Garden Essence Oils 

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June 2019
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Pesticide Free Gardening
Gardening can be fun, and a great way to save money while eating the freshest food available, but it can also come with its fair share of frustrations. From pests to proper watering, there are a lot of factors involved, especially if you are using organic methods to avoid chemicals.
Garden pest control is a constant battle in an organic garden.

Fortunately, there are several ways to wage war against pests without resorting to pesticides. Companion planting, proper spacing, and natural methods of disease and pest control can ensure a healthy garden production without the need for nasty chemicals.
Walk your Garden  if you see any signs of damage, act immediately. And yes, if you really want an organic garden, that may mean hand-picking and even squishing bugs. I prefer the soapy bucket approach. If you find adult bugs or larvae that like to munch, remove them (or the leaf any eggs are attached to) and put them in a bucket of soapy water.
Use Companion Planting
Basil planted with tomato improves production and flavor. Basil is also good for peppers and has been said to repel mosquitoes.
I plant basil throughout the garden for its aroma and beneficial properties.
Borage is a great companion for tomatoes and cabbage as it repels both tomato horn worm and cabbage moths. It also helps strawberries and is beneficial to practically everything in the garden. I plant throughout.
Chamomile is a great companion for cabbage, cucumbers, onions and all the brassicas. It improves flavor and is a great herb to have on hand. It attracts beneficial insects and has delicate and beautiful flowers.
Dill is also great planted with cabbages, cucumbers, lettuce, and more. It improves flavor, helps repel pests, and is useful in making homemade pickles! It can get pretty big so I plant in the middle of cucumber beds. (Don’t plant with tomatoes!)
Catnip is another great herb to grow and have on hand. Planted near squash and cucumbers it will repel squash bugs and aphids. Steep the dried leaves in a tea to help sooth the stomach, and spray the tea on plants as a pest control spray!
Radishes can be planted throughout the garden and under plants like cucumbers to deter cucumber beetles.
Marigolds planted throughout the garden help prevent nematodes and repel pests. They will flower all summer as long as you keep pulling the dead flowers off.
Nasturtiums are also great companion flowers to tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and more. The flowers are edible and can be added to salads. They benefit melons and squashes as well.
Onions can be planted freely throughout the garden but help keep pests away from cabbages, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, and more. Intercropping a few with all of these plants can greatly reduce garden pests.
Sunflowers are great companions and beautiful throughout the garden. Plant with cucumbers, beans, and vining plants to provide a trellis. They are hardy and a great trap crop for aphids and other pests. They typically produce plenty of their own seeds to use next year.
Natural Insect and Pest Repellents

A tea or solution made from powdered kelp will help deter Japanese beetles and aphids and is also nourishing to plants. Spray once a week or so before and during infestation times.

A garlic and hot pepper spray (see recipe below) repels many garden insects and wildlife pests. It is probably the most inexpensive option to make at home and isn’t harmful to you while applying. Use once a week or more for several weeks before and during infestation times.
A tea made with lemon balm repels squash bugs and aphids. Apply 2 or more times a week as needed.
A solution of several teaspoons of baking soda dissolved in water can help prevent and treat fungus and powdery mildew on plants. Use as a preventative and acute treatment as needed.
Powdered diatomaceous earth is a good all-purpose prevention and treatment for any insect pest, but use with caution as it kills indiscriminately. I use DE mainly if I see slugs or larvae of any insect on plants, as it is especially effective on these. Just sprinkle on plants as needed and reapply after watering or rain. (Note: I buy food-grade DE and also use it for indoor pests like ants and as an internal cleanse for parasites in humans and animals.)
Neem sprays  are an increasingly popular pest control option.
Hot Pepper Garden Pest Spray Recipe
This is my go-to homemade garden pest control spray and it works really well!


2-4 cloves of garlic
At least 4 hot cayenne (or hotter) peppers
2 TBSP olive oil or other liquid oil
1 TBSP liquid castile soap like Dr. Bronners
2-3 cups hot water
towel, strainer, or cheesecloth

Put garlic, peppers, oil, soap, and water in a blender and blend on high for several minutes.
Leave in a bowl or pitcher overnight or for at least 12 hours to intensify the effects of the garlic and peppers.
Strain through towel, cheesecloth, or strainer and store in a glass jar.
To use, pour about 2 TBSP in a 16 ounce spray bottle (or 3 TBSP in a 24 ounce) and shake well.
Spray directly on plants as needed… I recommend wearing gloves!
Use as often as needed for preventative and pest-controlling effects.
 85% of all plant issues are fungal-related. Many pests and fungal threats can really hinder your gardening from growing and flourishing the way you dream. Unfortunately, this can prevent your plants from producing as they should.
Rosemary essential oil  works wonderfully to help repel many pests in the garden. It has been shown to even repel the larvae itself.
Place a few drops right on a pot to keep the bugs from chewing up the leaves of your plants. Rosemary essential oil is also a butterfly attractor. They love it, so if you have a butterfly garden it can benefit you in this way as well.
Peppermint repels several garden pests like aphids, flies and beetles and even spiders can’t stand it! You can place peppermint oil around baseboards or in cupboards in your home to keep spiders away. I use it for ants too
Tea Tree   is great for dealing with anything that has to do with getting rid of fungus on your plants. You can make a spray with it to mist your plants and soil.
Lavender’s scent is another one butterflies love, so if you spray lavender oil near the plants to attract them. It will draw them in even more!
Lavender essential oil also attracts bees, which we need for pollination. Place a drop or two on a cotton ball and place in pots or in the garden to attract them
Garden Insect Deterrent
Add 10 drops of the following essential oils to a 4-ounce glass spray bottle: Rosemary oil, peppermint oil, clove oil and thyme oil.
Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake to mix.
Apply anywhere you would like to get rid of insects
Plant Fungus Suppressant
In a 4-ounce glass spray bottle, combine water with 25 drops tea tree essential oil.
Spray on plants and soil to help keep away the fungal growth.
Pollinator Attractor Spray
In a 4-ounce glass spray bottle, add 6 to 8 drops orange oil and top off with water.
Shake to blend and spray on flower and buds to attract bees for pollination.
List of Best Essential Oils to Use for Pest Repellents
Ants – peppermint or spearmint
Aphids – cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
Beetles – peppermint or thyme
Caterpillars – spearmint or peppermint
Chiggers – lavender, lemongrass, sage, thyme
Fleas – peppermint, lemongrass, spearmint, lavender
Flies – peppermint, lavender, rosemary, sage
Gnats – patchouli or spearmint
Lice – cedarwood, peppermint, spearmint
Mosquitoes – lavender, lemongrass, arborvitae
Moths – cedarwood, lavender, peppermint, spearmint
Plant Lice – peppermint or spearmint
Slugs – cedarwood
Spiders – peppermint or spearmint
Ticks – lavender, lemongrass, sage or thyme
Weevils – cedarwood, patchouli, sandalwood

Allergies are due to hypersensitivity of the immune system that causes damaging responses that can affect the whole body. Some of the most common causes of allergies? Things like pollen found outdoors, animal fur, dust or particular foods.
Apple cider vinegar is also an amazing natural allergy remedy, as it can help reduce mucous production and cleanse your lymphatic system. The quick and dirty approach is to swallow a tablespoon. For a more palatable option, try adding a tablespoon to a cup of hot water with a small bit of honey.
Honey - Bees create their honey from what’s around. Thus, their honey contains trace amounts of the very pollen that could be making you feel sick.

While a tablespoon (or two) won’t immediately relieve your allergy symptoms, it can help naturally reduce your allergy symptoms over time. Start administering it immediately to begin seeing results.
Nettle leaf can help naturally block your body’s ability to produce histamine, which can provide allergy relief naturally. While you may be able to find nettle leaf grown locally, we think it’s easiest to buy it.

You can get it in capsules or buy the leaf whole, which is our preference. Steep it with peppermint leaves and a small amount of honey to create an herbal tea that will be as tasty as it is beneficial.
Eucalyptus Oil & Frankincense Oil
One interesting study evaluated the effect that various essential oils had in killing the highly allergic house mites and found that eucalyptus oil ranked amongst some of the most potent. Essential oils for allergies work by reducing inflammation and improving detoxification of harmful bacteria, parasites, microorganisms and toxins that can trigger an attack. You can use eucalyptus oil for seasonal allergy relief in a variety of ways.

Essential oils for Allergy Relief:

KidCare Sneeze Stopper
Tea Tree

Did you Know?
Nerve Damage  can cause pain and numbness in the affected areas. For people with diabetes, this primarily affects the legs and feet. Severe cases of neuropathy may cause issues with digestion and affect your heart rate
Nerve Damage  Helps restore nerve damage which is also the cause of a majority of hearing loss. (Use roller ball on back of ear)
One woman had been resistant to other standard therapies, but saw almost immediate pain relief after applying topical Nerve Damage blend oil. This relief lasted four to six hours after application.

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 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

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