Garden Essence Oils 

As a Part of Our on Going 20th Anniversary Sale

It's Back to School Sale

KidCare Essential Oils
50% Off  Retail Thru the Month of September
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Garden essence oils for all your essentialoil needs
            help with anti viral, anti bacte3rial.
September 2018

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Back to School Sale on Our KidCare Line
Essential Oils Gentle Enough for Children, But VERY Effective For Health Concerns
KidCare Essential Oils & Back to School
 While you may not be able to keep your kids from coming in contact with all sorts of who-knows-what, you CAN take preventative measures with all-natural products to help  keep them safe both in and out of the home. 
Germs can run rampant in classrooms and playgrounds, quickly causing those little bodies to feel sick. A nice, warm bath is a wonderful way to help them feel better, especially if it’s filled with calming and immune-supporting oils.
 Carrier oils are so effective in helping to distribute the oil evenly over a larger area of the body and does not diminish the effect of the essential oil at all.  Some of my favorite carrier oils are organic coconut oil (raw or fractionated), sweet almond oil, and jojoba oil.
The bottoms of the feet are the best place to apply the oils on kids because the pores are larger down  there, but also because that area of skin is not as sensitive. 
Using Essential Oils  help boost energy levels, have better focus, calming of nerves, and better memory.
Study hours and focus can be greatly enhanced by diffusing essential oils.
Back to School essential oil blends can help with:

  • energy levels
  • calm stressed nerves
  • help with memory and focus
Can help to make sure your child's immune systems stays strong so that they feel good while they do their studies.
For many children school can be stressful. I like to give  my children the "tools" to manage their stress.  Before heading out the door I line their little feet up and roll on
Stress be Gone.   I have noticed the days without Stress be Gone, are much harder days for my little ones.
Attention Focus Essential oil blend
Helps keep your child focused and on task. Attention Focus can help at home and at school by keeping their attention on what is in front of them.
Kid Immune  Boost your child’s immune system with this blend. It will help keep your child healthy.
Boo Boo Better  Use this when you child gets hurt. It works great for making most owies feel better.
Critter Shield blend  Defend yourself from pesky outdoor bugs that might bother you.
No Mo Pain Jr.  – Relieve pain and sore muscles or joints.
Relax Ease  Helps create a calming, tranquil environment. Use during the day or before bedtime to help calm your children and yourself.
Peaceful Slumber  Helps soothe the mind and emotions so there are no more bad dreams or monsters. Helps promote a good night’s rest. Sometimes school can be stressful, a good nights rest helps start the next day fresh.
Good Night Baby   -    Helps calm down before bedtime. Good Night Baby helps create a more relaxing and calm feeling so your child can relax and get a good night’s sleep.
Grow Easy  - My little girl some nights, cried and complained about her legs hurting.  Some nights, she kept me up all night. Grow Easy has helped sooth the growing pains in her legs so we all can get sleep now. Helps with growing pains. It can help with aches, leg cramps, and can soothe sore muscles.
Skin Soothe  Helps with eczema and rough red skin.
Smell Sweet is an deodorizing blend. It helps with any smells children have including stinky feet or baby body odor. For all kinds of reasons, children don’t always smell their best. Whether it’s stinky feet or those pesky “growing up” smells, Smell Sweet is an effective deodorizer.
Sniffle Stop   Helps keep your child’s respiratory tract and head clear when they are sick.  Once I see signs of a cold coming on, I get this blend started. It seems to help keep the cold short and keeps the kids comfortable when I diffuse it at night.
Sneeze Stopper  Good for seasonal allergies. Help your child have a clear head and nose.
Tummy Soothe Relieve stomach aches and other tummy trouble.
Soft Baby  Give your child silky soft feeling skin. Helps improve skin texture while reducing the appearance of roughness and redness.
Wart Be Gone  Helps warts disappear in 3-6 weeks.

During the Cooler Months when the cold and Flu Bugs are rampant, I find that using  a few drops of  Clean Dishes  helps keep the germs from spreading. Also a big one is Clean Air Blend, diffusing it in the home makes a big difference this time of year.
Cooler months bring a unique set
of health challenges.
When this time of year sets in, I like to use essential oils as part of my first line of defense.

One of the fastest ways to reap the benefits of essential oils is by:
Breathing them in through your nasal passage. By inhaling the best essential oils for cold and congestion, you can actually experience both emotional and physical relief from common symptoms and stressors associated with being sick.
Respiratory Problems blend:  A refreshing, light scent that will open up your mind and your nasal passage, Respiratory Problems is especially useful for viral infections. Being an expectorant, it’s going to break up mucus and finally give you the disgusting results you’re craving when you blow your nose.
Lemongrass  uplifting from head to toe, and can support the common cold in many different ways. It's nicknamed fever grass because it’s an antipyretic used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce fevers and induce sweating. A natural analgesic, it can also be used to reduce muscle aches and pains, which is excellent for people who are experiencing cold symptoms throughout their entire body. It’s also great at lifting fatigue with its refreshing, citrusy scent that helps reduce painful headaches. Lemongrass is a great way to stimulate your immune system.
Known for its innate ability to stimulate the respiratory system, peppermint essential oil is a great choice when you feel yourself getting sick. The potent presence of menthol is one of the reasons it’s commonly used in many  medicines. Since the nervous system reacts to menthol, peppermint can be used as an effective pain reliever by reducing inflammation and stimulating blood flow. Peppermint plays with our natural receptors that feel and detect temperature change, which offers the familiar cooling effect, I use it to help bring down a fever.
A great way to loosen up congested airways is by breathing in the woodsy, musky scent of cedarwood essential oil. It’s an expectorant known for its ability to loosen phlegm, it’s also a sedative that reduces runny noses, coughing, and watery eyes. And since it’s also a diuretic, it helps remove toxins from the body through urination. Like many essential oils extracted from trees, this one has a calming effect on the mind and produces a lovely neutral scent that can help you sleep.
If you’re looking for a solid source of energy, make sure you have rosemary essential oil on hand to keep you focused while you push forward. It stimulates the mind as well as the immune system, while also supporting respiratory infections and illnesses. Antibacterial with a gentle, minty scent, this is an excellent mucolytic essential oil that breaks up sinus, lung, and circulatory congestion.
Achy Muscle and Inflamed Tissue Rub Accelerates Healing Times and Soothes Aching Muscles. Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Juniper in a Olive Oil base.
Garden Essence Oils Clean Air Blend. Use to zap cold and flu viruses dead, during the cold and flu season. Antiseptic qualities help with airborne bacteria. Sterilizes the air with a fresh, crisp clean scent, also lifts the spirits, antimicrobial essential oil blend.
Breathe Easy:  Clears, Purifies, Cleanses.  Contains:  Bergamot, tea tree, lemon. Very simply put.
Thyme oil may be best known for its antibacterial properties, but it packs a potent antiviral punch, as well. In fact, its germ-killing qualities are so effective, you’ll find thyme oil as the active ingredient in many commercial green cleaning products.

Warming ginger essential oil also comes in handy during cold season, thanks to its mucus-clearing properties. The essential oil promotes clarity, will, and strength in the mind — all the things you need to help you get out of bed when you're not feeling well. Ginger is an effective digestive that relieves constipation, vomiting, and drug-induced nausea as well. Being an antibacterial analgesic, it can also reduce fevers and sore throats and break up congestion.
Create Your Own All-Natural Homemade Chest Rub

    1/4 oz Organic Beeswax
    1/4 cup Organic Virgin coconut oil
    10 drops Respiratory Problems essential oil blend
    5 drops X Plague essential oil blend
Gently melt the beeswax and olive oil/coconut oil in a double boiler. Remove from heat, allow it to slightly cool, then stir in essential oils. Store in a small glass container. Apply it to the bottoms of feet and chest.

    1/4 oz Organic Beeswax
    1/4 cup Organic Virgin coconut oil
    15 drops Kidcare Sniffle Stop blend
Instructions above.

Your space is your sanctuary. Build a restorative respite where you and your loved ones can come together and grow.
Essential Oils in the Home for Pest control article here>>

More of Informative Pages:

Vitamin D baby-links dropsy
essential oils

calm - magnesium
Nuts dental
Who is Doctor Christopher
10 times more effect than Deet
essential oils info
plus emotions &

how to use eo's

Quality determines Results
ice cream & sinus infections
Who is Hanna Kroeger
Love -
emotions on health
Monsanto & GMO's
(crawley skin, etc.)
prayer-proof prayer-g parasites
Pharmaceutical Drug Problems- Drugs that don't work vac-myths
Bi-Polar help shingles
Herbal Medicine Chest in your

Dr. Christopher Cleanses thyroid

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Grandma's Herbs

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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