Garden Essence Oils 

Garden Essense Essential Oils for all your aromatherapy
January 2019

Free Shipping on Essential Oil Orders of $50.00 or more

X Plague and Healthy Spice are
25% Off Retail

Thru The Month Of January
X Plague is supposed to help the immune system work better by warding off harmful virus and bacteria. It’s also said to help the immune system fight off illness when it does occur.

Researchers found that X Plague weakened the influenza virus in cells that were infected. They also discovered that the oil can prevent the virus from being able to replicate as strongly. Although the virus was still able to replicate itself, it didn't produce as many viral proteins. This weakened the virus and made it easier for the immune system to attack it.

In our family we have seen marked improvement in our immunity since starting to use XPlague. We can now get through the winter seasons without constantly passing things around. If my kids do get something, they often can kick it out within 12 to 24 hours!
If you are looking for a chemical-free option to keep your sinks sparkling, as well as keep germs at bay, X Plague can also be used as a natural household cleaner.

Ways to use X Plague effectively:

  • by diffusing it into the air for aromatherapy purposes
  • by using it on the skin
  • by using it on surfaces as a household cleaner

If you're looking for more ways to protect yourself or your family from getting sick, there are a few other ways you can boost your immune system:
Get enough Sleep: read previous article on sleeping better here.
Mindful Diet
Healthy Spice:
Healthy Spice has been used for detoxifying effects, for pain relief, and as an emotional and physical stimulant.
Healthy Spice supports Immunity and keeps you Healthy by boosting natural immunity, it is highly Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antiseptic, disinfectant and effective against airborne bacteria.
 Recover faster from cold, cough & chest congestion by rubbing 3-6 drops on your chest and feet (for sensitive skin dilute it with carrier oil), Put 3-5 drops in half glass water and gargle it to get immediate relief from sore throat. Repeat this 2-3 times a day.

It's A New Year, A New You, And
New Year Resolutions
This dates back with the ancient Romans, who customarily made a show of promising the god Janus that they would behave BETTER over the next twelve months than they had in the PAST twelve.  But while Janus was the patron deity of "New Beginnings", he also provided a CONVENIENT EXCUSE. If a citizen of Rome didn't actually follow through with his various self-improvement vows, he could always shrug it off by explaining that "It was Janus' Will" 
Better habits are worth the effort and strong daily routines go a long way towards a successful outcome.
It's not easy, but sometimes, all it takes is a little determination.

Making a List of all the things
you want to change. Create your plan.
Frankincense is a great oil to help you overcome your fear.
Bay is a symbol of wisdom and can increase creativity and inspiration.

Lemon can rejuvenate the mind and promote clear thinking.

Peppermint is a very invigorating oil! I use it to help me to think more clearly and to focus on what I want to accomplish!

Sandalwood is said to help reduce indecision so you can stay firm in your resolutions.

Alert can help with mental alertness, and may even help to oxygenate the brain.

B-Power helps to reduce brain fog. May give you the mental clarity you need.

Take courage, make your plan, use these essential oils to remember and keep your resolutions.

A Helpful Way to Detox  
After all the Festivities, the Parties, and Binging...
Yes, our bodies do have the ability to naturally detox through urine, waste and sweat, but when someone is pumping the body full of toxic food, medications and a lot of junk, the bodies natural ability to detox is not nearly enough!
Start with:
Nutrient-Dense Diet, this one is open to your choice of diet/green smoothies etc. Food/Broth Soups can help the body do what it needs to.
Essential oils have been known to help the body detox.
Essential Oils: Rosemary, Juniper, TangerineFrankincense, X PlagueHealthy Spice, Geranium, Helichrysum, Cilantro  and Fractionated Coconut Oil. To use, there are two options:

Apply 1-2 drops of each essential oil diluted with 1 tsp of coconut oil on the bottoms of the feet. Do this both morning and evening.
Add 10 drops of each essential oil to a 10ml glass roller bottle. Top off the rest of the bottle off with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Then, roll 5 swipes on to the bottoms of the feet both morning and evening.

Drink Lots of good water.
Castor Oil Detox Pack
The castor bean  is known principally as a cathartic (strong laxative). By placing a pack over the abdomen with applied heat, the lymphatic circulation absorbs the oil and  provides a soothing, cleansing and nutritive treatment.
The Castor Oil Pack is specific for detox. It is very effective in the use of non-cancerous uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Other conditions which seem to respond well include headaches, liver disorders, constipation, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, conditions with poor elimination, nighttime urinary frequency and inflamed joints.

The liver is on the right side of the body, beneath the breast and down to the bottom of the rib cage.
Materials Needed:
Castor oil
A sheet of Plastic (a garbage bag is fine)
36" x 18" piece of cotton flannel
Hot water bottle or heating pad
Rosemary Essential Oil
Geranium Essential oil
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Tangerine Essential oil
Cilantro Essential oil

Rub a generous amount of castor oil, with 3 drops each of the essential oils added, over the skin on top of the liver area, both on the front and on the back.

Place the cotton flannel over the covered area. Then, wrap in plastic to hold the cloth in place.

Place heating pad or hot water bottle on top. Lay on your right side for a minimum of 45 minutes. You may even fall asleep and wear the pack all night. If using a heating pad, unplug it before falling asleep.

For maximum effectiveness, apply the pack as often as possible. A minimum of 4 consecutive days per week for at least 4-6 weeks is best. Daily use provides the most beneficial effects. Try to hold the Castor Oil Pack for at least 20 minutes (the length of a cartoon). 5 nights a week.

 Previous article on Detox Body Wraps found Here>>
Detox bath:
The sulfates in epsom salt help flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances. Your skin is a highly porous membrane. Therefore, adding the right minerals to your bathwater triggers a process called reverse osmosis. This actually pulls salt out of your body and harmful toxins along with it. The baking soda helps with ridding the body of chemicals from food, drugs, radiation exposure, etc.

Epsom Salt
Baking Soda
Rosemary Essential Oil
Geranium Essential oil
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Tangerine Essential oil
Cilantro Essential oil

Add 2 cups epsom salt and 1 cup of baking soda to very warm bath water. Let dissolve for 5 minutes.
Add 4 drops each of RosemaryJuniper Berry, Geranium, and Cilantro Essential oils all of these are specific for detoxing the body.
Glutathione: is the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease, and although our body does produce it’s own glutathione, it becomes incapable of producing the necessary amount of glutathione when the liver is burdened with toxins from medicine, environmental toxins, radiation, etc. Therefore, it is even more important when detoxing.
Try a detoxifying essential oil foot bath:
 because it contains health supporting ingredients that cleanse and purify.

4 cups purified water
1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
1 cup baking soda
1 cup epsom salt
2 green tea bags

The reason we want to purchase apple cider vinegar in the raw form is to ensure that the beneficial compounds have not been stripped away during processing. Apple cider vinegar contains Acetic acid, which can destroy bad bacteria in the body while aiding the growth of good bacteria. Baking soda can also help eliminate bacteria, as well as reduce itchiness that can occur during the detoxification process. Containing both magnesium and sulfur, it is believed that Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin when added to warm water to provide relief from physical stress.

Adding Essential oils is always a good idea so it’s a no-brainer to add them to a detoxifying essential oil foot bath! Typically I would add about 2 drops per oil. The ones that I’d be most likely to include for their purifying and cleansing support are:

  Lemon Balm
Other  essential oils that could be added are:
  Citrus blend
  Tea tree 

Warm the water to just slightly above your desired comfort level and place it in a large glass container or foot tub that is big enough for immersing your feet. Be careful not to boil the water or make it hot enough to scald your feet.
Add the apple cider vinegar and (optional) baking soda evenly throughout the tub.
Dissolve the Epsom salt in the mixture, also spreading it evenly throughout the tub.
Add the green tea bags and gently stir the water for about 3 minutes. Squeeze the tea bags to let the remaining green tea into the tub and then remove them.
Add your preferred essential oils and let the foot bath sit for about 2 minutes. Stir as desired.
Place your feet in the water, then relax and enjoy your detoxifying essential oil foot bath!
Rinse your feet off well and dry them with a clean towel.
Relaxing in a DIY detoxifying essential oil foot bath is a fantastic way to unwind and potentially remove some toxins in our feet.

More of Informative Pages:
Vitamin D baby-links dropsy
essential oils

calm - magnesium
Nuts dental
Who is Doctor Christopher
10 times more effect than Deet
essential oils info
plus emotions &

how to use eo's

Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
prayer-proof prayer-g parasites
Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


  This statement is for educational purposes only and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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