Garden Essence Oils 

garden essential oils for aromatherapy use depression
          stress relief anxiety relief
February 2019
Essential Oils to Combat the Winter Blues
 Sale 25% Off Retail

Happy Memories, KidCare Stress be Gone, Honeymoon, Romance, Belief, and Composure Use The Promo Code: HAPPY

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Essential Oils to Combat the Winter Blues
Happy Memories, KidCare Stress be Gone, Honeymoon, Romance, Belief, and Composure Use The Promo Code: HAPPY
Add a Little Sun Shine
and chase the Winter Blues Away
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression also known as winter depression or seasonal depression. That lack of light negatively affects the mental health or the experiences of millions of individuals around the world.

The symptoms of SAD are similar to those of other forms of depression, including low energy, a sense of hopelessness, feelings of sadness throughout the day, difficulty concentrating, sluggishness, changes in weight or appetite, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, lack of self-worth and self-esteem, sleeping problems.

Winter-onset SAD has its own specific set of additional symptoms including weight gain, craving for high-carb foods, oversleeping, heavy feeling in either the legs or arms, difficulty getting along with others, low energy, and irritability.

But, there is hope!

Essential oils stimulate the nerve endings of the olfactory bulb at the back of the nose. The nerve endings stimulate the  limbic system, which is an important section in the brain that helps to control:  emotions, mood, pain, pleasure and behavior - which in turn affects our emotional responses in the form of happiness, sadness, fear, attraction and more.

Essential oils can actually affect a number of biological factors, including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, and immune function, the aromatic molecules present naturally in essential oils can cross the blood/brain barrier and have a direct impact on areas of the brain which control feelings of depression, anxiety and stress.

Essential oil blends that may help with SAD:
Happy MemoriesKidCare Stress be Gone, Honeymoon, Romance, Belief, and Composure,     
In a recent study, 58 hospice patients were given hand massages once a day for one week with an essential oil blend in with sweet almond oil. The essential oil blend consisted of these essential oils in equal ratios of Bergamot, Frankincense and Lavender. All patients who received the aromatherapy hand massage reported less pain and depression, concluding that aromatherapy massage with this essential oil blend is more effective for pain and depression management than massage alone.
Basil Essential Oil helps to reduce inflammation, alleviate stress, and calm the nervous system. Basil oil also stimulates the adrenal glands which makes it especially helpful in revitalizing energy levels and even alleviating chronic fatigue. Fatigue is a major roadblock for many depression sufferers so since basil oil helps to reduce sluggishness it can directly help to reduce these adverse symptoms of depression.

Did you Know?
Women exposed to Orange Essential oil had lower levels of anxiety, a more positive mood and a higher level of calmness.

Just in time for February
Natural Rose Silk Goat Milk Soap
Pamper yourself or Someone you love
How we treat our skin can have a major impact on our overall health. The body’s largest organ, our skin is incredibly porous and absorbent. Mountains of research show that toxic chemicals can be drawn through the skin and transferred into the bloodstream, causing concerning long-term damage.

Why we chose cold-processed, natural soap - was to provide our customers with safer, more nourishing cleansing and body care options. Each bar is artisan handmade and takes weeks to cure which maintains the integrity of the nutrients, essential oils and vitamins in our soap.
Why on earth would anyone choose a cosmetic to cleanse over soap? Not only do detergent soaps mask odor more than clean, they often irritate and dehydrate the skin.

Just Say “No” To Chemicals: Antibacterial “soap” typically contains triclosan, along with numerous other harmful chemicals (including parabens, petrochemicals, and sodium laureth sulphate). The Environmental Working Group found that triclosan may disrupt human hormones (animals studies proved it did) and damage the reproductive system. Also, it doesn’t actually kill more germs than natural soap!

The cold process soap method keeps all of the nourishing ingredients intact which help prevent dry, itchy skin while actively moisturizing the skin.

Rich Lather: Creamy and silkening, nature’s ingredients make for much richer suds than synthetics used in OTC “ soap.”
Do you know that most commercial soaps are degreasing detergents marketed as skincare products? Have a look at the ingredients on your soap bottle or bar. It's not wonder that so many people suffer from skin problems like eczema, acne, dry, flaky or sensitive skin. But is your skin the real problem? Or is it the crap it is exposed to?

Ever had an insect bite? Swelling and itching is our immune system's natural reaction to combat the invasion of foreign substances. It's also our body's way of warning us when it is harmed. See the connection?

In the quest to save our skin, we discovered that stripping away all the crap found in commercial products and using nature's pure goodness resulted in noticeable changes within a week. Skin becomes smoother, more supple and glows with vitality! The use of carefully selected ingredients:  Silk to sooth and strengthen skin, clay to detox, lard, organic, coconut, olive, shea butter, which we put into our soap bars also brings relief to many skin problems.
Fresh goat milk, which naturally contains many minerals that are great for skin. One of these is lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). This is naturally present in the whole goat milk, not an added extract, which makes it's much more bio-available. Just like how receiving nutrition from whole foods is much better than supplements as our bodies do not benefit as effectively from nutrients that are not part of whole foods Try it for yourself and see.

Liver Support Essential Oil Blend
Did you know that the liver can become toxic with emotions? As crazy as it might sound, the liver hangs onto negativity, hate, grief, anger, and number of other unpleasant emotions. In order to help the liver, release its emotional burden, you need to include daily practices like exercise, meditation, yoga, and other emotional release activities along with using emotionally supportive essential oils.

Essential oils are a great addition to your liver support routine as they are quick and simple to apply and are very potent and effective remedies.
To make an effective liver support blend, combine the following oils in an empty 1oz dropper bottle:

• 3 drops carrot seed essential oil – aides in the repair, regeneration and detoxification of liver cells.
• 3 drops German chamomile essential oil – stimulates bile secretions and supports liver detox.
• 4 drops cypress essential oil – stimulates and regulates liver secretions and supports cleansing and detoxification.
• 4 drops juniper berry essential oil – a blood purifying essential oil that aides the liver by relieving some of its burden.
• 5 drops geranium essential oil – aides the liver by expanding the liver’s bile ducts which helps with detox. Geranium is considered to be a powerful liver tonic.
• 5 drops rosemary essential oil – enhances bile flow and reduces excess plasma liver enzymes. It also prevents toxic overload.
• 6 drops ginger essential oil – helps reverse a fatty liver and stimulates liver secretions.
For your convenience:
6 drops  LGD Essential oil blend.
Apply one dropperful of essential oil support blend under your right rib cage. You can spread it over the abdomen and middle of the back as well.
Use upon waking and before bedtime for best results.

More of Informative Pages:

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10 times more effect than Deet
essential oils info
plus emotions &

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Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
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Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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