Garden Essence Oils 
Happy Easter, essential oils for all your family
April 2020
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more

30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see
the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full April list Below

Trump: 'We can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself'
~The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.~
 How I Overcame Fear
In recent years, on my journey of self-acceptance I’ve noticed I’ve been getting a bit better with my fear. When I say better, I’m talking about the ability to go about my everyday tasks without fear stopping me. When I’m able to talk to people, for instance, that’s a huge sign to me that I’ve got a better handle on my fear.

I started to reflect on how and why – why is it that my fear has gotten less forceful? How did this happen? Was there something I did that helped?
For so long, I was ashamed of my fear. I tried my best to hide it – even though hiding your own personal hell in your mind is a really difficult thing to do. I still would try every minute of every day. And it was exhausting. And you know what else, it only led to more fear – fear of being judged for having fear. It was a vicious cycle. Until I found this beautiful place.
The less stressed out I am, the less fear I have
My fear tends to be most debilitating when I’m already overwhelmed. At the peak of my burnout, my fear was at its worst. It was as though the physical and mental exhaustion I was feeling only made my fear worse. The stress and anxiety I was feeling led to increased negative and irrational self-talk, which led to increased negative and irrational fear. When my mental state was unhealthy, my fear was thriving.

And then I started taking better care of myself. And over time I noticed that the healthier I felt mentally, the stronger I began to feel, and the less fear controlled me. My thoughts were less negative and more rational, which meant I was able to work through a fearful thought in my mind. The fear no longer stopped me from moving forward.
Work on managing your stress, practicing self-care, and notice how your fear begins to change.
Self-care looked like this for me:
Exercise: in any form you choose, it raises natural endorphins.
Emotional self-care: is about becoming more in tune with our emotions.  It’s about checking in with yourself, becoming more mindful of your triggers and thinking patterns, and finding ways to work through them, rather than bottling them up inside.
I don't recommend exploding on someone else, we cannot change people we can only recognize and change our self.  Its about looking inside at yourself. Essential oils have helped me connect with my inner elf.

 The less I avoid a fearful situation, the less fear I have
When my fear is working its magic, it’s trying to get me to avoid anything and everything that is causing it. And unfortunately, with debilitating fear, ANYthing and EVERYthing is causing it.

Fear is telling me to avoid getting out of the house, to avoid getting on that plane, to avoid going for that job interview – and the list goes on and on. Fear wants me to avoid it all. Then what? You avoid it all and then what? You would think the fear would disappear, but NOPE – it remains and gets stronger and stronger.

Avoiding things only leads to more fear and more anxiety. I know many of us have learned this or read about it, and of course like most things, it’s all easier said than done. But, it’s been my experience that each time I have pushed myself to do something my fear wants me to avoid, I have felt better about myself, more confident, and less fear.

So...: Try your very best to do the things your fear is making you avoid, and notice the ways your fear begins to change....

The less I doubt my ability to handle something, the less fear I have
Why do we feel fear? Well, because we fear we can’t handle what’s to come. Fear comes from feeling inadequate.

How do we overcome this feeling? Well, by trusting in our ability to handle any and everything that comes our way.

Here’s the truth: when I believe, in my gut, that I will be okay no matter what happens, my fear instantly diminishes. And this didn’t just happen overnight for me. I had to work on reducing my self-doubt. This all started by practicing self-care and making my wellness a priority. I used positive affirmations to help me build my confidence as well.

The healthier I began to feel, the more my sense of self-worth grew. And over time, I started to believe more and more in my ability to handle anything that comes my way. And it’s been an empowering place to be in, where fear doesn’t run the show.
Work on believing that you are capable of handling anything that comes your way, and notice the ways your fear begins to change.

Here are some ideas, well it might be different for others...

Some Ideas:
Write a Journal
*Writing down our feelings can help us better understand them
*Practicing mindfulness and meditation – I like using Clarity because it  helps me feel connected, and focused. Other oils that I like to use for this is, Composure, Grounding this one specifically because it helps me feel protection, empowerment and grounding.
*Learning to be more present using Here and Now helps me.
*Setting more boundaries – it’s okay to say no
*Being creative – express your emotions through painting, writing,  cooking, etc.
*Starting a gratitude journal – focusing on what you’re grateful for can sometimes help put things into better perspective
*Working on changing your negative self-talk –
*Practice replacing the negative with positive self-talk

Spiritual Self-Care
Spiritual self-care nourishes your soul, helps you find inner peace, and gives you a greater understanding of life beyond yourself.  This self-care doesn’t necessarily have to relate to religion, although it can be religious for some people.

This connection to something bigger than yourself can help you find purpose and meaning in life. It can give you the courage to push through when times get difficult and inspire hope time and time again.

Some Ideas:
Practicing meditation
*Spending time in nature
*Writing in a gratitude journal
*Donating to a charity or cause you believe in
*Essential oils that really help me here are: B Power, Inspiration.
Calming Essential Oils for me have been: Citrus Blend, Composure, Dream Catcher, Relax EaseRestore Peace, Serenity, Tranquility.

Intellectual Self-Care
We often neglect to care for our intellectual well-being.  This type of self-care includes doing something you enjoy that nourishes and challenges your mind.  It expands your knowledge.

Intellectual self-care can involve figuring out what your current talents/strengths are and developing them further. It can also include learning a new skill.

Since this type of self-care helps you learn more about your skills and interests, it can be useful when deciding which career you are passionate about the most.

Some Ideas:
*Reading a book
*Completing a puzzle
*Learning a new language, Rosemary, Peppermint, Alert help in mental  retaining.
*Taking a course on something that interests you
*Watching a documentary on a topic you’re interested in

Social Self-Care
Humans, by nature, are social beings. We like to feel connected with others. This type of self-care may look different for introverts and extroverts – because our levels of comfort in social situations differ. But, a connection is essential to us all. Having a support system of individuals we can trust, and nourishing these relationships can be an example of this self-care.

Some Ideas:
*Spending time with loved ones
*Going to lunch with a friend
*Joining a yoga class, or any class that interests you and that you can meet new people
*Reconnecting with an old friend
*Striking up a conversation with someone at the coffee shop when you pick up your morning coffee

Sensory Self-Care
Sensory self-care helps you nourish your senses – sight, smell, touch, and sound. It is an effective way of bringing your mind to the present moment and helping you lower your stress levels. Living in the present moment helps you better cope with any past and future worry you may be feeling. These simple, yet powerful self-care activities can be effective ways of becoming more mindful and soothing an anxious, overwhelmed mind.

Some Ideas:
*Burning your favorite scented candle
*Taking a warm bath with your favorite essential oil scented bath bomb 
*Spending time in nature
*Listening to soothing music
*Walking barefoot on the grass

As you can see, some activities can serve multiple types of self-care.

You might find Our Previous Article on Anxiety helpful
 found here>>>

During this Time of Self Isolating
Here are some ideas for the littles in our life.
To try and reduce the anxiety they may be picking up
from the adults in their life...
KidCare Stress be Gone diffused while they play.  It can help with their stress.
Ways to use Essential Oils:

Diffuse essential oil blend during their play time

Take the broken bits of crayons and melt them down and add essential oils, then pour into molds, when it cools, you have calming scented crayons!
Homemade Playdough
This is a cooked recipe. I find I get better results with this one.

2 cups plain/all-purpose flour
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups of water

Put all dry ingredients in a saucepan. Add water, oil and color. cook slowly and stir all the time. As it gets hot it will begin to thicken up. Knead on a hard surface. Add your essential oil and food coloring mix in. store in airtight container.
Bath time I like to add KidCare Relax Ease to help reduce the anxiety and stress of the day so they get better sleep.
Mixing a few drops in a carrier oil and a leg and back massage helps them as well.
So many companies care and are trying to help. Audible offers free audio stories, it would be like old times, the family sitting around the radio and listening to stories together.
See Our whole line of KidCare Blends to help your child with what ever they need.

What Makes Soap ‘Antibacterial’
Antibacterial soaps (sometimes called antimicrobial or antiseptic soaps) contain certain chemicals not found in plain soaps. Those ingredients are added to many consumer products with the intent of reducing or preventing bacterial infection.

Many liquid soaps labeled antibacterial contain triclosan, an ingredient of concern to many environmental, academic and regulatory groups. Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters the way some hormones work in the body and raises potential concerns for the effects of use in humans.
Studies have shown that including antibacterials in soap doesn’t reduce the spread of infectious disease. So there’s just no need for them to be there. And what’s more, they may not be safe.

Triclosan crosses the skin barrier. It ends up in plasma, urine and even breast milk. Animal studies have shown that triclosan can disrupt hormones. It hasn’t been deemed to be directly harmful to humans yet, but a lot of people aren’t convinced it’s been shown to be completely safe either.
 If you use these products because you think they protect you more than soap and water, that’s not correct.
Triclosan can be found in many places today. It has been added to many consumer products—including clothing, kitchenware, furniture, and toys—to prevent bacterial contamination. Because of that, people’s long-term exposure to triclosan is higher than previously thought, raising concerns about the potential risks associated with the use of this ingredient over a lifetime.
In addition, laboratory studies have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Some data shows this resistance may have a significant impact on the effectiveness of medical treatments, such as antibiotics.

The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been closely collaborating on scientific and regulatory issues related to triclosan. This joint effort will help to ensure government-wide consistency in the regulation of this chemical. The two agencies are reviewing the effects of triclosan from two different perspectives.

The EPA regulates the use of triclosan as a pesticide, and is in the process of updating its assessment of the effects of triclosan when it is used in pesticides. The FDA’s focus is on the effects of triclosan when it is used by consumers on a regular basis in hand soaps and body washes. By sharing information, the two agencies will be better able to measure the exposure and effects of triclosan and how these differing uses of triclosan may affect human health.
Soap doesn't kill germs on our hands, it removes them.

Germs stick to the oils and grease on our hands (sounds yucky, but it's totally normal). Water alone won't remove much of the germs on our hands because water and oil don't like each other, so they won't mix. But soap likes both water and oil. That's because soap molecules are a type of surfactant, which means they have one end that's water loving, or hydrophilic, and one end that's oil loving, or hydrophobic.
Cleaning with Our Clean Essential Oil Line is a Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral Clean. A safe way to sanitize your home.
Clean Air, Clean Laundry, Clean Glass, Multi Clean, Clean Bath, Clean Dishes, Sauna/Steam.

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
30% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday April 6th
 Relaxing - Helps to calm nerves and
                              soothe muscles and joints after exercise
Pain Anti Inflammatory Essential Oil
~ The oils in this blend were selected specifically for their ability to relax, calm, relieve tension, spastic muscles, sports injuries, fatigue, stress, headaches
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday April 13th on

Rosemary essential oil consider
                                  for respiratory issues.  Rosemary Essential Oil
Consider for: anticatarrh, anti-infectious, bactericide (staph aureus, white; strep; E.coli –respiratory, urinary-), expectorant, fungicide (candida) immune stimulant: colds, flu.
Age old remedy for apathy and gloom , it warms the spirit and boosts confidence, enhances memory and revives freshness, faith and love.
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday April 20th on
 antispasmodic essential oil
                                      consider for cough cold hacking
                                      cough, raw throat, anxiety. s help
                                      with memory 
Antispasmodic Essential Oil
~ The oils in this blend were selected specifically for their ability to relax, calm, relieve tension, spastic muscles, sports injuries, fatigue, stress, headaches 
Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday April 27th
tea tree essential oil by garden
                                  essence oils  Tea Tree Essential Oil

Consider for: Powerful antiseptic, antiviral, antirheumatic, powerful antispasmodic anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, deodorant, expectorant, fungicidal, insect repellent, purifying
Immune: colds, fevers, infections as zona (herpes), chicken pox, aids recuperation from long illness,
Muscular/Skeletal: arthritis, rheumatism; muscle & joint aches & pains, injuries and sprains.

Our 30% Off Retail Starts Monday May  4th

Clarity essential oil blend Heightens
                              Concentration & Mental Alertness  Clarity Essential oil Blend
Heightens Concentration & Mental Alertness, and so much more....
Rosemary, Age old remedy for apathy and gloom , it warms the spirit and boosts confidence, enhances memory and revives freshness, faith and love.
Basil, Good for digestion, anti-inflammatory, fights free radical activity, Skin Benefits, Fights Depression, Helps Detoxify the Body, Promote healthy gut.
Petitgrain.  is good for maintaining the moisture and oil balance of the skin as well as for treating acne, pimples, abnormal sweating (for those who suffer from nervousness), dryness and cracking of the skin.  Greatest benefits of Petitgrain oil is its ability to promote relaxing feelings.


Natural Things You Can do for Your Health
After a seemingly endless cold and flu season last winter we're now faced with a novel corona virus, COVID 19. A new virus often accompanied by a sore throat, cough, fever and respiratory infection.
The following is a valuable protocol that's quick and easy to make yourself, all you need are a few pantry items and one special antimicrobial essential oil blend.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother): the mouth puckering liquid with antibacterial properties of its own. It also reduces the PH of tissue which helps to prevent bacteria from growing. Raw organic apple cider vinegar also has a powerful prebiotic called Inulin that may help increase white blood cells and boost immunity. Raw Organic Honey: 2007 study from Penn State University found that honey was as effective as dextromethorphan, an active ingredient in over the counter cold medicine to relieve cough symptoms. Honey was also proven to be more effective at suppressing cough symptoms during sleep.
Essential Oil Blend ~
Immune Blend: an antimicrobial blend with Clove Bud, Citrus, Frankincense, and more, essential oils known for their anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties.

*Note: Lemon and honey together is a long-standing, time-honored remedy for sore throats. Lemon essential oil isn't derived from the fruit of a lemon, it's cold pressed from the rind. This is important to know because the essential oil is not acidic like the fruit. Lemon can help cut phlegm if present and contribute antimicrobial properties as well.

For kids, I would suggest using Frankincense and Lavender applied topically with carrier oil as needed. Remember, a warm compress drives the oils in deeper (Frankincense is a driver too) and is particularly soothing for a sore throat. A warm compress is also a good protocol for kids, very calming when they're not feeling well.

Gargling to wash the throat is commonly performed in Japan, and people believe that such a hygienic routine, especially with gargle medicine, prevents upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) -  Clinical study. Consult with your health care provider if your body temperature rises above 101 and/or if throat becomes swollen and breathing difficult.

2 tablespoons warm water
1/4 teaspoon organic apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Organic Raw Honey (local if possible)
2 drops pure *Immune Blend
small mason jar or glass
*Immune Blend includes Clove Bud essential oil, this blend is considered to be very warm but its benefits outweigh the heat.

Add warm water, apple cider vinegar, essential oils then honey, stir until blended thoroughly.
Gargle for 30 seconds then spit the brew out in the garbage. Continue use for several days.
Any of these Essential Oils will work:
Immune Spice, X Plague, Immune Boost, ImmuBoost Extra,
KidCare Immune,
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


  This statement is for educational purposes only and is not intended to
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