Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
Re-Mineralize and Strengthen your
Tooth Enamel
your nails, enamel is dead. However, like your
nails, which can grow much quicker with lots
of sunshine (Vitamin
D) and good diet, tooth enamel can be
made to re-mineralize and strengthen through
good diet and oral hygiene.
tooth enamel is in a constant state of flux
between- demineralizing and remineralizing.
Although this process is microscopic on a
daily level, a poor diet combined with poor
dental hygiene can quite rapidly cause your
enamel to weaken over months and eventually to
cause decay with certainty over years.
foods and acid from bacteria slowly dissolve
some of the minerals out of your enamel
everyday. But those minerals are quickly
replaced by minerals and enzymes in your
saliva. When the acids begin to dissolve
mineral more quickly than your saliva can
replace it you get a cavity.
toothpaste contains glycerin. Many non
fluoride toothpastes use glycerin as a common
filler. The glycerine is sticky and coats the
tooth with a thin film which makes it more
difficult for the tooth to re-mineralize,
since the re-mineralization process occurs
through the saliva. Coat the enamel with a
sticky residue of paste, and they won't
remineralize. Nearly all commercial
toothpastes contain glycerin.
the worst offenders are soda and candy. You
will need to eliminate all soda's from your
diet. If you really have to drink soda, try
drinking it all quickly, and rinse your mouth
with water afterwards. Sipping and taking
regular small slugs is the worst.
How to
re-mineralize teeth enamel?
you need to ensure the teeth are clean on the
surface. The saliva coats the teeth and adds
minerals from the trace minerals in your
saliva. Avoid anything that leads to a dry
mouth - smoking, alcohol etc. or if it reduces
the amount of saliva, it won't help. You want
to encourage your salivary glands, and keep
your teeth very clean.
a high calcium and anti-bacterial agents to
promote remineralization and reduce dental
bacteria like Dr. Christopher's Herbal
Tooth and gum powder or with a drop of tea tree
essential oil and you won't believe how clean
and good that feels!
that you have clean teeth, the important thing
is to get the saliva to release the minerals
back into the enamel. First you have to add
the minerals back into your diet.
thing to consider is to make sure that your
have adequate supplies of Vitamin
D. The crucial effect of vitamin
D on bone is to provide the proper
balance of calcium and phosphorus to support
mineralization, which is exactly what we are
trying to achieve.
dietary sources of Vitamin
D are fish oil , krill
oil and egg yolks, and you can always
use a supplement.
your own stocks from chicken, marrow, fish
bones etc. the traditional way and freeze the
contents so that you can have a daily broth
full of calcium and gelatin that can be easily
absorbed by the body for bone growth. Marrow
bone, and fish stock using the heads of the
fish are particularly good.
Salt contains many trace minerals that are
vital to bone growth. Many people have tried
to cut down on their salt intake from
processed foods by simply not using salt at
home. This is well meaning but a big mistake.
You need a little sea salt, and no processed
fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha,
natto, pickled vegetables, and other foods
that contain high levels of natural
foods high in Vitamin K2 such as marrow,
natto, high vitamin butter, egg yolks, hard
cheese, chicken liver pate and salami cured
make sure you Vitamin
C levels are high to promote strong gum
the mineralization - demineralization process
is a constant one. By taking a few steps to
ensure that you are mineralizing more than you
are de-mineralzing, you can keep your enamel
strong and healthy, and never suffer from
This recipe is kid-approved, and since it has
no fluoride, its safe on babies, toddlers, and
those with thyroid problems.
Homemade Remineralizing
Toothpaste Ingredients:
teaspoons Calcium powder I used
powdered Calcium
2 teaspoons
Baking Soda
3 teaspoons
xylitol -Xylitol is supposed to
have beneficial properties for the teeth.
This ingredient is not completely
necessary, but just keeps it from tasting
teaspoon liquid castille soap
teaspoons coconut
oil to get desired
Optional ingredients: Essential oils for
flavor (peppermint,
- this may be to hot for some- be careful
- and orange
are all good), Grapefruit
Seed Extract, Myrrh
Store in small container like 1/2 pint glass
jar. To use, either dip clean toothbrush into
it, or use Popsicle stick or spoon to put on
toothbrush. Ive also thought of storing in a
plastic bag with a corner cut off to be able
to squeeze like toothpaste.
Applying a black
walnut hull tincture to teeth can
strengthen and restore tooth enamel. Users may
also apply the tincture to the gums to treat
sores or to ease the pain associated with
cutting wisdom teeth. In India, toothpaste
often includes black walnut due to its
medicinal properties, with the tree's bark
chewed to relieve toothaches.
Past articles you may want to read:
A Strong
Link between Dental X-ray frequency and a type
of Brain Tumor called Meningioma |
If the dentist
asks you to open wide and say "Aahhh," you just
might want to say "No" instead, especially if
the next step involves getting X-rays. A new
study has found that there's a strong link
between dental x-ray frequency and a type of
brain tumor called meningioma. The finding makes
the annual obligatory set of dental x-rays seem
excessive indeed.
Meningioma tumors are benign, but they can
trigger not-so-benign conditions including
vision and hearing loss, memory loss, headaches,
and seizures. A lot of the mischief they cause
comes from the fact that they can grow to be the
size of baseballs, exerting inordinate pressure
inside the skull. The incidence of meningioma
tumors is 7.8 per 100,000 annually. Ionizing
radiation triggers the growth of these tumors,
and dental X-rays are the most prevalent
artificial source of such radiation. We also get
exposed daily to naturally occurring ionizing
radiation in the atmosphere and in high altitude
airplane flights -- that's where over 80 percent
of our exposure comes from -- but that
ubiquitous exposure isn't directed in a focused
beam right at our heads.
The study, just reported in the journal Cancer,
involved 1,400 meningioma patients between the
ages of 20 and 79 and 1350 control subjects who
were clear of the condition.The researchers
found that the risk of developing a meningioma
tumor was double for those who had a bitewing
X-ray "anytime" in their life. In case you've
forgotten (or if you've never had bitewings),
they're the type of X-ray where the dentist
shoves a piece of hard cardboard into one side
of your mouth and asks you to bite down while
shooting film of your jaw. In the study, those
who had bitewings every year as part of their
dental exams had up to a 90 percent greater risk
of developing the tumors.
Even worse than the bitewings for triggering
tumors were a type of X-ray called panorex,
which films your entire head to get pictures of
all your bottom and top teeth. Panorex X-rays
involve sitting in a chair while the camera
circles round your head, shooting plenty of
Dentists love the panorex. It gives them so much
information at once, plus, they can charge you
plenty for it. Much like a panoramic picture,
the panorex X-ray provides a full view of the
scenery -- in this case, your entire oral
oils are little
miracle workers for both our body and mind.
Their scents help to calm, relax and uplift
and when applied to our skin they deliver
intense healing and protective properties. |

oils as Anti-Aging
Agents |
Essential oils
work cosmetically and as anti-aging
agents in several ways. They stimulate skin
cells into reproducing at a quicker rate, thus
reducing the time lag between new skin growth
and the elimination of old cells. Skin that has
been treated with essential oils thus becomes
more dynamic and stronger.
Before listing the essential oils, I think it is
important to stress the fact that while treating
yourself with these oils, it will obviously
speed things along if you don't overload the
system with more toxins that the skin has to
work harder to eliminate. Cut out alcohol,
coffee, tea, sweets (this will be the toughest
one for women), red meats
or at least cut back on them and all the things
that you know will clog up your skin cells as
well as your digestive system. If you can cut
years from your appearance and how your body
feels, wouldn't it be a worthwhile sacrifice?
essential oils to combat wrinkles
Lime |
You can use any
of these oils on their own or make combinations
of two or more to suit your needs. I use olive
oil mixed with castor oil - then add a few drops
of my favorite essential oil to the mix and
spread on my skin, it is absorbed very quickly.
Use the oils in a bath, as a face oil, or body
rub. Because everyone's skin doesn't regenerate
at the same rate, allow at least thirty days
before expecting to see outward signs of improvement. |
Oil Blend
for Hair Growth Recipe
Please note
there is no guarantee this oil will
stimulate hair growth in every individual.
However, researchers from the Aberdeen
Royal Infirmary in Scotland published a
study of 86 individuals who used this oil
for seven months and reported 44% of
people in the treatment group had new hair
growth compared to only 15% in the control
3 drops cedarwood
essential oil
3 drops lavender
essential oil
3 drops lemon
essential oil
3 drops rosemary
essential oil
3 drops thyme
essential oil
1/8 cup grapeseed
1/8 cup jojoba
Apply several drops of the
mixture to areas of hair loss each night,
massaging gently into the scalp for 3-5
minutes. Store oil tightly covered and
keep away from heat and light.
Flesh-Eating Bacteria |
bacteria, known scientifically as necrotizing
fasciitis, occurs when certain types of
bacteria penetrate the skin and then invade
the blood system, eventually eating away at
muscle and fat tissue.
People who have
weakened immune systems, such as the elderly,
people with diabetes and people taking
immune-suppressing drugs are more at risk for
the condition. Sports teams or people who
congregate in close vicinity could also be at
higher risk, said Dr. Kenneth Bromberg,
director of the Vaccine Research Center at The
Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City.
Most of the time,
an infection will begin and abort very quickly
as the body's immune system is sufficient to
terminate it before it progresses to a stage
where a limb or an arm becomes severely
swollen and undergoes necrosis.
Any infection,
however minor, which progresses and becomes
red and swollen, especially if it's
accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, should
be brought to a doctor's attention.
possibilities you could consider:
essential oil is considered to have very
strong anti bacterial effects. Garlic contains
allicin which is a broad spectrum, anti
microbial agent. However garlic should be
avoided in individuals taking anti coagulants,
especially for the management of cardiac
ailments as garlic can further hinder blood
clotting abilities.
Raw Honey: Honey
has been used for over two centuries for the
management of bacterial infections. Internal
consumption of raw honey with turmeric
powder is considered to have strong anti
microbial effects. Local application of honey
is also considered beneficial. Diabetic
patients however should avoid internal
consumption of honey, primarily as it can
increase the blood sugar levels by over 30%.
Oils: Essential oils have strong
therapeutic properties, with almost all
essential oils having anti bacterial and anti
microbial properties. Manuka
oil is considered to have the strongest anti
bacterial effects. Added to a carrier oil such
as olive or castor oil, then rubbed topically
is a good way to fight the bacterial
You could try
Bentonite healing clay. Mix clay and water
then apply to infected area. It will absorb
the bacteria.
West Nile Virus
It's that
time of year again . . . mosquito time!
Prevention is always best.
Usually people with a low immune body system are
the ones who are vulnerable to this disease.
Prevention is better than cure. Build your
immune system.
West Nile virus
causes an infection that can lead to
inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), the
spinal cord (myelitis), or the tissues
surrounding the brain and the spinal cord
(meningitis). If you have a fever and headache
that continue for more than 2 or 3 days during
West Nile virus season, or if you have any of
the more severe symptoms of West Nile
encephalitis, call your doctor immediately.
Avoid aspirin
because it presents a risk for a fatal
condition known as Reye syndrome, especially
in children.
A number of
essential oils also act as natural insect
repellents. These oils include Citronella,
and Eucalyptus.
Away essential oil blend with
catnip. Don't Leave Home without it!
B1 is thought to produce a skin odor
unappealing to female mosquitoes.
A paste made out of 1 part baking soda to 3
parts water is a home remedy that offers much
relief from the itching caused by mosquito
bites. This paste, when applied several
times a day, dries mosquitoes bites quickly
and keeps you from experiencing the intense
itching and burning associated with mosquito
Do not keep open
containers of water near your house. Standing
water is a breeding place for mosquitoes.
Plant marigolds, catnip and rosemary in your
garden and around your house. These plants all
emit odors that are unpleasant to mosquitoes
and will keep them away.
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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