Natural Remedy
#1 Homeopathic combination
headache formula Migraine
This contains the most common homeopathic
remedies for headaches. Take as directed
on the container for the treatment of all
three types of acute headaches.
Natural Remedy #2 Magnesium
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons two to three times
daily. (200mg) Reduce the dosage if
diarrhea occurs. Magnesium has been shown
in several studies to be effective in
alleviating migraine headaches, and we
also find it very helpful in preventing
tension headaches.
Natural Remedy #3 Riboflavin
(vitamin B2)
Take 1 capsule 4 times a day (400
mg) daily for at least three months.
Studies have shown it to be effective in
preventing migraine headaches.
Natural Remedy #4 Feverfew
(Tanacetum parthenium)
Take 1 to 2 capsules a day (250 to
500 mcg) of parthenolides daily. Several
studies have shown feverfew to be
effective in reducing the severity, the
duration, and the frequency of migraines.
Natural Remedy
#5 5-hydroxytryptophan
Take 50 to 100 mg three times daily.
Several studies have shown 5-HTP to be
effective in preventing migraine and
tension headaches. It has a direct effect
on serotonin levels, which affect
circulation in the blood vessels of the
brain, and increases the body's endorphin
levels (natural painkillers). Do not use
if you are currently on a pharmaceutical
antidepressant or an antianxiety
Natural Remedy #6 Essential
fatty acids
Take 5,000 mg of fish oil or 1 tablespoon
of flaxseed oil daily. Essential fatty
acids improve circulation and reduce
inflammatory prostaglandins that may
contribute to migraine headaches.
Natural Remedy #7 Vitamin
Take 50 mg daily. Vitamin B6
is involved in the synthesis of
neurotransmitters, such as serotonin,
which may be deficient in migraine
General Recommendations
relaxes the nervous system, the muscles,
and the blood vessels, making it helpful
for all types but especially for tension
headaches. Take 500 mg twice daily.
biloba improves circulation to the
brain and has anti-platelet activity. Take
60 mg two to three times daily of a 24
percent flavone glycoside extract.
has been shown in preliminary research to
help migraine headaches. This is a hormone
supplement to consider, especially if you
have insomnia. Take 0.3 to 0.5 mg before
or menthol cream applied to the
temple area has been shown in studies to
be helpful for tension headaches.
willow bark (Salix alba)
contains salicin, the ingredient from
which aspirin is derived. White willow
bark is a highly effective pain reliever
that's much easier on the stomach and the
entire body than its pharmaceutical
counterpart is. Take 60 to 120 mg daily.
Take a few quiet moments with a relaxing
cup of tea to reduce tension/stress
headaches. Peppermint,
and passion
flower in Slumber are all good
taken with meals improve digestion and
absorption. Take a full-spectrum
enzyme with each meal or as directed
on the container.
and No-Mo-Pain
you could also try Lavender
and peppermint
will soothe both head pain and stress. Add
a few drops of either to a carrier oil,
and massage the temples. You can also add
these oils to a cold compress.
If your headache is brought on by
sinusitis, use eucalyptus
and peppermint
in a steam inhalation. The oils will open
up your sinus cavities quickly.
- Breathe deeply. Some headaches are
caused or made worse by an inadequate
supply of oxygen.
- To reduce muscular spasms, lie down in
a darkened room and apply a cold
compress to the painful area. Some
people may find that a warm compress is
more effective.
- A heating pad, a warm compress, or a
hot towel on the neck or the shoulders
is a relaxing way to ease muscular
- Place an ice pack or frozen vegetables
(wrapped in a thin towel) on the back of
the neck and put the feet in a bucket of
warm water for ten minutes.
- Poor posture and the resulting
misalignment of the vertebrae can lead
to headaches. Wear flat or low-heeled
shoes that fit well, and if you work
long hours at a telephone, ask your
company to invest in a headset for you.
Ergonomic chairs are also recommended
for people who sit a long time during
the day.
Pick the remedy that best matches your
symptoms in this section. For acute
headaches, take a 30C potency four times
daily. For chronic headaches, take a 6x,
12x, 6C, 12C, or 30C twice daily for two
weeks to see if there are any positive
results. After you notice improvement,
stop taking the remedy, unless symptoms
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
helps when it is a right-sided headache
that starts on the back of the head (right
side) and extends to the right eye or the
forehead. There is throbbing pain, as if
the head would burst. The face is flushed
and the skin feels hot, but the feet are
cold. The person feels better lying down
in a dark, quiet room.
Bryonia (Bryonia alba) is for
pain in the left eye or the forehead that
extends to the whole head. Symptoms are
worse with any movement and feel better
with pressure and stillness. Constipation
may be associated with the headache. There
can be nausea and a great thirst.
The person is irritable and wants to be
Calcarea Phosphorica is for
schoolchildren who get chronic headaches
and stomach aches. The pain is intense at
the back of the head. The child craves
smoked meats, may be homesick, and is
often irritable.
Cimicifuga is helpful when there is
severe neck stiffness and pain with the
headache, which often occurs with the
menstrual cycle or with hormonal changes
during menopause.
Gelsemium (Gelsemium sempervirens)
is for a dull, heavy pain at the back of
the neck, which then spreads like a tight
band around the head. The person feels
tired and dizzy and may have blurred
vision. The headache improves after
Glonoinum is for a congestive headache
with intense pounding. Symptoms are worse
from the sun and from heat and better from
cold applications.
Ignatia (Ignatia amara) is for
headaches associated with neck or back
spasms. It feels as if a nail were driven
into the head. It's also good for
headaches that begin after emotional grief
or a trauma.
Iris (Iris versicolor) is for
right-sided migraine headaches that feel
as if the head is constricted. Nausea and
vomiting occur with the headache. There is
often blurry vision. The person feels
better with movement.
Lachesis is for left-sided headaches,
with a burning, congestive, pulsating
feeling. The face can be flushed. The
person wakes up with a headache. Heat and
touch worsen the headache, and the open
air improves it.
Lycopodium (Lycopodium clavatum)
is for a right-sided headache in the
temple or the forehead area. Symptoms are
worse from 4 to 8 p.m. and from being
overheated or going too long without
Magnesia Phosphorica is for tension
headaches. This remedy helps to relax
tight muscles.
Natrum Muriaticum is a great remedy for
migraine headaches caused by being in the
sun or headaches that come on from stress
or grief. The person feels better lying
down in a dark, cool room.
Natrum Sulphuricum is for headaches that
come on after a head injury.
Nux Vomica is for headaches caused by
stress, overwork, and bad reactions to
food. The headache feels better with cold
applications. There is often a stomach
ache and nausea. This remedy is used for
headaches caused by alcohol or food
allergies. The person is irritable from
the headache and feels worse from noise,
light, and opening the eyes. Nux Vomica is
also useful for headaches caused by
Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla pratensis)
is helpful when headaches occur around the
menstrual cycle. The location of the
headache changes rapidly. Symptoms are
worse from the heat or from stuffy rooms
and better in the open air.
Sanguinaria is for a headache that begins
in the right side of the neck or the
shoulder and radiates to the right eye.
There is relief from vomiting.
Spigelia is for a stitching, sharp
headache around the left eye. Symptoms are
worse with movement or any jarring and
better with heat or hot bathing.