Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most
from your life, you need to have good health
and a strong belief in yourself.
The weight gain associated with
wheat consumption has little to do with caloric
content; rather, the gluten proteins. They
disrupt the endocrine and exocrine processes
within the body. Made to alter mamalian
metabolism in the direction of weight gain.
Modern Day Wheat and Your Belly
Negative reports on wheat and
other grains have risen considerably in the past
decade. The dramatic rise of celiac disease, a
chronic gut inflammation that destroys
intestinal villi (tiny tubes) responsible for
absorbing nutrients, has been a major focus.
The gluten toxicity that brings on Celiac
disease and other autoimmune reactions is mostly
from peptides contained in gluten known as
gliadin proteins, which damage the intestinal
In addition to Celiac disease, which if
undetected leads to malnutrition that creates
other diseases, gluten toxicity can result in
several other manifestations of poor health,
including chronic fatigue and mental disorders.
Lectins, sticky proteins common to all plants
for self defense, are a prominent feature of
wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). In addition to
flattening out intestinal villi and causing
Celiac, they can penetrate gut linings and
create leaky gut.
Once lectins get into the blood stream, they can
bind to leptin receptors, blocking the leptin
sensitivity that lets you know you've had enough
to eat, creating a sluggish metabolism, and
disrupting insulin balance. In other
words, it leads to obesity and diabetes.
Wheat Belly
At his wit’s end because of his
severe reactions to eating wheat, William Davis,
MD decided to become the guinea pig in a simple
experiment. The question was whether his body
would react differently to bread baked from
modern organic whole wheat or to bread baked
from einkorn, the first cultivated wheat and an
original source of our current crop of 100,000
modern wheat varieties.
From wheat kernels found in tombs near the Sea
of Galilee, we know that humans have been eating
the hard-hulled einkorn unchanged for nearly
6,000 years. We have also been crossbreeding
wheat and grasses for almost as long. Compared
to einkorn, which now is mostly raised for
animals, the whole wheat we buy today tends to
have stronger and shorter supporting straws,
larger kernels, and dramatically higher yields.
These huge advancements have put wheat (breads,
cereal, and pasta) at the base of the American
food pyramid, and we are told to eat six to
eleven servings each day.
Davis’s plan was to eat four ounces of einkorn
bread on one day and four ounces of organic
whole wheat bread the next. To begin, he
hand-ground two pounds of the einkorn into flour
and made a simple dough with water and yeast. He
describes the einkorn dough as stickier and less
stretchy than any he had seen before. It barely
rose after a period of proofing. After baking,
Davis nervously prepared for his first bite, but
the nutty, denser bread caused him no problems —
and a blood sugar test revealed only a modest
rise from 84 mg/dl to 110 mg/dl, similar to
consuming any carbohydrate. In his new
book, Wheat Belly, he writes,
“Afterwards … I felt no perceptible effects — no
sleepiness, no nausea, nothing hurt. In short, I
felt fine. Whew!”
The next day he baked a loaf of modern organic
whole wheat bread and repeated the experiment.
Before eating the four ounces, his blood sugar
registered the same 84 mg/dl; afterward, it
spiked to 167 mg/dl. “Moreover, I soon became
nauseated, nearly losing my lunch. The queasy
effect persisted for thirty-six hours,
accompanied by stomach cramps that started
almost immediately and lasted for many hours.
Sleep that night was fitful, though filled with
vivid dreams. I couldn’t think straight, nor
could I understand the research papers I was
trying to read the next morning, having to read
and reread paragraphs four or five times; I
finally gave up.”
So how did wheat, "the staff of
life," become a weed of
For starters, wheat is not the
same today. It has been hybrid (sic) over time
to resist fungus, grow more quickly, and be more
pliable for industrial bread baking. 50 years or
so ago, wheat contained only five percent
gluten. Today, it is 50 percent gluten. |
The Begetting of Modern
Wheat |
Back in Neolithic times, einkorn
was mated with another wheat and begat emmer,
another wheat found in ancient tombs and still
available in modern health food stores. (In
fact, emmer is prized in places like Tuscany,
where it’s raised under the name farro.) A big
difference between einkorn and its progeny is
that einkorn has 14 chromosomes and emmer has
28. Then emmer was mated with goat grass, which
has 14 chromosomes and, more important, unique
glutenin genes. The progeny of emmer and goat
grass was essentially modern wheat, which has 42
chromosones and the gluten that makes modern
bread chewy, elastic, and shapely.
Over the following decades, thousands of new
varieties were created to dramatically increase
yields. According to World Wheat Facts and
Trends, yields in China, now the world’s largest
producer, have increased from eight to
sixty-five bushels per acre. Some of these
advances are attributable to nitrogen-rich
fertilizers but also to the development of
high-yielding dwarf wheat, with a large head and
shorter, stouter straw, sturdy enough to support
the extra weight without buckling. Some recent
estimates have dwarf and semi-dwarf wheat
comprising as much as 99 percent of all wheat
How it Works
Carbohydrates that break down
quickly during digestion, such as wheat, release
glucose rapidly into the bloodstream, which
triggers a release of insulin from the pancreas
to move the sugar into cells. Over time, spikes
of blood sugar and insulin lead to insulin
resistance and ultimately to diabetes, heart and
other problems.
Davis also says that these blood sugar and
insulin spikes from wheat also trigger the
growth of an insidious kind of fat called
visceral fat, which accumulates in the liver,
kidneys, pancreas, large and small intestines,
heart, and the abdomen — hence the name wheat
From Dr. William Davis and
his Book "Loose the Wheat, Loose the Weight"
Article from
Red Ice Radio:
Dr. William Davis,
cardiologist exposes "healthy whole grains"
for the incredibly destructive genetic
monsters they've become. Over 80% of the
people he meets today are pre-diabetic or
diabetic. In an effort to reduce blood
sugar, he asked patients to remove all wheat
products from their diet based on the simple
fact that foods made of wheat flour raise
blood sugar higher than nearly all other
foods, regardless if the wheat is organic,
multi-grain, whole grain or sprouted. The
results were positively drastic. Dr. Davis
discusses the benefits of going wheat free,
and covers genetic changes of wheat verses
ancient grains. He explains how modern wheat
is an opiate and appetite stimulant. William
also breaks down the internal components of
wheat and how they interact with the body in
negative ways linked to a slew of health
problems. He also explains the great
lie of gluten free bread. Why aren't doctors
giving this important research any attention?
Natural Yeast |
Do you all know
that the modern yeast available in the grocery
store is not a completely natural whole food?
Yes, there is a whole foods version of yeast,
it is natural yeast that you can make at home.
Warnock co-author of “The Art of Baking
with Natural Yeast” Natural yeast
flattens the glycemic index, takes away
heartburn and acid reflux forever, helps
prevent or reverse gluten intolerance
and, in some cases, full-blown Celiac’s
disease, turns natural phytic acid into
an anti-oxidant, controls allergies, and
turns flour into a yeast that is both
pre-biotic and pro-biotic. Natural yeast
is healthful and free.
Rev up
Your Circulation,
Health and Cleanse your Body of Unwanted
The chemical toxins we encounter
in our culture get backed up in our
liver. Keeping your liver healthy is one of
the biggest keys to radiant health and
longevity. We know the liver purifies blood and
converts carbs to energy. Did you know it’s also
one of the main issues when dealing with
hormonal imbalance? |
Read below to choose which essential oil
blends help detox, flush and protect your
liver from petrochemicals. We’ll also look at
which essential oils and supplements help
cleanse the intestines, kidneys, colon, lymph
and skin.
Our emotions also play a role in toxicity.
Stress and suppressed emotions take their toll
on our immune system. Read which essential
oils can help balance your emotions before,
during, and after your cleanse!
Skin and Internal Organ Detox
Blend |
This blend is a fantastic aid in
detoxifying the skin and internal organs. Best
used as a massage or body scrub blend.
4 drops Fennel
Essential oil
7 drops Juniper
berry Essential oil
7 drops Lemon
Essential oil
7 drops Bergamot
Essential oil
Add to 2 ounces of carriers such as Hazelnut
oil and grape
seed oils which are great to use as
carriers because they are slightly astringent,
fast absorbing and almost odorless. With regular
use will help to eliminate toxins from the skin
and create a healthy fresh start.
Formula by Dr. Christopher - This formula
helps promote a healthy and clean blood stream.
The blood stream is life itself, and it is
important to keep it as clean and pure as
possible so that as nutrients are efficiently
delivered to the body, waste products are picked
up and taken for elimination. This herbal blood
re-builder is made up of herbs that are
cleansers, astringents, those that aid in
removing cholesterol, kill infection, and build
elasticity and strength in the walls of the
veins and arteries.
- Detoxify - Immunity & Healing - How
do you know if you need to do a blood cleansing
program? Virtually everyone needs it to some
degree. Most sickness starts with toxins within
the body. Grandma's
Blood Cleanser can help clean the toxins
out of the blood, and stimulate the immune
system by using herbs that cleanse, detoxify,
build and heal. |
Cellulite Buster Essential
oil - to make a blend; consider some of these
therapeutic grade essential oils:
Berry, Lemon,
Basil, Cedarwood,
Orange, Fennel,
Cypress, Pink
Grapefruit, Coriander,
Parsley Seed,
Lavender, Myrtle,
and Helichrysum,
Patchouli, Sage,
Citridora, and Oregano.
Immediate Detox Blend |
This blend works immediately on
promoting detoxification of the skin and liver.
Wonderful in a bath (add 4-8 drops of this blend
to warm bath) , added to a salt scrub, or
massage blend.
Add 4 drops of Fir,
8 drops of Juniper
6-8 drops of Fennel,
6-8 drops of
10-12 drops Helichrysum,
6-8 drops Patchouli,
Mix with 2 ounces of carrier oils. Make sure the
total does not exceed 12-25 drops of essential
oils per ounce of carrier oils, especially for
sensitive skin. There are many good carriers to
use such as hazelnut
and grape
seed, jojoba,
coconut oil, or olive
oil. Some people can handle a stronger
concentration of essential oils, but always
start with less.
Cleanse - The liver cleanses the
body of all the poisons that infiltrate it
daily. The liver is your toxic waste disposal
plant. It's ability to deal with these toxins is
extraordinary, but once it's function limits are
exceeded, toxins can accumulate in the liver and
then your blood. However, the liver has a
remarkable ability to restore itself. Using
nutritious herbs, such as those in Grandma's
LIVER combination, to flush out these toxins
before damage occurs is a vital step to health. |
Cleanse & Detox |
A super regulating body tonic and
a potent combination of essential oils that
promote internal purification and healing as
well as an aid in cleansing and detoxing the
body. Cleanse and Detox Blend also acts as a
regulating nerve and blood tonic. It powerfully
stimulates blood circulation and lymph drainage
for effective internal cleansing, toning and
Ingredients Essential oils of;
5 drops Juniper
5 drops Lemon
4 drops Bergamot
4 drops Fennel
4 drops Cypress
3 drops Hyssop
4 drops Helichrysum
3 drops Geranium
3 drops Blue
Added to 2 ounces of carrier oil such as hazelnut
and grape
jojoba, fractionated
coconut oil, or olive
oil, especially for sensitive skin. Some
people can handle a stronger concentration of
essential oils, but always start with less. Use
a few drops of this blend directly into your
bath, or add approximately 12-25 drops into 1
ounce of epsom salts and 1 ounce of dead sea
salts and 1 ounce of hazelnut
oil, or grapeseed
oil for a fantastic body scrub.
Twin Labs Liver
D-Tox Fuel a daily liver detoxifying
formula combining glutathione and alpha lipoic
acid with our exclusive Purification Matrix.
Liver / Lymphatic System Detox
Blend |
Lower back pains (and middle back
pains), are very often related to a toxin build
up in the liver. Use this blend for some relief.
Especially good in a massage blend. This blend
packs a powerful punch on liver and lymphatic
system cleansing, as well as assisting in the
dissolution of built up anger and hate stored in
the liver. Wonderful for a whole body massage or
applied over the solar plexus and back.
Add 3 drops Chamomile
3 drops Fennel,
3 drops Geranium,
3 drops Rosemary,
3 drops Juniper
2 drops Carrot
2 drops German
3 drops Blue
2 drops Bergamot,
4 drops Helichrysum
Add this blend to 2 ounces of carrier oils such
as jojoba,
coconut oil, olive,
or any carrier oils of your choice. Works best
as a massage oil blend.
Formula - by Dr. Christopher, Helps with
infections and helps to clear toxins from the
lymph system.
Metal Formula - Helps draw out
drugs, and other pollutants
in the body.
& Gallbladder Formula - When the liver
does not function properly, the bile does not
excrete freely into the intestinal tract, and so
it passes off into the blood stream and
throughout the rest of the system, causing a
toxic condition called cholemia, causing
indigestion, sluggishness fatigue, constipation,
upset stomach, chills, vomiting and fever.
Increase the vitality of the body by speeding up
the blood purifying process with this
detoxifying formula. By cleansing the liver and
gall bladder area, bile can excrete freely
through the intestinal tract without affecting
the blood stream and the rest of the body. This
formula can rid the body of thousands of poisons
and toxins, reduce inflammation and flush out
gall stones. |
Natural Remedy for Allergies, Flu,
Asthma, and Other Illnesses - Elderberry
was shown to be effective in vitro
against 10 strains of influenza virus. In
a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
randomized study, Sambucus
reduced the
duration of flu
symptoms to 3-4 days.
A significant improvement of the symptoms,
including fever, was seen in 93.3% of the
cases in the SAM-treated group within 2 days,
whereas in the control group 91.7% of the
patients showed an improvement within 6 days.
A complete cure was achieved within 2 to 3
days in nearly 90% of the SAM-treated group
and within at least 6 days in the placebo
Interestingly, elderberry
has been shown to have anti-bacterial
properties, including against a couple
of strains of strep bacteria
(including Streptococcus pyogenes,
which is responsible for many strep
throat infections). That study
also notes that elderberry may be
useful in preventing complications of
viral illnesses, like
bacterial pneumonia, and because its
protection is “non-specific,”
infections would not become resistant
to it as they do to antibiotics.
1/2 cup dried elderberries
3 cups water
1 cup local or raw honey (I chose local to get
the allergy relief benefits)
2/3 cup raw organic apple cider vinegar ACV
Fill a pot with water and dried elderberries.
Bring to a boil and let boil for 30 minutes.
Take off heat and mash elderberries up well (I
used a potato masher). Strain out the liquid
into a separate bowl using cheese cloth,
coffee filter, or something similar. Once
strained add honey to the elderberry liquid
and stir well. Then add ACV. Place in a jar
and put in the fridge for up to 6 months.
Anti-Bloat Drink
Drink water flavored with
lemon, lime, or cucumber. A few studies
suggest that peppermint tea, ginger,
pineapple, parsley, and yogurts containing
probiotics ("good" bacteria) may help reduce
bloating. |
Combine your
favorite ingredients and
make a drink to sip on all day. Here is an
example of an anti-bloat drink;
- 1 Tbsp Turmeric
- 1Tbsp Ginger powder or fresh ginger slices
- 1/2-1 tsp Cayenne (depending on how much
heat you can handle)
- 5 Tbsp lemon juice from
fresh lemons
- optional Stevia to taste
- 32 oz. warm water
- Boil 32 ounces of water in a tea kettle,
once it boils remove it from heat and set it
- Add spices and lemon juice to a pitcher or
container that holds at least 32 ounces of
water. Once the water has cooled a
bit( you don’t want to add boiling water
into the mixture, this will breakdown some
of the benefits of the lemon) add it to the
pitcher. Give the mixture a good stir
and sip on it throughout the day. As
the magic potion sits the spices will fall
to the bottom, you can stir it each time
your pour yourself more, and always add some
more warm water if it gets too spicy for
you. Add stevia to sweeten it if
I make this mixture and sip on it for 5-7
days. I feel so light and healthy while I
am drinking it so I don’t want to stop!
Recipes that
Kill Household Mold |
There’s no denying that
household mold and mildew can be dangerous to
our health. In fact, it has been proven to
promote asthma, allergies, and colds.
Likewise, it is thought to increase the
occurrence of mood swings and depression.
A therapeutic essential oil
blend of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus,
lemon & rosemary essential oils
known as "X
Plague Blend"
is an immune system booster, natural
antibacterial, antifungal agent that
kills toxic mold.
This recipe is highly
antimicrobial. When tested at Weber
State University, it was found to have
a 99.96% kill rate against airborne
bacteria. It also carries a frequency
of 150 Mhz.
If you have mold and mildew in your home
then forget using the store bought items
that are packed full of chemicals, and
instead try these five natural fixes –
Recipes that Kill Household Mold
When mold is present and you need to kill
it, here are a few tried and true remedies:
Plague Spray
To make this spray, simply mix 1 teaspoon of
Plague per 1 cup of water. Load
mixture into a spray bottle, shake well to
combine, and spray directly on to areas of
mold. Do NOT rinse.
For tough spots apply directly on problem
mold, leave on Do Not Rinse.
Tree Spray
tree oil is one of the best ways to
kill mold naturally.
To make this spray, simply mix 1 teaspoon
tea tree oil per 1 cup of water. Load
mixture into a spray bottle, shake well to
combine, and spray directly on to areas of
mold. Do NOT rinse.
After cleaning the mold with a mixture
of castile soap and hot water. Spray a
generous amount of straight white vinegar on
to the problem areas. In the shower, I keep
a spray bottle full of vinegar to spray
on the tub and tile after each use. Works
like a charm in the prevention
Seed Extract Spray
In a spray bottle combine 20 drops of grapefruit
seed extract and 1 cup of water. Shake
well to combine. Spray the problem areas. Do
NOT rinse and allow to dry.
Hydrogen Peroxide Spray
Mix 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts
water. Spray directly on to mold and allow
it to dry. Note: Be sure only to make
as large a batch as you will need for one
application at a time.
Caution: test fabric before use, it may
bleach out.
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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