Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
Back to School for Aware
These days, aware
parents face greater challenges sending their
kids back to school, than they did a few years
ago. In addition to potential vaccination
requirements, there are possible pharmaceutical
demands for behavioral and attention issues.
All school information that
I have seen indicates that your children
will not be allowed to attend school
without their vaccinations brought up to
- They cannot prevent your children from
being educated. If they do not allow
your children to attend school they have
to send tutors to your home. WOW! Talk
about empowerment!
letter from Lyn Redwood a mother of a 5 year
old child who believes thimerosal in
vaccines may have caused her son's autism.
Mercury is the third most toxic
element on the face of the earth. Thimerosal
which contains 49% Mercury is injected with
vaccine in the children. After Thimerosal
gets injected in the body it will transform
to organic mercury called,
ethylmercury. This component is
extremely poisonous for the brain especially
it is especially devastating to the brain of
a child. It easily penetrates through
the Blood Brain Barrier and slowly
disintegrates to billions of molecules of
ionic mercury.
more here >>>
Researching your options for vaccination
exemptions, if you haven't already, is a wise
start. We have Information here on Vaccination
Recent outbreaks of pertussis,
measles, and mumps have officially been blamed
on those who are not vaccinated, however,
studies into the outbreaks have confirmed that
the vast majority of those affected were
vaccinated, and place the blame on ineffective
vaccines NOT insufficient vaccination rates.
There are only 17 states not 20 that allow
personal belief, philosophical or conscientious
belief exemptions to vaccination, in addition to
48 states that allow religious belief
exemptions. To find out which non-medical
vaccine exemptions are allowed in your state
laws, look at a map of states and get a copy of
your state vaccine requirements here at this
link :
When it comes to
concerns about getting coerced into allowing
your child to be prescribed and perhaps forced
into ADHD drugs like Ritalin or any other
psychotropic meds - read
this article ADHD is it really a disease?
Proper diet, sleep, supplements, and a simple
exercise are available in this article for
preventing psychotropic interventions.
Hold the sugar and, more importantly, synthetic
sugar substitutes. Most of us know about sugar
contributing to hyperactivity. However
aspartame-type sweeteners are excitotoxins that
burn out brain cells as they become overly
Increased magnesium helps anyone calm down and
get a good night's sleep. It also improves
mental stability and heart and bone health.
However finding an easy to assimilate supplement
is tricky. We find using Natural Calm very
effective - it mixes effervescently with hot
water and gets into one's system quickly.
I take a fairly
natural approach on this - I always ask about
diet. For ADD and ADHD, one of the worst
things to do is to serve a breakfast that is
high in sugar and refined white flour with no
protein. This creates blood sugar swings that
are hard on the body especially the brain.
Good choices for breakfast include something
with protein like sausage or egg. The
protein even if it is eaten with biscuit or
toast will stabilize the blood sugar effect of
the bread and keep the brain on a more even
Supplement choices to help brain function
should start with a good multi-vitamin and a fish
oil. I have seen many kids that have
done well with a change in breakfast foods
plus this kind of basic supplementation. Most
just need some really good nutrition. It also
helps to cut out the junk food that has too
many additives, dyes and preservatives. Drinks
sweetened with high fructose corn syrup can be
very hard on the brain.
Cold and Flu Prevention and Remedy
There are natural remedies that work well to
boost the immune system. I like products such
as grapefruit
extract with herbs like echinacea
and astragalus
that support the immune system. One thing we
feel that is very effective, is to put X-Plague
essential oil with olive oil on the
bottom of our feet.
D3 is considered a supreme immune
regulator. Too much immune response that
creates allergies can be curbed, yet immunity
can be enhanced to keep the flu bug away.
Then of course Vitamin
C which has been shown to prevent and cure
many illnesses, from everyday ailments such as
the common cold to devastating diseases.
The herb of choice for many to prevent colds and
flus is Echinacea.
is not a cold or flu remedy, it's a preventative
herb. For getting over colds and flus quickly
without toxic pharmaceuticals, you might also
try elderberry
Other immune boosters include olive
leaf, oregano
essential oil ( just add a few drops in
a tblsp of olive oil and rub onto bottom of
feet or even X-Plague
) probiotics
and mushroom
extracts. Pick what works for you.
1) Clean Quart Jar add 1/4 pound dried elderberries
(Must be Sambucus nigra)
2) Now fill to top with a mixture of ever
clear with 1/4 distilled water. Put lid on
3) Store in a dark cupboard and shake once
every few days.
4) Label and date your jar. Let it sit for at
least 30 days before you strain it. You can
use it without straining it too and it will
just continue to get stronger.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon four to five times
daily during infections. Otherwise once daily.
Important Information on Tamiflu: Out of
10,000 test cases of Tamiflu used by young
people under 18, over half exhibited unusual
behavior after taking Tamiflu. That behavior was
sometimes as extreme as attempting or committing
suicide. Eighteen deaths among young Japanese
were associated with taking Tamiflu. |
Top Uses for Citronella
Essential Oil

essential oil is perhaps most famed for
its insect repellent properties. It can be used
in isolation or combined with other essential
oils (such as lemongrass oil) to create an even
more potent insect repellent blend. To keep
insects away from your home light a candle,
allow to burn for a few minutes so a pool of
melted wax forms, and then add one or two drops
of citronella oil. Alternatively add a drop or
two to ribbon and hang by open windows or add a
few drops to a cotton ball and place on window
sills. If you are moving around and want to be
protected then add a few drops of citronella oil
and mix with distilled water in a spray bottle
and spray in the surrounding area.
Alternatively, mix Citronella
essential oil with a carrier oil (such as
olive or jojoba oil) and rub into the skin. |
essential oil is effective for reducing
oily skin and its anti-bacterial properties help
it to fight bacteria that can cause acne. Adding
just one drop to water and rinsing the face with
the mix is one way to take advantage of this
oil. A highly effective acne treatment involves
mixing witch hazel and citronella at a one drop
per ounce of witch hazel ratio and applying to
the face. The astringent properties of the
mixture will dry, harden and protect your skin |
essential oil has been used historically
to eliminate the cause while also bringing down
high fevers. A few drops diffused around the
room provides a calming scent which also induces
a fresh happy feeling and hope.
Additionally, mix two drops of the oil with a
carrier oil and massage onto the stomach, arms
and legs.
The lemony citrus aroma of Citronella
essential oil make it a wonderful smelling
deodorant. Plus, the anti-bacterial properties
help to kill potentially foul smelling bacteria.
Mix a few drops of Citronella
essential oil with coconut oil for an
effective, cheap and all-natural deodorant.
Alternatively, add a few drops to your evening
bath for an odor killing soak. |
essential oil has diaphoretic and diuretic
properties which promotes toxin removal, weight
loss and the disposal of waste substances. The
diaphoretic properties stimulate sweating which
expels toxins, excess water, fat and salts from
the body and the diuretic properties increase
the frequency and quantity of urination clears
out toxins, waste substances and drains out
infections in the urinary system. |
essential oil has been identified as an
effective natural treatment for worms. It should
be administered in very mild doses to children
and helps to eliminate round worms and tape
worms which can hinder physical and mental
growth. Citronella oil also tones up digestion,
excretion and fortifies the body. |
Cancer and Lypo-Spheric
Vitamin C
The conventional
wisdom of how antioxidants such as vitamin C
help prevent cancer growth is that they grab
up volatile oxygen free radical molecules and
prevent the damage they are known to do to our
delicate DNA. The Hopkins study, led by Chi
Dang, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine and
oncology and Johns Hopkins Family Professor in
Oncology Research, unexpectedly found that the
antioxidants' actual role may be to
destabilize a tumor's ability to grow under
oxygen-starved conditions.
At the highest
concentration of ascorbic acid - doesn't
touch normal cells and they kill lots of
cancer cells. American Cancer Society,
after careful evaluation, does note the
value of dietary vitamin C in reducing
cancer risk, stating that "vitamin C may
have a protective role" in reducing the
risk for many types of cancer when it is
consumed as part of a prudent diet.
The best way of
achieving a high blood concentration of
Vitamin C is with a liposomal form of Vitamin
Sugar messes with
vitamin C and should be avoided while dosing C
for curing infectious disease. High dose
vitamin C helps treat cancer because of its
H2O2 production that kills cancer cells.
Treating cancer may take more doses than
usual, and may demand detox from coffee enemas
while sticking to a strict "cancer diet."
Vitamin C Neutralizes most poisons:
According to Dr
Thomas E. Levy MD,JD
Various Toxins
Spider bites
West Nile Virus
Lime Disease
Snake Bites
Neutralizes most poisons we're exposed to every
link to video which shows science. Suggested
Retail Price $39.95 our price $29.95
Vitamin C is the first choice of people who
really understand bioavailability and the
importance of high-dose vitamin C. Right out of
the gate all other forms of vitamin C rapidly
crash into an absorption barrier that vastly
limits the level of vitamin C that can enter the
bloodstream... and the vitamin C that doesn't
get absorbed, gets flushed. (Important note:
all the vitamin C in your food is just as
restricted by this absorption barrier.)
Lypo Spheric Vitamin
C helps liver and kidney function,
avoid strokes, improve heart function,
improve pancreatic function, boost
immunity, recover memory, and sexual
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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