Garden Essence Oils 

It's Our 20th Anniversary Sale

All Retail Essential Oils
50% Off Thru the Month of July
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Garden essence oils for all our essential oil needs
July 2018

It's Our 20th Anniversary Sale! For the
Month of July.

All Retail Essential Oils
50% Off
On Our New Shopping Cart

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Your space is your sanctuary. Build a restorative respite where you and your loved ones can come together and grow.
Essential Oils in the Home for Pest control article here>>

Summer Time
Warm weather and fun-in-the-sun is awaiting, Summer Blends are easy to use and great for any essential oil collection.
From out-of-town vacations and camping trips, to summer ball games and family barbeques, summertime is filled with on-the-go activities. To help you unwind and relax after so many busy, full-filled days, our Achy Muscle and Inflamed Tissue Blend was created to give you some well-deserved peaceful respite.
Owie Stick There aren’t very many things that truly make an owie feel better. Whether your child has gotten a bee sting or scraped their knee. This is a favorite healing blend! For camping or any outdoor activity this is an all purpose healing remedy for burns, bites, scrapes, breakouts, rashes and a makeshift deodorant too! Apply topically to area of concern as needed.
Stomach Ache Stick - Digestion Blend and Peppermint. Summer stomach issues can come from food, splash parks, the ocean or even a drinking fountain.Apply topically to abdomen as needed
Bug Stick Lavender, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass A tried and true recipe for natural insect repellent. Apply to exposed areas before venturing outside. Not a bad idea to roll a bandana with the blend and keep it around your neck, the under side of a ball cap and/or over the part in your hair (exposed scalp).
If after a long summer day, you’ve spent too much time in the sun, essential oils  provide natural sunburn relief. Here’s how:
Too Much Sun Care Stick It helps relieve the PAIN of sunburn, and it's a superior healer of skin tissue. Lavender reduces the sting of burns and reduces redness. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it’ll speed up healing, allowing your body to recover faster, & Chamomile Essential Oils Blend
Mosquito Bites, How to soothe
Of all of the pests that arrive with the warmer weather of spring and summer, there are few as annoying and persistent as the infamous mosquito. Before you reach for that tube of hydrocortisone steroid cream to soothe your discomfort, try out one or two of the following fifteen all-natural home remedies to relieve the itch and inflammation of mosquito bites.
Aloe Vera can reduce inflammation, swelling and the itch of a mosquito bite. That’s because it’s a natural antiseptic agent, which simply means that it has the ability to relieve itchiness and swelling. It also helps reduce pain and speed healing too.

Apple Cider Vinegar is good for so many things, including providing natural mosquito bite relief, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to soothe and disinfect the area and may even help it to heal faster. You can spot treat a bite by dabbing a bit of undiluted apple cider vinegar on with a cotton ball.
Basil  can also help bring relief to that itch as it contains thymol and camphor, both of which have been found to get rid of the itch.
Peppermint contains menthol and other cooling properties that can impact the nerves to stop the itch and the pain.
Another very powerful treatment, tea tree oil offers strong antimicrobial action along with anti-inflammatory properties that not only help to ease the pain and swelling but lessen the chance of infection and help the skin heal faster too.

Your Summer Essential Oil Survival Kit Checklist

Put a summer survival kit together including a selection of your favorite oils. Some items worth including in the kit are:

 Body Wraps essential oils by Garden
                                Essence oilsPrevious Article, 9 Ways to use Essential Oil in the Garden Article found Here>>>

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Studies Found Beneficial Results using
Essential Oils For -
 Mood, Alertness, and Mental Stress and more...

Aroma molecules are very potent organic plant chemicals that make the surroundings free from disease, bacteria, virus and fungus.

Their versatile character of antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory nature - along with immune booster body with hormonal, glandular, emotional, circulatory, calming effect, memory and alertness enhancer, is well documented by many scientists.

Many scientific projects and studies have been conducted on humans to study the nature and role of essential oils with disease and disorder.

Essential oils are known for their energy, healing character, as their potency is not lost with time and age. The stimulation properties of essential oils lay in their structure which closely resemble actual hormones.
Here’s our recommendation of five multi-purpose essential oils from this guide that you shouldn’t leave home without:
Lavender  - Helpful for all skin conditions including itching as well as relaxation, stress and anxiety relief.

- Mentally stimulating, uplifting and antiseptic to kill germs and clean wounds.

Tea Tree - Helpful for rashes, skin conditions, killing germs and repelling bugs.

Roman chamomile - Gentle, calms nerves and soothes skin and bug bites.

Eucalyptus - Excellent as a full-spectrum bug repellent, invigorating, increases mental clarity.

"Be Happy in the Moment, that is Enough.
 Each Moment is all we need, not more.
                                                                             ~Mother Teresa
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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Nature's Way

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