmful molecules from the air. It’s suggested that clove essential oil promotes the regeneration of specific cells and protein associated with the immune system and inflammation.


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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
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Nature's Way

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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