March Essential Oils for your aromatherapy
                        needs health.

April 2021
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most from your life, You need to have good health and a strong belief in yourself.

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more
30% off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! Sale Starts on Monday
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!

Our 30% off Retail Sale  Monday April 5th  
Pain anti
                                                  inflammatory essential
                                                  oil blend by garden
                                                  essence oils
Pain Anti Inflammatory  Essential Oil

~ The oils in this blend were selected specifically for their ability to relax, calm, relieve tension, spastic muscles, sports injuries, fatigue, stress, headaches
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday April 12th  on 
Rosemary essential oil by
                                    gardenn essencce oilsRosemary Essential Oil
Consider for: anticatarrh, anti-infectious, bactericide (staph aureus, white; strep; E.coli –respiratory, urinary-), expectorant, fungicide (candida) immune stimulant: colds, flu.
Age old remedy for apathy and gloom , it warms the spirit and boosts confidence, enhances memory and revives freshness, faith and love.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday April 19th  on
 Anti spasmodic essential oil
                                  blend consider for relax calm relieve
                                  tension spastic muscles sports
                                  injuries fatigue stress headachesAnti Spasmodic Essential Oil Blend
The oils in this blend were selected specifically for their ability to relax, calm, relieve tension, spastic muscles, sports injuries, fatigue, stress, headaches.
Our 30% off Retail Starts Monday April 27th  on 
Tea Tree Essential Oil
                                      consider for anti bacteria, anti
                                      fungal, for teeth health by garden
                                      essence oils.Tea Tree Essential Oil
Consider for: Powerful antiseptic, antiviral, antirheumatic, powerful antispasmodic anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, deodorant, expectorant, fungicidal, insect repellent, purifying
Immune: colds, fevers, infections as zona (herpes), chicken pox, aids recuperation from long illness,
Muscular/Skeletal: arthritis, rheumatism; muscle & joint aches & pains, injuries and sprains.
Check in every Monday to see the new Essential Oil of the Week!
 Our 30% off Retail For May  April 3rd
                                                    essential oil blend
                                                    consider for
                                                    clarity, memory by
                                                    garden essence oils  Clarity Essential Oil Blend
Heightens Concentration & Mental Alertness, and so much more....
Rosemary, Age old remedy for apathy and gloom , it warms the spirit and boosts confidence, enhances memory and revives freshness, faith and love.
Basil, Good for digestion, anti-inflammatory, fights free radical activity, Skin Benefits, Fights Depression, Helps Detoxify the Body, Promote healthy gut.
Petitgrain.  is good for maintaining the moisture and oil balance of the skin as well as for treating acne, pimples, abnormal sweating (for those who suffer from nervousness), dryness and cracking of the skin.  Greatest benefits of Petitgrain oil is its ability to promote relaxing feelings.

Essential Oils For Spring
Spring is a beautiful time of the year with flowers and trees blooming. With longer days and warmer weather, it is a good time to renew your mental and health goals and refresh your home. Try some of these essential oils for spring.
Roman Chamomile essential oil
°It's soft and calming aroma is reminiscent of a beautiful spring bouquet
°Relaxes and acts as a mild sedative
°Reinstates a sense of comfort and belonging
°Helps calm and soothe irritated skin

Geranium Essential Oil
°With flowers blooming all around, geranium is a perfect scent for the season
°A favorite in perfumes and skincare
°Promotes patience and serenity
°Brings balance during menopause

Rosemary Essential Oil
°Strong, fresh, and herbaceous scent
°Helps with focus, attention, and memory
°Smelling rosemary may ease your stress levels
°Boosts alertness and energy

Lavender Essential Oil
While it is wonderful all year long, this versatile oil is fabulous in the spring
Called the “mothering oil” for its ability to bring comfort and stability in times of crisis
°Calms strong emotions when feeling fearful
°Its restorative properties make it a wonderful first aid oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil
°The earthy aroma of tea tree oil brings a powerful punch to germs
°One of the most powerful disinfectants
°Assists with a wide variety of respiratory ailments
°Cleanses toxic emotions that disrupt the well-being of the body
Tea Tree Essential Oil is a powerful antiseptic known for its effectiveness against bacteria and fungi that can lead to infection. This tea tree oil foot soak recipe will not only fight these foes but it also has strong deodorizing action that can combat stinky feet odors.
°Easing aching muscle and joint pain (exercise or arthritis related)
°Softening cracked heels and soothing dry skin
°Reducing swelling and inflammation
°Decreasing foot odor
°Assists with fungal infections and ingrown toenails
Soaking feet in tea tree oil is a great way to pamper feet and keep them healthy.

1/4 cup Epsom salt
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
4 drops tea tree oil
8-10 cups hot water
Foot Basin
Directions: Add oils and salt together in a mixing bowl and blend together. Add the blend to a foot bath basin. Pour hot water that is to your comfort level into a foot basin and stir to disperse. Soak feet for 15 minutes or until warm water becomes tepid.

Lemon Essential Oil
°Nothing says clean like the smell of lemons, perfect for spring cleaning
°Refreshes and uplifts an overburdened mind
°Provides a sense on assuredness, especially useful during decision making
°Lifts feelings of sluggishness

Tangerine Essential Oil
°The fresh and sweet smell of tangerine is so cleansing and uplifting
°Supports the immune system
°Reduces nervous tension
°Its bright aroma helps clear the mind

Grapefruit Essential Oil
°Bright & happy scent of grapefruit makes smiles
°Uplifts mood & relieves tension
°Promotes feelings of vitality
°Supports a healthy relationship with body
°Inspires positive energy

Cedarwood Essential Oil
°The fresh and woodsy aroma is like a spring walk or outdoor fun
°Imparts a sense of wisdom and strength
°Eases insomnia caused by stress-related problems
°Supports a healthy respiratory system

Bergamot Essential Oil
°So uplifting and refreshing to the body and mind
°A favorite oil to stabilize mood
°Promotes a sense of vitality throughout the mind and body
°Its sedative action makes it useful for agitation and insomnia

Lime Essential Oil
°Renews the mind and spirit
°Offers a Stimulating effect when apathetic toward life
°Promotes mental clarity and alertness
°Brings a sense of excitement to life

Clary Sage Essential Oil
°Let this sweet but herbaceous oil uplift your emotions
°Allows creative inspiration to flow
°Considered an aphrodisiac, helps restore libido
°Supports women’s health
Therapeutic Benefits:
°Menstrual problems, °menstrual cramp, °endometriosis, °premenstrual syndrome, °hot flashes, °muscular aches and pains, °muscular fatigue, °muscular spasm, °excessive perspiration, °headaches, °loss  of concentration, °memory, °insomnia, °nervousness, °depression, °anxiety stress, °psychological stress
Make Your Own Spring Blends
Allergy Relief
Seasonal allergies and hay fever can really make life uncomfortable, try this trio of essential oils for assistance.

3 drops Lavender
3 drop Peppermint
3 drops Lemon
Spring Rain Diffuser Recipe
The day after a spring rain shower is so renewing, don't you think? This Spring Essential Oil Blend is simple but wonderful, give it a try.

3 drops Vetiver
3 drops Lemon

Five Essential Oils that May Improve Mental Health
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment method that has been used for emotional and physical ailments since ancient times.
Depression can affect the way you feel, how you think, and the way you act. Although it’s a mood disorder, depression can cause both physical and emotional symptoms.
Frankincense has been said to help lift mood and balance hormones, especially in women.
One study which used frankincense alongside other oils known to promote relaxation found that the combination was effective in alleviating depression for terminally ill patients, and may have helped with pain management as well. 
Another study conducted found that frankincense stimulates the portion of the brain that regulates emotions, in addition to activating a protein that plays a role in the perception of warmth. These effects together can create a sense of comfort and peace.
Lavender Essential Oil has a soft, pleasant smell that helps create a sense of calm. A study conducted in dental offices found that patients waiting anxiously for procedures felt more at ease when lavender was diffused in the room.  Women in labor are often encouraged to use lavender essential oil by doulas and midwives to help ease nervousness and anxiety.
Cedarwood Essential Oil has been found to have stress-relieving properties, especially for those who experience high stress at work or school.  Inhaling cedarwood at work was shown in one study to improve performance and promote focus. A study conducted on rats that have yet to enter into human trials confirmed that cedarwood may be useful in treating symptoms of depression.
Chamomile Essential Oil is often used to treat many physical symptoms that are associated with inflammation.  Chamomile acts as an anti-inflammatory and can restore balance to aggravated bodily systems. Additionally, chamomile has been shown to ward off symptoms of depression and help increase motivation.  Chamomile is especially recommended when anxiety and depression are causing digestive issues, as it may help promote relaxation while also alleviating inflammation in the gut.
Grapefruit Essential Oil has an uplifting and invigorating effect and may help you feel more energized.  It is also commonly recommended to help fight cravings when in recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol.  People in early sobriety often battle a wide range of mental health issues and withdrawal symptoms that may last for weeks or months.  Essential oil therapy is a holistic method that may be added to an addiction treatment program to help increase the chances of success and promote lasting wellness.
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

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Grandma's Herbs

Nature's Way

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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