Garden Essence Oils 

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May 2019
Essential Oils to Help Keep Summer Pests Away and Energy Levels Up
 Sale 25% Off Retail

PestAway, Critter ShieldBug Stick,
for Energy Levels: Energize, and Energy

Use The Promo Code: SPRING

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more

Pest Away
Stay Safe This Summer
As spring rolls into summer, it’s time to fire up the grill and spend time in the refreshing outdoor air. But at the same time that you’re preparing your barbecue feast, mosquitoes are preparing to make a feast out of you. Fortunately, you can repel them using the right essential oils.
Disease-ridden mosquitoes have plagued tropical regions throughout history. Mosquitoes are increasingly showing up in the United States. No longer just an annoyance, mosquitoes can transmit  potentially fatal diseases with a single bite.
One of the ingredients used often in bug repellants is DEET. When it's used frequently and heavily, it has been linked with skin irritation, respiratory effects, rashes, and even neurological effects. The chemical is particularly concerning in children, where in rare cases, it can lead to lethargy and headaches. In pregnant women, if used on bare skin, it could harm the baby.

For everyday insect avoidance, though, most of us would like to use something safer to protect our families from summer pests.

Researchers put groups of 20 mosquitoes in a glass tube, half of which was treated with catnip oil (nepetalactone). After 10 minutes, only an average of about 20 percent (4 mosquitoes) remained on the side treated with a high dose (1.0 percent) of the oil, and only about 25 percent (5 mosquitoes) in the low-dose (0.1 percent) side. The same tests with DEET resulted in 40-45 percent (8-9 mosquitoes) remaining on the treated side.
As an added bonus, these blends provide double the strength:                       

Pest AwayBug Stick, KidCare Critter Shield,

Mosquitoes: Citronella, peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, basil, clove, thyme, lemongrass, geranium, and lavender;
Fleas: Cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemongrass, lavender, orange, and pine;
Ticks: Rose geranium, juniper, thyme, grapefruit, and oregano.

Let's face it, we've all felt low on energy at times. There are many underlying reasons for feeling this way, including high stress, lack of proper sleep, adrenal fatigue, emotional  stress, low moods and more.
Essential oils can directly influence areas of the brain that control feelings of tiredness and stress. This allows essential oils to shift mood at the physiological level, leaving you feeling more awake, focused, and prepared to take on the day.

  • Make you feel fresh and ready to tackle the day
  • Elevate your mood and promote positivity
  • Help you re-focus and concentrate
  • Reduce feelings of stress and anxiety
  • Alleviate fatigue and tiredness
  • Increase productivity levels
  • Give you the jolt you need to get up and get going
Essential oils may affect a number of biological factors, including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, and immune function.   Many essential oils offer energy-enhancing benefits, and some even help improve focus and motivation.
 The following blends are some of the best oils to increase energy and relieve fatigue.

Essential oil blends provide double the strength:

Did you Know?
Nerve Damage  can cause pain and numbness in the affected areas. For people with diabetes, this primarily affects the legs and feet. Severe cases of neuropathy may cause issues with digestion and affect your heart rate
Nerve Damage  Helps restore nerve damage which is also the cause of a majority of hearing loss. (Use roller ball on back of ear)
One woman had been resistant to other standard therapies, but saw almost immediate pain relief after applying topical Nerve Damage blend oil. This relief lasted four to six hours after application.

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10 times more effect than Deet
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emotions on health
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"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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