Don't leave out God and
prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
Spring Clean Up
One of the great
blessings of living where we do is the
miraculous cycles of nature and the recurring
changes of seasons. Each season brings its own
surprises and splendor. Each change in season
also gives us the opportunity to pause, enjoy,
and appreciate the people, the challenges, and
things around us that enrich our lives. While
I enjoy each season, I have always been
partial to spring. As days get warmer and
sunnier, I sense renewed energy and
anticipation. Spring is about hope and
promise. Spring is about new beginnings and
opportunities. Being from New Mexico spring
for me, also means a lot of work with lambing
and planning for the future. Spring tends to
bring out the best in all of us.

Time for
Spring Cleaning! With a great burst of energy we
open all the windows, air out all the carpets
and furniture. Nothing is spared when it
comes to the spring-cleaning!
I like to use distilled white vinegar mixed with
distilled water as a great natural cleanser for
molds and mildews. I put a few drops of lemon,
tree, citronella
or the blend cleansing
- essential oil into the solution to help
disinfect. |
Illnesses that cannot be
cured or explained - and are eventually
linked to “Black Mold Exposure” are common.
Studies have linked this species of mold to
various illnesses, including asthma,
bronchitis, flu-like symptoms, rhinitis,
emphysema, bleeding lungs, and even a number
of deaths. An infestation of the mold
species Stachybotrys may appear as a slimy,
greenish-black substance or it may also
appear powdery, like carbon black or soot.
I wouldn't try to clean
with bleach as it is ineffective, and
chlorine bleach is toxic in and of itself.
First and foremost X-Plauge has been
tested and proven effective against Black
Mold and will help keep it from coming back.
You could also try lemon
or clove
essential oils - as they destroy toxic mold
and keep it from coming back.
These oils:
and lemon
were tested and found effective for their
antibacterial activity against airborne
Micrococcus luteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
Staphylococcus aureus.
great thing about using
Essential Oils for Cleaning
is their Disinfecting Properties |
You can destroy a
lot of bacteria and molds. And inhibit their
return for several weeks. Spring time can bring
increased levels of humidity and bacteria and
mold just love that along with any extra ‘dirt’ |
You could try
about 40 or 50 drops of essential oils per
gallon of water. If you want to make a surface
spray sanitizer use the following as a
guideline: you could add 40 to 50 drops of
Essential oil to 1 gallon of water put it in a
spray bottle and keep shaking it. |
Remember that
all essential oils have varying degrees of
antimicrobial actions and just cleaning away
dust, dirt and debris with a cloth dampened with
a cleaning solution with your favorite essential
oils is always an option. |
To freshen up
upholstery, you can sprinkle baking soda over
the furniture and after a couple of hours just
vacuum it up. Then you can mix some nice floral
essential oils added to a solution of a little
water and a little grain alcohol such as ever
clear (from the liquor store) and spritz it over
the upholstery to not only sanitize the fabric
but also to leave it smelling clean and sweet.
Some of the more disinfectant oils are lemon,
tree, lavender,
and juniper.
A couple of drops of any of the essential oils
in the spray bottle are all you need.
We can wash most
bed linens to freshen them up, but for
down-filled comforters, it’s different. If they
just need fluffing up and deodorizing, rather
than sending them to a dry cleaners, a fun trick
is to put them in your dryer with 3 or 4 tennis
balls that have had a few drops of essential
oils placed on them. Dry for 10 minutes on a low
heat and the balls will fluff up the down and
the essential oils will leave a pure natural
scent. Relaxing oils that could be used on
bedding so that you won’t lie awake would be; chamomile,
sage and linden
blossom. Floral essential oils are also
nice to use at bedtime, and these would include
ylang, jasmine
or geranium.
The digestive tract
needs a little spring-cleaning |
Essential oils
can be massaged in a carrier oil over the
abdomen in a clockwise direction to help
assimilate food and improve metabolic
functioning. Some oils that are good for
digestion are ginger,
and hyssop.
The Liver is the
largest gland of the body dealing with many
different functions from metabolism, synthesis
and storage of nutrients, detoxification,
balance of hormonal levels, heat production and
secretion of bile.
Headaches, eye strain, muscle spasms, joint pain
and menstrual problems can also be related to a
liver issue since the liver governs these
tissues so any toxicity in the liver can lead to
problems in these areas. When imbalanced the
liver can cause referred pain to the right
shoulder, neck and scapula.
Emotionally, there can be restlessness with
liver dysfunction, an inability to get things
done and general agitation. One may feel
aimless, compulsive and may tend to complain a
lot. Liver stagnation can lead to stagnation in
one’s life. The emotion most associated with the
liver is anger.
After winter, we often feel many of these
issues, so a good liver flush is always
advisable. And to assist and liver cleansing,
essential oils are very handy. Massaging the
abdomen in a clockwise direction with essential
oils in a carrier oil can encourage
detoxification of the liver. A gentle rocking
massage motion on the liver will help to
mobilize and strengthen the organ. Essential
oils to help with detoxifying the liver and
rubbed with a carrier oil over the liver would
be; Carrot
seed oil, grapefruit,
blend, linden
blossom, mandarin,
and of course peppermint
and ravintsara
to just name a few.
Salt baths with essential oils are another way
of detoxing the body. Mixing essential oils in
an oil is also an effective way of relieving the
pain and discomfort from muscle spasms, which
may be caused by a dysfunctional liver. And of
course general massage to the whole body can
stimulate the production of red blood cells,
cleanse the acids from the tissues and balance
the psyche of an irritated liver condition.
Essential oils that can be used are:
is a wonderful oil for a tired and sluggish
liver. It helps stimulate production and
regeneration of new blood cells. It is also
effective in detoxifying people from drugs and
is a great cleanser, both internally and out.
The liver loves fresh lemon juice squeezed in
water and drunk daily. The essential oil can be
rubbed on externally and absorbed into the
blood, which then rejuvenates and clears out
stagnation in the liver. It promotes healthy
blood cells and tissue growth.
is warming and uplifting – just what a fatigued
liver needs! It aids in relieving achy muscles,
abdominal cramps and any menstrual challenges.
It also soothes menopausal symptoms (remember
one of the liver’s function is balancing
sage, helps with menopausal symptoms and
can help ease nervousness and anxiety. Clary has
the ability to bring up anger to be released
(remember liver’s emotion is anger) so it is
often wise to only use clary when it is
appropriate to vent emotion.
and Rose
are all essential oils to help calm down the
liver’s anxiety and aggression. They all help
relieve headaches, migraines, pains in the body
and most liver complaints by soothing tensions
and alleviating stress.
enlivens the spirits and stimulates the mind and
body. It is a liver and gallbladder stimulant
and detoxifier.
The liver is all
about action, movement and goal orientation. It
is in this season that you can take stock and
make choices as to what appropriate actions are
to be taken. The liver energy offers insight,
vision and clarity. Indeed the Chinese say that
the “liver opens to the eyes”, meaning that when
you have a clear liver not only do you have
foresight and intuitive vision, but also that
you will see clearly on a physical level. When
there is an imbalance in the liver, very often
the eyesight suffers as well.
our selection of Chinese Herbs here > >
are many ways to cleanse the liver – with
herbs, fasting, massage, etc. |
Of course diet is
essential for a healthy liver. A diet with
restricted intake of sugar, fats, cholesterol
and refined foods is important in sustaining
vitality, as these foods tend to clog proper
functioning of the liver and could possibly
bring on chronic fatigue, apathy, lack of
concentration, intestinal problems and a rise in
blood pressure.
Dr. Christopher's Liver
& Gallbladder Formula To speed up the
blood purifying process. Also, Bloodstream
Formula .
Formula (old
name Livah) by Kroeger herbs
Gallbladder Formula - These herbs are best
known for their ability to stimulate, cleanse
and protect the liver and gallbladder as well as
rid the body of parasites. Use for any liver
Liver by
Grandma's Herbs
Refer to our Natural Remedies page to see all
that we recommend for the Liver
click here and scroll down > > >
Deaths from Liver Disease on
the Rise
The study,
conducted by the National End of Life Care
Intelligence Network, found that deaths from
liver disease in England have jumped an
astounding 25 percent in only an eight-year
period. And many of them most likely could have
been avoided since the main factors suspected of
influencing the increase are frequent use of
alcohol, obesity, hepatitis, and the use of
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) as it never leaves the
body and stores in the liver, eventually leading
to dialysis. If you take Tylenol for four days
as directed you may be at risk of liver damage,
says a new study.
Does Tylenol's long history of use and wide acceptance in the
medical community and the extensive commercials
citing it's safety, really mean that it IS safe?
Read more > > >
Sadly, the majority of liver conditions are
brought on by totally preventable causes, such
as obesity and drinking too heavily. The liver
is damaged over time by trying to eliminate the
by-products of unhealthy and excessive choices
of foods and drinks. To assist the body's repair
mechanisms before it's too late,we should
consider the following:
Overeating in general is harmful to the liver,
as is too much protein or too many simple
carbohydrates in the diet. But alcohol tends to
be at the top of the list, as it causes
inflammation of the liver's tissue. This reduces
its filtering ability, causing it to plug up
with fat and become even more inflamed. If we
consume enough alcohol, we overwhelm the liver's
ability to regenerate itself, and the net result
is cirrhosis, a hardening of the liver.
There are steps you can take to get your liver
functioning optimally again, whether you have
symptoms of liver dysfunction yet or not.
Improvements to your eating habits are
important, and be sure to start including herbal
support for the liver. Look for formulas that
contain milk thistle, dandelion root, and take artichoke
or beet leaf to promote regeneration of damaged
liver tissue. Initiate a daily exercise routine
as well -- no part of the body can be truly
healthy without regular activity.
You will also benefit tremendously from
conducting body cleanses such as a liver detox.
This five-day cleanse is thorough and extensive.
The detox causes the liver and gallbladder to
literally squeeze out accumulated fat
cholesterol, and toxins, while at the same time
promoting regeneration of damaged liver tissue.
Five day cleanse for Liver
thing on rising, drink 8oz of pure water to
flush your digestive tract. An hour later, in
a blender, mix up 8oz of any fresh squeezed
citrus - apple or grape juice works great -
one lemon, 1 clove of garlic (increase by 1
clove each day), 1 tablespoon of olive oil
(increase by 1 tablespoon each day), 1" piece
of ginger (thinly sliced to break up the
fibers) and 4-8 ounces of pure water.
Add your garlic and ginger to the
blender first. Then add only a little bit of
the orange juice (or grape if that's what
you're using). This will allow you to totally
liquify the garlic and ginger before you add
the rest of the oil and orange juice and
water. One other trick is to slice the chunks
of ginger into smaller pieces across the
fiber. This will prevent longer fibers from
appearing in your drink.
Fifteen minutes after consuming the
drink, follow with 2 cups of the Liver
Detox Tea (continue with 5-8 cups of tea
per day). Acts to detoxify the liver,
stimulate the digestive system and cleanse the
blood, skin, liver and gallbladder. It is also
important to take 12 droppersful of both the Liver
Gallbladder Formula and the Red
Clover Combination spread throughout
each day while on the 5-day cleanse. Continue
until the bottles are gone.
Eat eat all the live FRESH fruit or vegetable
juice you want. Beet juice is especially good.
Do not mix your fruit and vegetable juices
together, and feel free to dilute your juices.
For lunch you can have more diluted juice, or
a raw vegetable or sprout salad. Absolutely do
not use bottled dressing. Make your own
dressing from lemon or apple cider vinegar and
any fresh herbs and spices of your choice. If
you are hungry throughout the day, feel free
to snack on fresh vegetables or juices. For
dinner eat fresh fruit or fruit juice or fruit
Another recipe for soothing the liver
1/4 cup fresh Lemon juice
3/4 cup fresh Orange juice
2 quarts cranberry juice (cook fresh in
distilled water and strain is best - unsweetened
concentrate is next best)
1/2 tsp cinnamon add to
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
may sweeten with stevia or real maple syrup.
Drink 8 oz cup alternate every half hour with 8
oz cup water.
Make a decoction of marshmallow
root, burdock
root and yellow
dock root - equal parts.
For leaves and flowers make a tea by pouring
boiling water over them.
To make a decoction - simmer herb and water
together for twenty minutes.
Seeds and roots require a decoction to
extract the full benefits of the properties of
the herb.
Insect Repellent Recipe
A number of
essential oils also act as natural insect
repellents. These oils include Citronella,
and Eucalyptus.
I love spending time outdoors, especially in the
warmer months, but mosquitoes and other
flying/biting insects can ruin the best of
outdoor occasions. Synthetic insect repellents
are known to cause irritation and sensitivity in
some people, are toxic and can be harmful to the
environment. Read
here on the dangers of DEET and the
effectiveness of catnip > >
This insect repellent has a pleasant aroma, and
can be quite effective in keeping the little
itchy critters away. Of course, your particular
usage and body chemistry can potentially affect
your results.
4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist
setting (do not use a bottle that previously
contained cleaning products or hair products
such as hair spray).
1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of
grain alcohol such at ever clear ( isopropyl or
rubbing alcohol is not). Alternatively, you may
omit the alcohol and increase the amount of
distilled water to 3 ounces
15 drops Citronella
10 lavender
10 eucalyptus
5 drops lemongrass
Or just add a few drops of our already blended -
Away essential oil blend with a few added
drops of Catnip
1. To Use: Shake
the bottle before each use. Essential oils do
not fully dissolve in water and alcohol and will
settle. If you do not shake the bottle, you risk
having concentrated droplets of essential oil
irritate your skin, or damage fabric.
Mist onto your skin and clothing and reapply as
Natural Ingredients that Protect Us from the Sun |
With spring
here, and outdoor adventures, now’s the perfect
time to start talking about natural protection
from the sun! We all know that protecting our
skin — the body’s largest organ – from the
sun is super important; but sadly, so many of
the commercially-prepared sunscreens on the
market are laden with harmful
chemicals that could actually end
up exposing us to the very toxins
we are trying to protect ourselves from.
The good news is…there are ways to make your
own natural sunscreens at home – not
only will this save you money, but it
will give you greater peace of mind in
knowing exactly what has gone into making it.
There are natural ingredients, some
may be found in our kitchens, that work
to protect us from over exposure to
the sun. Many are oils that contain SPF
properties such as:
Shea Butter.
An excellent skin protectant with an
SPF of approximately 6-10.
Germ Oil. While super
nourishing for the skin, it too possesses
a natural SPF of 20.
oil, Coconut
Oil, Hemp
oil, Avocado
oil, Soybean, and Peanut Oil. All
contain SPF levels between 4-10.
However, none of these ingredients are
necessarily adequate on their own to provide
us protection for an all day experience…say,
out on the lake.
The Recipe
Customize this recipe based on your
budget and what you have available.
-1 ounce oil blend (use any combination
of the oils listed above)
-1 ounce beeswax (adds waterproof
-1 ounce butter blend (i.e. Shea butter,
mango butter, or cocoa butter)
-1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
-30 drops essential oils
1. Gather ingredients and kitchen tools.
2. In a double boiler, over low heat, melt
the oils, beeswax, and butters.
3. Remove from heat and allow to cool
slightly prior to adding the vitamin E oil
4.This recipe will produce a product similar
to a lotion bar or sunscreen stick.
5. Allow to cool and harden on the counter
overnight and then you’re good to go! During
times of heavy sun and swim exposure be
sure to reapply often for the best coverage.
Beneficial, sun
protecting essential oils include lavender,
and peppermint.
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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