Garden Essence Oils 

Garden essence oils anti depression, anxiety, ant viral,
          anti bacterial
October 2019
Get Ready for Fall
  25% off Retail on KidCare Germ Buster
September 30- October 6
Promo Code: GERM

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more

KidCare Germ Buster
25% Off Retail
September 30- October 6
KidCare Germ Buster helps protect your children from seasonal threats like those that occur during the winter. Helps everyone stay healthy or recover more quickly.
No night goes by that we don't put this on the kids and ourselves. Germs are hitting the schools hard already this year and we are prepared!

Cold and Flu Season
Healthy Spice and X Plague are our most popular oil blends used to support the immune system and help kill off harmful bacteria and viruses. During the Cold and Flu Season.

As the temperature drops and people around you start sniffling, you may be wondering what you can do this season to protect yourself from catching whatever’s going around—or to feel better faster if you do get sick.
Studies have shown that Healthy Spice and X Plague essential oil blends can kill bacteria, and have even been tested against influenza and other viruses. Plus they can be helpful in relieving cold and flu symptoms.

These essential oils have been shown in research to limit the proliferation of certain viruses—but paired with their antibacterial action, that makes them really useful tools.
After a viral infection like the flu, you get a secondary bacterial infection, so it’s nice that there’s both of these therapeutic actions.

Respiratory Congestion and Respiratory Problems  can act as an expectorant and an anti-mucolytic—which means they can help dry up mucus and expel it from the respiratory system. They can also lower inflammation, which happens very frequently during these types of infections, and they help stimulate our immune system.
These blends have antibacterial and antiviral properties, and they may help relieve symptoms like congestion and aches.
Studies also suggest that breathing in essential oils or applying them to your skin may help with other cold-and-flu-related ailments, like headaches and general aches and pains. And it may help you recover more quickly from your illness
How to:
combine four to six drops of various essential oils into a bowl with six to eight cups of boiling water, and then breathing in the steam for five to 10 minutes. (Be careful not to get too close or breathe in steam so hot that it burns your face or nasal passages.)
You can also use a diffuser to disperse essential oil vapors into a room where you’re resting.
Applying essential oils to the throat or chest area can also help reduce cold or flu symptoms—but since they can be irritating to the skin if they’re not diluted properly,  So use a carrier oil such as olive, almond, or oil of your choice.

Single Essential Oils
Effective Relief and Super Immune Power
Cardamom: This warm, spicy-sweet oil is one of the most effective oils for fighting a cold or flu virus. Cardamom has soothing properties that help ease a dry, constant cough. Not only that, but Cardamom is excellent at relieving congestion and supporting a healthy immune system, which can help you eliminate unwanted germs. In short, Cardamom’s therapeutic benefits support healthy immune system function while also bringing relief from common seasonal ailments.
How to use:
Add a few drops to a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes to relieve congestion.
Mix a couple of drops with a carrier oil, and massage into the chest area to promote deeper, clearer breathing.
Lemon is one of the most common essential oils because of its seemingly all-inclusive benefits. But did you know that Lemon can help ease the symptoms of a cold or flu? Lemon essential oil has natural disinfecting, energizing, and purifying properties, which means that it basically helps with everything. From coughing and congestion to fevers and fatigue, Lemon essential oil can give your mind and body the boost it needs to get better.
How to use:
Diffuse to reduce fatigue, boost the mind, and ease a cough.
Rub a few drops of diluted Lemon oil onto your chest to reduce congestion.
Diffuse to help kill airborne germs.
Eucalyptus oil has a strong, fresh aroma that is great for colds and flus. A tell-tale sign of these viruses is congestion. If you feel stuffed up or have a chest cough, Eucalyptus can help open the airways and ease coughs. Eucalyptus’ purifying and cleansing properties also help kill the harmful germs and viruses that got you sick in the first place. When applied topically, Eucalyptus also has a cooling effect, which feels great when you feel overheated.
How to use:
Add 5-10 drops to a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes.
Diffuse to help kill airborne germs and promote clear breathing.
Add 10 drops to 2 cups of room-temperature water. Put a few washcloths into the water, and place on the forehead, arms, and legs to cool you down.

Don't wait till Your Sick
You don’t have to wait until you are sick to take advantage of the healing benefits of essential oils. Most essential oils are antiseptic and bactericides, which will inhibit bacterial growth. Some oils are also anti-fungal and antiviral, so you can see why they are beneficial during flu season. You can use essential oils in many ways around the house to boost your immune system.
This time of year Our "Clean Line" is Super Popular:
Clean BathClean AirClean DishesClean Glass, Clean Laundry, Sauna//Steam, Wood Helper
I like to clean with my favorite bacteria busters such as cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, thyme and pine. Not only do they assist in cleaning my house but they also benefit my immune system. I also like to diffuse oils in my diffuser several times a day. You can make a room spritzer and spray in the air if you don’t have a diffuser.

You will need:
1 ¾ oz ounces of distilled water
10-30 drops of various essential oils ( I use less when I use intense aromas)
Optional: ¼ teaspoon vodka or witch hazel to emulsify the oils and water.
*This is important with thick oils like myrrh and jasmine.
Fill the bottle with water, add oils, and shake before each use.
In a 2 oz glass spritzer bottle

More of Informative Pages:
Vitamin D baby-links dropsy
essential oils

calm - magnesium
Nuts dental
Who is Doctor Christopher
10 times more effect than Deet
essential oils info
plus emotions &

how to use eo's

Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
prayer-proof prayer-g parasites
Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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