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prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any
While you are praying or after praying don't forget
to LISTEN for the answers! They will come.
click here - to
view the studies showing the scientific proof that
prayer works.
are happy to announce our April
15 % off Retail - Essential
Oil Sale
All our Essential
Oils and Essential
Oil Blends are on Sale this month
desire and quest for balance in our Physical,
Emotional/Mental and Spiritual Life Using
Essential Oils

Spring means
spring showers—usually followed by that subtle,
intoxicating "after-rain" smell in the air that
can cause you to drop your umbrella and wander
the sidewalks senselessly sniffing. This potent
all-natural perfume usually comes from a mixture
of odors: ozone (created by lightning as it
transforms O2 into O3); wet clay (a class of
minerals with their own "earthy" scent and
taste); and grasses, trees, flowering plants and
mosses, which, when wet, release "a complex
bouquet of organic molecules . ..hmm...if only
we could bottle that. |
When I feel out
of balance; I may feel much fear, paranoia, and
in general fears of the unknown, and inability
to connect to life . . .the desire and quest for
balance in our physical, emotional/mental and
spiritual life is innate.
Essential oils can deeply influence our physical
imbalances, psychological well-being and our
spiritual equilibrium. They act on holistic
principles-affecting body and soul.
Essential oils are the life force of a plant,
flower, tree, shrub, root, bark, resin from
which they are distilled. Like human beings,
they are alive, both chemically and
electrically. They have a direct effect on the
brain through the olfactory system and skin
To help find balance, to find a feeling of
safety, security, willingness to connect to
life, and embrace life's experiences. I love
these oils to help regain balance:
AROMATHERAPY: Some oils that harmonize
with the earth sweet, warm, earthy, regulator or
restorative aromas like: vetiver
ginger myrrh,
ylang patchouli
sage, geranium
and melissa.
the highest frequency essential oil. It affects
every cell on a molecular cellular level to
enhance frequency and to bring the body into
harmony. Pure rose oil produces a magnetic
energy to attract love and to enhance the
frequency of self love which brings joy to the
of my favorite Essential Oil Blends for this
purpose would be Balance,
Gardens, Belief,
- facilitate the release of negative emotions.
It is uplifting, through memory recall, helps
keep negative energy from reattaching. Composure
- Helps balance emotions, reduce anxiety. Grounding,
& Now - Helps heighten the sense of
being "in the moment” instead of the past, Serenity
-Tranquil, reassuring,
relaxing, and Strength
blend has been used to empower the physical
and spiritual bodies. Helps build courage,
self esteem, calming, ADD &
ADHD. It has also been found to
help energy alignment in the body
While inhaling use this affirmation: "I am
one with all that is. I am safe. I am loved."
Parasites and
As the saying
goes: March comes in like a lion and goes out
like a lamb. But with Spring comes Allergies for
many. Causes for Allergies may often times be
Allergies are a result of
our immune system doing it's job, only in a
misdirected way. It is a result of the immune
system being hypersensitive and over-reactive
to harmless proteins it misidentifies as a
harmful intruder. Resulting in an immune
reaction of releasing histamines and other
protective bio-chemicals being released. This
is when we reach for a tissue.
There has been a
relationship between outside intruders, like
parasites and candida albicans yeast, and
allergies that may hold some clues on how to
stay sneeze free.
Researchers feel that when
parasites and candida are present in the body,
the immune system kicks into high alert for
multi-celled intruders, as it is supposed to
do. However, if the system becomes
hypersensitive it will also start attacking
other harmless multi-celled visitors,
including pollens and dust. Even food, if it
is not broken down enough by the time it gets
into the blood stream will be attacked.
people do a parasite or candida cleanse,
their allergies often diminish. |
Parasites interfere with
the normal activities of the cells they
infect, which may lead to symptoms and
disease. The secretions released by a parasite
can trigger a bodily response in which the
immune system attacks its own tissues. This is
known as an autoimmune reaction. Examples
include rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s
disease. |
Everyone has a certain
amount parasites. Some people have more
parasites than others. We are constantly
exposed to parasites from our food, water,
pets and our environment. Usually our immune
system keeps most of them from inhabiting our
bodies, yet a few get through and set up
house. We usually do not notice them since we
can share a few nutrients and eliminate their
wastes. As their populations grow we start to
notice their effects on us, such as poor
digestion and elimination, sleeplessness,
restlessness, grinding teeth, and allergies.
These happen slowly so we do not think
anything is wrong. When people do a parasite
or candida cleanse, their allergies often
Candida is present in everyone.
It is kept under control by the friendly
bacteria in the intestines. When the friendly
bacteria populations diminish, the candida
grows out of control, giving off toxins and
affecting our health. Candida overgrowth can
also kick our immune system into protection
mode as with parasites.
Candida can be a factor in
food allergies in that it can weaken the
intestinal wall, which is also known as leaky
gut syndrome. The toxins from candida can
inflame the intestinal walls making them super
reactive to antagonistic foods. It can also
damage the intestinal wall, causing a leakage
of food substance into the blood stream before
it is properly broken down. This is viewed as
a foreign substance, which the immune system
attacks as if it were a dangerous parasite.
This can develop into a food allergy.
natural health practitioners prepare for
allergy season by cleansing the body of
parasites, fungus and candida. |
Many natural health practitioners prepare
for allergy season by cleansing the body
of parasites, fungus and candida to
minimize the immune system's overreaction
to these intruders. This can also keep the
intestinal tract clear and efficient in
eliminating toxins and other accumulations
after an inactive winter. While this
approach does not directly address the
effects of allergies, it may be very
helpful in managing the cause.
simple ways to maintain a healthy immune
system are to get adequate sleep, eat a
healthy Mediterranean diet, exercise and
find ways to cope with stress. In
addition, research is showing more and
more that daily vitamins, minerals and
other nutritional supplements are
tremendously beneficial in supporting
the immune system.
Master herbalist Hanna
Kroeger used her traditional herbal
knowledge and decades of working with
herbs and people’s health needs to
formulate these following products:
Combination™ is a great
herbal combination for checking parasite
populations and their reproductive cycles,
particularly roundworms. In traditional
herbalism, bitter, digestive tonic herbs
are used to paralyze and kill parasites in
the digestive tract as well as controlling
their eggs and improving digestive
secretions, a natural protection against
parasite overgrowth. At the same time, the
bitter principles help to increase
elimination, so that the parasites’ toxins
may be excreted at a faster rate. Wormwood
Combination employs some favorite herbs
from this category that herbalists and
naturopaths alike have relied on for
centuries: Black Walnut, Quassia and Male
Fern. Wormwood Combination is further
balanced for gentle yet thorough action
with the addition of spicy Cloves, which
helps to reduce the gassiness and cramping
that many other de-worming formulas can
cause, only exacerbating the digestive
distress many people experience with
parasite conditions. Traditional
herbalists use Male Fern to paralyze
parasites so that they may be more easily
passed out of the system. Just a touch of
this herb is used here, to ensure
effective but safe cleansing. Black Walnut
adds laxative effects to ensure
elimination, while Quassia soothes and
protects the stomach. All five herbs in
this blend also control secondary fungal
infections and excess mucus that can be
both a contributing factor to and a
by-product of parasite infections.
It is best to do the
Wormwood Combination for one month, 2
bottles, since most parasites have a one
month reproductive cycle. This way you get
the adult parasites and all phases
including the eggs. Many people start the
Wormwood Combination one week before the
full moon, which is when parasites are
most active.
is an energetically balanced herbal blend
designed to control and eliminate
tapeworms. According to traditional
herbalism, once established in the system,
tapeworms can cause a variety of health
complaints ranging from poor blood sugar
balance to digestive complaints, dizziness
and allergies. Rascal combines some
favorite herbs for fighting tapeworms and
other parasites: Pumpkin Seeds, Garlic and
Thyme. Thyme also teams up with Cayenne or
Capsicum in this blend to warm and support
digestion and elimination, while Cramp
Bark is added to prevent cramping that
many other de-worming products can cause.
This gentle yet effective formula also
controls the mucus accumulations and
secondary fungal infections that often
accompany parasite complaints.
It is best to reduce
or eliminate sweets, fermented foods,
alcohol and carbohydrates when doing a
parasite cleanse. Parasites love these
foods and you do not want to "feed" them
Formula #1™ is an herbal
combination that prevents and gently but
thoroughly eliminates Candida from the
system. Holistic healing systems suggest
that controlling mucus accumulation and
improving digestion are key elements in
preventing and controlling Candida along
with direct anti-fungal actions. Candida
Formula #1™ is composed of Condurango
Bark, Yellow Dock and Red Clover.
Condurango is an often forgotten herb
today, but its bitter principles and
tannins combined with its ability to
increase the secretion of saliva and other
digestive enzymes create an inhospitable
chemical environment for Candida growth
while reducing mucus accumulations where
it resides and reproduces. Red Clover and
Yellow Dock are powerful cleansers that
eliminate toxins created by Candida that
can cause liver, blood and lymph toxicity
as well as oxidation at the cellular level
and the arthritis-like issues many people
notice with Candida symptoms.
#2™ is an herbal blend
designed for use in Candida conditions in
conjunction with Candida Formula #1™. This
gentle yet effective formula fights fungus
while promoting digestion, assimilation,
detoxification, immunity, and thorough but
comfortable elimination. Additionally,
this formula purifies the blood, liver,
gall bladder, and intestinal tract, all of
which may be suffering from Candida
overgrowth and toxicity. Tansy contains
thujone, a compound with antifungal
activities as well as bitter principles
and tannins to strengthen digestion. Clay
binds mucus and toxins while countering
mineral deficiencies. Milkweed is a
favorite in Native American herbalism for
parasites, digestive complaints,
cleansing, and mucus accumulations. Cramp
Bark is added to control intestinal spasms
that may arise during Candida die-off as
well as contributing to the formula’s
astringent actions on mucus. Traditional
herbalists often use Goldenseal leaf to
provide many of the properties found in
the root but with a gentler action.
Blessed Thistle is a prized European
digestive herb with strong bitter and
astringent properties that create an
inhospitable environment for Candida while
toning the stomach, spleen and liver.
Dophilus is a combination of
acidophilus and the amino acid taurine
used to rebuild the friendly bacteria
after cleansing with Candida Formula #1™
and Candida Formula #2™. It supplies
acidophilus to re-establish flora that
keeps the candida population under
It is best to use Candida
Formula #1™ and Candida
Formula #2™ for one month, 2 bottles
of each and followed up immediately with
Taurin Dophilus. During the cleanse reduce
intake of sweets, simple carbohydrates,
fermented foods, mushrooms and alcohol.
These programs, while
not directly designed to prevent
allergies, often help the body’s ability
to minimize the effects of allergies by
taking the stress off the immune system
and reducing the over sensitized
reactions. It is also a good practice to
do these cleanses once a year for
Other things to
consider when getting ready for allergies
include: avoiding known allergens, eating
a clean diet free of mucous forming foods
like dairy and wheat, drinking lots of
water to flush out the system of
A little preparation can go a long way in
feeling good throughout the spring and year
round. You might not need the tissues!
A great
recipe for allergy sufferers!
Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a
boil. Turn off the heat, take the pan off
the stovetop and add 3 drops eucalyptus
essential oil, 3 drops rosemary
essential oil, 2 drops myrtle
essential oil and 2 drops tea
tree essential oil. Tent a bath
towel over the saucepan (keep your face
just far enough away from the steam to
avoid burns) and inhale deeply for 5 to 10
minutes. Repeat 1 to 3 times a day
can be very helpful for drying out the
sinuses. It can be highly effective for
chronic allergies. Take two or three times
daily, as needed, for two weeks.
oil has powerful antibacterial and
anti-parasitic effects.
seed - reduces
inflammation, and contains substances like
proanthocyanidins, which help to flush
infection and parasites from the body.
Net Pots. What could be simpler than rinsing
away allergens with saltwater? Neti pots,
small vessels shaped like Aladdin’s lamp,
have been used in India for thousands of
years to flush the sinuses and keep them
clear. It’s an idea that takes some getting
used to for most Westerners, but it’s a bit
like using nasal spray. A little douse of
saltwater can rinse away those prickly
pollen grains and help treat allergies and
other forms of sinus congestion.
Quercetin. A natural plant-derived compound
called a bioflavonoid, quercetin helps
stabilize mast cells and prevents them from
releasing histamine. Quercetin also is a
natural antioxidant that helps mop up
molecules called free radicals that cause
cell damage, which can lead to cancer.
Citrus fruits, onions, apples, parsley, tea,
tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce and wine are
naturally high in quercetin, but allergy
sufferers will most likely need to use
supplements to build up enough of this
compound to prevent attacks.
Homeopathy uses very diluted amounts of herb
and flower essences. For allergies:
Euphrasia, which is especially good for
burning, itchy eyes; and Allium cepa, which
is good for a drippy nose. Trying one at a
time (rather than together) to see which one
might work for you.
Formula - or Sinus
Allergy Formula - For the symptomatic
relief of seasonal allergies, runny nose,
itchy eyes, hives, sneezing, etc.
Researchers have
found eating foods containing probiotics (live
organisms, usually helpful bacteria that are
found in such foods as yogurt, keifer and
specially formulated drinks - minus the
sugar.) can change the immune system’s
responses in allergic rhinitis, and may
possibly make the symptoms a little less
severe. |
Although sugar
may not register on a standard allergy test, too
much sugar (or carbohydrates with a high
glycemic value) does cause an inflammatory
response similar to what the immune system
mounts to an allergen. How? Well, too much sugar
(or even worse, high-fructose corn syrup) places
major demands on our digestive system,
interfering with absorption of crucial vitamins
and minerals. Too much sugar suppresses the
immune system, wreaks havoc on the metabolism,
and depletes valuable neurotransmitters. |
are friendly bacteria that normally are
found inside the digestive tract. However,
there are many things that can deplete the
level of friendly bacteria that normally
exists. Antibiotics work to destroy
dangerous forms of bacteria that can lead to
infection, but they can also kill off the
good kind of bacteria as well. Patients who
have recently taken antibiotics or who use
antibiotics frequently may need to restore
the level of probiotics in their digestive
tract. Also, stress and an unhealthy diet
can lead to lower levels of healthy
With the right balance of
beneficial microflora, you can fight off
allergens and infections (including viral,
fungal and bacterial infections).
The Swiss Government's Remarkable
Report on Homeopathic
Medicine Posted:
02/15/2012 8:56 am
The Swiss government has a long and
widely-respected history of neutrality, and
therefore, reports from this government on
controversial subjects need to be taken more
seriously than other reports from countries
that are more strongly
influenced by present economic and political
constituencies. When one considers that two
of the top five largest drug companies in
the world have their headquarters in
Switzerland, one might assume that this country would have a heavy
interest in and bias toward conventional
medicine, but such assumptions would be wrong.
In late 2011, the Swiss
government's report on homeopathic medicine
represents the most comprehensive evaluation
of homeopathic medicine ever written by a
government and was just published in book
form in English
(Bornhoft and Matthiessen, 2011). This
breakthrough report affirmed that
homeopathic treatment is both effective and cost-effective
and that homeopathic treatment should be
reimbursed by Switzerland's national health insurance program.
The Swiss government's inquiry
into homeopathy and complementary and
alternative (CAM) treatments resulted from the high demand and
widespread use of alternatives to
conventional medicine in Switzerland, not only from consumers but from
physicians as well. Approximately half of
the Swiss population have used CAM treatments and value them.
Further, about half of Swiss physicians
consider CAM treatments to be effective. Perhaps most
significantly, 85 percent of the Swiss
population wants CAM therapies to be a part
of their country's health insurance program.
It is therefore not surprising
that more than 50 percent of the Swiss
population surveyed prefer a hospital that provides CAM treatments rather to
one that is limited to conventional medical
Beginning in 1998, the government
of Switzerland decided to broaden its
national health insurance to include certain complementary and
alternative medicines, including homeopathic
medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine,
anthroposophic medicine, and neural therapy.
This reimbursement was provisional while the Swiss government
commissioned an extensive study on these
treatments to determine if they were effective and cost-effective. The
provisional reimbursement for these
alternative treatments ended in 2005, but as
a result of this new study, the Swiss
government's health insurance program once
again began to reimburse for homeopathy and select
alternative treatments, in fact, as a result
of a national referendum in which more than
two-thirds of voters supported the inclusion
of homeopathic and select alternative
medicines in Switzerland's
national health care insurance program, the
field of complementary and alternative
medicine has become a
part of this government's constitution
(Dacey, 2009; Rist, Schwabl, 2009).
The Swiss Government's "Health
Technology Assessment"
The Swiss government's "Health
Technology Assessment" on homeopathic
medicine is much more comprehensive than any
previous governmental report written on this
subject to date. Not only did this report
carefully and comprehensively review the
body of evidence from randomized
double-blind and placebo controlled clinical
trials testing homeopathic medicines, they
also evaluated the "real world
effectiveness" as well as safety and
cost-effectiveness. The report also
conducted a highly-comprehensive review of
the wide body of
preclinical research (fundamental
physio-chemical research, botanical studies,
animal studies, and in vitro studies with human cells).
And still further, this report
evaluated systematic reviews and
meta-analyses, outcome studies, and epidemiological research. This
wide review carefully evaluated the studies
conducted, both in terms of quality of
design and execution (called "internal
validity") and how appropriate each was for
the way that homeopathy is commonly practiced (called
"external validity"). The subject of
external validity is of special importance
because some
scientists and physicians conduct research
on homeopathy with little or no
understanding of this type of medicine (some studies
tested a homeopathic medicine that is rarely
used for the condition tested, while others
utilized medicines not commonly indicated
for specific patients). When such studies
inevitably showed that the homeopathic
medicine did not "work," the real and
accurate assessment must be that the studies
were set up to disprove homeopathy... or
simply, the study was an exploratory trial
that sought to evaluate the results of a new
treatment (exploratory trials of this nature
are not meant to prove or disprove the system of homeopathy but only to
evaluate that specific treatment for a
person with a specific condition).
After assessing pre-clinical basic
research and the high quality clinical
studies, the Swiss report affirmed that homeopathic high-potencies seem to
induce regulatory effects (e.g., balancing
or normalizing effects) and specific changes in cells or
living organisms. The report also reported
that 20 of the 22 systematic reviews of
clinical research testing homeopathic
medicines detected at least a trend in favor
of homeopathy.* (Bornhoft, Wolf, von Ammon,
et al, 2006)
The Swiss report found a
particularly strong body of evidence to
support the homeopathic treatment of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and
Respiratory Allergies. The report cited 29
studies in "Upper Respiratory Tract
Infections/AllergicReactions," of which 24
studies found a positive result in favor of
homeopathy. Further, six out of seven controlled studies
that compared homeopathic treatment with
conventional medical treatment showed that
homeopathy to be more effective than
conventional medical interventions (the one
other trial found homeopathic treatment to
be equivalent to conventional medical
treatment). All of these results from
homeopathic treatment came without the side
effects common to conventional drug
treatment. In evaluating only the randomized
placebo controlled trials, 12 out of 16
studies showed a positive result in favor of
The authors of the Swiss
government's report acknowledge that a part
of the overall review of research included one review of clinical
research in homeopathy (Shang, et al, 2005).
However, the authors noted that this review of research has been
widely and harshly criticized by both
advocates and non-advocates of homeopathy. The Swiss report noted
that the Shang team did not even adhere to
the QUORUM guidelines which are widely
recognized standards for scientific
reporting (Linde, Jonas, 2005). The Shang
team initially evaluated 110 homeopathic
clinical trials and then sought to compare
them with a matching 110 conventional
medical trials. Shang and his team
determined that there were 22 "high quality"
homeopathic studies but only nine "high
quality" conventional medical studies.
Rather than compare these high quality
trials (which would have shown a positive result for
homeopathy), the Shang team created criteria
to ignore a majority of high quality homeopathic studies,
thereby trumping up support for then-
original hypothesis and bias that
homeopathic medicines may not be effective
(Lildtke, Rutten, 2008).
The Swiss report also notes that
David Sackett, M.D., the Canadian physician
who is widely considered to be one of the leading pioneers in
"evidence based medicine," has expressed
serious concern about those researchers and physicians who
consider randomized and double-blind trials
as the only means to determine whether a
treatment is effective or not. To make this
assertion, one would have to acknowledge
that virtually all surgical procedures were
"unscientific" or "unproven" because so few
have undergone randomized double-blind
In my view, for a treatment to be
determined to be "effective" or
"scientifically proven," a much more comprehensive assessment of what
works and doesn't is required. Ultimately,
the Swiss government's report on homeopathy
represents an evaluation of homeopathy that
included an assessment of randomized double
blind trials as
well as other bodies of evidence, all of
which together lead the report to determine
that homeopathic
medicines are indeed effective.
The next
article will discuss further evidence
provided in this report from the Swiss
government on the effectiveness and
cost-effectiveness of homeopathic care.
Bornhoft, Gudrun,
and Matthiessen, Peter F. Homeopathy in
Healthcare: Effectiveness, Appropriateness,
Safety, Costs.
Goslar, Germany: Springer, 2011.
from the German office of the publisher, and
it will become available via the American
office as well as select booksellers in mid- to
late-February, 2012.)(NOTE: When specific
facts in the above article are provided but
not referenced,
this means that these facts were derived
from this book.)
Bornhoft G, Wolf U, von Ammon K,
Righetti M, Maxion-Bergemann S, Baumgartner
S, Thurneysen AE, Matthiessen PF.
Effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness
of homeopathy in general practice -
summarized health technology assessment.
Forschende Komplementarmedizin (2006); 13
Suppl 2:19-29.
Dacey, Jessica. Therapy supporters
roll up sleeves after vote.,
May 19, 2009. http.V/
Linde K, Jonas W. Are the clinical
effects of homeopathy placebo effects?
Lancet 36:2081-2082. DOI:
Ludtke R, Rutten ALB. The
conclusions on the effectiveness of
homeopathy highly depend on the set of analysed trials. Journal of
Clinical Epidemiology. October 2008. doi:
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Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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