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.Remedies - B
Taken from the Various Disciplines in the
World of Natural Medicine
Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any of these remedies. 
We believe that everyone's body is different, so, 
we each respond differently to various treatments. 
You need to study and learn what is best for your body.
This category will be constantly changing and added
to based upon new information and your input.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and healing 
was that the group that had been prayed over, 
even they didn't know that they were being prayed for, 
improved so much more than the other group that they concluded - 
If there was any medication that could accomplish that much, 
people would line up around the world to buy it. 
Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients. 
 click here - to view the studies.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U,V W X,Y,Z Home
Formulas are impossible to put on the internet - You can E-mail us for more information. 
This list is just a suggestion of where to start and what to consider. 
Babies -  Dilute all essential oils used on babies.  KidCare Essential Oils 
General - Essential oils - Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender 
  • Colic -
  • Swaddle him snugly in a blanket. -
  • Lay him across your lap and gently rub his back. -
  • Try infant massage.
  • Put a warm water bottle on your baby's belly.
  •  Have him suck on a pacifier.
  • Soak him in a warm bath with any of the following:

 Essential oils  -Tummy Soothe Bergamot, Chamomile, Fennel, Ginger, Marjoram, Peppermint.
                        Extreme - Dill in almond oil applied to stomach & back.
Dr. Christopher's Kid-E-Col

KidCare Essential Oil Blends     Boo Boo Better  Goodnight Baby Peaceful Slumber Skin Soothe Soft Baby   Tummy Soothe        .

Veganism- I do not  believe in eating very much meat and  never have.  However, I have also been  rather hesitant to accept complete veganism.  Here is a very  informative and well substantiated article I just ran across that I feel should be read on the subject. Pure vegetarian's don't live as long as people who eat animal products.

What I did for Baby Blues was get a B-Vitamin shot from my midwife and it worked wonders - No more "baby blues".  If you can't get the shot I suggest that you load up on B-vitamins


Resuscitation of newborn infants -  Tincture/extract of Cayenne  also #2 link  - a few drops administered orally. The best and safest stimulant known to man. Later give minerals and/or blackstrap molasses (drop on tongue or in water) for strength.   A combination of  minerals and blackstrap molasses is what we give our animals that are born in winter when it is too cold and we find them half dead.  Great pick me up even for adults.  

Baby Wipe Recipe (make your own)  Mix in glass bowl 
1/2 cup distilled water, 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup fresh aloe vera gel, 1 Tbsp calendula oil and 3 drops tea tree oil. (Do not use if baby has bad diaper rash as it may sting.)  Pour enough over paper towels in air proof container to moisten towels. (recycled baby wipes container works.) Dr Christopher Rash Ointment

Cradle Cap - Essential oils  - Eucalyptus, Lemon, Geranium in Castor oil.
Baking soda helps to remove your babies cradle cap a few ways.
Mix 1 to 1 ratio of water to baking soda and gently massage into your babies scalp. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then comb the scalp to remove the scales.
Mix a few teaspoons of baking soda with your babies shampoo. Wash the scalp, giving extra attention to rubbing it into the areas with cradle cap. Then let the shampoo sit on the scalp for several minutes.  Before rinsing, gently massage the baking soda into the scalp again. It will help exfoliate and remove the scales.
Mix equal parts of baking soda and coconut oil. Message into babies scalp and let it sit. Then comb the scalp to remove the scales.
Remember to be gentle and take your time.
Diaper Rash - Essential oils  - Chamomile, Lavender, Birch in Almond oil..
 Actually the best remedy I ever used for diaper rash was given to me by an old white haired woman when my oldest daughter was a baby -  Brown flour in a skillet (no oil); cool and apply to diaper area. 
Earache - Essential oils  -Lavender, mullein or garlic in olive or almond oil.  (may combine and use any combination)
                            (1 drop essential oil in 1/4 cup other oil) 

The best thing I ever did for my ears after years of ears infections  - I used everything from antibiotics to you name it.  This is especially good for children who get water in their ears when bathing.  I would put 1 or 2 drops in each ear after every bath (Just think no more need of shunts or tubes - WOW!) 
Equal parts of apple cider vinegar and drinking alcohol.  You can use Dr.Christopher's Ear& Nerve alcohol base tincture instead of the alcohol. (I use Everclear, which I buy in a liquor store.). Other, store bought alcohols are bad for you because they are wood alcohol which is a poison to the body plus they are not ph balanced to the skin so they are drying.
Fretful - Essential oils  - Chamomile, Tangerine in Almond oil.
Milk - Mama's milk best, goat's milk next best.  Ripe banana and ripe coconut can be used.  Can also use carrot juice (baby's skin may turn slightly yellow from carotene but baby will be really healthy). Cow's milk is acid in the body while goat's milk is alkaline.  (an acid body is a state of dis-ease while alkaline is a state of health) Cow's milk is also a larger molecule than goat's milk or Mother's milk.  Greater chance of baby being allergic or having other reactions.

A lot of baby problems are actually allergic reactions to cows milk. 
Teething - Essential oil - Chamomile in carrier oil

Other children's formulas    Christopher's Kid-e-line  

....Other great links to Baby and Mother products.................

Back - I have seen crooked spines straightened with essential oils. Click here   E-mail here for more information. 
Essential oils - Basil, Birch, Chamomile, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus, HelichrysumGinger, Juniper, LavenderOregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme (spinal virus).  Nerve Damage Essential Oil combination
Calcified (spine)   Essential oils  - Geranium, Rosemary, Ortho-flex extra.
Dr. Christopher's complete tissue.      Apple Cider Vinegar packs on effected area.  Turmeric and flaxseed  to treat arthritis pain; 500 – 1,000 mg taken three to four over a six week course is said to alleviate symptoms.


Herniated Discs - Essential oils  - Cypress (strengthens blood capillary walls, helps with dilation, improves circulation, powerful anti-inflammatory).   Helichrysum. 
Dr. Christopher's complete tissue.
Low Back Pains Essential oils  - Ortho-flex, Cypress, Helichrysum, Peppermint Basil, Spruce.

Test results now say one of the world's most effective anti-pain medications is Pure water.  The test results show that simple dehydration is one of the biggest causes of chronic back pain -- your spongy spinal disks literally dry out. This is a problem, especially with older people, who may only get thirsty long after they're clinically dehydrated
Low Back Pains can be caused by kidneys and colon problems  (not eliminating properly)  You might need a colon cleanse. 
See Hanna Kroeger's Mover , Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel  or Quick Colon Cleanse - Intestinal Sweep 
Western Botanical's Colon Cleanse Formula
Herbal Colon Cleanser & Tonic .

Bed Sores  - Cold compress of Garlic Vinegar  (Apple cider vinegar with garlic)  To help bed sores heal faster, clean the sores with saline water. Bed sores that are not cleaned properly are more prone to infection and inflammation. Saline water will reduce excess fluid and also get rid of loose dead skin.
Mix 2 teaspoons of salt in a cup of water.
Boil it, then allow it to cool.
Use this solution to clean the affected body area.
Allow the area to dry thoroughly, then cover it with a bandage.
Repeat a couple of times a day.
Honey has natural antiseptic properties and can also soothe the skin where there are mild bed sores. It can provide relief from pain, reduce itching and promote healing. Honey can also reduce the risk of infection.

Back Pains -An article in our newsletter on back pain.
Could be caused by not drinking enough water.(Other liquids don't count, 
especially pop and coffee.) See Dr. Batmanghelidj's book  "Your Bodies Many Cries For Water"
Press and hold Acupressure points behind your knees.  (Lay down with knees bent.) 
. .
Affecting hips and sacrum - Walk stooping.  Also Chestnut
Apply a paste of Ginger and water to afflicted area.  After 15 min. or so  rub Eucalyptus essential oil on area.
Hot Water sprayed for 2 to 6 minutes on back - then cold water sprayed for approx. 1/2 min or less. (in shower)
 It could be the emotional problems of anger, frustration, depression, painful memories etc.  You need to imagine taking them off of your shoulders, examining them and then throwing them away. Letting Go is especially good in helping you do this.
Homemade Muscle Rub for the Back

1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup grated beeswax
2 teaspoon cayenne powder
2 teaspoon ginger or turmeric powder (Note: While turmeric is an outstanding anti-inflammatory, be aware that it will cause some temporary skin discoloration)
15 drops peppermint essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
glass jar
 Reflexology - Focus on solar plexus, diaphragm, spine, shoulder, arm, neck, hip, knee, leg and sciatic nerve.
  Homeopathic -
Arnica - if feel bruised, sore and don't want to be touched but pain feels better   when laying down.
Aesculus -  if back gives out and has a dull pain that is worse after walking or stooping.
Calcarea fluorica - low back pain , better after moving about.
Sabina - pain from lower back to lower abdomen, especially with menstrual problems.
Rhus toxicodendron - worse after rest, better after moving around; better from heat. 

Coxsackie - Homeopathic - A physician in the town of Coxsackie, NY, found that many who suffer from pain in hip joints, hips, and lower back do not have arthritis but have something caused by a virus.  This is a vicious disease.  It takes a long time to manifest so that it becomes painful but there is, as far as I know, only one help and comes from Dr. Ray in England and is called Coxsakie homeopathic.  Only one small bottle can take away years and years of suffering. Taken from Hanna Kroeger's book "God Helps those Who Help Themselves" 

Children - Alfalfa seed, dill seed. 
Muscular Fatigue - Essential oils  - Clary Sage, Lavender, Marjoram, Rosemary.

Backward Children - 
Sprouted  alfalfa seed.

 Dill seasoning. 

Bran - 8 oz boiling water with 1 Tbsp honey, (also good for invalids and  mentally disturbed people).
Nature's Way supplements  
Bacteria - Essential oils  - Thyme, Oregano.

Encourage Friendly Bacteria necessary for digestion - 
          Hanna Kroeger's - Taurin Dophilus

Nature'sWay formulas   Primadophilus Optima    

Bad Breath - More information under Body Odor below  Brush your teeth with a few Tea Tree drops on your tooth brush and your regular tooth paste, my children did this and the next dentist appointment, they had no cavities.
Bad breath causes are imbalances in mouth bacteria.
A salt water (saline solution) rinse can prevent the buildup of infectious bacteria in the mouth or throat.
Zinc seems to stop the build-up of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) that can cause bad breath.
If you have digestive problems and suffer from bad breath too, digestive enzymes may help your digestion.
Hanna Kroeger's Digestive Enzyme    Enzymes  
Natures Enzymes   .

Bad Breath - Halitosis - click here to get free e-book

Balance - Essential oilsCedarwood, Chamomile, Frankincense (balances electrical field), Ylang Ylang
Baldness -  Essential oils  - Cedarwood, Rosemary, Sage.
Castor oil is one of the natural cures for baldness and works as a humectant. All you are required to do is to pour some castor oil in your palm and add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice, Black Pepper Essential oil and Peppermint both help with circulation, and gently massage on your head. This will help in nourishing your hair and boost hair growth.
Aloe vera  helps in the growth of hair, naturally. To cure baldness, place some aloe vera gel on the head and massage it gently. The enzymes present in aloe vera will open up the clogged hair follicles. It will also put a stop to hair loss.
Hair & Skin  by Natures Way
Biotin  Many have found hair growth by adding this vitamin to their daily routine.
Bed Bugs -

For Bedbugs we have: Cedarwood deodora and Neem Oil

Adult bedbugs are approximately 3/16-inch long, oval, flat and rusty red or mahogany colored. They look like a small lentil. Bedbugs are flat and thin when unfed, but become more elongated, plump and red in color when they are full of blood. They have four-segmented antennae that are attached to the head between the prominent compound eyes. The two-segmented beak is located beneath the head passing back between the front legs. Bedbugs cannot fly.

Bed bugs are nocturnal coming out of their hiding places at night. They will travel whatever distance it takes to feed. If you have a  wooden bed frame they can hide in the frame however if you have a metal bed frame they will hide somewhere else. They will also hide in mattresses and box springs favoring the seams and underneath the buttons. They will hide en mass in crevices, behind posters on a wall, under rugs, behind loose wallpaper, and anywhere they can squeeze in. They can get behind molding, electrical plates, under carpet, crown molding etc. Bedbugs will nest at any level. Inspect anything which is mounted on the wall. Inspect all furniture in the room including dressers and night tables. It goes without saying they are hard to find and masters at hiding.

They "glue" their eggs in the hiding places. The nymphs hatch in about ten days and molt five times, taking a blood meal between each molt. The life cycle from egg to adult has a variance between 36 and 120 days. The variance depends on conditions as the nymphs can survive long periods of starvation so the life cycle may be extended considerably.

You know they have snacked on you when you find an itchy red dot with a lighter red ring around it. There's often one or more straight lines of these wheals, marking where your body met the bed. The earliest sign of bedbugs, other than wheals on your body, is tiny dots of blood on the sheets. That's because wounds from bedbug bites bleed a little. Bedbug poop is a liquid; it appears as darker dots on the sheets. Bed bugs do not carry any disease. If you are seeing drops of blood on your sheets it is a good indication that you are being bitten by bed bugs. Bites should be washed with soap and water. If itching is severe, some relief may be achieved by dabbing the bites with calamine lotion or neem oil.

Soap and hot water will also kill the bed bugs on contact.  When it is colder than 25 degrees F, place mattresses and furniture outside for several hours to kill bed bugs. Wash all bedding, curtains and clothing in hot water on a regular basis and also shampoo carpets. (all on same day)

Bedwetting - Incontinence - Essential oil - Cypress

Need Magnesium     

Dr. Christopher's - Bladder,   Kid-E-Dry
Kidney/Bladder Formula   .

I went from not being able to move or anything without wetting myself  - even to wearing depends - Now totally healed with Christopher's Bladder formula -  ELO

Bee Sting - also see bugs, bites, insect bites. 

 Pest-Away essential oil combination

Cleansing essential oil combination (used most often)
KidCare Critter Shield works on stings as well
Insect bite home remedy - Apply toothpaste on the sting. A slice of raw onion.

Lavender essential oil stops itching and reduces swelling.

Extra strength sting poultice.

1 tbsp. echinacea root tincture.
1 tbsp. distilled water.
1/8 tsp. lavender essential oil.
1 tbsp. bentonite clay.
Mix the echinacea, water and lavender. Add liquid slowly to the clay while stirring. Once mixed, the resulting paste should stick to the skin. Apply on the injured area. Store the poultice in a tight lid container, if it does dry out add water until moisten enough to stick to the skin.

The allergic reaction from a bite or a sting is cause by formic acid which can be neutralized using 1 tsp. of yellow dock leaf tincture and 2 tsp. of baking soda. Mix the ingredients and form a poultice. Apply as needed.
A homeopathic remedy that can be very helpful is Apis Mallifica, 30x it reduces inflammation and pain, burning and stinging.

Rub on raw onion. 

Witch Hazel

If you get a bee/hornet sting just tape a copper penny to it immediately. It's the copper in the penny that works.
1 tsp. salt in mouth if sting is in the mouth or throat.

Bile - 
Increase bile - Black garden radish.  Kroeger's Black Radish & Parsley.
Bile duct sluggish - Mugwort, 1/2 cup tea. Don't overdo - it's strong.
(1 drop of mugwort eo. in 1/2 cup of hot water.)
For clear urine and increases of flow of bile - Artichoke 
Artichoke is also good for albumin in urine and for jaundice. 
Small bowl of soup at beginning of  meal is stimulating to the bile.

Hanna Kroeger Enzyme
Grandma's Natures Enzymes
Birthing -
See Dr. Christopher's BirthPrep    six weeks formula.
Herbal prep tea:
 Raspberry leaf – raspberry has a long tradition for use in pregnancy it tones the tissue of the womb and it assist the contractions because it is rich magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and calcium, and vitamins A, B (1 and 3), C and E. It is therefore regarded as a nutritive tonic that strengthens the uterus.

Perineum herbal prep:
The perineum is a very important part of a woman’s body and it plays a special role during childbirth. It is the area of skin and muscle found between the vagina and anus. During childbirth it stretches to allow the baby’s head through.
It is important to take care of the perineum with Perineal massage (gentle stretching of the perineum with fingers) is a well-researched method that has been shown to help reduce perineal trauma.
It does not guarantee, however, that you will not tear. Most women start perineal massage around 34 weeks of pregnancy and massage the perineum once or twice a day. Before you start make sure you won’t be disturbed and
you feel relaxed.
I would recommended basic sweet almond oil.

Here are some basic actions of the essential oils:

Lavender- relieves pain,tension and is balancing 

clary sage- stimulation of uterine muscles and pain reliever 

nutmeg-calms CNS and is a pain reliever 

ginger -pain reliever of uterine muscles 

If you wanted to start massage of your belly and perineum a week before just
a simple mix of Lavender & nutmeg will be fine.

Birthmarks - 
Castor oil - (takes several months to disappear).
Garlic Cloves: Squeezing a garlic clove and applying it to the affected area reduces the color of the mole. Also, as garlic has antibacterial properties, it is effective against any kind of infection.
Bites - Essential oilsPest-Away, Basil, Cinnamon, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemon, Sage, Thyme (all have anti-toxic and anti-venomous properties),  Lemongrass, PeppermintTea Tree (Melaleuca). 
Paste of Neem powder mixed with water and applied to skin. or Neem oil
Paste of apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay. 

Drink fresh Cilantro juice and you can also apply the pulp to skin. 

See Lyme Disease
Ticks - Apply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and let it stay on the repulsive insect for a few seconds (15-20), after which the tick will come out on it's own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.
.      .
Flower Remedy - Rescue Remedy to relieve pain, swelling and itching.  It can also be used for mild allergic reactions, however, if you have a history of allergic reactions you must consult your health practitioner.
Apply paste of meat tenderizer mixed with water. (If you have sensitive skin stop use if skin begins to turn red.)
Ledum palustre - particularly if affected parts are cold or numb; feels worse from heat.
Apis Mellifica - hot, red, swollen area.
Urtica urens - red, itching, burning, stinging pain; welts.
Bees & Wasps - Basil, Chamomile, Lavender in apple cider vinegar.

Bitterness -  Essential oil - Chamomile.   also check out our Essential oil blends/ synergies    Belief
Here & Now       .           Letting Go                                       Release                                            
 Bitterness is a frozen form of latent anger and resentment. Bitterness grows out of our refusal, to let go when someone or something is taken from us. Bitterness is being constantly hurt by a memory and is holding onto a hurt until it has a hold on you.
Many people are recognizing that anger and hate are the major causes of some of most terrifying illnesses, including cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Also, high blood pressure, kidney and liver ailments along with other life-threatening diseases are either directly or indirectly caused by repressed anger.
Blackberry Thumb  - 
Savvy hotel managers realize that some of their business class guests are suffering from BlackBerry-related thumb fatigue. So now, if your thumbs are so painful and throbbing that you can't even think about tapping out an e-mail, and if you also happen to be in the right hotel, you can order a thumb massage.
 A trained masseuse will apply warm oil to your thumbs and forearms, and knead, stretch, rub, and apply acupressure until your thumbs feel like they're attached to your hand again instead of feeling like they're attached to an e-mail torture device.

You might also try our Carpal Tunnel essential oil combination
Blackheads -Blackheads occur when your pores become clogged with excess sebum. Essential oil - Patchouli
Tea Tree  Lavender  Eucalyptus  - Bergamot and Lemon can be used for their astringent properties.

Lemongrass essential oil is a powerful antiseptic and anti-fungal. Especially the antiseptic properties may do good to oily skin with acne and works great for blackheads.

Tea tree oil is an antiseptic that stops infections and does a great job in preventing blackheads.
Lavender oil has skin cleansing properties that keep it free from dirt and hence prevents clogging pores.
Eucalyptus essential oil makes a strong enemy against bacteria, including the kind that lead to blackheads. This oil keeps skin from excess sebum and prevents blackheads.

Here’s how to use this oil for blackheads: Add eucalyptus essential oil to your preferred cleansing or moisturizing cream. You could also make a blend of facial scrub containing oatmeal, white clay, raw almonds and equal parts lavender and eucalyptus essential oils.

Here is an easy way to use Tea tree oil  for blackheads: You could add 2-3 drops of this oil in 1 teaspoon baking soda and use it as a scrub for your blackhead prone area.
Juniper Essential oil is highly medicinal and has powerful skin healing properties as well. It’s astringent & antiseptic properties make it a great essential oil to prevent & fight blackheads.

Fresh Cucumber on face. 
Fresh Strawberries on face. 
Black Head Removal Mask:
1 tablespoon gelatin
1 drop peppermint essential oil
1 drop frankincense essential oil
½ teaspoon turmeric

Place ⅛ cup of water in a small pan on the stove and bring to a slight boil. In a small dish, place two tablespoons of the hot water and the peppermint essential oil.
Peppermint oil has amazing benefits for your skin. It rejuvenates while providing antimicrobial properties to help rid the skin of those blackheads. Now, add the gelatin and blend well. Now that you have combined the peppermint and gelatin, add the frankincense oil. Frankincense is an incredibly versatile oil and perfect for this mask since it offers acne-fighting benefits! It contains astringent properties that will protect skin cells while reducing the appearance of large pores, slow the aging process, and even tighten and lift the skin.And for our last ingredient, add the turmeric and and stir, making sure all ingredients are well blended.apply the mixture on the nose and cheek area or on the entire face and neck with a brush. Leave it on for about 15 minutes making sure it dries completely. Gently peel the mask and the blackheads will come right off of your face!

Wash face with hot water, rinse with cold water.  (hot opens cells - cold closes cells.) 
Take Vitamin A
Wash face with soap and water, then rinse thoroughly. Dab on witch hazel.

Bladder -
Incontinence- Essential oils - Cypress
Chickpeas or pumpkin seed. 
 Infection - Essential oils Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Lemongrass Cleansing

Urinary by Nature's Way also Kidney & Bladder  .

 Pain - Pomegranate - juice or fresh is best. or Marshmallow root tea. 
Stones - Carrot leaf and parsley tea. 
Problems - Steamed parsley, or Pomegranate, or pumpkin seed
(Pumpkin is a specific for strengthening the bladder muscle.) 

Dr. Christopher's Bladder  formula to help with bladder control  - Strengthens the entire urethral canal kidneys,  bladder, etc.  Also his Kidney Formula

Western Botanical's Kidney/Bladder Formula   .

Eating cooked parsley helps with bladder control.

This is kind of off-the-wall, however drinking original formula Coke will also dissolve stones.  (Can you imagine what  it does if you drink it all the time?)

Bleeding - Essential oilsHelichrysum, Rose (I'll bet that Rose petals put on spot if nothing else available would work.
Cayenne sprinkled directly on the bleeding. (Doesn't usually burn on skin.) 
        (It is high in Vitamin K which helps clotting.) 

Applying pressure to the wound is the best way to stop it bleeding. Place a clean and dry piece of material such as a bandage, towel, or cloth on the wound and apply pressure with both hands.  Maintain firm and continuous pressure until the bleeding has stopped.

Tea is a popular remedy to treat bleeding after dental work. Place a steeped black teabag that has been allowed to cool in the fridge on the wound.Using teabags works because tea contains tannins, which are hemostatic, meaning they cause the blood to clot.
Tannins contain astringent, which causes blood vessels to constrict. It is also a kind of antiseptic that kills bacteria and helps the site stay free of infection.

The alcohol in mouthwash acts as an astringent and applying it to a wound helps the blood clot more quickly.
Bowels - Cinnamon tea. 
Cuts - Cover the cut with unglazed brown paper soaked in vinegar. 
Female  -  Okra,   Cayenne 
Gums - Rinse mouth with peroxide diluted with water. (Given to me by a Dentist  too many years ago - sure stops bleeding of gums and other problems. Make sure you rinse mouth with lots of water after treatment) 

Bleeding can be caused by low Vitamin C or B vitamins   
 4 lemons cut in small pieces.  Cover with 1 quart of water and  bring to boil. Turn off heat and let sit for 25 minutes.  Strain.  take 6 ozs. 2 times daily until problem stops. (approx. 10 days).  Can also hold in mouth. 
Chew 1 tsp. papaya seeds 4 times daily - then spit them out. 
Fresh ground  Black Pepper is loaded with chromium which is needed for functioning of the pancreas and heart. 

Dr. Christopher's - Herbal Tooth Powder Western Botanical's Tooth Powder
Teeth - after extraction - Wet black tea bag &  place on tooth. 

Bloating -Sage tea or  Fennel tea   You can use herbs or Essential oils - Peppermint , Fennel,   or Digestion combination
 Traditional medicine treats the symptoms of bloat with cumin essential oil and ginger oil.
Apply either of these essential oils directly to the skin around your tummy. The oil will absorb into your skin quickly, and you should feel the effects within a few minutes after administration. You can use the oils as often as you like, as they have no toxic effect.

First and foremost, one of the best things you can do for overall health and belly bloat is to consume a small glass or mug of room temperature water with 1 teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar and a squeeze of lemon in the morning. The apple cider vinegar acts as a probiotic rich in enzymes that will aid in digestion.

The flavonoids found in chamomile tea provide a potent antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the gut. These compounds decrease inflammation of the intestinal wall, one of the primary causes of bloating and other conditions like IBS.
 Probiotics help to regulate digestion and keep your GI tract in optimal health.
Also consider Gall Bladder problems

Activated Charcoal
Blood - .

Blood Clots - The active compound present in turmeric known as curcumin works on the blood platelets to prevent clots. Its medicinal properties can also help in curing the pain caused due to the formation of clots. 

Onions - Hypertension

Garlic - Blood pressure - Fresh is always best - chop and put on salad or baked potato, etc.

We dropped a 54 year old woman's blood pressure from 189 to 117 within 24 hours with Dr. Christopher's Hawthorne Berry Syrup (1/2 tsp twice a day)and his Blood Circulation formula (2 caps 3 times a day).  She has been able to keep it down ever since with no problems.

Pressure - Most natural things that help high pressure will also help low pressure because it will stabilize all pressure.  - Natuer's Way - Heart Care Blend     Dr. Christopher's Blood Circulation formula


Dr. Christopher's - (blood pressure) - Blood Circulation (BPE),  Deep Heating Balm
Hawthorne Berry Syrup.   (cleanser, purifier) Blood Stream formula(RCC)
Blood Circulation: Your circulation system is in charge of moving your blood through your body, as well as oxygen, nutrients, and other compounds that help you move. Having poor circulation is not actually a disease itself, but instead a symptom of an even worse condition. These health conditions can include peripheral artery disease, high cholesterol, heart disease, etc.
  • Essential Oils :  Cypress: contains powerful antioxidants that can rid your body of any toxins. It also boosts blood circulation and relaxes the nervous system.  
  • Ginger reduce swelling and muscle soreness, apply ginger topically.
  •  Eucalyptus functions like a strong vasodilator when it is absorbed by the body. This makes the blood vessels larger and increases the blood’s flow throughout the body.
  •  Coriander: can lower your blood pressure. This essential oil helps the body to digest fats which, in turn, reduces the plaque that attaches itself to blood vessels. It can also prevent diuretic function, which removes toxins from your body. Coriander also has very powerful medicinal properties. If you choose to use this oil topically, it works like a very strong pain reliever.
  •  Wintergreen: helps to improve circulation. Platelets play an important role in your body’s ability to clot blood, however, they can also cause thrombosis/blood clots. Wintergreen works to thin the blood, similarly to aspirin, which helps to prevent unnecessary clotting and promote circulation.
  •  Juniper: cleanses and detoxifies the blood. This detox helps to boost bad circulation. The oil can also improve the removal of any uric acid crystals.
  •  Black Pepper: can help cholesterol to dissolve. Black pepper oil can also help to treat constipation and stimulate your digestive system.
  •  Lavender: has powerful relaxing properties. When used, it can calm down both your body and your mind. The oil aids in relieving anxiety, tension, and stress, which causes the blood vessels to dilate. 
  • Neroli: has been shown to  lower  blood pressure.
  • Cumin: Fat in blood plasma is a common cause of circulatory issues. Cumin essential oil works to target and reduce this. This oil can also be used as a pain reliever.

Hanna Kroeger's  - Blood Toner or Circu-Flow  
Protein, or apricots with dark raisins. 
Essential oils - Birch, Clary Sage, Clove, Hyssop, Lavender, HelichrysumLemon, MarjoramNutmeg, Rosemary, Spearmint, Ylang Ylang.   
Builders - Egg yolk mixed in Concord grape juice. 
Blackstrap molasses. 
Apricots - dried or fresh. 
1 part Beet juice, 2 parts Concord grape juice. 2 Tbsp. 3 times a day. 
Cleanser - Lemon juice, honey and water - 6 oz. every 2 hours. 
Purifier -  Beets, carrots, cranberries, cucumber. 
 Strawberry leaves for skin. 
Clots - Essential oils - Grapefruit, Helichrysum

Clots - Vitamin C     - high dose, Butcher's Broom, Alfalfa.
Hemorrhaging - Essential oils - Helichrysum Rose (I'll bet that Rose petals put on spot if nothing else available would work.
     Cayenne    Ladies Slipper.
Thinners - Rosemary and red clover leaves or seeds.  (Seeds are stronger)   The acetic acid in vinegar helps to thin the blood. 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in glass of water has been known to lower pressure   within 1/2 hour of consumption  (Christopher's Blood Stream Formula)
Low Blood Sugar - Essential oils - Cinnamon, Clove, Thyme
Hanna Kroeger's - Blood Sugar Pro -- (hypoglycemia) 

Toxins - Boil 1 qt. cranberry juice with 8 cloves and 1 tsp.cinnamon
               Add 1 qt. of water and sip all day. 

Blood Detox Formula by Western Botanical

Dr. Christopher's - Blood Circulation formula (BPE) 

Dr. Christopher's - Blood poisoning - Itch ointment (Chickweed), Rash Ointment (CMM oint., 
      Lobelia tincture, Stings & Bites ointment (Plantain Oint.), Bloodstream Formula (Red Clover Comb).

Body Odor - Essential oils -Peppermint on finger and touch to tongue as a breath freshener.
Chew fennel seeds, anise seeds or cloves for a clean tasting breath freshener.
 Chlorophyll - drink and/or eat lots of green vegetables. 
Bentonite Clay mixed with apple cider vinegar 5 drops Cypress helps detox under arm pit.
Homeopathy- Mercurius vivus for bad breath you can smell across the room.
Gargle with 20 drops of Calendula tincture/extract diluted in a glass of water. 

Drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water per day. (Other liquids don't count especially pop which takes water out of your body.)
Can add peppermint tea with touch of anise, caraway or cinnamon.
.Apply tea-tree oil to problem areas, Essential oils of Lavender, Pine and Peppermint fight bacteria. They also smell nice. Also delightfully fragrant, sage can fight bacteria and reduce perspiration.
Reflexology - Reflex points for stomach, liver, and intestine and all of the points on the sides and bottom of each big toe.
Eating meat can cause or aggravate odor in some people. 

 Best natural deodorant I have found is a grain alcohol called Everclear sprayed  or rubbed on skin - not to be taken internally.  (Get from a liquor store)  (not for alcoholics) Regular household alcohols are wood alcohols which are a poison.  You can add your choice of an Essential Oil such as Lavender for a nice treat.   see  Hulda Clark's books for more information.  (Cure for all Cancer's or Cure for all Diseases)
Quite often caused by fermentation in the intestinal tract.  Avoid yeast products such as cheeses, vinegar, alcohol and also sugar or sweet candies, pastries, etc. 
Take a Candida supplement   Candida Liver Care  Candidia Formula #1   Candida #2   .
Boils - Essential oils - Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree  (Melaleuca).
. .
Usually caused by friction from bad fitting underwear, a tight shirt collar, or
    bacteria from a scratch.
Paste of water and equal parts ginger and turmeric. (Turmeric will stain)
Eat foods high in Vitamin A  and Zinc 
Homeopathic -
Belladonna, if comes on suddenly and is bright red and inflamed.
Hepar sulphuris, if it comes on slowly, looks darkish blue and is extremely painful when touched and you feel cold. 
Alternating hot and cold compresses speeds healing.
Stimulate and clean the liver with a combination of these juices. Carrot, beet, celery and parsley. 

Onion poultice or raw tomato without stem will bring them to a head. 

Equal portions of Sage vinegar and warmed honey spread over boils daily   as needed until they come to a head. 

Dr. Christopher's - Black OintmentBlack Walnut TinctureBloodstream Formula

Bones - Essential oils - Birch, Cedarwood, Fir, Juniper, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Spruce.
Hanna Kroeger's Coxsackie homeopathic for virus that resides in bones 

Curica™ Pain Relief by Nature's Way

Osteoporosis - 
Dr. Christopher's  Herbal Calcium combination.  Calcium & Magnesium By Nature's Way
Bone Spurs - Essential oils - Birch, Cypress, Marjoram
.      Apple Cider Vinegar compresses 

Broken - Essential oils - Birch, Spruce, Fir, Helichrysum, Clove.

Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue formula (It comes in many forms, tinctures, salves capsules)
Western Botanical's Complete tissue repair

Dr. Christopher's- Herbal Calcium

Dr. Christopher's - Kid-E-Calc for children 

Bruised -  Essential oil - Helichrysum.
 DMSO - Needs to be used with Aloe Vera to prevent burning. Also make sure that your hands and everything else are sanitized because it will take anything  (such as chemicals)  through the skin.  A miracle cure when used properly.   Otherwise known as Horse liniment as it is used extensively on Race Horses.  

Botulism -  2 tsp apple cider vinegar in 8 oz water every hour. (can add honey)
Bowel -  Essential oil - Peppermint
Ginger is commonly used to improve digestion and reduce nausea, and it can also help treat constipation. It has digestive stimulatory effects that can increase gastric motility, preventing and treating constipation.
To relieve constipation with ginger oil, mix 3 to 5 drops of ginger oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil like coconut oil or grapeseed oil. Massage the mixture onto the abdomen. Do this two to three times a day as needed.

Fennel seed is a powerful digestive stimulant that can act as a laxative when ingested, effectively treating constipation quickly.
Fennel essential oil is most effective as a digestive stimulant when mixed with a small amount of carrier oil and massaged onto the abdomen. Do this two to three times a day as needed.
Peppermint essential oil contains antispasmodic properties, which can relax the muscles in the digestive tract, making the bowels looser. This can help relieve constipation. One 2008 study was able to back this up, finding that peppermint oil successfully helped relieve constipation in some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Combine 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with 1 teaspoon of warmed carrier oil, like coconut or grapeseed oil. Massage it directly onto the abdomen and inhale the aroma. The massage will increase movement of the bowel, and the inhalation will help relax those muscles. Do this two to three times a day until your constipation is relieved. Studies have demonstrated that inhaling oils can be as effective as applying them directly to the skin.
Rosemary essential oil has a spasmolytic effect, meaning that it relaxes muscles and suppresses muscle spasms. Like peppermint oil, this can jump-start the digestive system and get things moving as needed.

Inhaling rosemary oil can have all the desired effects that you’d need, though some people also use it as a massage oil for aromatherapy benefits. You can mix the oil into a massage lotion, or you can add a few drops to an air diffuser to get the full benefits.

Lemon essential oil is highly concentrated and contains a number of strong antioxidants that can improve digestion and simultaneously reduce inflammation. Both factors can allow the digestion process to run more smoothly and eliminate constipation. One study even found that using oils like lemon oil in aromatherapy massages improved digestion.

Mix lemon oil into a carrier oil, and massage it into the skin. You can also put lemon oil in an air diffuser and inhale the scent of the oil to achieve the desired results.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
University of Iowa study examined how Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients responded to a fructose restricted diet.  It was reported by the Iowa team that 30 of 80 Irritable Bowel patients were tested and found to be fructose intolerant. It is a condition that creates bloating, cramping and diarrhea. Alcoholic beverages, corn, and corn-based products all have fructose. Other derivatives like corn oil, corn syrup and fructose syrup are found in a wide variety of foods.
For Irritable Bowel I would consider Probiotic supplements for relief as well as FOS products (fructo-oligo-saccharides) along with aloe vera juice, which has been known to calm bowel problems, essential fatty acids and digestive enzymes because they help strengthen the intestinal wall and help re-establish the intestinal flora.     

Cleansing - Juice of 1 lemon, 1 Tbsp molasses in 1 qt. hot water. 
Flax Seed.
Intestinal Sweep 180 caps  by Dr. Christopher
Dropped - Prickly pear.

Bowel Conditioner by Garden Essence - Our very own combination that is healing to the intestinal tract while cleaning out old fecal material from pockets in the intestinal tract. 

Hanna Kroeger's - Mover - a nice soft bowel softener and cleanser

Dr. Christopher's - Lower Bowel Formula, Quick Colon  Kid-E-Reg, Vaginal or Rectum Bolus powder
Brain - Essential oils - Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Spearmint.
Essential Oil combinationsAlert, Clarity, Composure, SerenityAttention Focus, Blue aussie, Balance, B-Power, Grounding, Happy Memories, Here & Now, Letting go, Nerve DamageTranquility.
 Activates Right Brain - Essential oils - Bergamot, Birch, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum.

Listening to classical music activates right brain. 

Hanna Kroeger's - Brain Care Blend (old name R.Q.) for brain energy support and mental fatigue. 

Hanna Kroeger's - Polarity Balancer

Dr. Christopher's - Mind Trac   or  Liver Transition D Tox

Nature's Way Ginkgold

Blueberries have been recommended for keeping the brain from aging by the anti-oxidant 
properties of some components.  For more information click here

Injury Each part of your body and your emotions have a particular vibration. Due to the vibrational properties of essential oils, they can help brain injuries by transferring their very high energy frequencies to the body.-
Essential oils
- Frankincense, Helichrysum.
Essential Oils that increase oxygenation in the brain, but they contain other chemical constituents that can nourish and assist in the repair of injured brain tissue.
 Cedarwood  Vetiver Sandalwood Patchouli Myrrh  Ginger Ylang Ylang  Helichrysum  Melissa Frankincense
Integration - Essential oils - Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Spearmint.
Foods - Walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, wheat, coconut meat and milk, barley and coconut with lecithin and honey,  cardamom, leeks.
Tumor - Shave head, apply tofu over head, and change the compress when tofu gets yellow.
Crushed raw tomato in poultice.

Breast - Essential oils Clary Sage, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Lemongrass, Sage, Spearmint.

Indications are that some Breast Cancer can be traced to use of anti-perspirants. 

Increase & Firms - Essential oils - Clary Sage, Fennel, Sage.
Caked & Sore - Grate raw carrots and apply to breast. 
My cousin nursed all her 8 children and had terrible cracks and soreness with the first 6 children.  She took mega doses of vitamins & Minerals with her last two and had none of the problems.  Also taking Nutritional oils should help.

Lumps or pain - Bag balm available at veterinary supply store
Apple Cider Vinegar   . 
Knots in -Poultice of grated raw carrots. 
Simmer laurel leaves in olive oil and apply. 
Cancer - Hulda Clark's  "Cure For All Cancers" book Frankincense
Click here for more   Cancer links: 

 Dr. Christopher's - Herbal Calcium, Hormonal Changease, Female Reproductive, Glandular System
  Bloodstream Formula, Herbal Iron.   (also consider for breast feeding)

Breast Feeding - It boosts a baby's immune system while helping the mother  by protecting against breast cancer, helping her uterus return to normal faster, and helps her get back to her normal weight faster. 
The best book that I have seen - even women who have nursed before 
can gain valuable new insights from this book.  It is recommended by 
Le Leche League. Karen Pryor's - Nursing Your Baby     
Mega vitamins & Minerals will cut down on Mother's nipple discomfort.

Sometimes when a baby has trouble nursing it is because of allergies to something  in the Mother's diet.  Beans eaten by Mother can cause colic.
Dry Cracked Nipples : First of all, if you're using nursing pads, choose cotton pads over disposables and save yourself increased risk of thrush or infection from the chemicals in a disposable pads.
Myrrh, Helichrysum or Geranium   -  a drop of one of these pure essential oils along with some organic coconut oil can be applied directly to a dry, cracked nipple after nursing.
Sore Nipples   Lavender or Chamomile  -  a drop of one of these pure essential oils along with some organic coconut oil can be applied directly to a sore nipple after nursing. A suggestion for cracked or sore nipples:  buy a snug fitting nursing bra and some nursing cups and wear the nursing cups 24/7 for a week or so.  Breast milk is very healing for sore nipples and the cups will catch any and sooth painful places.   As a preventative to toughen up nipples, rub them with coconut oil and a warm washcloth during a shower or bath one month prior to your due date.

Masitis: .Mastitis is an infection of the breast that most likely came from baby and entered thru a cracked nipple.  This can be extremely painful but it's important to keep nursing - antibodies will transfer to baby thru breast milk.  Treat the infection with pure essential oils right away and be consistent. Tea Tree and a Lavender X plague Blend -  Get an antibiotic protocol going pronto!  For convenience add 1 part Tea Tree and a Lavender X plague and fractionated coconut oil to a roller bottle.  Every 2 to 3 hours roll under your arm at the site of lymph nodes and on breast, avoiding nipple. Mastitis rarely affects both breasts, apply oil blend on infected breast but under BOTH armpits too.
 Acupressure - Press on points between the third and fourth ribs directly 
above the breast tissue in line with the nipples. 
Essential oils - Fennel diluted with a vegetable oil such as almond or olive and 
rubbed on breasts plus a drop in a glass of water. Fennel seed tea is great also.

 Homeopathic -
Ignatia  for stress-related feeding problems. 
Calcarea phosphorica if it isn't stress related. 
Phytolacca for plugged milk duct or inflamed breast. (See your health practitioner) 

Breathing - Essential oils - Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Ginger, Juniper, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Rosemary, ThymeEssential oil combinations - Breathe Easy, Fresh Breeze, Respiratory Congestion, Respiratory Problems
 Abnormal rapid breathing - Essential Oil - Ylang Ylang.
 Oxygen - Essential oils - Frankincense, Sandalwood, most essential oils.
 Shortness of  -  Red onion juice simmered 15 minutes - add honey.  Take 
  1 tsp. every hour. 
1 Tbsp. raw onion juice on 1 tsp. sugar. 
 Cup of black tea. 

Hanna Kroeger's - Lung Formula  (old name Sound Breath)  or Black Radish & Parsley

Bright's Disease  (kidney trouble)
Lemon oil and Helichrysum oil may reduce the risk of kidney stones by supporting the kidneys and liver in detoxification. Put 2 drops of citrus oils like lemon, limeorange or grapefruit to your water 2x daily.  With helichrysum oil, rub topically over  lower abdomen 2x daily.
Lemongrass Oil – This oil can be used to help relieve pain that occurs as a result of kidney stones and may also help to improve circulation to the kidneys and kidney areas.  You can mix 3 drops of lemongrass oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil, then massage over the kidney to help reduce pain.
Sweet Orange Oil – Another citrus oil that can have a positive impact on kidney stones, orange oil can help to calm spasms that occur in the urinary tract while stones are moving through it. It also works as a mild diuretic to help flush the kidneys more effectively.
Helichrysum – This oil works as a natural anti-inflammatory that can help to detoxify the kidneys and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. It also has diuretic qualities that can help move water through the body, making it easier to help pass the stones.
Lavender – While not effective at directly managing or reducing kidney stones and their prevalence, this essential oil can help calm the body and mind. Becoming more relaxed can help make it easier to cope with the pain of kidney stones, and using lavender oil alongside the other oils listed above is worth trying.
Eat watermelon, seeds and all for 2 days with nothing else.  Always eat watermelon by itself. 

Dr. Christopher's  Kidney Formula
Raw Kidney  .

Grandma's Herbs Kidney Formula   .
Magnesium prevents the formation of kidney stones
Vitamin B6 reduces calcium-oxalate levels.
Vitamin E (400 IU daily) Reduces calcium-oxalate levels.
Aloe vera (1/4 cup daily) Helps reduce urinary crystals

Brittle Nails - Essential oilsLavender, Bay (laurus nobilis) & Sandalwood in  sesame oil.

Household chemicals or too much nail polish remover can damage nails. 

Slightly warm some coconut oil and apply it on each nail. Massage gently and thoroughly for five minutes. This will improve blood circulation and keep the nails moisturized. Follow this remedy two to three times daily.

  1. Mix one-half teaspoon of vitamin E oil and a few drops of tea tree oil.
  2. Rub this solution on each of your nails and massage gently for a few minutes.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off with lukewarm water, pat dry and apply coconut oil.
  5. Do this twice a day for a month.

Omega-6 fatty acids, natural sources are cold water fish such as herring, 
    salmon & mackerel.    #1,   #2  
Flaxseed oil   

Yoga -Most often caused by poor digestion, try the stomach lift daily. Do not do during menstruation, pregnancy, after surgery, with high blood pressure or heart disease.

Bromide Poison  (or narcotic poisoning
Strong coffee by mouth or enema. 
Activated Charcoal
Stupor -
Give coffee enema every 1/2 hour.
Bronchitis - Essential oils - Bergamot, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir (Bronchi is obstructed)
Respiratory Problems   Respiratory Congestion  Breathe Easy  KidCare Sniffle Stop   .
Avoid animal products as they are mucus forming. 
1 pint of flax seed tea, juice of 2 lemons, & 3 Tbsp. honey. 
        Take 1 tsp. every 1/2 hour until relieved.
 Cayenne   - Creates circulation which breaks up mucus. (Activates lymph system) 
Foods & Juices -  Chicken soup, garlic, vegetables - especially those high in 
   Vitamins A & C. 
No sugars - even fruit tends to depress the immune system. No animal products. (except chicken soup)
Hot shower or compress on chest helps break up congestion. 
 (Breathe deeply - activates lymph system, which in turn cleans body.)
Thyme tea for bronchial spasms. .

Chronic - Essential oils - Eucalyptus, Sage, Sandalwood.
Children - Essential oilsRoman Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rosemary, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Thyme.
Clear Mucus -  Essential oils - Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Thyme.
 Reflexology- Work adrenal, lung and solar plexus points 

 Dr. Christopher's - Super Garlic Immune Formula, Respiratory Relief Syrup, or Resp Free.        
Respiratory Relief 
Bruises - Essential oils - Birch, Basil, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Helichrysum, Lavender
Place moist tobacco over bruise.  It will be rather warm at first - don't overdo. 
Arnica Montana
Bellis perennis if for breasts or pelvic area. 
Warm compress soaked in Sage tea.
Vitamins  A, C & E   will help bruise heal faster.

Dr. Christopher's - Complete Tissue, Rash ointment, Comfrey ointment.

Bugs - 
Repel - Essential oils - Lemon, Citronella, Catnip  or  Pest Away  KidCare Critter Shield  Bug Stick  .
 Bites - Essential oils - Lemon, Citronella, Patchouli, Catnip, or  Pest Away,
Ice. Why It Helps: It constricts the blood vessels, minimizing the spread of histamine, which triggers the allergic reaction. ...
Green Tea. Why It Helps: Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that will help the bite shrink faster. ...
Vinegar. ...
Basil . ...
Melissa ...
Milk. ...
Tea Tree Oil. ...
Lavender Oil.
Fill a bath bag with lemon balm leaves and tie it to your tub's faucet, then let the warm water run through the bag as the tub fills. Hop in to soothe the all-over itch.
Itch ointment
Califlora, Calendula Gel by Boericke & Tafel
Bulimia - Essential oils - Grapefruit.  Appetite Stimulant   .
Some of the most effective remedies for bulimia nervosa include the use of probiotics, aloe vera, nutritional planning, ginseng, oranges, yoga, spinach, salmon, meditation, psychosocial therapy, and emotional self-care.
The self-image crisis that so often accompanies the binge eating and purging. When you treat your gastrointestinal system in this way, depleting it of crucial nutrients, you will often get bloated. This seems counterintuitive, but when this happens, it can often make bulimia nervosa sufferers even more concerned with their weight and size, which starts the entire cycle all over again. Aloe vera is very good at soothing upset stomachs and can quickly reduce bloating, eliminating that dangerous trigger from the equation of your recovery.

Recipe For Hope:
Cinnamon Essential oil 1 drop
Bergamot 1 drop
Grapefruit 1 drop
Chamomile 1 drop
In 7 Drops of Sweet Almond Oil
Put on inside wrists any time day or night.

Bunions - Essential oils - Chamomile, Carrot. Cypress oil, Juniper BerryFir, Basil and Wintergreen, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Peppermint, and Rosemary. These are effective as a massage oil but also carry anti-inflammatory properties that may help.

Caused by ill fitting shoes and/or genetics. 
Wear loose-fitting shoes leaving approx. 1/2 inch at toe end of shoes.  Your feet are larger around early afternoons so that is the best time to buy shoes. 

Press on the bunion and if it turns white you may actually have bursitis - not a bunion. 

Apple Cider Vinegar will dissolve bone spurs in certain conditions and may help. 

Burnout - The symptoms of stress are vast and can be hard to navigate but are important to understanding just how far stress can take us. ..Clary Sage.Cinnamon Bark. Clove. Galbanum. Helichrysum. Lavender. Use lavender in a calming room spray, in the diffuser, or in a bed-time roll-on applied to the chest for best results. ...Tea Tree  LimeNutmeg, Rosemary  Thyme
Essential oil Blends:  Angel, Belief, Balance, Tranquility,   .
Physical symptoms such as back pain, headaches and stomach upset. 
Panic attacks which include such things as light-headedness, fast heartbeat, extreme sweating. 
Alcohol or drug abuse.
Passion Flower  . helps calm

Hanna Kroeger's - Brain Care Blend (R.Q old name). for Brain energy support and mental fatigue. 
Flower Remedy
 Olive - mental or physical exhaustion. 
 Hornbeam - If you are required to do something and you are resisting. Comes & goes. 
 Rescue Remedy -  helps center emotions until the crisis has past.
 It is amazing what 10 to 20 minutes of  meditating and/or listening to relaxing music can do 2 or 3 times a day. (Breaks at work, in bed at night, etc.) 
Ginseng in any form including using it in cooking.

Burns - 3rd degree burns should always be taken to your medical practitioner. 
(Minimal or no pain & charred or waxy appearance.) 
Using essential oils to treat minor burns is completely safe if they’re used correctly. You can apply them to burns in a variety of ways.

 Essential oils - Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint.
Chamomile has been traditionally used for healing wounds and skin.
Eucalyptus is a popular topical essential oil, especially for wound and burn healing. It’s also an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial. Used in helping prevent burns from becoming infected.
Juniper is used to aid healing, prevent infection, and soothe inflammation as an antimicrobial. Can help heal wounds and potentially minimize scars caused by burns.
Lavender is frequently mentioned in essential oil studies as a great burn healer. It has pain-relieving properties, the ability to reduce inflammation, and antimicrobial activity.
Oregano studied and found that it could help contribute to faster wound healing, including burns.Oregano (and marjoram) were found to be pain relievers.
Peppermint is used in topical pain management. This could make it especially useful for burns.  Peppermint is a very effective analgesic.  Peppermint oil is noted for preventing illness and relieving pain spasms. It helped reduce inflammation as well.
Pine reduces inflammation, kills pathogens, and reduces scarring. This could make pine essential oils helpful for burn treatment.
Sage could also be well-supported burn healer. Sage and clary sage are antibacterial, which may help reduce the chances of infection in burns. Sage is also known for its antimicrobial powers.

One way is as a simple compress. This is the best approach for a very recent burn. To make:

Add about 5 drops of your chosen essential oil to 1 cup of warm water. You can mix up different essential oils together if you like.
After shaking the oil with water, soak a clean cloth and apply.
Repeat until the water for the compress is gone.
Continue making compresses and applying daily until the wound begins to heal.
Another method is to use a moisturizing product or carrier oil with your chosen essential oils.

It’s best to use this approach once burns are already healing. Using oily products can cover fresh burns and trap bacteria, which may worsen an infection. This method is better for helping heal and moisturize burnt skin, not to prevent infection. Don’t use this method with fresh burns or second-degree burns.
Sun Screen - Essential oils -Helichrysum.
Shea Cream makes an excellent sun screen. 
Not toxic like store bought sun screens  that cause more cancer than they say they prevent.  ...
Shea Cream 
 Place under cold water until most of pain is gone and then increase to warmer water until there is no pain when taken out of water. 
Black tea or milk on burn. 
Apis mellifica - swelling, stinging pain with redness; better from cold applications
Cantharis - blisters with rawness and burning pains; better from warm applications 
Urtica urens - stinging pain; worse from water, cool moist air, touch. 
Always keep an aloe vera plant just for emergencies. Cut leaf and use juice. 

Soak gauze bandages in apple cider vinegar and apply.  (also good for sunburn) 
Ayruvedic - make a paste of a pinch of tumeric in aloe vera gel.

We always keep an aloe vera plant for emergencies.
Egg whites slightly beaten. 
Vitamins  A, C & E      

Burning feet - B6,   B-complex, pantothenic acid, E,  copper, iron.
Burning pains - B12 
Burning sensation in body and limbs - Manganese,  B12
Burning of skin with itching
Homeopathic - Ranunculus bulbosus  (buttercup) 
Burning of alimentary canal - Homeopathic - Iris versicolor (blue flag). 

Dr. Christopher's - Complete Tissue ointment, Rash ointmentItch ointment, Stings & Bites ointment.  

Bursitis/Tendinitis - Essential oils- Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Ginger, HyssopJuniper, Ortho-flex, Carpal Tunnel
Peppermint oil and frankincense oil can be applied to the affected shoulder to boost circulation, reduce inflammation and control pain. These can also be used during massage therapy, applied before or after stretching, and added to a bath.

Homemade Rub

1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup grated beeswax
2 teaspoon cayenne powder
2 teaspoon ginger or turmeric powder (Note: While turmeric is an outstanding anti-inflammatory, be aware that it will cause some temporary skin discoloration)
15 drops peppermint essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
glass jar

Castor oil is another effective remedy to reduce pain and swelling in the joints. The ricinoleic acid in castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and minimize inflammation. It even helps improve mobility of the joint.
Soak a piece of wool flannel in cold-pressed castor oil  add 5 drops Ginger essential oil
Put it on the affected joint and cover it with a plastic wrap.
Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on it and cover that with an old towel.
Leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes, then remove it.
Gently rub the oily residue left on the skin or rinse it off with warm water.
Use this treatment 3 or 4 times a week.

Also see  Carpal Tunnel 
Over doing any kind of exercise or sports can bring on the  problem.  Since  it is inflammation of the bursi or tendons you need to cut way back on most activities until swelling is brought under control.
Barley grass, comfrey, pineapple and black cherry juice are all great as an anti-inflammatory.

Hanna Kroeger's -  Coxsackie. 
 Rhus toxicodendron - If joint is stiff and painful at first and gets better with use.  Also better with warmth and worse with cold.
Dryonia - If pain increases with use and better with cold and worse with warmth
Reflexology - Reflex points that match the painful part of the body. See  "Body Reflexology"  by Carter

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Organic Gardening

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.we accept
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Visa,  M/C  American Express,
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Credit cards
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Our Shopping Cart is secure - For your protection

Health Resources
4282 West 10000 South
Payson, UT 84651-9704

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Mountain Time
Monday - Saturday

Ph. - 801-465-4949
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You are Special
                            because you are a Child of God!

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                  'Round! We LOVE You!!!!..

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Mountain Time
Monday - Saturday
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Remedies A-Z ( includes Aromatherapy )
(Click above for health care warnings & info) 



Shopping Cart   

  • Boericke & Tafel
 • Childrens
 • Detoxifying Cleansers
 • Dr. Christopher
 • Essential Oils
KidCare Essential Oils
 • Garlic
 • Golden Lotus
 • Grandmas Herbs
 • Hanna Kroeger
 • Herbs
   • Immune Tree
 • Kyolic
 • Minerals
   • Natures Way
 • Neurological and Brain
 • Respiratory System
   • Vitamins
 • Western Botanicals

Call us at  801-465-4949 
You may use this numbers to order any products or if you have any problems with the shopping cart.

Home Page


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Essential oils & Aromatherapy

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 Home & Garden

Who is Dr. Christopher?
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Who is HannaKroeger?
    Products &  Books

Water - Awesome link 



Organic Gardening

Computer links

About us
Can't find what you want? Give us a

Phone or fax us
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Mountain Time
Monday - Saturday

.We accept
We accept 
Visa,  M/C  American Express,
&  Discover 
Credit cards
Pay Pal.

Our Shopping Cart is secure - For your protection

Health Resources
4282 West 10000 South
Payson, UT 84651-9704

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Mountain Time
Monday - Saturday

Ph. - 801-465-4949
-Click here for Currency exchange site
Order form
-   You are Special
                            because you are a Child of God!

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* *

  Essential oil health, aromatherapy.


