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The Navel AKA: The Belly
In ancient India, oiling one’s belly
was a totally normal, “Ayurveda”
Why Oil the Navel:
Followers of Ayurveda consider the belly button
a mahamani, or “great marma,” or vital energy point—pick
your preferred terminology. The point is, it’s a
pretty magical spot. Magical enough to maybe
even make your skin glow.
Our navel (nabhi)
is an amazing gift our creator has given us.
According to science, the first part created
after conception is the navel.
All our veins are connected to our navel, it's a
focal point of our body.
The "Pechoti" is
behind the navel, which has more than 70,000
veins. The total amount of blood vessels
we have in our body is equal to double the
circumference of the earth.
This checks out,
to an extent. Studies have shown “systemic
bioavailability of medications via navel
administration,” Nadia Musavvir, ND, notes—in
layman’s terms, real results from navel-loaded
belly button is the power house of our body
and it has the ability to cure many common
aliments and disease, when a particular oil
is applied on it. Different types of oils
are used to treat different type of disease
and problems. The belly can automatically
decide and send oil to the affected area.
We know that to
lower the temperature of a baby, we put a cotton
swab with alcohol in the navel, so with oil it
is better!
Applying oil in
the navel heals the dryness of the eyes, poor vision,
the pancreas, the heels, and chapped lips.
It keeps the face bright, the hair healthier,
and for knee pain, the chills, lethargy, pain in
the joints and dry skin.
Apply Neem oil
in navel to get rid of stubborn pimples and acne
Apply Almond oil
to achieve a glowing face
Apply Mustard oil to get rid of dry
chapped lips Will also keep intestines moving to
remove harmful bacteria but keep the
beneficial. Actually works as a mild
Apply Coconut
oil or olive
oil to improve your fertility. |
Keep an alcohol
dipped cotton ball in your navel to cure a cold,
flu and a runny nose.
When a baby has stomach pain, we put a few drops
directly in the navel and lightly massage around
the navel a few minutes, the pain goes away.
Keep brandy soaked cotton ball with Thyme
essential oil, or Female
aide blend, in the navel,
to ease menstrual pain and cramps better than
alot of things.
Sesame oil
is used for all types of joint pains along with
either Chiro
blend or Carpel
Tunnel. it's also known to
strengthen bones. many parents use it for their
children at bedtime.
Mustard oil along with Ginger
and Back Pepper
- for upset stomach, boating, nausea, and
digestive problems. LGD,
also works.
Warm Ghee along
with helichrysum,
improves blood flow to the nervous system also
enhances the immune system. Warm Ghee with KidCare
Poop Easier can cure constipation
and build a strong digestive system. Also gives
relief from joint pain.
essential oil is anti-spasmodic, it helps relax
your arteries and veins, lowering blood pressure
and stress to your heart. It may also help
strengthen and tone your heart muscle.
As a diuretic, Thyme
may help your body to remove toxins from your
body, helping with weight, blood pressure,
digestion, and so much more.
as an expectorant, means it can help remove
mucus from your airways and lungs. Thyme
is used in the treatment of bronchitis whooping
cough, and upper respiratory inflammation.
For knee pain
At night before bed, use 3 drops of castor
oil in navel and spread around 1 inch
around navel.
For tremors and
lethargy pain relief in your joints and
dry skin
At night before bed, use 3 drops of mustard oil
in navel and spread around 1 inch around navel.
adding any of: No Mo Pain,
Anti Inflammatory, Insomnia
Pain, helichrysum |
Neem oil
is known for its medicinal properties as it
helps in repairing damaged skin. The germ
fighting property of neem oil helps in getting
pimples-free and acne-free skin. It makes the
skin tone even and gives a clear and fair skin.
Neem oil also helps in removing white and dark
spots. It also reduces itches and rashes on the
Almond oil
works wonder on you face skin and body. It gives
a glowing skin. Almond oil helps in reducing
dark circles under the eyes. It helps in
removing wrinkles and making the skin soft and
supple. It heals the cracked and dry lips. To
get maximum benefit out of this oil, it’s better
to warm up some almond oil and then apply it in
and around the belly button.
Mustard oil helps
in getting relief from gastric trouble, stomach
pain and irregular bowel movement. It acts as a
moisturizer and also reduces the darkness of
your lips and makes it smooth and soft. It
removes dirt from navel, reduces nasal
congestion. and acts an antibacterial agent.
Mustard oil also gives shinny nails and removes
nail fungus.
Coconut oil
works wonder on your skin and hair. It helps in
improving eye sight and also getting rid of
dryness of eyes. Coconut oil gives relief from
stomach cramps, menstrual pain ans also treats
common cold and cough along with Respiratory
Rescue, Respiratory
Sinus Relief, and KidCare
Sneeze Stopper, Coconut oil helps in
reducing dandruff. It also helps in improving
fertility rate in women.
Lemon oil
helps in reducing the acne, dark spots and
scars. It also helps in getting rid of
pigmentation on the face and also reduces dark
and white patches on the face.
oil helps in giving relief from
knee pain and stomach pain. It helps in reducing
the intestinal swelling in infant. It makes eye
lashes long and black. It also helps in growing
thick and long hairs.
Olive oil
helps in reducing the joints pain. It also
reduces dark circles under the eyes. It promotes
proper growth of infant. It aids in building
strong memory power and also improves
concentration power in children. Olive oil aids
in building strong muscles and bones. It keeps a
check on the liver problem and treats the lack
of appetite in children. It helps in having
proper and sound sleep.
Other than these above mentioned benefits, some
of the common benefits of applying oil to the
belly button is it helps removes dirt from the
navel, cures infections, and eases stomach pain.
To sum up, the navel is the power house of the
body and acts like a doctor in many ways.
Honey provides
numerous health benefits to our body. Placing a
drop of raw honey on navel can treat many skin
problems too.
Benefits of Putting Honey on Navel
Treat skin dryness
Cure pimples fast
Deep sleep
Cure cracked lips
Benefits of
Putting Rose
otto on Navel
Glowing face
Calm down acne, pimples, and breakouts
Remove fine lines and wrinkles
Regenerate skin cells
How to put use oil
on belly button
Take mention oils and ingredients in a bowl.
Dip cotton balls in oil and keep it on your
navel for 10-15 minutes until it gets absorbed.
Or you can massage gently for 5 minutes.
Best Time to
Apply Oil to Navel
You can apply oils and ingredients at night
before going to sleep or half an hour before
taking bath. Regular application of these
ingredients can rejuvenate your face skin and
make it glowing and beautiful while reducing
wrinkles and fine lines.
Treatment of
The navel it is very easy to get dirty due to
accumulation of dirt, sweat and so on. Oiling
can be an ideal analgesic to resist bacteria.
Germs and bacteria result in infection.
Infection can occur in this area easily. For infection
you can combine mustard oil, or Pumpkin
seed oil, or coconut oil and tea
tree oil, KidCare Germ
Buster, to help you easily
prevent infections because these oils possess
antibacterial and fungal properties. You should
apply either of them to the navel twice a day
until the infection is cured.
menstrual pain:
Women suffer from menstrual cramps and pain
during the menstrual cycle is the worst feeling
because it disrupts the daily schedule. You can
use the appropriate oils on the navel and
preferably these oils diluted such as:
oil, peppermint
oil, thyme,
oil, ginger
oil because it has the characteristics of
pain relief. Massage the belly button with any
of these oils to relieve menstrual pain to heal
from cramps.
Treatment of
stomach pain:
If you suffer from stomach pain. You can try
applying the oil to the navel and offering some
relief. This treatment is especially suitable
for pain caused by common stomach diseases such
as food poisoning, indigestion, diarrhea. One of
the best oils you can choose for this purpose is
oil, peppermint
oil, KidCare
Tummy Sooth, LGD,
but before applying it, make sure to blend it
into a carrier oil such as almond
oil or olive
The umbilical cord is directly associated with
increased fertility. You can massage your belly
to increase fertility, especially with healthy
oils that enhance your fertility regardless of
your sex. You can add a carrier oil to essential
oils such as juniper,
oil, geranium,
oil. These oils achieve the desired
results. It helps men maintain healthy sperm and
treat menstrual problems in women and regulate
Oils Arrest Virus' and
Unlike drugs, Essential oils Remain Effective
Against Viruses and Bacteria.
Essential oils
contain antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and
antiseptic properties as well as being powerful
oxygenators with the ability to act as carrying
agents in the delivery of nutrients into the
cells. They found in laboratory experiments that
the essential oil from thyme
literally destroys the anthrax bacillus, the
typhoid bacillus, the glanders bacillus,
staphylococcus, the diphtheria bacillus, the
diphtheria bacillus, meningococcus, and Koch’s
bacillus, which is the bacteria responsible for
tuberculous lesions.
Essential oils
are plant essences distilled or pressed
from stems, leaves, fruits and flowers and they
are rich in chemicals like phenols,
monoterpenes, and ketones - the same chemical
molecules that have been isolated or synthesized
by the pharmaceutical industry to make drugs.
Phenols are
especially potent against viruses and bacteria,
making Essential Oils famous for fighting germs
and supporting the immune system.
Carvacrol, which makes up 60 percent of oregano
essential oil, can kill spores from
anthrax, e. coli and 25 different types of
bacteria. Oregano
is even effective against penicillin resistant
diseases, besides being strongly antibacterial
and anti-microbial.
Cumin, - Black cumin is very
effective in helping the healing of various
diseases and maintain a healthy body. Muhammad
said it would cure anything except death. We have found it
works when we are exposed to contagious
pathogens. We don't come down if
we start taking it immediately. We have
also had success with it once we get sick.
Tree, has extraordinary
antiseptic power, contains remarkable
anti-infectious activity.
In 19th-century England, eucalyptus
oil was used in hospitals to clean urinary
catheters. Laboratory studies later showed that
oil contains substances that kill
bacteria. It also may kill some viruses and
fungi. Studies in animals and test tubes also
found that eucalyptus
oil acts as an expectorant, meaning it
helps coughs by loosening phlegm.
-French scientists are beginning to recommend
that sanitizers be manufactured with cinnamon
oil bases. They are suggesting the usage
of cinnamon
oils to help prevent the rise of
antibacterial resistance among these bacteria
species, saying that many of the products
currently offered actually contribute to
- dentists still use the clove oil as an oral
antiseptic and to disinfect root canals. Eugenol
is regarded as the primary anti-microbial
compound found in cloves.
There are many scientific citations that
document the powerful anti-microbial properties
of cloves
against many pathogens.
is an effective disinfectant and natural
preservative that is used in many skin
preparations, not only for its therapeutic
effect, but to protect the product itself from
microbial contamination and spoilage.
Remedies for Common Ailments
- Colds and
flu (some ideas) - Spice Oils are strong antiviral
and antibacterial and have the ability
to boost the immune system. Also tree
essential oils work well for respiratory
infections such as the common cold,
influenza and pneumonia. Black
Pepper, Marjoram,
Tree, Cajaput,
Puru, Respiratory
- Aches and
pains you might think about . . .
spice oils improve
circulation, such as black
pepper, as a circulatory
stimulant they reduce bruising. They detoxify
muscle tissues, and are antispasmodic
and pain relieving. The Essential Oil Peppermint
is cooling and reduces pain. An
excellent blend for this is No-Mo-Pain,
No Mo Pain
- Allergies
- you might consider Respiratory
Sinus Relief already blended for your
convenience. Or Tansy
would be beneficial for allergies. Peppermint,
- Skin
irritations and conditions - tree
oils are
high in antifungal, antiseptic,
antiviral constituents so are ideal for
fungal, viral and infection related
conditions. Like athlete’s foot,
candida, ringworm, etc. Spice oils
detoxify. Citrus oils are good for skin
conditions such as eczema, psoriasis,
dermatitis, etc. and blend well with
tree oils for these conditions.Tea
tree, Manuka,
- Digestive
upsets and nausea - Spice oils are a digestive
stimulant, they aid in indigestion,
nausea and constipation. Citrus oils have a cleansing
effect on the digestive system and its
- Clove,
- Bug bites
and bee stings - Grass oils are insect repellents. Cleansing
essential oil blend is an excellent one
for bug bites and stings. Or this Bee
Sting Blend - 2 drops lavender
1 drop German
chamomile 1 drop wintergreen.
- Burns,
sunburns, and scrapes - we all know
is top of this list. A mix of water, aloe
vera, and trace mineral complex combined
with lavender.
When sprayed on a burn, this mist does an
excellent job providing relief and promoting
the healing of burns. Vinegar will take out
the burn. Too
much Sun, care stick.
- Minor cuts
and slivers - KidCare
Booboo Better, KidCare
No Mo Pain, One blend that might be
used with a compress is 5 drops geranium,
5 drops
lemon, and 5 drops German
chamomile. Other single oils that can
be used to help slow bleeding are helichrysum,
and myrrh.
can be very effective to control bleeding. Cypress is
known to strengthen the circulatory system,
particularly through the buildup of
capillary walls. Or I might make a
disinfecting spray: 5 drops lavender
oil, 3 drops
tea tree, 2
drops cypress
Mix these oils together with ½ teaspoon
salt. Combine this with 8 ounces of
distilled water and shake vigorously. Apply
with spray bottle to minor cuts and
wounds prior to covering with bandage.
Repeat 2-3 times daily for 3 days. A drop or
two of tea
tree oil on the
wound daily for a few days may also be
helpful. One other oil I might
incorporate in the disinfecting process is thyme.
- Dizziness
and headaches - No-Mo-Pain
is my favorite blend for this or applying peppermint
oil . . . wonderful.
- Stress and
anxiety - maybe using Herb essential
oils - because they work on the mind and induce
deep relaxation. Uplifting and
stimulating. They are excellent for
stress related to mental and emotional
trauma. Also Flower essential oils work on the
spirit and are relaxing, soothing and
tranquillizing. Ideal for stress. Marjoram,
Sage. Lavender,
- Oral
hygiene - Tea
Tree is an excellent choice - just one
drop on your tooth brush and your regular
paste. If you can handle it X-Plague
is a great blend. Citrus oils are also
really good for oral hygiene.
- Household
cleaning - here are some recipes
for cleaning I use all the time
> > >
"Be Happy in the Moment, that is
Each Moment is all we need, not more."
~Mother Teresa
Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A
30% Off Retail on the
Essential Oil of the Week!
Sale Starts on
30% Off Retail Starts Monday
Geranium Essential Oil
~ Consider
for: Boosts immune system to fight
infection, cold and flu. Revives the senses,
eases pain and stimulates the appetite.
Our 30% Off Retail
Starts Monday August10th

B Power Essential
This blend Helps with PMS other menstrual
Our 30% Off Retail
Starts Monday August17th on
Essential oil
for: Burns, insomnia, relieves
anger and balances mood swings, stabilizes
physical, etheric and astral planes,
balances higher and lower chakras.
Our 30% Off Retail
Starts Monday August
Essential oil Blend
Consider for: Skin: acne, boils,
dandruff, hair loss, inflamed, puffy, oily
skin and hair, ulcers, wrinkles, cell
regenerator, fungal infection.
Eases fear and paranoia, aids dreams and
creativity, it steadies the mind and relieves
anxiety while dispelling illusion and
enlivening the senses.
30% Off Retail Starts
Monday August 31st
Repair Essential oil Blend
This is a powerful
blend for enhancing the release of Memory
Trauma of the cells of the liver,
where anger and hate emotions are held.
These oils may aid in the letting go of
negative emotions.
30% Off Retail Starts
Monday September 9th
Grapefruit/Lime Essential
Lifts the spirits, boosts immune
system and heals a variety of skin conditions
such as eczema, burns, wounds, bruises and
others. Great hormonal balancer for women.
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beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
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Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to your body
as you take anything. Remember that even
doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
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