Garden Essence Oils 
Quality Essential Oils.
November 2020
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
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30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see
the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full November list Below

Life is demanding — the key to adrenal balance is to allow yourself more restorative relaxation time
 and sleep.
Your adrenal glands are responsible for how you cope with stress. If you’re trying to juggle a job, family and the demands of everyday life, you are likely to have overworked adrenals.
Cortisol, the “stress hormone” is produced by the adrenal glands and regulates your body’s response to stress. It works on a schedule — good sleep, starting at 10 pm, maximizes adrenal hormone function.
Out of balance cortisol levels lead to:
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Aches and pains
  • Mood swings
  • Hair loss
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling exhausted in the afternoon
  • Dizziness
  • Low libido
  • Inability to handle stress
  • Blood sugar issues
  • Craving for salt
  • Low daytime energy but awake at night
  • Tired but wired feeling
A simplified version of what happens is that stress, if not properly dealt with, causes imbalances in hormones in the body.

Basil essential oil and Peppermint essential oil working together, increases the body’s natural response to both physical and emotional stress, while conditioning you to cope better.

Basil essential oil soothes feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion. Rub a couple of drops of basil oil daily into your forearms or your ear’s adrenal gland point at the tragus (the cartilage above your ear lobe) to bring balance to your adrenals.

Peppermint essential oil along with Basil essential oil, can help calm the mind. The two, together work to to boost your mood, focus, and energy levels.

Anise is a powerful antidepressant. To fight thyroid imbalance symptoms like fatigue and depression, rub a drop of anise oil diluted in a carrier oil in your hands and rub together to warm. Inhale the warm scent for a mood boost.

Lavender  and Rosemary
Lavender and Rosemary enhance free-radical scavenging activity - and decrease the stress hormone, cortisol, which protects the body from oxidative stress.
Here Are Some Ways To Incorporate Essential Oils
Into Your Routine For Addressing Adrenal Fatigue

Morning Routine with Essential Oils For Adrenal Fatigue
During your morning shower, rub the area around your kidneys (your lower back is close enough) with a washcloth to activate the adrenals. After a bit of massage in that area, turn your back away from the water and then massage a few drops of diluted essential oil in a carrier oil, of, Basil - Peppermint combo - or Anise oil in the same area. Massage and breathe deeply as the aroma fills your shower. These oils mimic adrenal hormones and can help stimulate the adrenal cortex, giving a natural energy boost to your morning.
Evening Routine with Essential Oils
A warm bath, warm forehead compress, or heated neck wrap with a few essential oils is perfect to calm and soothe your system and cue your relaxation response. Try essential oils like lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense or rose.
Life is demanding — the key to adrenal balance is to allow yourself more restorative relaxation time and sleep. Improve the quality of your sleep with lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, or rose  aromatherapy.
Stress comes in so many forms:  emotional burdens, difficult relationships, financial pressures, discontentment with a job, poor diet, illness, care-giving, not enough sleep… The list goes on and on.

So whatever form(s) stress takes for you, take every measure possible to reduce or eliminate it.
Get Grounded
Our bodies are bombarded with constant, but invisible, electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) from the modern world — wifi, TV, cell phones, power lines, and more. As necessary as these devices are, they also harm our body's electrical energy, especially when we're surrounded by them all the time.

The Earth, however, has a negative charge that “cancels out” the harmful effects of EMFs.
 Those who suffer from adrenal insufficiency can often describe a feeling of not being grounded — almost as if they feel disconnected from themselves, from others, and from the earth. And it's no wonder… We spend so much time inside, in front of screens, carrying our phones in our pockets, in our cars — basically surrounded by EMFs!

Spending time outside is of utmost importance when healing any ailment or dysfunction in the body. It's even better if you can take off your shoes and connect with the earth.
Easy and free ways to do this

Go for a barefoot walk — even better if the grass is wet — at least three times per week.
Swim in natural, wild water — lakes, rivers, the ocean, anything that isn't a swimming pool!
Lay outside in the sunshine, on a beach, on a rock — take a nap or read and don't hurry this!
Sit with your bare feet in the grass or on natural rocks. Put your toes in the sand.
Grounding refers to a state of being in our world on multiple levels:
Physically grounded – our connection to Earth
Emotionally grounded – where our thoughts and emotions move freely and without restriction
Spiritually grounded – where our connection to our “spirit” or “source” is open and abundant
Essential Oils For Grounding
Many of the grounding oils come from trees, barks and resins, which makes logical sense. We know that trees are intrinsically grounded through their root structure into the Earth.

Consider using Cypress if you feel fear, perfectionism, rigidity and the need for control. Cypress can create an energetic flow, allowing you to let go of the past and move on with life.  It helps to create flexibility to your life.  Also consider Cypress if your breath is shallow.  It can help you take a really deep breath and bring more oxygen into the body.

Myrrh provides a connection to our Mother Earth. When we feel unsafe in the world, have distrust of others and feel alienated, Myrrh can assist us through this energy to feel safe and secure. It can help re-unite the spiritual with the physical, building a bridge between Heaven and Earth and strengthening the link between the base and crown chakras (energy centers).  It may help instill a deep tranquillity of the mind, soothing and grounding the intellect. It is one of the principal oils to consider for over thinking, worry and mental distraction.
Clary Sage may help with fatigue and shallow breathing by deepening the breath by opening the chest when it feels tight or constricted.

Thyme may help stimulate the lungs (consider for shallow breathing).  It is a traditional remedy for melancholy as it helps open the chest area.  Thyme is indicated for nervous debility and chronic anxiousness.
We may also become Un-grounded
Through illogical thought patterns, stress and anxiousness
So essential oils that help with such conditions should also be considered.
Grounding   Consider if you feel, disconnected, scattered , ungrounded, unstable or unwilling to take responsibility for self or life.  It may help with calming hyperactive people, grounding and teaching perseverance by staying present with a specific plan until completed.  In addition it is anti-bacterial and very soothing to the respiratory system.

  The beauty of this blend lies in its ability to ground us mentally, calming the mind and bringing us back to the present moment – the “now”.  Consider this blend if you find you are daydreaming, easily distracted and scattered or lack physical presence or awareness.

Self-care - You Really Should Take Care of Yourself.
 You take care of those around you.

Regularly taking the time, even in small and simple ways, to nurture and take care of yourself is crucial to your well-being.
It’s not selfish.  The more you nurture yourself, the better you are at supporting others.
There are different types of self-care
Physical Self-Care
Often when people think of self-care, they think of the physical kind.  Taking care of our bodies is a significant component of self-care, but it doesn’t have to include a vigorous exercise routine.  Let’s face it, the word exercise can be intimidating, especially if we’re already feeling so busy in our everyday lives.  The thought of adding yet another new task to our schedule can feel incredibly overwhelming.

The key to self-care is it should be something you enjoy.  If it starts to feel like an obligation, then it may start adding to your stress levels, as opposed to reducing them.

Eating more Fruits and veggies
Drinking more water
Going for a walk during your lunch hour
Zumba or Yoga
Going for a run
Going for a bike ride
Grounding with Essential Oils:
Beautiful Garden, Grounding, Angel,  and Composure.
Emotional Self-Care
Emotional self-care is about becoming more in tune with our emotions.  It’s about checking in with yourself, becoming more mindful of your triggers and thinking patterns, and finding ways to work through them, rather than bottling them up inside.

It’s okay to cry, to laugh, to feel angry – it’s okay to feel exactly the way you are feeling.  Emotional self-care helps you learn to have more compassion for yourself and your emotions.

Journaling – writing down our feelings can help us better understand them
Practicing mindfulness and meditation – learning to be more present
Setting more boundaries – it’s okay to say no
Being creative – express your emotions through painting, writing, cooking, etc.
Starting a gratitude journal – focusing on what you’re grateful for can sometimes help put things into better perspective
Working on changing your negative self-talk – practice replacing the negative with positive self-talk
Essential Oils to Consider:
 Happy MemoriesForgiveness, Here and Now,
Spiritual Self-Care
Spiritual self-care nourishes your soul, helps you find inner peace, and gives you a greater understanding of life beyond yourself.  This self-care doesn’t necessarily have to relate to religion, although it can be religious for some people.

This connection to something bigger than yourself can help you find purpose and meaning in life. It can give you the courage to push through when times get difficult and inspire hope time and time again.

Practicing meditation
Spending time in nature
Writing in a gratitude journal
Donating to a charity or cause you believe in
Essential Oils
 HumilityGain, Inspiration, Tranquility
Intellectual Self-Care
We often neglect to care for our intellectual well-being.  This type of self-care includes doing something you enjoy that nourishes and challenges your mind.  It expands your knowledge.

Intellectual self-care can involve figuring out what your current talents/strengths are and developing them further. It can also include learning a new skill.

Since this type of self-care helps you learn more about your skills and interests, it can be useful when deciding which career you are passionate about the most.

Reading a book
Completing a puzzle
Learning a new language
Taking a course on something that interests you
Watching a documentary on a topic you’re interested in
Essential Oils
 OasisInner Self, Security
Social Self-Care
Humans, by nature, are social beings. We like to feel connected with others. This type of self-care may look different for introverts and extroverts – because our levels of comfort in social situations differ. But, a connection is essential to us all. Having a support system of individuals we can trust, and nourishing these relationships can be an example of this self-care.

Spending time with loved ones
Going to lunch with a friend
Joining a yoga class, or any class that interests you and that you can meet new people
Reconnecting with an old friend
Striking up a conversation with someone at the coffee shop when you pick up your morning coffee
Essential Oils
Vitality, AngelGain, Belief.
Sensory Self-Care
Sensory self-care helps you nourish your senses – sight, smell, touch, and sound. It is an effective way of bringing your mind to the present moment and helping you lower your stress levels. Living in the present moment helps you better cope with any past and future worry you may be feeling. These simple, yet powerful self-care activities can be effective ways of becoming more mindful and soothing an anxious, overwhelmed mind.

Burning your favorite scented candle
Taking a warm bath with your favorite scented bath bomb
Spending time in nature
Listening to soothing music
Walking barefoot on the grass
Essential Oils
Rose, Uplifting,   Winter Silk,                              
As you can see, some activities can serve multiple types of self-care.

The truth is, self-care may look different to each of us, there is no one-size-fits-all formula.

One self-care activity may help me, while another may help you. The key is to be intentional in making the time and effort to invest in your wellness.

Encouraging Better Health With Thyme
Thyme  is more than just a seasoning for turkey and has an exceptionally long history of use. Even the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians burned the herb in places of importance such as temples because the oils in the smoke had antimicrobial or purifying qualities.
Thyme is also known to work well for congestion and chest colds because of its expectorant properties. It helps break up mucus and has even been used to assist with conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory-related illnesses.
Make Thyme Tea: Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 teaspoon of dried Thyme or 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Sage and Thyme are strong.
Thyme   has antiseptic qualities. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties that are just the ticket when you’re dealing with general cold or flu symptoms.

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
30% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday November 2nd
 thyme essential oil by garden essence
Thyme Essential Oil
Consider For: Thyme is known to work well for congestion and chest colds because of its expectorant properties. It helps break up mucus and has even been used to assist with conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory-related illnesses.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday November 9th

peppermint essential oil by
                                  garden essence oils  Peppermint Essential Oil 
Peppermint essential oil is effective for preventing fatigue and improving exercise performance.
Enhances our receptive capacities on the mental and spiritual level, instills inspiration and insight. Said to bring dreams of prophecy and develop emotional tolerance. 
Relieves aches and pains, itchiness, inflammation and soothes migraines. Activates lymph and increases circulation and white blood cell count.

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday November 15th on
 Appitite Balance essential
                                      oil blend 
Appetite Balance /Digestion
Essential oil Blends
Appetite Balance - Consider for: This blend  is a great weight loss oil because it promotes the process of lipolysis. Lipolysis is a process in the body that breaks down stored fat into two main components, glycerol and fatty acids for energy.
Digestion Consider for:  getting your digestion back on track. There are many studies that show the essential oils in this blend are excellent choices to bring about healthy digestion.
Our digestive tract is crucial to our immune system. It is here where the body’s own bacteria distinguishes the good from the bad.

Our 20% Off Retail Starts Monday November 23rd
Digestion essential oil blend 
20% Off All Oils Essential Oils
This Week All Oils 20% Off Retail
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday November 30th

Energy essential oil Energy Essential oil  Blend
Consider For:

Life can get really busy. You could be working on last-minute Holiday deadlines.
Energy essential Oil Blend can do wonderful things for our energy while simultaneously supplementing happiness, stress reduction, and overall well-being along the way.


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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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