Garden Essence Oils 
Quality Essential Oils.
June 2020
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more

30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see
the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full June list Below

Catnip Repels Mosquitoes More Effectively Than DEET.
 Summary: Researchers report that nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic odor, is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET — the compound used in most commercial insect repellents.
Pest Away Blend
Contains:  Citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus, peppermint, catnip.
To create a spray using a catnip oil, add one cup isopropyl alcohol and one cup water to a half-teaspoon of the catnip essential oil. Pour into a spray bottle and use on clothing as a repellent.

Previous Article on Catnip

Weather is warming up, Summer is coming.
Get your Feet Ready using Essential Oils
 My feet have been covered up all Winter. Get ready for open toed sandals and flip flops with Essential oils
Dealing with rough, flakey, possibly itchy, smelly feet.
Foot Care Essential Oils:
Cooling Peppermint Essential Oil to soothe itchy, irritated winter skin.
 Itch Away works well, I add a few drops with coconut oil before bed.

Fresh feet using deodorizing essential oils: Palmarosa, Lemon, Patchouli, Coriander, Pink Grapefruit, Cypress, Bergamot, and Tea Tree
Add a few drops with baking sdoda and sprinkle in shoes.
Add a feww drops in coconut oiul, rub on feet, add socks.

Help dry flakey feet: make a basic homemade foot scrub by combining coconut oil, sugar, and your choice of essential oil above.

Foot soak:
Fill a bowl with hot water.
4 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil for its calming properties. Eucalyptus essential oil stimulates relaxation and purifies the skin.
3 drops of Rosemary essential oil is rejuvenating.
2 drops of Peppermint essential oil is cooling and invigorating.
Soothe your cracked heels with nourishing essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, lemon or eucalyptus.

Peppermint Oil to Nourish Your Feet
Peppermint oil has omega-3 fatty acids, which nourish skin when applied topically. Peppermint oil also has menthol to cool and soothe irritated skin. Make a peppermint foot scrub by combining 1 cup dry oatmeal, 1 cup cornmeal, 1/4 cup coarse sea salt, and 1 tsp. Peppermint essential oil. Massage the dry scrub into your soles and heels to exfoliate.

Lavender Oil to Rejuvenate Your Feet
Lavender essential oils have been popular since Greek and Egyptian civilizations. Apply it topically for anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerative properties. Use four drops in a warm bath treat your entire body and de-stress with aromatherapy treatment. Add a few drops of the essential oil to your favorite moisturizing lotion.

Massage into your heels at bedtime and cover with cotton socks. As you massage your heels, breathe deeply to inhale the lavender scent. By making this a bedtime ritual, your brain will learn to associate the scent of lavender with sleep, making it easier to fall asleep faster.

Lemon Oil for Relaxation
The familiar scent of lemon oil can help you refocus and relax, while the essential oil removes toxins from your skin. It increases circulation, which helps your body heal itself, while warming the feet and brightening dull skin.

Eucalyptus Oil for Healing Cracked Heels
Eucalyptus oil kills bacteria and some viruses, the root causes of cracked and blistering heels, while soothing dry skin. For preventative measures, mix 1 tsp. eucalyptus oil with two cups water in a spray bottle to disinfect athletic shoes, or add 2 tsp. to your laundry when washing socks.
Cold weather can be tough on skin and cuticles. Making a homemade cuticle cream is a great way to bring moisture and health back to nails. This essential oil cuticle cream can also be used on hands, lips, or anywhere with dry spots.
2 tablespoons shea butter
1 teaspoon beeswax
1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil
7 drops Lavender or Myrrh oil

In small glass container, combine shea butter, beeswax, and Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Place in saucepan with 1–1 ½ inches of boiling water.
Stir ingredients for 5–10 minutes until combined.Tip: Use a popsicle stick for easy cleanup.
Once melted, remove from heat and let rest for three minutes.
Add essential oils and stir.
Pour into container and let harden for 2–3 hours.
To use, just apply a small amount to cuticles and rub until absorbed

Essential Oils for Energy, natural remedy for summer fun!
Decrease Fatigue and Increase Focus
Energize essential oil blend
Energize can actually help brighten your day, your mood, and energize your life. Use for energeize to get your day going on the right foot, no caffeine required.
Essential Oil
Claimed Benefits
bergamot energizing
cinnamon boosts energy
eucalyptus stimulates the brain and improves energy
frankincense balances the nervous system
basil stimulates the adrenal glands
ginger root energizing
grapefruit boosts energy
juniper berry improves energy levels
lime uplifts mood or motivates creativity
lemongrass invigorates senses
pine provides a boost of energy
thyme increases energy and boosts spirits
orange lifts mood

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
30% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday June 1st
 Pest away, more effective than deet.
Pest Away Essential Oil Blend
~ Consider for: Effective for you & pets, and also helps with the insect bites.  (Swelling & itching)
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday June 8th on

Energize essential oil blend.  Energize Essential Oil  Blend
Consider for: Energy. Clinical research supports claims that this blend may increase energy and relieve fatigue.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday June 15th on
 Helichrysum essential oil by
                                      garden essence oils nerve repair. 
Helichrysum Italicum/
It has also been known to help in improving certain types of hearing loss.

Miraculous healer for wounds, bruises and old scars particularly keloids. Detoxes liver and spleen congestion especially from nicotine overload. Anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial.

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday May 18th
itch away 
Itch Away Essential oil Blend
This blend was formulated to help relieve itchy skin.  It helps with itchy scalp, itchy skin and irritation caused by bug bites.  Works to calm bites instantly.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday June 29th

  oregano essetial oil, anti viral,
                              anti bacterial.A Oregano Essential oil
 Boosts immune system to fight infection, cold and flu. Revives the senses, eases pain and stimulates the appetite.

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday July 6th

Female Aide Essential Oil blend
                                    for femalesFemale Aide Essential Oil
This blend Helps with PMS other menstrual concerns.


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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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