. Newsletter3

Back problems Mints Cancer Links Book Reviews
This month I would like to make a statement of my beliefs - health wise

    I do not believe that there are any panaceas or sugar coated pills that will cure everything - 
I believe that health is a life style which encompasses a combination of  "good health practices". 
I am not an alarmist or fad chasing person.  I take health very serious and slowly contemplate anything new on the market.  In doing this I have avoided many pitfalls caused by such fads 
as "no salt", "no fat", Tylenol or Advil instead of aspirin, jogging, etc. 
    I believe that our bodies are programmed to heal themselves if given the proper nutrients 
and clearing/unclogging the pathways to its cleansing systems. 
    I do believe that everybody's body is different and that we need to listen to our bodies 
and what they tell us.  I believe this to be even more important when you take prescription 
drugs given to you by a Doctor who has only taken one or even two or three semesters of 
classes on medications and those are sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies who have 
a heavy financial interest.  All they can do is give you the recommended dosage which is 
usually somewhat high for most people and probably not specific for your particular body. 
(How do you like being an experimental guinea pig?) 
    I also agree with Zona of Gifts of Nature products that you also need to be somewhat 
careful with herbs.  They are usually not as potent and don't usually have all the side effects 
of pharmaceuticals but need to be taken with some caution. 
    My family does not take pharmaceuticals, my 16 year old daughter has never had a 
vaccination even though she has been in the public school system for 9 of her 11 school 
years. (We home schooled her for a couple of years) (I guess I need to cover the reasons 
for no vaccinations later.) 
    The reason I am making this statement is that the information I present in this newsletter 
seems to be a contradiction at times with other newsletters.  My approach is to cover all 
the bases I can when I am trying to overcome a problem.  And as I have stated before -
Everybody's body is different and responds different to things even though two people
seem to have the same "dis-ease".
    No one can know if something is working for and on your body like you can!
    Some peoples problem is very simple like drinking more water, (excellent start on path 
to health) while others need more.  It took years for you to get to the point where you are 
starting to look for answers.  Most things can't be healed over a few days or even a few 
    I think that next month my book review will be on Dr. Abravanel's "Body Type Diet" 
as he explains the reasons why one person loses weight on a particular diet while someone 
else gains weight and vice versa. 

    Now I would like to cover a few things you might try if you are having back problems: 
        Clothing might be too tight. 
        Avoid narrow-toed shoes, as they tense the leg muscles which in turn 
                    effect the back. 
        Women's high heeled shoes shorten the hamstring and calf muscle, causing 
                    tension that can lead to backache. 
        If the heels of shoes are too tight or loose they can cause a sway that works 
                    it's way up to the back and neck. 
        Toes of shoes and stockings should not be tight - you should be able to 
                    wiggle toes freely. 
        Too high or tight a collar can cause stiff neck.  Wear collars 1/2 size large 
                    and if neck is short, stick to soft, narrow collars. 
        Narrow shoulder straps on bras can cause shoulder and upper back pain 
                    especially if too tight. 
        Use feather pillows because foam rubber pillows force neck into a rigid position. 
        Backache can be caused by bad habits such as gobbling food, sleeping on a 
                    sagging mattress (put a board or piece of plywood under mattress if 
                    you can't afford a new one.) or sitting in the same position too long 
                    and/or sitting with your legs crossed. 
        This suggestion will even straighten your hips which causes back pain. 
                    Look at your waist line from the back and see if your hips are straight. 
                    Take your left hand and place all the fingers tight on the thumb - then 
                    place those fingers on your navel (belly button).  Move the Right hand 
                    from the waist down on the right side of your body lightly, approximately 
                    7 to 10 times saying "Heavenly Father, please heal my right leg"  (If you 
                    are offended by those words you can say anything that will direct your 
                    full concentration to that part of your body)  You are working with the 
                    electrical and lymph systems of your body.  Then you change hands 
                    and sides of the body and do and say the same thing.  After that I 
                    change hands and do the same thing only this time I rub my back bone, 
                    and then I change hands again and repeat. 
        This also works with any malfunctioning part of your body as it activates the electrical and lymph systems of your body which aren't working properly or you would be well to start with. 
(You have twice as much lymph in your body as you do blood - what does that tell you, since its 
function is to clean out the body.) 

Have a mint!
      It could save your life.  Mints are worth a mint when it comes to their health benefits. 
These treats  contain antioxidants that can help fight serious illnesses including cancer. 
Real mints contain menthol which can kill bacteria in the lungs and mouth and can fight off 
colds and flu.  Mints can also boost your spirits and have a stimulant effect.  However, you
should avoid any mint candies that are old or stale because antioxidants have a brief shelf life 
and decrease in strength over time. If you want to avoid the sugar in mint candies you can 
chew on mint leaves. 

   I hope you find this newsletter informative - if so please get in touch with us and let us 
know if there is anything specific you are interested in.  - info@zhealthinfo.com

   Great links for this month
   These keep changing as the Pharmaceutical's keep harrassing and closing sites - 
  We would love to have more links - click here to add to this list. 
        Cancer links - 
        https://www.remedies.net  (more about essiac formula) 
         https://www.cancer .com
     Holistic Only—Answers, US Doctors w/high success rates 
Book Review:

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves  by Hanna Kroeger 

     There are many books that stress and stress and stress that almost every disease 
you can think of is a result of worms and parasites in our systems combined with pollutants. 
They also cover the role of bacteria and viruses and viroids. 
     Some of the many diseases that they cover are: 
                Diabetes,    High blood pressure,   Seizures,   Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 
Migraines, Alzheimer's,   Parkinson's,    Multiple Sclerosis (MS),   all Cancers, including 
leukemia, Crohn's disease and breast cancer . 
     Hanna Kroeger's book is more concise and covers a large number of our most common problems such as the polio vaccine's influence on our society and how to rid our systems 
of the negative problems it has caused.  It also includes unclogging the arteries naturally, 
without side effects. It is really a book of problems with answers. 
          An example of how thorough she is and how simple she explains things - is her 
explanation of our hands. 
            "Hands do everything.  They pick up things from the floor.  They handle 
            money.  They touch other peoples' hands.  They clean up bottoms.  They 
            touch all kinds of door knobs. And then they pick up food to eat.   Some 
            people even lick their fingers when they're sticky or just to turn a page! 
            What is on the hands that you don't want to eat but can't see?   Bacteria 
            and viruses from coughing and sneezing into your hands!  And cysts! 
            Cysts are the 'eggs' made by parasites.  Cysts are so tough not even
            bleach kills them.  They hide under our fingernails when we wash our 
            hands.  Then we eat them along with our food.  This is called the 
            oral-fecal route.  They hatch in the stomach and go to the intestine to live."

    Hannah Kroegers  list of some of the many symptoms of unrestrained Candida 
Albicans.  (She also tells you how to get rid of it.) 

        General:                   Fatigue 
                                        Joint pains and stiffness 
                                        Cold hands and feet 
                                        Increased body hair 
                                        Numbness and tingling 

    Gastrointestinal tract:    Chronic heartburn 
                                        Distention and bloating 

        In children:               Hyperactivity 
                                        Recurrent respiratory tract infections 
                                        Neurological and behavioral symptoms 

        In adults:                  Depression 
                                        Extreme sensitivity to common chemicals like 
                                            perfumes or tobacco smoke. 
                                        Persistent vaginitis 
                                        Digestive symptoms 
                                        Psoriasis and other skin problems 
                                        Lack of coordination 
                                        Premenstrual syndrome 
                                        'Feeling bad all over' for no apparent reason 
                                        Persistent jock itch
                                        Athlete's foot and fungus growth on nails 

        Central Nervous System:  When it hits this we are in deep deep trouble - The fear 
of losing the mind is real and many have suicidal tendencies and so on.......50% of people 
in mental institutions suffer acutely of this fungus infection. 

                                        Hyper irritability 
                                        Memory loss 
                                        Inability to concentrate 

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