Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
See the miracle of Vitamin C with
your own eyes!
Allan Smith was on life support. His doctors
said his
death was “inevitable” – that he “could not
C the Wonder Worker |
Vitamin C has
been shown to prevent and cure many illnesses,
from everyday ailments such as the common cold
to devastating diseases such as Viral Hepatitis!
With over 100,000 published scientific studies,
Vitamin C is the most proven, well documented
and powerful antioxidizing, immune-boosting,
anti-pathogenic, anti-aging, anti-viral,
anti-bacterial, anti-toxin, nutrient known to
man. These properties still amaze medical
researchers who produce an average of one new
study everyday on Vitamin C. It is also one of
the most powerful free radical fighters know to
man! Given sufficient dosage, it will kill
bacteria and pathogenic microbes of all kinds,
as well as virus, mycroplasma, yeast and fungus. |
of vitamin deficiency include: |
Dry and splitting
hair; gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)
and bleeding gums; rough, dry, scaly skin;
decreased wound-healing rate, easy bruising;
nosebleeds; and a decreased ability to ward
off infection. A severe form of vitamin C
deficiency is known as scurvy.
Low levels of vitamin C have been associated
with a number of conditions, including high
blood pressure, gallbladder disease, stroke,
some cancers, and atherosclerosis, the build-up
plaque in blood vessels that can lead to heart
attack and stroke. |
The problem
with ordinary forms of Vitamin C |
Traditional forms
of Vitamin C severely limit the amount of
Vitamin C you can take orally. If you take more
than 1 or 2 grams of traditional Vitamin C, the
ascorbic acid in the intestines will cause
gastric distress including gas, cramps, and
diarrhea. Much of the Vitamin C will be
eliminated in loose stools and in the urine. A
very small percentage (as little as 12%) of
ordinary Vitamin C actually gets absorbed into
the bloodstream. The more you take, the less is
absorbed. Because of the G.I. Barrier, in order
to deliver only 2,000 mg of usable Vitamin C
into the bloodstream, you would have to ingest
over 16,000 mg (Thirty two 500 mg tablets) at
one time! Imagine what that would do to your
stomach! Also traditional oral Vitamin C is
subject to a host of factors that oxidize it,
neutralize it, adulterate it, and even expel it
before it ever gets to the cells that need it.
Like the enzymes in your saliva, the digestive
juices in your stomach, the bile salts in your
intestines, and even the organisms in your G.I.
Optimal blood levels of of Vitamin C can be
maintained by taking at least 500 mg of ascorbic
acid every four hours. To make the case even
stronger for supporting the intake of larger
doses of vitamin C, data now suggests that only
one tenth to one twentieth of the ascorbic acid
from other companies taken orally is actually
for Better Health |
Vitamin C, the most potent and
bio-available form of ascorbic acid: Improves
and protects cell membranes, detoxifies the body
of heavy metals, may kill cancer cells at high
concentrations, has a strong effect in
preventing and shortening the duration of the
common cold, can control and inactivate viral
Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C is the first choice of
people who really understand bioavailability and
the importance of high-dose vitamin C. Right out
of the gate all other forms of vitamin C rapidly
crash into an absorption barrier that vastly
limits the level of vitamin C that can enter the
bloodstream... and the vitamin C that doesn't
get absorbed, gets flushed. (Important note:
all the vitamin C in your food is just as
restricted by this absorption barrier.)
The health generating power of
Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C can also prevent and
reverse low grade scurvy known as occlusive
cardiovascular disease, rid the mouth of
pyorrhea, improve blood flow and circulation,
improve liver and kidney function, prevent
stroke, improve pancreatic function, improve
heart function, boost immunity, and improve
memory, libido and sexual function. |
Vitamin C allows you to take Vitamin C orally,
bypass the digestive system and deliver it fresh
and intact into the bloodstream!
Vitamin C
substances can be encapsulated in
sub-microscopic liposomes. The liposomes
not only protect the supplement from
degrading conditions in the environment, but
will also deliver them safe and sound to
"target" organs and structures of the body.
These Vitamin C filled liposomes,
because of their size and composition,
provide the perfect transport system. They..
in water or beverage
navigate through the digestive system
no digestive activity prior to
absorb in the small intestine and are
transported intact throughout the
bloodstream to the cells that need it
the powerful, non-degraded Vitamin C
for use throughout the body as the
liposomal material is metabolized by
the cells requiring repair
this without binders, fillers,
gelatins, capsule materials, dyes,
sweeteners, or flavorings common with
tablet and capsule supplements
On the
other hand, the traditional form of Vitamin
C- tablet or capsule - is subject to a host
of factors that can oxidize it, neutralize
it, adulterate it, and even expel it before
it ever gets to the cells that need it.
vitamin C is known as the most
effective vitamin C that is available these
days. There are many health benefits that this
vitamin provides for your body. Many people
that use this vitamin C like it because they
can put it into their favorite cool drink and
won’t even taste it, but will get still get
the benefits from it.
You can find more information here on Lypo-Spheric vitamin C
Sugar and vitamin C |
Due to the rapid
growth associated with cancer, cancer cells
require large amounts of glucose to fully
develop. As such, eating too much sugar may
contribute to the growth and proliferation of
cancer cells in your body. Though your sugar
intake may not cause cancer, this impact of
sugar on abnormal cell growth greatly
contributes to its development. Due to its
antioxidant properties, vitamin C is often
promoted as a cancer prevention agent. |
Our Essential Oil Samplers
are on Sale
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for Dramatic Improvements in
Brain Chemistry |
Athletes know
all about an amino acid called Creatine.
It's been used for decades to improve
performance in competition. Our body makes
about half of what we need. The rest comes
from eating meat and fish. But this dietary
supplement appears to do a lot more than
just build muscles.
Researchers at the University of Utah and
three South Korean universities have
documented what may be the brain protecting
properties of this substance.
In a specific study involving women with
depression researchers observed dramatic
improvements in their brain chemistry after
combing only five grams of creatine with
their daily doses of antidepressant
"What we found is that if you were taking
creatine together with your antidepressant
from the start, that you would get better
twice and fast and twice and much as women
who just got the placebo," said Dr. Perry
Renshaw with the University of Utah Brain
The University now
has a grant from the Institutes of Health to
expand the study to adolescents who have
been taking anti-depressants but haven't
really been feeling better. Researchers will
also look at doses. Is four grams of
creatine enough, or would higher doses bring
on even more dramatic results?
Though the collaborative study with South
Korea involved only women, creatine has the
potential to benefit both women and men. For
those who don't respond well to anti-
depressants, creatine could become an
inexpensive way to improve treatment
But depression isn't the only malady
creatine seems to treat effectively. It's
protective effect on the brain is now being
tested in third stage clinical trials on
patients with Parkinson's and Huntington's
According to Renshaw: "Creatine is really
emerging as a compound which may have
benefits for the brain that we really have
never considered. There are a number of cell
and animal experiments where we have a great
deal of experimental control that shows
adding creatine to the solution in cells or
administering it as a supplement to animals
does really protect against a range of
different brain insults."
How about drug addiction?
Matt, who prefers to keep his full
identity anonymous, remains hopeful creatine
might become a part of drug rehabilitation.
He was addicted to methamphetamine at age
eighteen and is now going through rehab at
the Journey Healing Centers at Willow Creek.
Matt is doing very well in recovery and is
now able to recognize how meth addiction was
destroying his life.
"I had lost all emotions," he said. "I had
no family left. I had completely destroyed
all relationships. You burn all your
bridges, leaving nothing behind but
Since depression is
as much a part of drug addiction as the
addiction itself, creatine may speed up the
therapy process. The supplement appears to
improve mood, memory and cognitive function,
and may actually protect the brain from
methamphetamine damage - especially in young
"For now, we are recruiting
methamphetamine using women who would like
to try creatine," Renshaw said. "Our
hypothesis: They'll show improvement in mood
and cognitive function which could make it
easier to use less amphetamine."
"We know
methamphetamine causes damage to the
neurons of the brain and we know that when
we have damage like that, you have a
harder time thinking," said Michael
Desjardins, who works with those
undergoing rehab at the Journey Centers.
"You have a harder time processing. A
substance like creatine which is natural
is something they could take for a period
of time to improve the way they engage in
Cellulite Busting Essential

This massage oil,
combined with the essential oil bath recipe and
the skin brushing will help you to significantly
reduce your cellulite without having to spend a
fortune on cosmetic products and without the
harmful chemicals and toxins. |
Brush cellulite
affected areas in an upward motion with a brush
of real bristles.
Before running your bath, mix together: six
drops each of oregano
essential oil and juniper
essential oil, eight drops of
basil essential oil and mandarin
essential oil, and ten drops each of grapefruit
essential oil and lemon
essential oil and you have your own Cellulite
Busting Blend.
Add two handfuls of Epsom salts and one handful
of rock salt to the bath and run the water. Add
eight drops of your Cellulite Busting Blend to
your bath with a tablespoon of olive oil then
add to your bath and set the rest aside for your
next bath.
Bathe in the water for at least 20 minutes
regularly massaging the cellulite areas under
the water.
After your
essential oil infused cellulite busting bath,
massage the affected areas with this really
simple massage oil.
Blend two tablespoons of sweet almond
oil with five drops of jojoba
oil. To this mixture add fourteen drops of juniper
essential oil, 10 drops of lemon
essential oil and six drops of oregano
essential oil.
This massage oil, combined with the essential
oil bath recipe and the skin brushing will help
you to significantly reduce your cellulite
without having to spend a fortune on cosmetic
products and without the harmful chemicals and
To purchase these oils just click on the links
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
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Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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