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October 2018

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The Emotional Journey of Our Daughters
From Girls, to Women
using aromatherapy

Teenage Girls and Aromatherapy

Teenage girls encounter several problems during the journey from a child into a young woman; some of these problems affect both physical and mental health.  Mental health problems, in particular, can be an emotional  roller coaster for a teenage girl and can cause her confusion, depression and anger.  Using essential oils in aromatherapy can help to control or eliminate some of the difficulties a teenage girl endures during this time.
There are obvious changes in the sexual characteristics and recent research  show changes to the brain, social development and effects of the media.
It has been discovered that folds and creases of the brain rapidly develop through adolescence, mainly in the cognitive and emotional areas.
By the time individuals have reached age 15 or so, their basic thinking abilities are comparable to those of adults.

Self concept, self esteem and self identity are all areas that develop at this time.
 ‘Peer Pressure’ can also lead to a negative influence and cause teenagers to experiment with drugs and alcohol, truancy, stealing and vandalism.

Too often we associate our teen years with angst and emotional turmoil rather than positive emotions like joy and bliss.
But the teenage years don’t have to be stressful. Finding your identity and your way in life can be a spiritual journey of learning and discovery and essential oils can help bring the balance so desperately needed during this tumultuous time. Here are a few tips which you as a teen may find useful, or as a parent, you might like to suggest to your teens.

Knowing God’s Word and what it says about how we should treat one another is number 1 in managing teen struggles.  Just because you feel like punching something doesn’t mean you get to be rude to everyone.

Pray.  Praying with and for your teens is crucial.  These years are fragile.  Handle with prayer.

Essential Oils.  We use a variety of oils that we have found to really help when one of us is feeling “off”.  Here are a few that we love with a capitol L.

Women's Balance, is a blend specially for use when you need a little courage during tough times.  The calming aroma helps soothe and balance heightened emotions. Helps balance mood throughout the month.
Building self-confidence
These Essential Oils can help to build self esteem.  So how do we become more confident? Is it possible to boost that confidence with essential oils?  Essential oils can help boost confidence by relieving stress, fear, and the nervous tension that comes with facing people and situations that make us feel uncomfortable.  The following essential oils can help build self-esteem:

Basil –  diffuse it or dilute in any carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon) and apply to the whole frontal line (this runs from the heart area upwards and downwards extending from the front of the neck to the pubic bone, parallel to the spine) or dilute and use in a soothing  bath.

Bergamot – diffuse it or dilute  in a carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon) and apply to the heart and chest area or dilute and use in a bath.

Spice oilsCardamom diffuse or dilute  in any carrier oil and apply on the forehead, Cinnamon Leaf diffuse or dilute  in any carrier oil (10-15 drops per tablespoon) and apply on the whole frontal line, Cinnamon Bark (diffuse) or Ginger (diffuse). Note that Cardamom and Cinnamon are also aphrodisiac. 

Female Aid blend  – diffuse it or dilute it 2% in any carrier oil (10 drops per tablespoon) and do a whole body massage or dilute it 3-5% in any carrier oil (15-25 drops per tablespoon) and apply to the heart and chest area or dilute and use in a bath.
Woman’s Balance   As someone who is very very hormonal during my menstral cycle, I really enjoy using this oil to help combat that. I do believe it helps equal me out, when I'm not myself  it works like a charm!

Loving touch - At this time when you are no longer likely to ask your mother or father for a hug or a cuddle, it is important to still find a way to experience healthy touch.

I like to use  cardamom and lavender, with a carrier oil, and rub my daughter's feet, while we talk about her day, like:  about her eating and sleeping habits, friendship groups, levels of energy and self esteem and her hobbies/activities outside school  it is a good time to have her open up about her feelings, and stay connected.

Or you could book yourself (or your teen) in for regular aromatherapy massages. This will also help reduce stress and help bring the bliss that should be part of puberty and teen years.
Essential Oils and Pre-Teen  to Teen Issues
Agitation  How often does your teen get agitated for no reason at all. Well, encourage them to use Lavender to stay calm. In fact, lavender is the oil of communication. Encourage them to open up about their agitation by using lavender on a daily basis. KidCare Relax Ease - Helps create a calming, tranquil environment.
Tranquility blend The oils in this blend have been used to reduce depression, anxiety, stress and tension.

Do you know a teen who's a bit forgetful? Try Alert. It's a great study diffuser blend.  Keep them sharp.

Fear   Your teens may not open up to you about the fear they experience as a result of  social interactions, friend struggles or concerns about their future. A great essential oil to combat fear is Juniper . Try Cassia (the oil of Self - Assurance) or Cypress (the oil of Motion & Flow) for the teenager who's struggling to move forward with confidence.

Study  Your teens need oils for their study sessions to help alleviate the anxiety, to focus, and to retain their knowledge. My favorite Alert . Or B-Power - it's all in the name. Clarity blend really heightens concentration & mental alertness.  Kid Care Essential Oil Attention Focus.  Helps keep your child focused and on task. Attention Focus can help at home and at school by keeping their attention on what is in front of them.

Muscle Pain & Tension   - Teens can experience a lot of tension and stress as a result of the rigors of their lives. Whether an athlete, a musician, performer, or just a book worm. KidCare Stress Be Gone Will relieve your child’s occasional head and neck tension. No-Mo-Pain this blend helps to reduce pain, headaches, and swelling. Pain - Anti-inflammatory Relaxing - Helps to calm nerves and soothe muscles and joints.  Sore Muscle & Headache Stick is so easy to carry in a roll-on bottle.

 Seep  Teens don't get enough sleep. Night Cap helps relieve nighttime restlessness.  Encourage them to have their own small sample roller bottle  filled with KidCare Peaceful Slumber -  Helps soothe the mind and emotions. Helps promote a good night’s rest.

Essential oils have brought much needed relief to our home and the emotions of a pre-teen, teenager, and young adult. Essential oils go hand in hand  with the above information given. Hope this helps your home as well.
Strength  –  My personal fave.  It helps when you feel “off” and teenagers feel off a lot.
Restore Peace – Need I say more?
Frankincense – This oil is great for skin!  I mix it with a carrier oil and my teens use it on their face.  Frankincense also helps you feel confident.
Lavender – Growing….this is what you need.  Rub it right on their legs and it will help them get good sleep.
Happy Memories  – Some days your poor teen can really struggle with a lack of joy.  A little of this rubbed over their heart will help them feel better about life.
Peppermint – It just lifts your mood plus it’s great for bad breath. 
Female Aid  – OK I said it.  There are certain days of the month when my daughters have more trouble than others.  This oil blend is specifically made for those hormone filled days.
 B-Power – This one is one you will love! I love how well it helps your test taking, essay writing, fact memorizing teen focus.

Neroli  - is known to be very calming, especially with those that deal with stress and anxiety. A fantastic oil to use right before your slumber. Lightening up your emotions helps your mind and body get ready rest and relaxation. This citrusy essential oil is a great addition to your skin care regimen. It reduces the appearance of scars and helps wrinkles be less noticeable. It also lowers the feeling of inflammation throughout the body.

Basil - considered a cleanser of the mind, body, and spirit. Known as “the elixir of life,” this unique oil is used for a variety of wellness purposes. This soul soothing fragrance with a clove-like accent renews your mind and boosts vitality.

More of Informative Pages:

Vitamin D baby-links dropsy
essential oils

calm - magnesium
Nuts dental
Who is Doctor Christopher
10 times more effect than Deet
essential oils info
plus emotions &

how to use eo's

Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
prayer-proof prayer-g parasites
Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Grandma's Herbs

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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