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prayer works.
Essence of Essential

Germs are
becoming resistant to antibiotics; antibiotics
are often not effective! I believe nature has
given us a remedy for every problem we have.
Essential oils can easily be used as one of
those remedies. Essential oils have many
anti-infectious properties. They can be used to
combat a variety of infectious illnesses
including the common cold and flu, sore throat,
chickenpox, hepatitis, herpes, and HIV.
They are also effective against instruments of
bio-terrorism, such as Anthrax and Plague.
I use therapeutic-grade essential oils daily.
They pass quickly into fatty tissues and
dissolve toxins in cellular membranes. Then
cells can breathe, rebuild and regenerate.
Essential oils are deep cellular detoxifiers
that provide nutrients, hormones, and oxygen to
your tissues. Essential oils are oxygenating and
alkalizing in nature. Essential oils are also
rich in protective anti-viral, anti-bacterial,
anti-fungal, immune-stimulating compounds.
And they are very potent! It takes hundreds of
pounds of flowers, leaves, stems and roots to
make just a few ounces of pure essential oil.
Essential oils create the fragrance of a plant;
they are the life blood - circulating, carrying
minerals, oxygen, essential elements and
nutrients from the plant root system into the
stems, leaves and blossoms. They are the immune
system of the plant; as such they stimulate
ours. The oils do for us what they do for the
plant; they carry oxygen, enzymes and nutrients
into our cells. Often, you put an oil on your
feet and taste it in your mouth within seconds.
It travels through your blood stream to your
taste buds. Before you are aware of a fragrance,
these tiny molecules are already working on the
tissues of your brain. They pass through the
blood brain barrier to stimulate your
hypothalamus, thalamus, pineal, pituitary, and
reticular activating system; then they stimulate
your glands and organs; they pass into your
nervous system, your fatty tissues and your
lymphatic system. They pass into every cell of
your body to help you raise your level of
health. Essential oils are very high in
vibrational frequency. You are a mass of
vibrating atoms. As your vibrational frequency
rises, it is more difficult for an illness or
disease process to exist in your body.
Some of my
favorite essential oil blends are Healthy
Spice, X-Plague
or Cleansing
because of there amazing immune support and
protection from both viral and bacterial
infections. The combination of oils in this
blend was put together for their ability to
support healthy immune function… each of the
individual oils in the blend have been
scientifically proven to be effective for their
antibacterial/antiviral properties, and the
blend of all these oils is incredible!
This blend can kill viruses, bacteria, and mold.
Not only does it have an effective impact on the
immune system, it can also be just as useful
around the house because of its great
disinfectant properties.
I like to keep a spray bottle under my kitchen
and bathroom sinks with this water/Healthy
Spice, X-Plague
or Cleansing
diluted mix and clean the counter tops with one
of these at least once a week. It is a fast and
easy way to sanitize the counter tops without
having to use harsher, chemical based cleaners.
Add essential oil to water in a spray bottle,
use as a household cleaner.
All of these
essential oils can be beneficial for illness
prevention, but you do not have to use all of
them together… it is fine to pick out a few that
you enjoy using.
Essential Oils
work on the emotional level as well as the
physical level. They can be soothing and calming
or stimulating and energizing.
Fragrance is the
only thing that will stimulate the release of
DNA encoded emotional memory and trauma.
There are various
studies that have found correlations between
high stress levels and a weakened immune system,
and there is actually a scientific reason why
this occurs: When a person is experiencing
higher levels of stress, the body increases the
cortisol levels which causes the immune system
to be weakened.
One of the best options for stress reduction is
by using calming essential oils that help to
soothe your nerves and maintain a feeling of
peace. Here is a list of my favorite calming
oils, they can be used throughout the day to
reduce stress. They can be used whenever you are
starting to feel anxious or upset, or you can
use them preventatively before the stress and
anxiety start.
Soda = Drinking Flame
Retardants |
A recent Danish
study revealed that drinking non-diet soda leads
to dramatic increases in dangerous
hard-to-detect fats. Researchers asked
participants to drink either regular soda, milk
containing the same amount of calories as
regular soda, diet cola, or water every day for
six months. The results? Total fat mass remained
the same across all beverage-consuming groups,
but regular-soda drinkers experienced dramatic
increases in harmful hidden fats, including
liver fat and skeletal fat. The regular-soda
group also experienced an 11 percent increase in
cholesterol compared to the other groups! And
don’t think switching to diet varieties will
save you from harm: Artificial sweeteners and
food dyes have been linked to brain cell damage
and hyperactivity, and research has shown that
people who drink diet soda have a higher risk of
developing diabetes.
Some popular soda
brands, including Mountain Dew, use brominated
vegetable oil—a toxic flame retardant—to keep
the artificial flavoring from separating from
the rest of the liquid. This hazardous
ingredient—sometimes listed as BVO on soda and
sports drinks—can cause bromide poisoning
symptoms like skin lesions and memory loss, as
well as nerve disorders. If that’s not a good
enough reason not to “Do the Dew,” I don’t know
what is. |
Many American
soda brands are sweetened with high-fructose
corn syrup, a heart-harming man-made compound
derived mainly from genetically engineered corn.
The problem? Genetically engineered ingredients
have only been in our food chain since the
1990s, and we don't know their long-term health
impacts because the corporations that developed
the crops never had to test them for long-term
safety. Case in point: Some recent findings
suggest that genetically engineered crops are
linked to digestive tract damage, accelerated
aging, and even infertility! |
Cancer is an action of a
mold-type fungus. |
Fungus is a
microbe, and many scientists
believe viruses, fungus and bacteria
are all different stages of the microbe life
cycle. The microbe has long been
associated with and identified as a possible
cause for cancer.
Cancer results when your immune system is
suppressed due to high stress hormone levels.
When your immune system is suppressed, healthy
somatids (tiny organisms) that live in your
blood pleomorphise (change) from their harmless
3-stage cycle – somatid, spore, double-spore, to
harmful pathogenic viral-bacterial-yeast-like
fungus. These viral-microbes enter healthy cells
to feed on stress-induced glucose reserves,
breaking the cells Kreb’s (oxygen) Cycle, and
causing cell mutations (cancer cells).
These viral-microbes also target the liver for
their large quantities of stored glucose,
excreting into the liver “mycotoxins” (a highly
acidic waste product). These viral-microbes also
damage the liver’s ability to repair and
strengthen the immune system and to repair
itself, as it becomes over-loaded with toxins.
This is the reason why cancer patients nearly
always have a diseased liver.
The more the liver is damaged, the more the
immune system is damaged, the greater number of
healthy somatids pleomorphise (change) into
harmful cancer-causing
viral-bacertial-yeast-like fungus in other parts
of the body, and the vicious cycle begins all
over again.
Cancer is an
action of a mold-type fungus. The
acidic acid of the lemon reacts against this
fungus by reversal of the growth tissues it has
fed upon. It
literally starves to death. Since it
must feed constantly, the destruction of this
fungus is quick. there
are many types of cancer, and many causes, and
much of this is a psychological condition,
caused by free radicals within the system that
have an effect upon the metabolism, creating at the dissolving of the
immunity system to allow these fungi, and other
elements to grow in a destructive manner within
the tissue.
Even doctors are now
saying that there is value in trying LEMON
for cancer
Lemon (Citrus) is
a miraculous natural product to help kill cancer
cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than
chemotherapy. Why do we not know about that?
Because there are laboratories interested in
making a synthetic version that will bring them
huge profits. You can now help a friend in need
by letting him/her know that lemon juice is
beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste
is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific
effects of chemotherapy. How many people will
die while this closely guarded secret is kept,
so as not to jeopardize the beneficial
multimillionaires large corporations?
Lemon is credited with many virtues, but the
most interesting is the effect it produces on
cysts, tumors and cancers, including colon,
breast, prostate, lung and pancreas...The
compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times
better than the product Adriamycin, a drug
normally used chemotherapeutic in the world,
slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is
even more astonishing: this type of therapy with
lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer
cells and it does not affect healthy cells.
Lemon juice - 3
tablespoon solution daily - one tablespoon,
three times a day -Acidum citricum -Vitamin P
which is found in citrus fruits (i.e. citrin),
helps the blood to flow through the tiny blood
vessels, niacin also does this.
Lemon is
considered also as an anti microbial spectrum
against bacterial infections and fungi,
effective against internal parasites and worms,
it regulates blood pressure whether its high or
to low, and it is also an antidepressant,
combats stress and nervous disorders.
Body pH has an
impact on almost every aspect of health.
Lemons are known
to promote cleansing and rid the body of
chemical and dietary toxins, boosting the immune
system and supporting good health.
Fortunately there
are simple steps we can take to eliminate
acidity and improve the body’s pH balance,
boosting immunity and eliminating pain and
chronic symptoms of disease. You might consider
potato peeling soup, using the outside 1/4 of
the potato, with celery, carrots and
parsley, is very good for helping to
balance the body chemistry and for healing,
since it is loaded with two of the most healing
nutrients... potassium and Vitamin A.
Apple cider
vinegar - 1-2 tablespoons of acv with an
equal part of honey, in a cup of water is
excellent as well, for helping restore ph
essential oil improves immune function, promotes
white blood cell formation, improves
circulation, clears the mind, and tones the
skin. Lemon
essential oil is anti-infectious, antibacterial
(especially with spores), antiviral, antiseptic,
and a disinfectant.
essential oil acts as a liver decongestant and
diuretic and is a powerful body cleanser.
system Cleanse and Immune Booster:
In a cup place eight drops tea
tree essential oil and 5 drops of lemon
essential oil. Add warm water and drink as a
tea. Wait for 15 minutes before eating. You can
follow the above directions and drink several
before lunch.
Research shows that vaporized Lemon
essential oil can kill meningococcus
bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one
hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours and
germs causing pneumonia within three hours.
Even a 0.2% solution of Lemon
essential oil can kill diphtheria bacteria
in 20 minutes and inactivate tuberculosis
bacteria. Its antiseptic properties will last
for twenty days. It is perfect for destroying
air-borne germs in hospital rooms, waiting
rooms, and schools. It is particularly effective
in neutralizing unpleasant body odors of
patients suffering from cancer.
Sugar Should Be Regulated As
Toxin, Researchers Say
A spoonful of sugar might make
the medicine go down. But it also makes blood
pressure and cholesterol go up, along with
your risk for liver failure, obesity,
disease and diabetes.
Sugar and other sweeteners are,
in fact, so toxic to the human body that they
should be regulated as strictly as alcohol by
governments worldwide, according to a
commentary in the current issue of the journal
Nature by researchers at the University of
California, San Francisco (UCSF).
The researchers propose regulations such as
taxing all foods and drinks that include added
sugar, banning sales in or near schools and
placing age limits on purchases.
Although the commentary might seem straight
out of the Journal of Ideas That Will Never
Fly, the researchers cite numerous studies and
statistics to make their case that added sugar
— or, more specifically, sucrose, an even mix
of glucose and fructose found in high-fructose
corn syrup and in table sugar made from sugar
cane and sugar beets — has been as detrimental
to society as alcohol and tobacco.
Sour words about sugar
The background is
well-known: In the United States, more than
two-thirds of the population is overweight, and
half of them are obese. About 80 percent of
those who are obese will have diabetes or
metabolic disorders and will have shortened
lives, according to the UCSF authors of the
commentary, led by Robert Lustig. And about 75
percent of U.S. health-care dollars are spent on
diet-related diseases, the authors said.
Worldwide, the obese now greatly outnumber the
undernourished, according to the World Health
Organization. Obesity is a public health problem
in most countries. And chronic diseases related
to diet such as heart diseases, diabetes and
some cancers — for the first time in human
history — kill more people than infectious
diseases, according to the United Nations.
Less known, and still debated, is sugar's role
in the obesity and chronic disease pandemic.
From an evolutionary perceptive, sugar in the
form of fruit was available only a few months of
the year, at harvest time, the UCSF researchers
said. Similarly, honey was guarded by bees and
therefore was a treat, not a dietary staple.
Today, added sugar, as opposed to natural sugars
found in fruits, is often added in foods ranging
from soup to soda. Americans consume on average
more than 600 calories per day from added sugar,
equivalent to a whopping 40 teaspoons. "Nature
made sugar hard to get; man made it easy,".
Many researchers are seeing sugar as not just
"empty calories," but rather a chemical that
becomes toxic in excess. Glucose from complex
carbohydrates, such as whole grains, is safely
metabolized by cells throughout the body, but
the fructose element of sugar is metabolized
primarily by the liver. This is where the
trouble can begin — taxing the liver, causing
fatty liver disease, and ultimately leading to
insulin resistance, the underlying causes of
obesity and diabetes.
Added sugar, more so than the fructose in
fiber-rich fruit, hits the liver more directly
and can cause more damage — in laboratory
rodents, anyway. Some researchers, however,
remained unconvinced of the evidence of sugar's
toxic effect on the human body at current
consumption levels, as high as they are.
Economists to the rescue
Lustig, a medical doctor in UCSF's Department
of Pediatrics, compares added sugar to tobacco
and alcohol (coincidentally made from sugar)
in that it is addictive, toxic and has a
negative impact on society, thus meeting
established public health criteria for
regulation. Lustig advocates a consumer tax on
any product with added sugar.
Among Lustig's more radical proposals are to
ban the sale of sugary drinks to children
under age 17 and to tighten zoning laws for
the sale of sugary beverages and snacks around
schools and in low-income areas plagued by
obesity, analogous to alcoholism and alcohol
Economists, however, debate as to whether a
consumer tax — such as a soda tax proposed in
many U.S. states — is the most effective means
of curbing sugar consumption. Economists at
Iowa State University led by John Beghin
suggest taxing the sweetener itself at the
manufacturer level, not the end product
containing sugar.
This concept, published last year in the
journal Contemporary Economic Policy, would
give companies an incentive to add less
sweetener to their products. After all,
high-fructose corn syrup is ubiquitous in food
in part because it is so cheap and serves as a
convenient substitute for more high-quality
ingredients, such as fresher vegetables in
processed foods.
Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
Christopher Products -
Kroeger's products
Don't forget prayer and listen to
your body as you take anything. Remember that
even doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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