Garden Essence Oils 
Quality Essential Oils.
September 2020
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
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30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see
the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full September list Below

40 schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years
Were Exposed to
 the Aroma of Rosemary

We know that the inhalation of Rosemary essential oil has been shown to enhance cognition in healthy adults. But in a study, 40 schoolchildren aged nine to eleven years were exposed to either the aroma of Rosemary or no aroma in a classroom setting where they completed standardized tests of working memory in fifteen minute procedure.

Analysis of the data revealed that performance on the Immediate serial recall, Sentence span, and Counting span tasks were significantly better in the Rosemary aroma condition and possessed medium to large effect sizes. This is the first study to demonstrate such effects in children and suggests that the potential for enhancement is greater than in adults.
Diffusing essential oils is ideal at home but not always welcome in public school settings.
Add 5+ drops of Rosemary Essential Oil to a cotton cosmetic pad (organic preferable), place in jar with a lid. To receive the cognitive benefits of Rosemary, open the jar and breathe the aroma in deeply through the nose as needed.
Entering the body through the nose, skin or internal routes, can directly affect physiological processes in the body.
For example, they may reduce inflammation by modifying specific signaling pathways in immune cells or help calm the mind by binding to specific receptors in nervous tissue or both if needed.

For example: Rosemary is a stimulating essential oil that can boost mental activity and sharpen your focus. It’s also used to ease pain and cramping. An immune stimulant: colds, flu, infections- esp. staph and strep 

You, the Flu, and Self Care
One effective method of self-care, when you have the Flu, is using essential oils as a topical rub or aromatherapy.
These strongly scented oils can help alleviate your flu symptoms, especially by clearing your nasal passage and reducing headaches.
Some oils may even have antiviral benefits to help treat infections and reduce fever.
Keep reading to learn how to use these oils and which ones to use for the flu.
Inhalation is the most beneficial way to use essential oils for a flu. You can inhale essential oils by sniffing the bottle directly or adding a few drops of oil to a cotton ball or handkerchief. This method helps clear your nasal passages so you can breathe better. The oils may also help you sleep better and destress.
You can also add a few drops essential oils to:
  • a diffuser, to clean the air
  • dilute in a carrier oil and add to steamy bathwater
  • a carrier oil, for massaging the head, neck, or feet
  • a large bowl of hot water, for steam inhalation
  • hot or cold compresses
Benefits depend on the application and type of oil. For example, the menthol and cooling effects of peppermint oil may work better in a chest rub than in a diffuser. With topical applications, be sure to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin. You can use an ounce of carrier oil, such as coconut oil, for every few drops of essential oil.
clears your nasal passages and allows for steady breathing
lavender relieves stress, fatigue, depression, and headaches
reduces coughs, sinusitis, and throat infections
thyme has antibacterial activity to help fight respiratory infections antivirus
reduces fevers and fights viruses - antivirus
tea tree
inhibits bacteria and fights infections
relieves cold and flu symptoms
has antiviral and antifungal properties to clean surfaces or air
cinnamon is a nontoxic way to clean surfaces or air

Encouraging Better Health With Thyme
Thyme  is more than just a seasoning for turkey and has an exceptionally long history of use. Even the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians burned the herb in places of importance such as temples because the oils in the smoke had antimicrobial or purifying qualities.
Thyme is also known to work well for congestion and chest colds because of its expectorant properties. It helps break up mucus and has even been used to assist with conditions such as bronchitis and other respiratory-related illnesses.
Make Thyme Tea: Pour 1 cup of hot water over 1 teaspoon of dried Thyme or 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Sage and Thyme are strong.
Thyme   has antiseptic qualities. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties that are just the ticket when you’re dealing with general cold or flu symptoms.

Keeping Your Immune System Strong and Healthy
With hectic schedules, eating on the go, unavoidable exposure to toxins, and the relentless stresses of everyday life, it’s no wonder so many of us constantly feel run down and vulnerable. And the older you get, the more critical keeping your immune system strong and healthy becomes.
The good news is, your immune system is wonderfully effective when it’s working the way it was designed to, but it often needs a little boost to keep it functioning optimally.
5 Basic Strategies for Boosting Your Immune System
Optimize your vitamin D levels. The realities of modern-day living mean that most people don't get enough direct sun exposure each day for their bodies to manufacture sufficient amounts of vitamin D. And vitamin D is essential for healthy immune function. Most people need to take between 1,000 and 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily to achieve optimal levels.
Add medicinal mushrooms to your diet. A few species, including shiitake, Cordyceps, reishi and maitake, have been extensively researched and are renowned for possessing some of the most powerful immune-supporting compounds in nature.
Limit your sugar consumption. Sugar decreases your immune system’s ability to function almost immediately by inhibiting the activity of important immune cells. The results of one study showed that the amount of sugar found in two sweetened beverages lowers immune response by 50% for up to five hours!
Aim to get at least 6-8 hours of rejuvenating sleep each night. During the day, the stress hormone cortisol circulates at high levels in the body, suppressing your immune function. At night, cortisol levels drop, triggering cellular repair processes that are critical to optimal immune function.
Get regular, moderate exercise. Exercise increases circulation, which promotes the elimination of toxins and helps to move immune cells throughout your bloodstream more quickly. It can also help reduce stress, which is important in optimizing your immune system’s ability to fight off infection.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that affects the nose, throat, and lungs
A study evaluated the antiviral effect against influenza type A (H1N1) of essential oils found these oils effective:
Tea tree oil may also have antiviral properties if a person incorporates it into air filtering systems, some scientists suggest.

Also, Melissa may contain ingredients that could help prevent one type of bird flu virus from reproducing, according to one laboratory study.

The results of another laboratory study suggest that a commercial blend of essential oils might help reduce the activity of one type of flu virus.

X Plague, contains the essential oils of   Cloves, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, Rosemary.

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
30% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday September 9th
 Grapefruit essential oils by garden
                              essence oils
Grapefruit/Lime Essential Oils
 Lifts the spirits, boosts immune system and heals a variety of skin conditions such as eczema, burns, wounds, bruises and others. Great hormonal balancer for women.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday September 14th

birch essential oil by garden
                                  essence oils  Birch /Wintergreen Essential Oil
This oil is an effective addition to a massage oil for sore muscles, sprains and painful joints because of its' anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Wintergreen is good for  Respiratory conditions, chronic mucous discharge, joint and muscular problems, rheumatoid arthritis.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday September 21st on
 orange essential oil by
                                      garden essence oils 
Orange/Tangerine Essential oils
Consider for: Skin: dull & oily skin, puffiness, wrinkles, softens thick, fissured and cracked skin; strengthens epidermis, increases circulation& melanocyte development, cell hydration, calms skin gland function, supports regeneration
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday September 28th
Carpal Tunnel essential oil
Carpal Tunnel Essential oil Blend
  Consider for:
tennis elbow, carpal tunnel and other muscle and tendon problems.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday October 5th

.juniper berry essential oil. Juniper Essential oil 
Consider For:
Skin: acne, hair loss, oily skin, blocked pores, wounds, skin tonic; cellulite
Muscular/Skeletal: rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica
Cardio-vascular/ Lymphatic: hemorrhoids, aids lymphatic circulation- drainage of toxin accumulation Immune: colds, flu and infection


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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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