Garden Essence Oils 
Garden Essence Oils
August 2016
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.

To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most from your life, You need to have good health and a strong belief in yourself.

50% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday on August 1st
bpower essential oilB-Power Essential Oil Blend

This blend helps with Mental Clarity and Brain Fog.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday August 8th
marjoram essential oilMarjoram Essential Oil Blend
Calms muscular stiffness, strains and sprains. Comforts emotions of grief and loneliness. Regulates menstrual cycle. helps with chillbains, ticks, aids in healing wounds, clears bruises
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday August 15th on

Alert essential oil blendAlert Essential Oil Blend

This blend may help with memory retention and mental alertness it may even help oxygenate the brain. One may study with this blend and then smell it during the test to help recall all that was studied. May be used as a stimulant for low energy and may keep one from going into shock.

Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday August 22nd
nerve damage nerve repair
                                      essential oil by garden essence
                                      oils"Nerve Damage" Essential Oil Blend
Helps restore nerve damage which is also the cause of a majority of hearing loss. (Use roller ball on back of ear)

Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday August 29th

This week you get Two!
Grapfruit essential oilGrapefruit Essential Oil/lime essential oilLime Essential Oil

Grapefruit is euphoric and cleansing, great for refreshing your environment. In skin and body care it benefits oily or congested skin, improves elasticity and has diuretic properties. Has been used as a: tonic, kidney & liver problems, migraine, depression, tonic in drug withdrawal, reducing water retention & Cellulite.

Grapefruit is a wonderful essential oil, here are a few things it may help with: depression, headache, performance stress, jet lag, PMS, alcohol and drug withdrawal uplifting and euphoric, it increases self-esteem and bolsters confidence,  colds, chills, flu, environmental disinfectant.

Cheering and restorative, lime refreshes a tired mind. Congestion due to colds and spasms or inflammation are eased. Antiseptic and astringent it makes a great deodorant. Headaches, sore throats.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday September 5th

This week you get Two!
  birch essential oilBirch Essential Oil /wintergreen essential oiWintergreen Essential Oil
Birch It is credited with being an analgesic, antiflammatory, antipryetic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, depurative, diuretic, rubefacient, tonic. An effective addition to a massage oil for sore muscles, sprains and painful joints because of its' anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Wintergreen has a history of use as a pain reliever. It is also believed to increase the speed of healing for skin disorders, and when added to lotions, acts as a natural moisturizer. Respiratory conditions, chronic mucous discharge, joint and muscular problems, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, myalgia, sciatica, lumbago.

Cooling off This Summer?
Beware of this parasite!
It’s not a pleasant thought or subject but it’s your reality if you’re spending the summer at a public pool or cooling off at your local water park (splash parks too). Be better prepared with some basic information like what you can do to minimize uncomfortable symptoms brought to you by the cryptosporidium “crypto” parasite.
What is it?
This is a microscopic parasite that according to the CDC can survive chlorine and well maintained pools from several hours to several days. All it takes is a swallow of contaminated water and your chance of prolonged diarrhea increases greatly, especially in young children, pregnant women and weakened immune systems. Crypto is spread by swallowing water contaminated by watery feces infected with Crypto.

Water contamination is more common than you think. People swim, people use the restroom then jump back in and swim some more. Toddlers wearing swim diapers, poor hygiene in the restroom or changing diapers can all be perilous by the pool. Often, even the most conscientious momma's take the kids to the pool unaware that the bout of diarrhea junior had last night was caused by the Cryptosporidium parasite and not that movie popcorn. The cycle continues. Ignorance isn’t bliss in this case!

Personally, if I suspected a parasite after learning about the symptoms I would be proactive and use an essential blend to soothe intestinal discomforts along with an anti-parasitic essential oil, namely Oregano to go after the parasite. I’ve battled Giardia and I don’t have any hesitation in suggesting Oregano to fight a parasite, in my experience it’s fast acting and effective.

Oregano Essential Oil – anti-parasitic, topical application, in a carrier oil of your choice, on the bottom of feet.

1 drop of Oregano essential oil in 1/4 teaspoon carrier – any of your choice, in the navel.

I swear by Oregano in coconut oil, along with olive oil, rosehip seed oil and vitamin e,  it cuts the HOT in Oregano they protect the skin and lend their own healing benefits. This blend is easier to handle and tailor made to use in the navel, my go-to usage for anything parasitic related or gastrointestinal.

Digestion Essential Oil Blend – topical application

I’ve been impressed with Digestion , a gastrointestinal soothing blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Anise, Fennel, Lemongrass, Patchouli (anti-inflammatory, liver support). Important to note: pay close attention to proper hydration when diarrhea is present – be especially vigilant with little ones, the elderly and immuno-compromised. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist longer than typical.

Summer Cool Down Spray

Whether you’re grilling, working, menopausal or playing in hot temps, Body Coolant Spray is a true "make you feel better". It’s liquid AC in a spray bottle!

Stay cool, calm and happy with an icy spritz of cool.
If you’re a seasoned essential oil lover you know that versatility is true of essential oils, it’s one of the many reasons why they’re so effective and economical.

1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of grain alcohol such at ever clear ( isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not good here.). Alternatively, you may omit the alcohol and increase the amount of distilled water to 3 ounces.

  1. Add essential oils to glass spray bottle, fill remainder of bottle with grain alcohol distilled water.
  2. Shake well before use. Keep refrigerated whenever possible.

Heal a Sunburn
Natural Home Remedies, using things you already have on hand
Any burn draws fluid to the skin surface and away from the rest of the body. So drink extra water, juice and sports drinks for a couple of days and watch for signs of dehydration: Dry mouth, thirst, reduced urination, headache, dizziness and sleepiness.
Cold water. Use plain water from the faucet. Dip a cloth into the liquid and lay it over the burn. Repeat every few minutes as the cloth warms. Apply several times a day for a total of 10 to 15 minutes each.
Compresses with cold Tea;
Green, Black, Calendula, Chamomile or St. John's Wort tea - will have cooling effect on the damaged skin.

Steep a large pot of very strong tea using 4 – 6 tea bags. Refrigerate until it’s cold then soak small towels in the tea and apply. Can also spray the cold tea on skin. The tea could stain the towels, you may not want to use your best. Save used tea bags and apply (make sure to have bags at room temperature first).
You could also make a tea bath and soak in the tub.
Calendula Ointment -For the temporary symptomatic relief of skin irritations due to sunburn, windburn and chafing. Promotes healing of minor cuts, burns and abrasions of the skin.
Make Your Own Natural Burn Relief Spray
Burn Relief Spray. Combine 2 ounces aloe vera gel, 2 ounces cold water, ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil, 15 drops of each tea tree oil and lavender essential oils. Load into a small spray bottle and shake well prior to application. This spray can be applied to the entire burned area as often as needed. Store in the refrigerator for approximately 5-7 days.
Beat Aloe Vera gel and some coconut oil with a fork for a few minutes and then add 3-5 drops of lavender and/or peppermint essential oil.
Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Rose otto essential oils are also beneficial for the inflamed skin. They can be applied directly to the skin or added to the bath water.

Add 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil to 1 teaspoon of olive oil to smooth over the burned skin.
Vinegar on sunburn - it's effective because vinegar is an antiseptic and helps to cool the skin as it evaporates.  Vinegar could help to balance the body's pH levels to take away the stinging feeling of the burn.
Fill a spray bottle with vinegar, and use it to apply vinegar to any sunburned areas of your body. (Use a cotton ball or rag to apply vinegar to your face). Or soak small towels in vinegar and apply.
Bathe in a cool bath with 2 – 3 cups of vinegar.
Milk is known, anecdotally, to help soothe pain, itching and burning when used in cold compresses. Yogurt also seems to have a similar effect.
Soak small towels in milk and apply.
Soak in a bath with cool water and a gallon of milk.

It's already time for:
Back to School
Previous Article, on Vaccination Myths
Arm your self with Information, before you get faced with the pressure of vaccinating your children.

Article on Autism, Mercury, and Vaccinations

Back to School for Aware Parents
All school information that I have seen indicates that your children will not be allowed to attend school without their vaccinations brought up to date.  TRUTH IS - They cannot prevent your children from being educated. If they do not allow your children to attend school they have to send tutors to your home. WOW! Talk about empowerment!
Essential Oils Used For First Aide and Skin Irritations



Basil, Eucalyptus/Cedarwood, Lemon.



Bergamot, Patchouli, Tea Tree.



Geranium, Lavender, Palmarosa, Tea Tree.


Basil, Chamomile, Lavender.


Chicken Pox:

Chamomile, Lavender.



Eucalyptus/Cedarwood Tea Tree.

Cold Sores:

Chamomile, Frankincense, Tea Tree.


Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree.



Chamomile, Lavender, Patchouli.



Chamomile, Patchouli, Tea Tree.

Insect Bites:

Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Palmarosa.


Chamomile, Lavender, Peppermint.

Minor Burns/Scalds:

Chamomile, Lavender, Patchouli.


Chamomile, Eucalyptus/Cedarwood , Lavender.

Skin Allergies/Irritations:

Chamomile, Eucalyptus/Cedarwood, Lavender.


Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender.

Tinea/Athlete’s Foot:

Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Patchouli.


Chamomile, Lavender, Palmarosa.

You may Also Like:
Peppermint essential oil Relieves aches
                            and pains, itchiness, inflammation and
                            soothes migraines. Activates lymph and
                            increases circulation and white blood cell
Peppermint Essential Oil
Allergy Relief
Basil essential oil use for deppretion,
                            relaxes the mind and alleviates aches and
                            pains. Useful in blends for anxiety,
                            insomnia, migraines and fatigue.
Essential Oil
Reduce Inflammatory
  tea tree essential oil used for of
                            bacterial and fungal conditions. Amazing
                            results in oral care and as an immune
Tea Tree
Essential Oil
Powerful on airborne
lemon essential oil antiseptic, and as
                            having refreshing and cooling properties.
                            Sore throat, Nervous Conditions, Blood
                            Pressure, Digestive Problems, Gallstones,
                            Debility, Fever, Anxiety, Cellulite.
Essential Oil
Supports lymphatic drainage,
helps with overcoming respiratory conditions

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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Hanna Kroeger's  products

Grandma's Herbs

Nature's Way

Garden Essence Essential Oils

Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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