Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
Starting now through
August 31st we are having a
Sale on our Essential Oil Kits and the
Blend Pest
25% off Retail!
Kit By
using the essential oils in the Chakra Kit, we can
encourage the body to raise its frequency so that it
is resonating at a much higher state of health.
Kit Health Chest Sampler
for most of your Aromatherapy needs for 8 different
1 dram bottles (3.75 mls. ea.) Audio Cassette size
so they can be easily slipped into your purse or
Spinal eo
Formula Kit This is a
treatment for virus' that are hidden deep along the
spine. They keep coming out and creating problems
from time to time.
Pest Away
Effective for you & pets, and also helps with
the insect bites.
It is hot outside. Plants such as
tomatoes stop growing when it gets to hot.
A tomato stops photosynthesis around 83F and
coasts. Those days when it's over that,
your plants aren't really growing or doing much
other than surviving. When it gets to hot, the
plant will stop working and try to protect
itself by shutting down. Enough shutting down
and your harvest disappears.
A solution to this is to put a high sprinkler on
your garden or lawn, this will cool it off.
A Look at the Road to
And the many systems in your body that play a
big role in your health.
Your body is
composed of a series of integrated
systems—some large (such as your organs,
immune system, and hormonal systems) and some
small (such as your cellular energy system,
the blood/brain barrier, and various enzyme
systems). Your body is the sum of those
systems and it is only as strong as the
weakest of them.
The road to health begins with intestinal
cleansing and detoxification—no matter what the
disease or problem. Here's why;
We live in a
world where heavy metals, prescription
medications, environmental chemicals, and
antibiotics leach into our food and water
supply. With all that going on, it’s no wonder
our bodies are fighting to keep clean! This
toxic sludge can build up in your system
faster than you think, clogging your primary
detox systems in the digestive, liver, blood
and lymphatic system. And when the body’s
natural detoxification pathways are disrupted,
your hormonal balance and overall feeling of
wellness can be quickly degraded.
Cleansing - cleansing the elimination
channel is fundamental. Many diseases that at
first glance appear to have no connection to the
digestive tract - have actually been related to
functional bowel disorder - these include:
Diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, gout,
hypertension, varicose veins, rheumatoid
arthritis, psoriasis and obesity.
Probiotics -
a result of chlorinated/fluoridated/treated
water, antibiotics - pesticides in our food - to
get relief from disease we need to rebuild.
Intestinal bowel disorders, or IBDs, including
Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis,
diverticulosis, diverticulitis, and irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS) are on the rise. Research
shows that these conditions often display a
reduction in symptoms from probiotic
supplementation that contains bifidobacteria and
Specialists are now studying the link between
mental health and gut health, and the gut is
referred to as the “second brain” because we
have more nerve cells in our bowel than in our
spine and our brain. It truly has a great impact
on how the rest of your body functions.
In a study of
34 women with chronic constipation, UK
investigators linked emotional distress
with changes in the nerve pathway that
help control gut function. Many
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
patients suffer from constipation.
Antibiotics, which kill the ‘good
bacteria’ in the digestive tract, have
been associated with attention deficit
disorder in children. The stomach is
loaded with the neurotransmitter
serotonin, key to healthy mood. These are
just a few of the links between the brain
and the digestive system. So the message
is if we take care of our bellies, our
bellies will take care of us. We will have
better digestion improved mood, improved
sleep and ability to deal with stress, and
Enzymes =
Life. We don't get enough live enzymes in the
typical American diet as a result we could have
an enlarged pancreas by the age of 40.
Proper function of the human body is dependent
on the continuous activity of thousands of
different enzymes. Enzymes can be
extremely sensitive, and many can only exert
their effects within narrow environmental
conditions. Small changes in factors such as pH
or temperature can cause enzymes to be destroyed
lose their structure. Due to the thousands of
important roles enzymes play in normal body
activity, insufficient production can severely
impact overall health. Dr. Christopher's Pancreas
Formula was designed to heal and
nourish and support the pancreas.
Hanna Kroeger's Pancreas
Formula |
Diet - every
cell, system and organ in our body is produced
by the food we eat....
Minerals and Phytochemicals
Herbs - the
greatest herbalist can cure cancer.
Free Radicals and
Antioxidants - Scientists know that free
radicals play a major role in the aging process
as well as the oneset of cancer, heart disease,
stroke, arthritis and allergies and a host of
other ailments.
Hormone Balance
- chemicals we are exposed to daily destroy the
hormone balance of our bodies. While women’s
hormonal balance is more overt, subtle changes
in the endocrine system in men can cause a
variety of conditions such as hot flashes,
psychogenic changes, bone mineral loss,
decreased libido and/or sexual function, weight
gain, depression and other symptoms identical to
the female menopause.
Water - many
Americans drink tap water that is polluted with
feces, radiation and other contaminates. Half
Americans drink water that has been used before
at least once.
Your mouth -
Changes in color or texture can signal that
all's not well with your anatomy. People with
serious gum disease were 40% more likely to have
a chronic condition on top of it. Bacteria that
builds up on teeth make gums prone to infection.
The immune system moves in to attack the
infection and the gums become inflamed. The
inflammation continues unless the infection is
brought under control. The working
relationship between diabetes and periodontitis
may be the strongest of all the connections
between the mouth and body. Inflammation that
starts in the mouth seems to weaken the body’s
ability to control blood sugar. People with
diabetes have trouble processing sugar because
of a lack of insulin, the hormone that converts
sugar into energy.
The theory is that inflammation in the mouth
causes inflammation in the blood vessels. This
can increase the risk for heart attack in a
number of ways. Inflamed blood vessels allow
less blood to travel between the heart and the
rest of the body, raising blood pressure.
There’s also a greater risk that fatty plaque
will break off the wall of a blood vessel and
travel to the heart or the brain, causing a
heart attack or stroke.
Arthritis. Treating periodontal
disease has been shown to reduce pain caused
by rheumatoid arthritis.
Lung Conditions.
Periodontal disease may make pneumonia and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worse,
possibly by increasing the amount of bacteria
in the lungs.
Obesity. Two
studies have linked obesity to gum disease. It
appears that periodontitis progresses more
quickly in the presence of higher body fat.
Apply one drop of
Tree to your tooth brush and your
regular tooth paste and brush. you won't
believe the overall difference it will make.
Cleanse your Liver
and Blood - the liver is the primary
filter. It can be abused and so over taxed that
illness will result. Our blood is filled with
lots of impurities including artificial fats to
toxic heavy metals. These must be removed for
optimal health.
Immune System
- the most awesome system! Easily rivaling your
brain in how complex. One can of pop can
depress your Immune system by 50% for 6 hours.
Thought -
What we think affects our health. Dr.
Christopher said " Most people need a colonic
between the ears"
Exercise - to
improve the health of your heart, build bones,
and speed the elimination of toxins.
Energy - all
life is energy change your body with the right
frequencies and you prevent disease and cancer.
Your body
is designed to be healthy. It has
intelligent, built-in mechanisms to repair
damage, optimize performance, and keep you
renew your Health you could consider:
Many people think
of detoxification as something we only need to
do to get rid of unusual or excess toxins in the
body, but the truth is, we do it all the time.
Every time you exhale, every time you urinate or
move your bowels, you’re detoxing — because the
wastes you eliminate and the air you exhale
include many of those molecules that your body
is trying to get rid of. The liver, kidneys,
spleen, and lymphatic system all target the
waste and toxins that otherwise would build up
in our tissues. Even when we cry we’re detoxing,
because emotions, too, can be toxic! We take
these forms of detox for granted, never
realizing how important they are to our
To renew health consider removing old fecal
matter and waste, removing heavy metals and drug
residues that have accumulated. Strengthening
your colon muscle so that it works again.
Repairing damage such as herniation and
inflammation. Eliminate the presence of polyps
and other abnormal growths that have been
allowed to flourish. Rebuild and replenish
various friendly bacteria cultures ideally from
mouth to anus.
The presence of Parasites -
some symptoms; nervousness, grinding of teeth at
night, aches and pains that move from place to
place in the body, ulcers and various digestive
pain, nausea and diarrhea, itching, acne, foul
breath, furred tongue, jaundice, fatigue,
menstrual irregularities and insomnia.
more information go to our parasite page
information on using moon cycles to rid the
body of these uninvited guests
The symptoms that accompany Candida yeast
infection are: fatigue, feeling of being
"drained", pain or swelling in joints, memory
problems, depression, and allergies, to name a
few. Candida also works to diminish immune
heard of the "Spittle Test"?
WOW!! It is a quick diagnostic
test that you can do at home to check
for Candida. Not for the queasy,
however, it is quite accurate. Lab
tests are expensive and sometimes hard
to come by. The test can be done
successfully in the morning it will be
the most accurate. Found here >
> >
Care#1 Bacteria Support. - Candida
Care #2
A full article can be found
here > > >.
Toxic Lymph
- the lymph labors quietly in the shadows to
clean up the mess made by virtually all the
other systems of the body. Widely regarded as a
lesser sister to the circulatory system, the
lymphatic system is actually a crucial player in
your body’s ability to ward off disease and heal
from injury.
Lymphatic function supports every other system
in the body, including the immune, digestive,
detoxification and nervous systems. In fact,
many believe that poor lymph health underlies a
host of conditions, from cellulite to cancer. We
don’t think much about the lymph system until
something goes wrong — usually when infection
causes a swollen lymph node, or worse, when we
develop cancer in a lymph gland, or cancer
elsewhere that metastasizes through the lymph
The reality is that you have twice as much lymph
fluid in your body as blood. The lymph
continuously bathes each cell and drains away
the detritus in a circulatory system powered
only by your breathing and movement. If the
movement of the lymph stopped entirely you would
die in a matter of hours.
Dr. Christopher's Lymphatic
Formula - helps to clear toxins from the
lymph system
Adding a few drops of System
Strengthener to your hands and inhaling to
support the lymph.
The foundation to
a good healing program begins with the
intestinal tract because it takes the greatest
abuse, and it impacts every other system of the
body. So we begin with Intestinal Cleansing, Detoxifying and
A good source of
probiotic: look for L.acidophilus
and bifidobacteria especially.
For some people a good probiotic formula alone
will wake up the colon and get it working
again. You need microorganisms flourishing
throughout your intestinal tract aiding
digestion, absorption and the production of
significant amounts of vitamins and enzymes. Antibiotics are
indiscriminate bactericides, meaning they kill
ALL bacteria, both good and bad, and many of
the immediate and long-term side effects are
related to this fact, as disrupting your gut
flora has a detrimental effect on your overall
immune system.
Some benefits of optimizing gut flora include:
lower cholesterol, inhibition of cancer,
protects against food poisoning, ulcers,
lactose intolerance, harmful bacteria, viruses
and fungi, candida overgrowth and yeast
infections. And a whole range of digestive
The benefits of bifidobacteria: consume old
fecal matter, has the ability to remove cancer
forming elements, protect against formation of
liver, colon and mammary gland tumors.
Fermented vegetables are rich in
nutrients, fiber and digestion-enhancing
enzymes. They also help the intestinal tract
maintain a healthy balance of flora by
increasing beneficial bacteria.
A good source of
Similar to psyllium, the swelling
action of Chia in the body helps to cleanse
and soothe the colon, and absorb toxins
while lubricating and strengthening
peristaltic action.
Bananas restore normal bowel function,
especially if you have diarrhea. Bananas restore
electrolytes and potassium - and a lot of fiber
to aid digestion.
Cabbage is a type of fiber that is not digested,
so it helps eliminate waste, keeping bowel
movements regular. We need 20 - 30 grams of
fiber a day are you getting enough?
If a colon
cleanse is not completed before attempting
other cleanses, the toxins will just be
recycled back into the blood.
Most people need a good herbal stimulating activator that
provides cleansing, disinfecting and healing.
Caffeine, fried
and refined foods, meat sodas and even
undigested foods from overeating can become
Look for ingredients such as; cape aloe, senna,
cascara, barberry root bark, ginger, african
bird pepper and fennel.
Dr. Christopher has a new Intestinal
Sweep excellent for the bowels and Lower
Bowel Formula
Herbal Colon Cleanser
& Tonic by
Grandma's Herb - will detoxify the bowel, tone
and strengthen the muscles.
Every 3 months or
so you need a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum to
help draw old fecal matter off walls and out of
any bowel pockets.
Look for ingredients such as; apple fruit
pectin, clay (the clay absorbs water and the
toxins are drawn and bound to it, then
eliminated through the bowel.
Many studies have reported that this clay can
actually absorb herbicides, pesticides and
pathogenic viruses), slippery elm, marshmallow,
fennel seed, activated charcoal, psyllium seeds
and husks. The mucilaginous properties
soften hardened fecal matter for easier
removal, help inflammation and irritation.
Mineral Cleansing Kit - by Nature's Way
Your digestive
system, immune system, blood, liver, kidney,
spleen and pancreas all depend on enzymes.
Enzymes are produced internally by your pancreas
and are present in RAW foods and the supplements
found below.
Digestion -
by Nature's Way
Enzyme by
Hanna Kroeger herbs
To rebuild and
repair the liver we need to remove the
excess fat, get bile moving freely, eliminate
the toxic waste, dissolve and pass existing gall
stones and regenerate the damaged and destroyed
cells of the liver. Look for these herbs in the
formula; dandelion, milkthistle - helps
the liver to rebuild it's self, artichoke or
beet leaf for best results.
Several times a year do a flush/detox of your
liver. The gallbladder is not responsible for
gall stones, the liver is.
Liver by
Grandma's Herbs
- Gallbladder Formula - by Dr.
Christopher's Original Formulas - To speed up
the blood purifying process.
(Liver Detoxifier &
Liver Formula
By Hanna Kroeger Herbs
Our blood is
filled with lots of impurities including
artificial fats to toxic heavy metals.
Taking 400 gm cilantro a day will clean the
heavy metal from your body in 2 - 3 weeks. Or
you could introduce fresh cilantro into your
diet for detoxing the blood.
Apple cider vinegar is useful in removing
aluminum from the body.
Toner by Hanna
Kroeger Herbs
Formula by Dr. Christopher
Blood Cleanser-
by Grandma's Herbs
Detoxification of your Body through
oils are little miracle workers for both our
body and mind. Their scents help to calm,
relax and uplift and when applied to our skin
they deliver intense healing and protective
properties. |

oils for Detoxing |
Detoxification of
your body through bathing is an ancient remedy
that anyone can perform in the comfort of their
own home. Your skin is known as the third
kidney, and toxins are excreted through
sweating. A detox bath will assist your body in
eliminating toxins, as well as absorbing the
minerals and nutrients that are in the water.
Add 2 cups or more (up to 16 lbs) of Epsom
Salts, aka magnesium sulphate. Athletes
will often bathe in Epsom salts after a long
workout. The salts help to remove the
buildup of lactic acid from the muscles and
speed up recovery. The natural elements in
the Epsom salts are powerful.
Add 1 to 2 cups or more of Baking Soda, aka
sodium bicarbonate. This is said to help
eliminate the chlorine in the water, as well as
soften the water, and help the body to absorb
the magnesium.
Ground ginger, or fresh ginger tea both work
quite well. The ginger is heating to the body
and may cause your skin to turn slightly red for
a few minutes, so be careful with the amount you
add. Depending on the capacity of your tub, and
your sensitivity, anywhere from 1 tablespoon to
1/3 cup can be added. Most people sweat
profusely with the addition of the ginger, and
if you wrap your body in a blanket immediately
after getting out of the tub, you can continue
to detoxify through perspiration for another
couple of hours. This is especially beneficial
if you are trying to rid the body of a bug of
some sort, like the flu, or a cold.
aromatherapy oils; this is optional, but there
are many oils that will help the bath to be a
pleasant and relaxing experience, around
20 drops is sufficient. |
Consider the
to give you a lift by stimulating and
energizing you.
to relax you by soothing and calming you.
sage to relax you by inducing
a sense of well-being and strength.
to help you unwind by relieving both your body
tension and any aches and pains.
grass to leave you uplifted
and energized after that long day by relieving
aches and pains.
to refresh and revive you by also
relieving aches and pains.
geranium to relax you with
its nurturing effect.
to revive and stimulate you by deep cleansing
and improving your circulation.
to use Essential
Oils for Boosting your Energy
There are many
ways to use essential oils to boost energy
levels, but the best are the inhalation
methods. You can use either individual oils,
or a prepared blend (using the suggestions in
the descriptions) in any of these methods.

Basil oil stimulates the adrenal glands,
relieves mental fatigue, and clears the mind. It
blends well with
lime, spearmint
and rosemary.
CAUTION: Basil should not be
used by pregnant women.
Ginger essential oil has an invigorating effect
on the nerves, and is especially useful if
you’re short on sleep. It blends well with lime.
Lime essential oil is a restorative and tonic,
and is excellent if you’re having trouble
concentrating after long hours of work or
studying. It blends well with basil,
and rosemary.
Mint (Peppermint
or Spearmint):
The mints have similar effects, but spearmint
is milder, and therefore safer to use with
children. They have a stimulant action, as well
as calming and soothing the nerves. Peppermint
essential oil blends well with rosemary
and spearmint;
while spearmint
essential oil blends well with basil,
and peppermint.
Rosemary essential oil is a stimulant, and is
excellent for use in mental fatigue, low energy,
and nervous exhaustion. It blends well with basil,
and both mints.
To stimulate the
Use 6 drops of either
lemon, orange
or peppermint,
3 drops of either anise
seed, clove
or rosemary
1 drop of either sandalwood
or patchouli. |
To stimulate the
Use 6 drops of petitgrain,
tea tree,
3 drops of black
pepper, juniper
or rosemary
1 drop of rose,
or ginger. |
To stimulate the
Use 6 drops of bergamot
or thyme,
3 drops of pine
or melissa
1 drop of rose,
sandalwood. |
Try guided
imagery. To boost energy, take a virtual
vacation while sitting at your desk. Close your
eyes and breathe deeply. Then imagine a peaceful
place. It could be someplace you’ve been before
-- the beach or the mountains. Try to fill it
out with detail. What does it smell like? Is
there a breeze blowing on your face? Imagine
you’re walking along a path; the farther you go,
the more relaxed you get. Once you feel fully
relaxed, gradually ease yourself back into the
present. Count to three and open your eyes. |
deeply. Deep breathing can relieve stress
when you’re feeling burned out. Sit down,
keeping your back straight. Inhale through the
nose while you count to four. Hold your breath
while you count to seven. Then exhale deeply
through the mouth, counting to eight. Repeat the
cycle. |
The Many Uses
Of Tea Tree Essential Oil
tree It can be mixed with water,
shaken well, and sprayed on surfaces to clean
and disinfect; or sprayed on carpets,
mattresses, and upholstery to get rid of
bedbugs, mites, and fleas (for this last, a
50/50 mix of lavender
and tea
tree oils will work best.)
tree essential oil has anti-bacterial,
anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties, as well
as the ability to stimulate the immune system
and eliminate external parasites such as lice
and the mites that cause scabies. Studies
have indicated that tea tree oil is an excellent
disinfectant, and kills more germs than the
disinfectants used in hospitals. It can be used
in skin care, hair care, and household cleaning,
and will even prevent mildew and remove mold.
- Athlete’s foot: A
foot bath containing one cup of epsom
salt and 10 drops of tea
tree oil will stop an early
infection of athlete’s foot in its
tracks, and repeating weekly will
prevent it from coming back. For more
established infections, blend 1 oz. of
coconut oil with 1/4 oz of tea
tree oil, and follow the foot bath
by applying this twice a day for about 4
- Toenail fungus: Using
a clean cotton swab, apply a drop of
tea tree oil to the infected
toenail(s) twice daily.
Cold sores: Mix 1 tablespoon of
olive or coconut oil with 5 drops of tea
tree oil, dip a clean cotton swab in the
mixture, and apply directly to the cold sore.
Store the remaining mixture in a tightly sealed
glass container, and reapply several times a day
until the sore is gone. Beginning this treatment
at the first tingling sensation that indicates a
cold sore is starting will prevent it from even
getting bad enough to hurt or scab over.
Dandruff Using a 5% tea tree
oil shampoo has been shown to reduce or
eliminate mild to moderate dandruff with
regular use. You can make your own, by adding 40
drops of tea
tree oil for each ounce of shampoo base
and shake well before each use.
Acne: Mix 40 drops of tea tree oil
with 1 oz of coconut oil in a glass container
with a tight fitting lid. Apply lightly to the
acne twice a day after cleansing. (Keep well
away from the eyes, and test the mixture on the
inside of your forearm, waiting for at least 24
hours to make sure there is no reaction before
using it on your face.)
- Cleaning and disinfecting
counters, tubs, and tile: Mix
2 teaspoons of tea
tree oil with a bit over 1 gallon
of water. Mix well, and use to wipe down
kitchen counters, tables, bathtubs, tile
and floors. (Remix frequently, since the
oil and water will separate pretty
- Removing mold and mildew:
Add 2 teaspoons of tea
tree oil to 2 cups of water in a
spray bottle. Shake well and spray on
the moldy areas, then wipe away the
mold. For heavier mold, or for mildew,
you may need to use one of the sponges
with the scrubber side to loosen it
before wiping it away.
- Laundry Add 2
teaspoons of tea
tree oil to a regular load of
laundry to freshen and disinfect. For
bedbug or mite infestations, using very
hot water with the oil to wash your
bedding will kill the pests.
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Alternative Health Resources
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We are committed to your health at the lowest
possible prices!
Quality determines results!!
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