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garden essence oils

July 2015 

Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

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Fun and Informative Pages on Essential Oils
Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh
Essential Oils

to help Open the Chakras
in your body.
and  Essential Oils
Read more here
Make your own,
detox-body wrap using essential oils,
and clays.
Recipes found here
Clean your Home Chemical Free
Using Essential Oils
Read More Here

How to Survive the Summer With Essential Oils
Whether you’re setting out on a road trip or far-off location by plane, here are three common issues summer travelers face, along with which essential oils can help:
More than one in five fatal crashes involve driver fatigue. If you’re planning a road trip this summer, be sure to get a good night’s sleep before your trip. Choose to drive during normal wakeful hours and schedule a rest stop every two to three hours.

Get an essential oil energy fix:
Peppermint - Fresh, cooling and invigorating, peppermint is a great essential oil for focus
Rosemary - This essential oil is versatile, stimulating and helpful for alertness.  produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall memory and focus quality.
Energy blend  A blend of essential oils created to stimulate and magnify mental alertness with a combination of rosemary, juniper, lemongrass, nutmeg Idaho balsam fir, clove and black pepper.

Fear and Anxiety
Orange and Lavender - research  have found that diffusing these two essential oils together reduces fear and anxiety in patients at the dental office.
Frankincense has an earthy, sweet aroma that’s relaxing without sedating you. It stimulates the limbic part of the brain, helping the mind overcome stress and fear.
Roman Chamomile - The essential oil is crisp and sweet. It has a calming effect on the nerves.
Try a reflexology-style approach by applying and massaging essential oils to three body points associated with fear:
  • The inner wrists
  • The bottom of the feet in the center just below the toes’ foot pad
  • The ears
The top performing germ-fighting essential oils and blends are:
Out doors Lavender oil is useful for all skin related problems, thanks to its pain relieving, anti-inflammatory restorative properties. Here are three common outdoor issues and the essential oils to relieve them:

Jellyfish Stings

If you’ve been stung by a jellyfish, you may have been advised to pour urine on the sting to counteract the toxin. This is an old wive’s tale and not advised by the Red Cross. In fact, without knowing the type of jellyfish, water and vinegar could be a bad idea as well. The best advice is to rinse the sting with ocean water and treat for swelling and pain. The best essential oils to use topically for swelling and pain relief from jellyfish stings include:

Depending on how painful the sting is, use a cool essential oil compress. If pressure can’t be tolerated, spray a diluted essential oil mist on the sting.


Essential oils are instrumental in treating sunburn — not only for pain relief, but to reduce swelling and prevent scarring. To cool and soothe the affected area, mix a few drops of essential oil in cool, refrigerated aloe vera gel. Apply the gel to the sunburned area several times per day. Top essential oils for sunburn relief are:

There is probably no other oil in current circulation which so predictably and reliably heals and rejuvenates the skin like Helichrysum.

Poison Ivy

Poison ivy, sumac and oak all release an oil that creates rashes and blisters if you come in contact with the leaves. Because the oil can spread and create more rashes, it’s important to wash not only your hands and body, but all clothing as well.

Identifying which plants are culprits is not as easy as the traditional wisdom of avoiding red leaves, since these poison plants only display red leaves seasonally.

To soothe the hot, itchy rash that comes from contact with poison ivy, oak or sumac, try a cool compress of:

To create a cool compress, add a few drops of one or a combination of the essential oils above in fresh water. Soak a washcloth in the mixture, wring and place in the refrigerator to cool. Apply the cool, damp towel to the affected area for healing relief.

Bugs and Their Bites

Bug bites and summer are a preventable combination. While most bites are an itchy nuisance, some, like bee or wasp stings are painful. And if you add rare but potential issues like West Nile Virus from mosquito bites or Lyme Disease from ticks, your first line of action against bug bites is to avoid them altogether by using a good bug repellent.The natural one I use is 10ml Bug Stick

Commercial bug sprays often contain the controversial chemical DEET. It does a great job at repelling bugs, but has a storied past of dangerous side effects in some users. Skin reactions are common and prolonged exposure can affect cognitive functions of the brain. Why risk dangerous side effects when there are essential oils that work as well, if not better than DEET? Here are some bug-repelling essential oils:

This essential oil is so effective against bugs that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered lemon eucalyptus oil as a natural “biopesticide repellent”. It’s not only an excellent mosquito repellent, but studies show that the oil reduced the number of Lyme Disease carrying castor bean ticks that attached to human participants by half.

Thyme and clove oils were the most effective natural mosquito repellents from a selection of essential oils tested. A study by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) found they provided one and a half to three and a half hours of protection against mosquitoes.

This essential oil smells similar to citronella. Researchers report that nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic scent, is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET.

Juniper essential oil is found to be effective at repelling larval ticks, which are difficult to find before they bite.

Pest Away - This product is so effective.

The best way to use these essential oils is to add a few drops to a carrier oil and apply to exposed skin. Reapply every 1-2 hours. For faster application, try putting the oil blend in a spray bottle. Glass bottles are best, citrus essential oils will eat plastic.

Treating Bug Bites

For bug bites including bee and wasp stings, apply your choice of these oils to soothe itching, reduce pain and swelling and speed up the healing process:

Your Summer Essential Oil Survival Kit Checklist

Put a summer survival kit together including a selection of your favorite oils. Some items worth including in the kit are:

Here’s our recommendation of five multi-purpose essential oils from this guide that you shouldn’t leave home without:
  1. Lavender

    Helpful for all skin conditions including itching as well as relaxation, stress and anxiety relief

  2. Rosemary

    Mentally stimulating, uplifting and antiseptic to kill germs and clean wounds

  3. Tea Tree

    Helpful for rashes, skin conditions, killing germs and repelling bugs

  4. Roman chamomile

    Gentle, calms nerves and soothes skin and bug bites

  5. Eucalyptus

    Excellent as a full-spectrum bug repellent, invigorating, increases mental clarity

It's Summer, and there is always a "SUNBURN . . . "
Here are some do it yourself recipes for Natural Sunburn Relief

As always, whenever you are burned, it is important to restore moisture to the affected area. Particularly in sun burns, the skin is depleted of lipids (the fatty acids needed to moisturize the top-most layer of skin). One of my favorite oils that is super rich in lipids is olive oil.

A splash of Apple Cider Vinegar over the burnt areas can stop the burn from going any deeper into your tissues.
Plantain is great for sunburn along with about a million other uses. Make a tea and chill it for best results. Soak a cloth in your tea and drape it over the burnt area. Plantain is known as a drawing agent and it will effectively draw the heat out of your sunburn.

Why these ingredients:
Witch Hazel–
an astringent made from the witch hazel shrub, it is used topically for pain, itching, inflammation and minor burns. Helps reduce peeling.
Aloe Vera Gel
also known as the “burn plant”, it is used topically to reduce the pain, itching and inflammation caused by sunburns. Also helps reduce peeling.
Water–use distilled if possible.
Lavender essential oil
nature’s burn remedy, it is analgesic, anti-inflammatory anti-itch and a great pain reliever for any type of burn including sunburn.
Peppermint essential oil
provides an immediate cooling sensation to the body as well as being anti-itch, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Sunburn Relief Spray with Essential Oils
1/4 cup distilled water
1/4 cup witch hazel
2 tbsp. 100% pure aloe vera gel
20 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Peppermint essential oil
4 oz spray bottle

Shake well before each use.
Spritz on sunburn liberally and often until completely healed.

Homemade Sunburn Spray


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix together
  2. Transfer to a spray bottle. Shake well before each use

Heal the Burn Recipe



Combine all the ingredients into the glass spray bottle using a funnel and you’re done!

9 ways that Essential Oils Help in the Garden.
Whether your intent is to repel pests, invite pollinators, or to turn your garden into a relaxing get-away, essential oils can help!  Check out these 9 helpful ways to use essential oils in the garden.
Unwanted Insect Pests
There are a wide variety of essential oils which – with consistent use – can be used to repel unwanted insect pests from your garden.

Rosemary essential oil is a potent repellent for many types of pesky insects including flies, fleas and mosquitoes.  Rosemary is also great for deterring insect larvae like the cabbage looper caterpillar whose voracious appetite for juicy vegetable foliage can easily destroy entire crops of  tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, and even some root veggies if left undisturbed.  Peppermint essential oil is an excellent natural insecticide which works on aphids, squash bugs, white flies, ants, beetles, and fleas, just to name a few.  Peppermint is also the best essential oil for repelling spiders.  Thyme essential oil works against biting insects like chiggers, ticks, and roaches.  Clove essential oil is another great deterrent for many flying insects.

To create a broad-spectrum all-natural insect repellent, mix equal parts of rosemary, peppermint, thyme, and clove essential oils (about 10 drops of each) in a spray bottle filled with water.  Remember to shake well before each use.  Apply anywhere you want to get rid of skittering, creeping, crawling, or flying pests.

For particularly bad infestations, try using Neem oil.  This natural insecticide dissolves the waxy coating of many hard-to-kill garden parasites, dehydrating, and eventually killing them.  Neem oil not only works on adult insects.  It also kills larvae and eggs, making Neem oil a super-effective all-natural method for reducing populations of insect pests.

Anti- Fungus
The cause of around 85% of all plant diseases, garden fungus can quickly become a big problem if left untreated.  Parasitic fungi cause damage by poisoning or killing cells, blocking stomata (breathing pores), and stealing nutrients from the plant.

If you’re seeing signs of disease in your garden, chances are pretty good that there is a fungus to blame.  Try some of these essential oils to stop fungal pests from spreading
Tea Tree oil is one of the few natural remedies with the power to not just prevent fungal growth, but also to kill many species of fungus.  To treat existing fungal growth or as a preventative, mix about one tablespoon of tea tree oil per cup of water in a spray bottle.  Apply directly to infected plants once or twice per week.  Remember to avoid spraying leaves when the weather is very hot and dry as sun-heated tea tree oil can easily burn leaves.

Previously mentioned Neem oil is as effective against fungal infections on plants as it is for treating insect infestations.

Two organic compounds in Citronella oil – citronellal and linalool – have been proven to inhibit the growth of many species of fungus.  Other essential oils with powerful fungicidal properties include Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, Peppermint, Clove, and Cinnamon oils.  Also effective against garden fungus are oils extracted from plants in the Allium family (Onion, Garlic, etc.)

To create an anti-fungal garden spray using any of these ingredients, add 8 – 10 drops of essential oil into a large glass spray bottle filled with water.  Remember to shake before each use.

Stop Slugs and Snails

Cedarwood, Hyssop, and Pine are the best essential oils for keeping gastropods off of your plants.  Mix about a teaspoon of your chosen oil(s) in a spray bottle filled with water.  Apply diluted oil in a ring around plants where slugs and snails like to visit.  Refresh as needed.

Discourage Vermin

Mice and other rodents are repulsed by the clean, fresh scent of peppermint.  Douse cotton balls with 1 – 2 drops of peppermint essential oil a piece, then tuck them into the entrances of mouse holes, squirrel nests, and other rodent burrows to persuade rodent residents to relocate.  Replace as needed.

Dissuade Pets

Did you know that cats hate the smell of Rosemary?  If you can’t seem to keep the neighborhood tomcat from leaving his delightful presents amidst your herbs and veggies, try spraying your mulch with Rosemary essential  oil diluted in water.  Alternately, you can add a few drops of Rosemary oil to a wide, shallow container partially filled with water.  Whisk vigorously to break up oil droplets then drop in strips of cloth or pieces of string.  Allow them to soak long enough to absorb all of the oil.  Tie strings between plants or around the garden perimeter.  Hang cloth strips between garden rows, around plants, or anywhere you know the cat likes to dig.  Refresh as needed.

Black Pepper (or any other pepper, for that matter) essential oil can also be used to deter larger mammals from your garden.  Dogs, in particular, with their sensitive noses will be turned away from the strong odor of Black Pepper oil.  Apply using the same string / cloth method as with Rosemary oil (above).  Just keep in mind that over-use of this essential oil may make your garden less pleasant for humans as well.

Treat Bites & Stings

Bites and stings from bees, wasps, ants, and other insects are always a possibility, even for the most careful gardener.  Mix 2 drops of Lavender essential oil, 2 drops of  Roman Chamomile essential oil, and 1 drop of Basil essential oil with one teaspoon of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.  Apply this remedy to fresh bites and stings with a cotton ball or pad.

Alternately, you can mix the same oils, but substitute Jojoba oil for the ACV.  Cleanse bites and stings with a cotton ball soaked in ACV, dab dry, then applying the soothing oil blend.

Attract Pollinators

Essential oils aren’t just for repelling unwanted creatures from your garden.  You can also use certain fragrant oils to attract natural pollinators to your garden.  The scent of Neroli (orange blossom) is an irresistible attractant for bees, as are the essential oils of many small-blossomed flowers such as Lavender, Hyssop, Marjoram, Helichrysum, Basil, Sage, and Rosemary.  Also, try Lavender, Yarrow, Catnip, Fennel, Helichrysum, and Sage essential oils to attract more butterflies to your garden.

Make Your Own Mosquito Repellent

Probably the most well-known essential oil for repelling mosquitoes and other biting insects is Citronella.  However, if you aren’t a big fan of the scent of this pungent herb, there are plenty of alternatives which can be used to keep these annoying blood-suckers away from your skin.  Either way, just follow these simple instructions to create your own natural mosquito repellent.

Before you begin, you’ll need a small glass spray bottle filled with about 2 ounces of water and 1 ounce of organic witch hazel.  You can also add about 10 drops of jojoba oil which is a natural insect repellent and great skin conditioner.  Once you’ve done this, it’s time to pick out your essential oils.  Lavender Eucalyptus, Catnip, (proven to be more effective than DEET),  Lemongrass, and Rosemary.
Pest Away Blend is an excellent mosquito repellent.

Tips on How to get rid of Flies Without Harmful Chemicals
Lemongrass essential oil: - This do-it-yourself repellent is really easy to make, with two ingredients - and will help you fight off those tiny fiends fast. Flies have proven to detest the scent of lemongrass with just two main ingredients and a spray bottle. The ingredients you are going to need are about 12 drops of lemongrass essential oil and ¼ of a cup of hot water. First, you put the oil in the bottle and then add the hot water, afterwards shaking well so the oil and water mix together. Spray this anywhere you find necessary or actually on the flies.
Get rid of Wet Garbage -  If you want to learn how to get rid of flies, you have to start from the basics. One of the main reasons why flies are getting into your house or around your yard outside is that you don’t properly dispose of your wet garbage. Think about it: a moist context such as garbage can attract flies to lay no less than 150 eggs! This means that you have to be extra careful if you have trash cans around your house, especially in the kitchen. First of all, make sure that they are closed at all times and take out the garbage at least once a day in order to avoid these pesky little creatures.
Just like lemongrass, flies really can’t stand the scent of Lavender. You can take a few drops of essential lavender oil onto a cloth and rub your doorways and windows, where flies are probably coming into your house. You should know that this particular natural home remedy needs to be reapplied frequently for best results. Likewise, make sure that the oil won’t affect the wood or area you are preparing to rub on. Some other plants that have the power to steer flies away are basil, bay leaf, marigold, mint, tansy or wormwood.
Apple cider vinegar- As you probably already know, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is incredible for countless home remedies. In the case of “how to get rid of flies”, ACV acts as an excellent repellent, especially for fruit flies, as they are lured by fermenting scents. Heating up the vinegar makes this tip work even better, so you should try it out. You need about half a cup of apple cider vinegar and a glass jar with a lid. You can heat the apple cider vinegar in the microwave oven, and while it heats you can make some holes (large enough so the flies can enter) in the lid of your jar, like a drain. If you don’t have a lid or you don’t want to puncture it, get a funnel and put the narrower side inside the jar.  Afterwards, pour the heated apple cider vinegar and either put the punctured lid over or add the funnel. Leave the jar where flies tend to roam and let it sit for one day. You will see that the flies will become trapped in the jar, as they don’t know how to get back out.
Cayenne Pepper. Like lavender and lemongrass, cayenne pepper will annoy flies and help you eliminate them from your house. All you need to do is get some cayenne pepper, water and a spray bottle. Take the ingredients and mix them inside the spray bottle, shaking well. After that, spray the solution onto corners, cracks, windows and anywhere else where the flies might enter your house. I guarantee that the scent of cayenne pepper will help you keep them out.
Cloves and Lemons  - you are going to need two lemons and anywhere from 25 to 50 cloves. Take a knife and slice the lemons into halves, poking 6 to 12 cloves into each of your halves. Use the sharper part of the clove to poke inside the lemon half, afterwards taking the four halves of lemons and placing them on a plate. Not only does this arrangement act as a neat decoration for meals, but it will also help you keep those irritating flies away. Alternatively, you can add some cloves to a muslin bag and hang it in regions that tend to attract flies.
Fermentation attracts flies, so wine acts as an excellent method for trapping them. It doesn’t matter what type of wine you use, both white and red will work just fine. Fill a glass with approximately one half of a cup of wine and let it sit in the fly-infected area. If you wait for a little bit of time, you will soon see flies in the glass. If you want to take extra precautions, add some dish wash liquid to the wine for a fool-proof fly trap. For the second way, it’s best if you pour the wine and dish wash liquid into a bowl and leave it in the area of infestation
Honey  can become the worst enemy of a fly. The lovely sweet scent of honey will lure the fly, and it will get stuck once it has landed on it. If you don’t have any honey around the house, you can use any type of fruit jam for the same effect. Flies will be just as attracted and they won’t be able to get out after touching it. To make an efficient trap, you are going to need a plastic bottle or a soda can, dish wash liquid, water, and about two teaspoons of honey. Cut either the bottle or the can in two halves, making sure you don’t injure yourself on the sharp edges. Fill half of the bottom half with water, adding a couple of drops of dish wash liquid. Afterwards, you have to take the other half of the bottle (without the cap) or the can and place it upside down into the larger half. Spread the fruit jam or the honey around the mouth of your bottle or can that is placed upside down in the larger half. Leave the trap in the designated region and watch the flies drown in the water they had been attracted to. Although it sounds a bit sadistic, it will surely help you get rid of them.

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