Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of
$50.00 or more
Weekly Sale
30% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil
of the Week!
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week
at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential
of the Week!
This week 30% Off Retail on
Basil Essential oil
30th through January 5th
Essential Oil
is one of the finest oils available
for calming and focusing the mind, and
is also useful for easing tension in
the head and neck. It is preferred as
a mind-clearing oil for spiritual
meditation. Due to the high linalool
content makes this oil very
relaxing, you can also use basil to
help ease the transition into bedtime.
Basil also can help uplift your mood.
Helpful for deterring outdoor
Promo Code: OOTW
week 30% Off Retail No
Mo Pain Essential oil
6th through January 12th
Mo Pain & No
Mo Pain Jr. Essential oil blends
Due to the aspirin- like properties of Birch
and the powerful anti-inflammatory properties
of the other oils, this blend helps to reduce
pain, headaches, swelling, bleeding and
stimulating quicker healing, helps
I suffer from sore, tight muscles in my neck
and shoulders and this really helps. You have
to continusley use oils to get the effects and
benefits from them, definitely beats any pill
being pushed my way! Promo
Code: OOTW
week 30% Off Retail on
Plague Essential oil
13th through January 19th
Plague Essential Oil blend
highly anti-viral, antiseptic
properties of the single oils
contained in this blend help protect
the body from the onset of flu,
E-coli, candida, colds, sore throats,
gum infection, canker sores. Promo Code:
week 30% Off Retail on
Forgiveness Essential oil
20th through January 26th
Essential Oil blend
oils in this blend ALL have powerful
emotional effects that may help people
move past the barriers in life by
bringing them into a higher Spiritual
Awareness of their needs. This
awareness leaves an angelic feeling in
their soul that raises the frequency
to the point where they are almost
compelled to Forgive, Forget, Let Go,
and go on with their lives. Promo Code:
week 30% Off Retail on
Roman & Chamomile
Blue Essential oil
January 27th
through February
Essential Oil
essential oil is useful in the
treatment of aches and pains in
muscles and joints. Treatment of
symptoms of PMS. Chamomile is also
beneficial especially when the
symptoms are related to stress.
Nerves, Migraine, Acne, Eczema,
Inflammation, Menopause, Burns,
Insomnia, Menstrual Problems,
Dermatitis,... and so much more. Promo
Code: OOTW |
week 30% Off Retail on
Rose Essential oil
February 3rd
through February 9th
. Rose
Essential Oil
your senses with this royal oil.
Healing on every level especially
heart related troubles. It lowers
blood pressure, relieves depression,
sorrow and increases happiness. Anger
cannot exist where there is Rose Otto.
Promo Code: OOTW
New Year
Recognizing the Signs that You are
Life can be
tough. The stress of work-life, home life, and
everything in between can feel like a lot to
handle. One way to better manage our overwhelm
is through self-care.
signs that you are overwhelmed early on and
implementing self-care strategies can help
prevent burnout.
Take the time to do something you enjoy that
nourishes you mentally, emotionally and
physically. As crucial as self-care is, it is
often not made a priority as we make it
through our hectic lives.
You Have
Difficulty Sleeping, or You’re Sleeping Too
One of the signs that you are overwhelmed is a
change in sleeping patterns. You may notice
you are restless throughout the night, and
unable to get a good night’s sleep, despite
how tired you may feel. On the other hand, you
may be sleeping too much. You may find
yourself sleeping in too long, or yearning to
spend any downtime asleep.
A healthy
sleep schedule is essential to maintaining
one’s mental health
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Establish a
nighttime routine and stick with
it. Try being in bed and waking up at a
specific time each day. This process may
take some trial and error before you’ve
found what works best for you
°Limit alcohol.
Alcohol can disrupt your sleeping patterns
and reduce the quality of your sleep, which
may lead to oversleeping
relaxation exercises before bed to
help calm the mind, such as meditation,
yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, etc.
°Consume a
soothing drink before bed, such as
a chamomile tea
Speak with your doctor about any concerns with
your sleeping patterns.
You Are
Always Tired, No Matter How Much Sleep You
When overwhelmed, your mind is on overdrive
causing you to feel exhausted all the time.
This fatigue may persist even after you have
gotten some sleep.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°All tips from
°Eat healthy
foods that give you energy
°Exercise, not
only provides mental health benefits but may
also tire you out enough physically to help
you sleep and get a better night’s rest.
You Lack
You may feel a lack of energy when
overwhelmed, and generally more fatigued each
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Eat healthy
foods that give you energy
°Exercise, not
only provides mental health benefits but may
also tire you out enough physically to help
you sleep and get a better night’s rest.
You Are
High-Strung / Anxious
You may be feeling high-strung or anxious
most of the time, with the inability to calm
down or relax.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Tips above
will also apply here
°Take little
breaks throughout your day to help ease your
nerves. For instance, going for a walk
or grabbing a healthy snack, throughout your
°Limit or
avoid caffeine and alcohol
°Find time to
be active. Exercise helps relieve
stress and improve mental health.
You Are
Stressed Out
When you are overwhelmed, you may notice
your stress levels increasing. And things
that may have once seemed minor may be
leading to stress.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°At work,
speak with your manager to ask for
additional time to work on/complete tasks
that have been stressing you out.
°Take a Mental
Health Day off work -
°Break large
tasks down into small ones, and focus on
completing the small ones (one at a time)
more balance in your life, i.e. a healthier
balance between work and play.
Have a Loss of Appetite or You Are
You may notice a change in your appetite,
either under-eating or over-eating when you
are overwhelmed.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
establishing an eating routine, by eating at
regular times each day, and sticking to
that. Your brain will learn to follow
°With a loss
of appetite, try eating smaller snacks
throughout the day, and eating a bigger meal
when you’re feeling most hungry
°Eat healthy
foods that give you the most nutrition and
energy. These will have you feeling full
longer (i.e. healthy fats and protein)
°Exercise, and
reducing your stress and anxiety (with the
tips mentioned above), can also help you
establish and maintain healthy eating habits
You Have
Difficulty Focusing
Because you’re high-strung and restless,
this may lead to difficulty focusing.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Break down
large tasks into smaller ones
°Establish a
plan of action and write your plan
down. When things are written down,
they can become easier to follow
°Essential oils can help like - Alert,
Focus, B
°Make lists
and check off completed items as you go
°Take little
breaks throughout your day to refuel, and
refocus the brain
You are less
You may feel less motivated to do things,
and start to procrastinate. Although
you may be swimming in To-Do’s, you just
can’t seem to find the motivation to get any
of them done.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Break down
large tasks into smaller ones
°Establish a
plan of action and write your plan
down. When things are written down,
they can become easier to follow
°Essential oils can help like - Alert,
Focus, B
°Make lists
and check off completed items as you go
°Take little
breaks throughout your day to refuel, and
refocus the brain
Keeping To Yourself More
You may notice you are becoming more
withdrawn and spending less time with
others. You may be keeping to yourself more
and limiting your socializing, because being
around others may begin to feel like too
much effort or a chore.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°It’s okay to
take some time for yourself. Take this
time to improve your well-being by doing
activities you enjoy, such as reading a
book, watching a movie, etc.
You Are Moody
/ Emotional
You may feel more emotional than usual and
moodier. You’ll be on edge emotionally, less
patient, and lash out at individuals easily.
Try These Self-Care Strategies ↓
°Speak with
your doctor if you are feeling depressed, or
are concerned about your overall emotional
°Call 911, or
a crisis line near you, if you are feeling
°Confide in a
good friend. It helps to feel heard
Try counseling. Free counseling services
are available at your local community health
center if money were a concern.
Recognizing the
signs that you are overwhelmed early on will
help you prevent burnout. Implementing
much-needed self-care strategies will help
re-energize you, reduce the effects of you
feeling overwhelmed, and get you back to being
your healthy and balanced self.
How I try to calm anxiety at
These are tips that I use and have
helped me control my racing thoughts.
Unplug From
Social Media
Turning off your cell phone and disconnecting
from social media is a helpful way to
de-stress. Doing this hours before you go to
bed will help get you into a calmer, less
anxious, state of mind, which is the goal when
you’re prone to anxious thoughts at this time
of day.
Turning my cell phone off as soon as I’ve
finished work for the day, not only helps calm
the day’s stress but also helps put things in
Complete a
Relaxation Exercise
Breathing deeply, doing yoga, completing a
body scan or a repetitive prayer – these are
all examples of exercises that can help relax
your mind.
It’s beneficial to practice relaxation
throughout your entire day. These exercises
are effective ways of bringing your thoughts
back to the present moment, calming your mind,
and de-stressing. Even practicing one of these
exercises for a couple of minutes each day can
be helpful. The key though is consistency –
you want to be checking in with yourself
regularly, noticing when you’re becoming
overwhelmed, and implementing self-care
Before bed, a relaxation exercise provides the
calmness your mind is craving.
Using Essential oils in my routine has helped
a lot - Citrus
blend, Spearmint,
Chamomile, |
Write in Your
Gratitude Journal
Keeping a gratitude journal, and jotting down
a few things you are grateful for each night
before bed, helps put you in a more positive
frame of mind. Choosing to focus on what you
have, rather than what you don’t, will provide
you with a sense of greater life satisfaction.
When you’re feeling more satisfied with life,
you tend to be happier and more optimistic.
All these positive thoughts and feelings will
help combat any anxious thoughts and feelings,
leaving you calmer, more hopeful, and with a
grateful heart.
Using Forgiveness
it my go to oil.
I have found it helpful in many ways
throughout my life. Not only has it helped me
become more grateful, but it has also helped
challenge and overcome my negative thinking
and self-talk.
Distract The
Anxious Mind
There are nights where my anxiety tends to
remain, despite my other calming
efforts. When this happens, I have found
a distraction to be just the right remedy.
Reading a book or watching a movie helps
distract me from my anxious thoughts. When my
mind focuses on something else, I’m no longer
stewing in my negative thoughts, and that
helps me.
For this reason, I make it a point to find
time to do something I enjoy, and that
distracts my mind, before bed. This “Me Time”
is part of the crucial self-care we owe to
Consume a Warm
Drinking warm tea before bed is incredibly
I enjoy chamomile tea – which is known to have
a calming effect, decreasing anxiety and
inducing sleep. Some other teas that are best
for sleep include lavender, passionflower,
valerian, and decaf green tea.
Any warm drink, as long as it’s caffeine-free,
could have a similar soothing effect – much
like taking a warm bath
Enjoy a Warm Bath
or Shower
Taking a warm bath or shower before bed can
help you sleep.
When you leave a warm bath or shower and enter
a cooler bedroom, there is a slight drop in
your body temperature. This drop leads to your
metabolic functions slowing down, like your
heart rate, breathing, and digestion. All this
helps to induce drowsiness and feelings of
Adding essential oils, for instance, can
intensify this benefit since the scent of Lavender,
Cap, Good
Night Baby, Chamomile,
any of these can help put you in a more
relaxed state.
We know that certain scents are known for
inducing relaxation, such as lavender,
but also chamomile
and jasmine
may be worth a try.
Add a few drops of essential oils into a
diffuser and have this set in your bedroom for
a relaxing and soothing environment, perfect
for catching some Zzzs.
Get to Bed Early
The healthy number of hours you should sleep a
night varies by age, but for adults, it is
about 7-9 hours. I know many of us strive to
get this many hours of sleep. But, also for
many of us, this can be pretty impossible due
to a variety of factors.
Getting to bed early (or as early as is
possible, for that particular day), gives me
more time to calm my mind before actually
falling asleep. And, when I’m calmer right
before bed, I’m able to sleep better.
Even if I’m not sleeping, when I’m physically
in bed, my mind is preparing to slow down and
relax. Often, this means I’m having to read
for hours before falling asleep, but that’s
okay. It still proves to be an effective way
of creating a less anxious night.
Going to bed at the same time each night, when
possible of course, also helps prepare and
ease me into this relaxing bedtime routine.
Choose Routine
Over Randomness
I have found that having a nighttime routine –
a process you become accustomed to, can in
itself, reduce your anxiety. Having a plan for
de-stressing, rather than thinking of
de-stress techniques on the whim, has proven,
to me, to be an integral part of relaxing
before bed.
The best nighttime routine is one that most
suits you. It could be as simple as knowing
you will have a warm bath, read one chapter of
your favorite book, and do a breathing
exercise. It all comes down to consistency.
- chapped lips
are brought on by two main factors:
dehydration and cold weather. For relief,
you can try healing your lips and deeply
nourishing them with essential oils!
Essential oils contain therapeutic
properties that help moisturize, nourish,
protect and heal lips making them soft,
smooth and plump.
To begin use a
simple sugar / Oil scrub then:
1/4 cup of Oil of your choice (almond,
olive, jojoba..)
add 1/8 cup sugar a little at a time or more
if needed
till you get the consistency you want.
then add:
Essential oils - Blue Chamomile, Lavender, Tea Tree Frankincense, Peppermint, Helichrysum
Can combine
equal parts Geranium and Lavender in a lotion or
carrier oil base. |
More of Informative Pages:
"Be Happy in the Moment, that is
Each Moment is all we need, not more."
~Mother Teresa
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Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to your body
as you take anything. Remember that even
doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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We are committed to your health at the lowest
possible prices!
Quality determines results!!
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