Garden Essence Oils 
Quality Essential Oils.
October 2020
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
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30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see
the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full October list Below

Respiratory Sinus Relief
With poor air quality, runny noses, and seasonal pollen influxes and other respiratory concerns, children can be coughing for a lot of reasons. As parents, it’s hard to see and hear our children suffering from coughs and discomfort. Respiratory Sinus Relief was carefully crafted with just that in mind: helping our young ones, and the whole family, stay happy and healthy.
 Diluted in a carrier and applied as a DIY vapor rub, this blend helps clear your Little’s airway.
Vapor Rub DIY
What you’ll need:

3 Tbsp carrier oil
0.5 oz Beeswax Pearls
36 drops Respiratory Sinus Relief
2-oz tin or jar
What you’ll do:

Melt beeswax and carrier oil over a double boiler. Remove from heat, stir in Respiratory Sinus Relief Essential Oil Blend. Pour into a 2-oz tin and allow it to harden. Rub onto your chest to help soothe coughs and ease breathing.

Lung Health
You may think that air pollution is something that doesn’t really affect you. However, the sad truth of modern life is that practically all countries and societies on Earth are now under threat from this invisible menace. In 2016, the World Health Organization found that 92% of the world’s population is breathing in bad air. Tiny toxic particles which can penetrate deep into the lungs and cardiovascular system are now responsible for more than 6 million deaths per year.
People with sensitive or compromised respiratory systems react badly to inhaling pollutants and exhibit immediate symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing and weepy eyes.
Research undertaken by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has found that air pollution can worsen asthma symptoms. A recent study showed that sufferers were 40% more likely to experience acute asthma episodes on high pollution in summer days. Others with more robust respiratory systems may ultimately experience reduced lung function with long-term exposure to pollutants.
Mother nature has thankfully and thoughtfully provided us with a whole host of plants, which can help mitigate the negative effects that air pollution has on the human body. In fact, most herbs that are promoted for their health benefits today have been used in home remedies for centuries. Herbs and medicines created with herbal compounds can benefit pollution sufferers by:

•easing chest and nasal congestion

•soothing irritated airways

•suppressing symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and swollen glands

•providing antihistamine and anti-oxidant qualities
Which herbs can help and how?
Helps to ease congestion and thin mucus. Due to its anti-spasmodic quality, it’s used in over the counter medicine for treating bronchitis, resulting in deeper and easier breathing.
It is contained in Dr. Christophers Sinus Plus      .
The incredible healing properties of eucalyptus were well known in many local aboriginal communities, who had used it for time untold to heal wounds, stave off infections and create infusions that ease congestion, colds and fevers when inhaled. Most modern cough and congestion treatments now contain eucalyptus.
It also is a common ingredient in many liquid soaps and antiseptic sprays due to its powerful germicidal properties. Simply placing 1-3 drops of eucalyptus oil into a bowl of hot water and breathing in the steam can help to clear stuffy nasal passages, dilate the bronchioles in your lungs and help shift some of that sticky mucus out of your system. This plant also encourages secretion of sweat glands, which help to reduce fevers.
The antioxidant and secretolytic (mucus clearing) traits in lungwort may be beneficial to boosting lung health.
It is commonly used as a respiratory aid for its ability to reduce irritation in airways and for its soothing properties. Lungwort’s role as an effective agent for respiratory relief is partly due to its incredible antioxidative powers.
Is packed full of powerful nutrients that can give your immune system a boost and contains certain compounds containing anti-histamine and decongestive properties. To relieve a pollution-induced headache, try rubbing a small amount of oregano oil on your temples and forehead.
Research asserts that this humble herb is almost as strong as morphine in the painkilling game.
The herb owes its healing properties to two specific compounds called inulin and alantolactone. When the linings of the bronchial tubes are swollen and red, it can be very difficult and painful to breathe. Inulin soothes the tubes, while alantolactone cleanses the congestion making breathing easier.
Garlic The anti-inflammatory properties along with a high level of allicin helps to fight infections and reduces inflammation. Garlic has also been considered by many as being an effective remedy in improving asthma and can help to reduce the risk of lung cancer.
The menthol contained in peppermint can soothe your respiratory tract. Menthol, which is the main chemical component of peppermint, acts as an effective decongestant. Decongestants are known to shrink swollen membranes in the nose, making it easier to breathe. Menthol is also an expectorant, meaning it has the ability to loosen and bring up mucus from the lungs. As peppermint is an anti-histamine and anti-oxidant, it is effective in fighting congested airways and also combats many harmful organisms invading your airways.
 An apple is healthy, loaded with nutrients, high energy, high fiber, low calorie food. Its flavonoids and the wide variety of vitamins, and antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, helps us to maintain a strong immune system and a healthy respiratory system. When we have healthy respiratory functions, we can fight off lung diseases and prevent them naturally.
The lungs are self-cleaning organs that will begin to heal themselves

A person’s chest may feel full, congested, or inflamed. Mucus gathers in the lungs to catch microbes and pathogens, which contributes to this feeling of heaviness.
You could try
Steam Therapy
Steam therapy, or steam inhalation, involves inhaling water vapor to open the airways and help the lungs drain mucus.
You may notice symptoms worsening in cold or dry air. This climate can dry out the mucous membranes in the airways and restrict blood flow.
Steam adds warmth and moisture to the air, which may improve breathing and help loosen mucus inside the airways and lungs. Inhaling water vapor can provide immediate relief and help people breathe more easily.
Adding a few drops of essential oils like, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, or Thyme is beneficial as well.

Disinfecting cleaner ingredients should not sound
like a chemistry lab.
Nor should you have to spend a bunch of money on “natural” cleaners. With a few simple ingredients, you can whip up an effective essential oil disinfectant spray that’s safe for all types of surfaces.
DIY Essential Oils Disinfecting Spray
3/4 cup distilled water.
1/4 cup white vinegar.
8 ounces spray bottle.
funnel (optional)
7 drops lavender essential oil.
7 drops tea tree essential oil.
or Clean Bath blend, Multi Clean blend.
The lavender and tea tree essential oils both have natural disinfecting properties. Both are in Our "Clean Line". Tea tree oil is also antiviral and antifungal. It’s often used to treat minor skin scrapes and fungal skin infections. Tea tree oil can be a bit pungent on its own, but the lavender complements the oil’s piney fragrance.

If you are not a fan of vinegar, you can substitute it with rubbing alcohol or vodka. If you decide to swap out the vinegar, be sure to test a small area on your surfaces. The alcohol or vodka may not be suitable for all surfaces. Honestly, the vinegar is not really noticeable with the essential oils and dissipates quickly. Either way, vinegar and alcohol are also germ killers and will help the surface dry quickly with no streaks.

Use distilled water for all your DIY cleaning supplies. Distilled water is stripped of contaminants and any natural minerals. This is a good thing! Using distilled water in cleaning applications will not leave any mineral residue on your surfaces. You can get a gallon of it at your grocery store for less than a dollar.

Who doesn’t want to rid their home
of infectious bacteria and viruses
 Many people purchase chemical-laced cleaners to clean with, but in doing so they may be doing more harm than good. Instead, you can eliminate bacteria and viruses with natural essential oils. These antiviral essential oils can help lift you up emotionally and it can lead to faster healing too!
Tea tree essential oil is incredibly useful for killing topical and airborne bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, Tea tree is a natural antiseptic and anti-fungal oil which can kill mold. It is ideal to use Tea tree to treat fungus infections, to eliminate the growth of mold, and to destroy viruses and bacteria.
To create an even more potent formula, combine it with eucalyptus essential oil. This mixture is known to kill E. coli and to fight staff infections.
Peppermint has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties and is an ingredient in massage and chest rubs used to reduce the symptoms of the common cold. In test tubes, peppermint essential oil kills many types of fungi, viruses and bacteria.

With all of its antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, peppermint essential oil is an excellent way to boost your immune system, as well. It comprises compounds such as camphor, carvacrol and menthol which are resistant to many perilous strains of bacteria such as E. coli, staph infections and salmonella.

Furthermore, peppermint is a great essential oil for purifying the air in your home. It is effective at killing germs and has a fresh, minty scent which is uplifting and refreshing

Peppermint essential oil is an amazing natural cleaning agent. Its impressive antiseptic properties can be attributed to the constituent called menthol. Menthol is an active ingredient covering up to 60% of the oil’s chemical composition.

Such potent antibacterial formula can be used for disinfecting surfaces and repelling insects, such as spiders, ants, mosquitoes, and cockroaches. Fresh minty aroma of peppermint will help you purify your home and keep it free of creepy crawlies.

We recommend you use peppermint oil cleaner for sanitizing your bathroom. According to the 2017 study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, peppermint oil showed the best antibacterial activity against C. difficile out of all tested processed products. C. difficile is a bacterium that thrives in toilets, bathing tubs, and other objects that may be in contact with feces. Healthcare providers are often transmitters of this germ.
Since lemon essential oil has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it makes an excellent cleaner. Lemon essential oil can be used for disinfecting metal surfaces, dishes, clothes and even the body.

To make a homemade, all-purpose cleaner, add lemon essential oil to white or cider vinegar for a green and very efficient cleaner.

Disinfect your clothes after being ill by adding several drops of lemon essential oil to your laundry wash cycle.
Eucalyptus essential oil has a strong camphor content and scent which gives it potent germicide properties. These properties make eucalyptus essential oil ideal for fighting infections, bacteria and viruses.

Furthermore, eucalyptus essential oil’s germicidal quality makes it an antiseptic, which means it is suitable to treat burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, abrasions and sores.

Mix eucalyptus essential oil with tree tea essential oil to make the ultimate germicide cleaning solution for your home.
Lavender essential oil is an authoritative antibacterial oil which can boost your immune system and resist diseases and viruses.

Because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, lavender essential oil is useful in treating various skin ailments such as psoriasis, acne and other inflammatory conditions of the skin, as well as stopping infection in cuts, wounds and burns.
Cinnamon essential oil is an extremely potent antibacterial essential oil. Since cinnamon essential oil contains cinnamaldehyde, it is used widely for treatment of various ailments and has been reported to kill germs such as viruses and bacteria.

Cinnamon essential oil is not only known for its pleasing scent but for its powerful antibacterial properties as well.

According to the recent 2018 study published in the Microbial Pathogenesis, cinnamon essential oil and its two constituents called cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid successfully inhibit bacteria by damaging their cell membrane.
Once the membrane is destroyed, all cell processes and motility of given microbe are altered. Using cinnamon essential oil in your daily cleaning routine will help you kill those stubborn, disease-causing germs.
Thyme essential oil is rich in thymol, carvacrol, and linalool. All these constituents will help you stay protected from bacteria and other environmental threats, even those found in food. Salmonella, for instance, is a bacteria genus that often contaminates eggs, poultry, and other raw meats. According to the International Journal of Food Microbiology, thyme essential oil is potent enough to inhibit the salmonella.

In addition, a recent study published in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis determined that thyme essential oil can be used as a natural food preservative due to its high anti-fungal and antibacterial activities. If thyme essential oil is safe enough for food, then it surely is safe enough to be used as a non-toxic cleaner for your home.
Thyme essential oil blends well with lavender, oregano grapefruit, and rosemary essential oils.
Clean your kitchen utensils, dishes, and chopping boards with homemade thyme essential oil dish soap after they have been in contact with poultry or any other raw meat.
Oregano essential oil is packed with bactericidal phenols that can help you improve your cleaning routine. You can feel free to substitute your store-bought bathroom chemical cleaners with oregano essential oil. The potent essence of oregano is strong enough to inhibit E. coli and bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This germ is mostly found in hot tubs, pools and other standing water as well as on the objects that are regularly exposed to moisture.

Oregano essential oil can disinfect and refresh the nooks and crannies of your bathroom and your kitchen. Antiseptic nature of oregano will help you keep harmful E. coli out of the kitchen.
Clove essential oil is a natural antiseptic agent known for its spicy aroma. Its antibacterial and antifungal activity can be attributed to the compound called eugenol. Clove bud oil contains about 80 to 90% of eugenol. The research shows that E. coli, acne-causing Staph aureus, and pneumonia-causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa are especially sensitive to clove.

These antibacterial and antiviral properties of clove essential oil can help you disinfect your home, especially during cold and flu season. Airborne particles of  clove essential oil will help you boost your immune system and give you a better chance at fighting bacteria and viruses

Encouraging Better Health With Thyme
Thyme  is more than just a seasoning for turkey and has an exceptionally long history of use. Even the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians burned the herb in places of importance such as temples because the oils in the smoke had antimicrobial or purifying qualities.
Thyme is also known to work well for congestion and chest colds because of its expectorant properties. It helps break up mucus and has even been used to assist with conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory-related illnesses.
Make Thyme Tea: Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 teaspoon of dried Thyme or 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Sage and Thyme are strong.
Thyme   has antiseptic qualities. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties that are just the ticket when you’re dealing with general cold or flu symptoms.

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
30% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday October 5th
 juniper berry essential oil by garden
                              essence oils
Juniper Essential Oil
Consider For: Skin: acne, hair loss, oily skin, blocked pores, wounds, skin tonic; cellulite
Muscular/Skeletal: rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica
Cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic: hemorrhoids, aids lymphatic circulation- drainage of toxin accumulation Immune: colds, flu and infection

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday October  12th

My Graine Relief essential oil
                                  blend  My Graine Essential Oil Blend
This blend contains oils that help relieve migraines and stress headaches. Also helps with nausea and depression.

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday October 19th on
 Nite cap essential oil blend 
Nite Cap Essential oil Blend
Consider for: This blend contains oils that help relieve migraines and stress headaches. Also helps with nausea and depression.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday October 26th
Alertl essential oil blend 
Alert Essential oil Blend
  Consider for:
This blend may help with memory retention and mental alertness; it may even help oxygenate the brain. One may study with this blend and then smell it during the test to help recall what was studied. May be used as a stimulant for low energy and may keep one from going into shock.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday November 2nd

  thyme essential oil by garden essence
                              oilsThyme Essential oil 
Consider For:
Aromatherapy: Bacterial Infections, Lethargy, Urinary Infections, Rheumatism, Sores, Viral Infections, Wounds. (Stimulant, Tonic, Raise Immunity)

This essential oil has been used effectively as a bactericide, antiseptic, antimicrobial, astringent, antispasmodic, antitoxic, diuretic, antifungal, insecticide, tonic, and as an immune stimulant. Thyme oil can assist with nervous complaints, respiratory problems, poor circulation and problems of the digestive system.


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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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