March Essential Oils for your aromatherapy
                        needs health.

May 2021
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most from your life, You need to have good health and a strong belief in yourself.

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more
30% off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! Sale Starts on Monday
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!

Our 30% off Retail Sale  Monday May 4th  
Clarity essential
                                                  oil blend by garden
                                                  essence oils
Clarity Essential Oil  Ble3nd
Consider for: Heightens Concentration & Mental Alertness
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday May 10th  on 
Grounding essential oil blend by garden
                            essence oils Grounding Essential Oil
~ This blend helps to create a feeling of protection, empowerment and grounding. In addition it is anti-bacterial and very soothing to the respiratory system
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday May 17th  on
 uplifting essential oil blend by
                                  garden essence oils
Uplifting Essential Oil  Blend
Incredibly beautiful blend of oils.  It is extremely uplifting, refreshing, arousing. It is very beneficial for skin problems of any kind. It also works for some menopausal problems.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday May 24th  on 
Healing essential oil blend by garden
                              essence oilsHealing Essential oil Blend
The strong anti-septic properties of the single oils in this blend make it excellent for cleansing and healing cuts, bruises, insect bites, cold sores, canker sores, tissue regeneration, and candida.
Helps with infection & fungus.
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!
 Our 30% off Retail For May 31st
Pest away
                                                    essential oil blend
                                                    bygarden essence
                                                    oils  Pest Away Essential Oil Blend
Effective for you & pets. and also helps with the insect bites.  (Swelling & itching)

Contains:  Citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus, peppermint or without Catnip which is 10 times more effective than Deet.

Summertime fun in the Sun!
Protect yourself Naturally

Summertime means fun in the sun! Try these remedies using creamy, luxurious skin care oils and herbs to protect our skin from sun damage and wrinkles. Get ready for bathing suit season with essential oil skin treatments that help to rid your body of unsightly cellulite while restoring a healthy, natural glow.  My favorite skin care delight is African Shea Butter, a natural sunblock.  Ready to use right from the jar, to smooth those rough patches on heels and elbows, or cream it with luxurious tamanu oil for an easy, summer skin cream that rivals any overpriced store-bought lotion you can buy. Another no fuss summer skin rescue remedy is coconut oil , a wonderfully rich skin care oil that is readily absorbed into the skin, perfect for rehydrating skin after a day in the sun. Buy only cold pressed, virgin unrefined, coconut oil.

You will want to stock up on natural insect repellents like Pest AwayBug Stick, Critter Shieldlemongrass and catnip, eucalyptus, and neem oil to keep the mosquitoes, flies and other biting insects at bay. Replenish your home first aid kit and make sure you have plenty of witch hazel, aloe, lavender and tea tree oil on hand to treat sunburns, scrapes and bites.

The Digestive Tract Needs a Little Spring-Cleaning
Essential oils can be massaged in a carrier oil over the abdomen in a clockwise direction to help assimilate food and improve metabolic functioning. Some oils that are good for digestion are ginger, anise, fennel, chamomile, thyme, basil, cardamom, and hyssop.
The Liver is the largest gland of the body dealing with many different functions from metabolism, synthesis and storage of nutrients, detoxification, balance of hormonal levels, heat production and secretion of bile.

Headaches, eye strain, muscle spasms, joint pain and menstrual problems can also be related to a liver issue since the liver governs these tissues so any toxicity in the liver can lead to problems in these areas. When imbalanced the liver can cause referred pain to the right shoulder, neck and scapula.

Emotionally, there can be restlessness with liver dysfunction, an inability to get things done and general agitation. One may feel aimless, compulsive and may tend to complain a lot. Liver stagnation can lead to stagnation in one’s life. The emotion most associated with the liver is anger.

After winter, we often feel many of these issues, so a good liver flush is always advisable. And to assist and liver cleansing, essential oils are very handy. Massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction with essential oils in a carrier oil can encourage detoxification of the liver. A gentle rocking massage motion on the liver will help to mobilize and strengthen the organ. Essential oils to help with detoxifying the liver and rubbed with a carrier oil over the liver would be; Carrot seed oil, grapefruit, helichrysum, LGD blend, linden blossom, mandarin, and of course peppermint and ravintsara to just name a few.

Salt baths with essential oils are another way of detoxing the body. Mixing essential oils in an oil is also an effective way of relieving the pain and discomfort from muscle spasms, which may be caused by a dysfunctional liver. And of course general massage to the whole body can stimulate the production of red blood cells, cleanse the acids from the tissues and balance the psyche of an irritated liver condition. Essential oils that can be used are:

Helichrysum, is a wonderful oil for a tired and sluggish liver. It helps stimulate production and regeneration of new blood cells. It is also effective in detoxifying people from drugs and tobacco.
Lemon, is a great cleanser, both internally and out. The liver loves fresh lemon juice squeezed in water and drunk daily. The essential oil can be rubbed on externally and absorbed into the blood, which then rejuvenates and clears out stagnation in the liver. It promotes healthy blood cells and tissue growth.
Cypress, is warming and uplifting – just what a fatigued liver needs! It aids in relieving achy muscles, abdominal cramps and any menstrual challenges. It also soothes menopausal symptoms (remember one of the liver’s function is balancing hormones).
Clary sage, helps with menopausal symptoms and can help ease nervousness and anxiety. Clary has the ability to bring up anger to be released (remember liver’s emotion is anger) so it is often wise to only use clary when it is appropriate to vent emotion.
Chamomile, Lavender and Rose are all essential oils to help calm down the liver’s anxiety and aggression. They all help relieve headaches, migraines, pains in the body and most liver complaints by soothing tensions and alleviating stress.
Rosemary enlivens the spirits and stimulates the mind and body. It is a liver and gallbladder stimulant and detoxifier.
The liver is all about action, movement and goal orientation. It is in this season that you can take stock and make choices as to what appropriate actions are to be taken.
The liver energy offers insight, vision and clarity. Indeed the Chinese say that the “liver opens to the eyes”, meaning that when you have a clear liver not only do you have foresight and intuitive vision, but also that you will see clearly on a physical level. When there is an imbalance in the liver, very often the eyesight suffers as well.

Natural Insect Repellent Recipe
A number of essential oils also act as natural insect repellents. These oils include Citronella, Catnip, Lavender, Lemongrass and Eucalyptus, Pest Away, Bug Stick,
I love spending time outdoors, especially in the warmer months, but mosquitoes and other flying/biting insects can ruin the best of outdoor occasions. Synthetic insect repellents are known to cause irritation and sensitivity in some people, are toxic and can be harmful to the environment. Read here on the dangers of DEET and the effectiveness of catnip > >
This insect repellent has a pleasant aroma, and can be quite effective in keeping the little itchy critters away. Of course, your particular usage and body chemistry can potentially affect your results.
4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist setting (do not use a bottle that previously contained cleaning products or hair products such as hair spray).
1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of grain alcohol such at ever clear ( isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not). Alternatively, you may omit the alcohol and increase the amount of distilled water to 3 ounces
15 drops Citronella
10 lavender
10 eucalyptus
5 drops lemongrass

Or just add a few drops of our already blended - Pest Away essential oil blend
 or Bug Stick essential Oil Roll on, or Critter Shield.

1. To Use: Shake the bottle before each use. Essential oils do not fully dissolve in water and alcohol and will settle. If you do not shake the bottle, you risk having concentrated droplets of essential oil irritate your skin, or damage fabric.
Mist onto your skin and clothing and reapply as necessary.

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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Hanna Kroeger's  products

Grandma's Herbs

Nature's Way

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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