Garden Essence Oils 

Garden essence oils for depression, anxiety relief, anti
          viral, anti bacterial.
March 2019
Essential Oils to Help Soften and Soothe
 Sale 25% Off Retail

Digestion, KidCare Poop Easier, Peppermint Use The Promo Code: OILS

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KidSafe Poop Easier
Different essential oils can have different effects on the body, some of which can help to treat conditions like constipation. They may relax the body, for example, or encourage muscle contractions, making it easier for the digestive system to function properly.
KidCare Poop Easier  was formulated with your little ones in mind to promote relaxation and help ease the anxiety associated with troublesome bowel movements. Constipation is a common problem for young children, but it can easily turn into a more serious issue if nothing is done to help everything move along smoothly.
Often the hard, dry stools are uncomfortable for our kiddos to pass, which may cause them to fearfully avoid the toilet altogether—making the situation worse. KidCare Poop Easier can help get the potty process moving along, making for a much more pleasant bathroom experience for you and your child!
Dilute Poop Easier in your favorite carrier oil and apply in a circular motion to the lower abdomen. Best applied prior to bedtime. Due to the nature of this concern, please allow a few days of applying 1-2 times per day to see noticeable effects.
First, constipation has nothing to do with how often you go. Constipation refers to the compactness of stool and the difficulty in passing them. If your child does not poop often enough, it is possible for constipation to be a side effect. But frequency in and of itself is not defined as constipation, although it is an issue. Ideally, everyone should poop daily.
Listen to the reviews:
I do not have little ones But - bought this for myself. It is gentle yet effective. I find using 2 days in a row seems to work best for me.

My daughter is three and is often constipated. She is starting to have accidents.  I bought this after hearing about it from my sister. It works! My daughter told me "I'm not having poopy problems anymore." It works as intended.

I use this on myself on days when I just don't feel regular. It produces a BM within the hour for me if used during the day. At night it happens in the morning.

This blend is useful for improving digestive function. It is beneficial in digesting toxic material, and for alleviating Indigestion, Stomach cramps,
Upset Stomach, Gas, Heartburn.

A healthy digestive system is the starting point for health and wellness because that is where food is absorbed and where helpful bacteria live. Digestion can be a great support for gastrointestinal comfort and normal digestion support.
After your meal, do you feel heavy and bloated and maybe even a bit sleepy? You don’t even want to think about how you’re going to feel later.
Of course, there are several ways to improve your digestion and get into that parasympathetic state.
For occasional stomach upset, apply one drop of Digestion to the stomach area.  Rub a drop of Digestion on the stomach area prior to travel.  Massage onto the abdominal area with a carrier oil.
Works great for stomach pain, I love this blend for indigestion, gall bladder pain, or after I've overeaten a little. I use a couple of drops mixed with a carrier and rub it over my abdomen. Works great on gas too!

Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there.
This Month We are Running A Special on This Amazing Oil

Peppermint  can be used aromatically, topically and internally to address a number of health concerns, from muscles aches and seasonal allergy symptoms, to low energy and digestive complaints. It’s also commonly used to boost energy levels and improve both skin and hair health.

Peppermint has significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities. It also works as a strong antioxidant, displays anti-tumor actions in lab studies, shows anti-allergenic potential and pain-killing effects, helps to relax the gastrointestinal tract. Peppermint oil is recommended for supporting and calming the gut, while supporting healthy digestion.
More Peppermint Essential Oil Benefits:  Helps Joint Pain, Sinus and Respiratory Benefits, Allergy Relief, Increase Energy and Performance, Headaches, Hair growth and so much more...

Skin Detox
The largest organ of the body

Spring inspires many of us to hit the “refresh” button, whether it’s by losing weight, getting more sleep, or faithfully exercising. Discover how essential oils for detox can help you realize these health goals—and also enrich your life.
Everything from the polluted air we breathe to the additives in the foods we eat can introduce a plethora of toxins into our bodies. And, sometimes our immune systems can become overwhelmed. That is when toxins cling to the opportunity to settle into our bodies. Thankfully, there are things we can do to enhance our natural detoxification system, and there are even strategies (such as essential oils for detox) that we can implement to keep our immune system working efficiently!
The importance of Detoxification
Research shows that the human body can easily process and eliminate a normal level of toxic exposure. But the real question is, what’s normal? We put so much junk into our bodies these days, intentionally and unintentionally, that even the healthiest people can be overwhelmed.

Toxins in all shapes and sizes are attacking our bodies on a daily basis. Defined as a foreign substance that leads to disease, they are nearly impossible to avoid. Fortunately, our immune systems are war machines when it comes to battling the toxins that plague our bodies.
Essential oils can help give our bodies the added boost they need to fight off and cleanse from harmful elements!
Lemon, Myrtle, Lemongrass, Tea Tree, May Chang, Valerian, Myrrh.
Rosemary  a known iron chelator, rosemary essential oil has been proven to protect DNA.
Oregano essential oil had the highest antioxidant activity index
Clove is another iron chelator. While researchers are still discovering just how powerful antioxidants are and how important they are to our health, they have known detoxifying agents.
Peppermint open airways and revive a sleepy head. As a natural antioxidant, peppermint will help detoxify your liver and strengthen the GI system.
Juniper Berry can help purify the air and cleanse the lungs. Juniper also contains constituents that act as diuretics, helping flush excess water from the kidneys and toxins from the skin.
Sage essential oil is often used in natural medicine to dissolve fat cells and battle hard-to-fight cellulite. This essential oil is very strong — just the smallest of doses is effective, and the herbal scent will offer a grounding element to an evening detox blend.
Activated Charcoal is used for clearer, healthier looking skin, activated charcoal helps to “detox” skin by drawing out dirt, toxins, oil and other impurities that can lead to acne breakouts. And as it’s suitable for even sensitive skin, pretty much everyone can take advantage of its skin care benefits.
A Salt Bar of Soap can help many skin conditions. Some of these include acne, dermatitis, bacterial or fungal skin infections, and body odor issues. Because the salt kills bacteria naturally, the salt bars can also be used as a deodorant bar. Furthermore, salt soap is gently exfoliating and can help detoxify the skin.
Salts help to draw impurities from the skin, making for a wonderfully detoxing skin routine that doesn’t require a salt bath to accomplish.
Salt soap is sometimes called Spa Soap because of how you feel while using it, as well as the luxurious benefits that it gives to the skin. It never hurts to treat yourself once in a while, especially when it comes to improving your skincare.
Enough of the salt comes off onto the washcloth to help exfoliate the skin; removing dead skin cells and leaving your skin more youthful and glowing.

Did you Know?
Women exposed to Orange Essential oil had lower levels of anxiety, a more positive mood and a higher level of calmness.

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10 times more effect than Deet
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plus emotions &

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Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
prayer-proof prayer-g parasites
Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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