Alternative Health Resources
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Garden Essence Oils for your health benefit.

January 2011

Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients in any situation.

While you are praying or after praying don't forget to LISTEN for the answers! They will come. 
 click here - to view the studies showing the scientific proof that prayer works.

FACTS you need to understand about corn syrup and those TV ads... 

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Those ads are really upsetting. They make the person who knows HFCS isn’t good for you look stupid! Arm yourself with the information below.

First, the TV ads are produced by something called the “Corn Refiners Association”, who have been mentioned around $30 BILLION and counting to run these ads!!!

Second, the ads talk about how corn syrup and HFCS is a natural sweetener made from corn. And they go on to say HFCS is being labeled as unhealthy but it’s really just fine and dandy in moderation.  They also talk about how HFCS has the “same natural sweeteners as table sugar and honey.” What could be bad about stuff made from natural corn, sugar and honey, huh?

Well… plenty…here’s what the real TRUTH is about this stuff, and why you should avoid it at all costs… 

HFCS makes you crave sugar:

The proponents of this stuff claim it’s fine in moderation… the problem is, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to have in moderation if you are the average American.  Plus, HFCS has been shown in studies to raise blood sugar and ghrelin (a hunger boosting hormone) levels which will make you hungrier for more calories and more sugar. 

HFCS slows down your #1 hunger hormone that tells you to stop eating:

Yet another reason why you can’t stop eating when you keep eating HFCS foods… HFCS again has been show to slow your production of the hormone leptin, which is the #1 hormone that tells you to stop eating! 

HFCS production is far from anything natural and is used because it’s cheap:

HFCS isn’t used because it’s healthy… The HFCS scientists take corn and combine it with 3 enzymes to get a syrup that’s much sweeter than sugar and super cheap to make… which seems obvious as the #1 reason it is in so many foods at your grocery store…it’s cheap to make! 

HFCS is EVERYWHERE, even at most health food grocers:

While it may seem strange, you can find several foods loaded up with HFCS even at some of the  popular health stores like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods… now most foods they carry DO NOT have it in them, but some do… just another reminder that you must always READ THE LABEL before buying anything anywhere if you care about your health and lasting fat loss and fitness. 

My #1 HFCS alternative…

So now that you know what is the hidden truth behind HFCS and the multi-billion dollar campaign behind it, you will be better prepared to make smarter choices when shopping, and preparing meals and snacks.  And for sweetening, I go with stevia or Lo Han, all natural sweeteners with 0 calories…

Info found at

Aromatherapy and autism: an account of an experience
By Jane Ellwood

How autism affects sensory perception is a very complex issue. In fact, some authors describe autism as a disorder of the senses rather than a social dysfunction, where each sense operates in isolation, the brain unable to organize the stimuli in any meaningful way (Hatch-Rasmussen 1995, p1). The brain relies on information gathered by various sensory receptors such as touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight in order to make sense of our environment. The disruption caused by a sensory disorder as to how the information is organized in the brain can have a devastating effect on how a situation is perceived and understood (Siegel 1996, p79). The author Donna Williams, herself diagnosed autistic, makes many references to what she calls sensory shutdown, which occurs when an autistic individual is subjected to too much sensory stimuli and the brain cannot cope (Williams 1996. Pg.126) Many people with autism will experience hypersensitivity to certain stimuli resulting in actual physical pain of sensory overload. (Waterhouse 1995, p.19). This is why I undertook with great trepidation some aromatherapy sessions with a small group of autistic children attending a special school in Bristol.

I decided not to use aromatherapy in the traditional healing sense, but to use some of the safe oils (chamomilelavender, peppermint, geranium) to stimulate the sense of smell and to use foot and hand massage techniques to explore the relationship of touch as an aid to developing trust and communication. Initially I expected the children to be resistant, or even hostile to such a new activity. However, I was surprised at their interest and some of the unexpected responses to the experience of smell,touch and massage, hot and cold. Immediately obvious was their enjoyment of a new and interesting activity. As the sessions progressed, the opportunities for interaction became more frequent, leading to valuable opportunities to communicate with some very difficult children.

The group was a small class of 6 junior aged children, all severely autistic and non-verbal. The class comprised of a mixture of learning styles: one child being mono-sensory, only able to use one sense at a time, 2 very tactile defensive children, resistant to any form of contact; one severely hyperactive child with obvious attention deficit, unable to sit still for longer than 3-4 seconds at a time; another child being a kinesthetical learner and very inquisitive, the remaining child solely a functional learner, motivated only by constant need to self-stimulate but often self-stimulation would include smell and tactile fixations.

Very aware that many individuals affected by autism can be hypersensitive to strong smells, I was surprised to see positive responses in all but one of the children to a dilute peppermint essential oil solution being sprayed near their arms and into the air. 3 of the children were obviously interested and indicated for me to repeat the experience. One child in particular kept smelling his hands and laughing, unable to smell and look at his hands at the same time. Normally he found the process of having to suddenly switch off one sense in order to use another quite difficult, which would result in much frustration. During the smelling sessions he soon learnt to shut his eyes while he sniffed at his hands.

More surprisingly was the interest shown by one of the tactile defensive children in a small pillowcase filled with dried cracked wheat impregnated with chamomile essential oil, heated in the microwave until quite warm. The bag was floppy and, heavy and the child immediately placed it on the back of his neck, remaining motionless for the rest ofthe session. This child was usually quite fidgety, always trying to place himself in a particular position in order to feel safe and comfortable.

A further session of hand massage with grapeseed oil or Rosehip seed oil - was enjoyed by most of the children - particularly the functional learner whose need to self-stimulate included spitting on his hands and rubbing it in. By allowing him to indulge, but in an acceptable and reciprocal way, he remained calm and interested in what was going on around him, even able to indicate preferences for which hand to be massaged and when to use more oil. More startlingly, after several sessions, he would sit at the table unprompted and patiently waited his turn, something he would not do very often. 

The more able and inquisitive child began to massage the hands of another child - an enormous step forward for both children, particularly as the receiver was touch defensive. The other child normally resistant to touch continued to be more interested in the heat cushion until I gave him an ice pack (the type normally used for sports injuries), this then immediately took preference. Again he placed it carefully on the back of his neck. While the ice pack was in place, he was totally passive to staff who were able to put their hands on his shoulder and massage his hands. Normally he would have screamed and moved away.

The only session the hyperactive child chose to participate in was foot massage. I used neutral carrier oil to massage his feet. Initially he resisted, but after about 5 seconds of perseverance, he lay on his back with his hands behind his head and placed both feet in my lap. He then lay still; enjoying a 5-minute foot massage which was the longest staff had ever known him to be still!

Aware of the often-negative effects of excessive sensory stimulation to those affected by autism, I was not prepared for the positive way in which the aromatherapy sessions were received. The children I had expected to react adversely to the massage and sensations of heat and cold (the tactile defensive ones) were the most accepting - as if the extreme sensory experience enabled them to satisfy an internal need, enabling them to become more focused and receptive, (or perhaps the sensation of the heat and ice pack was so overwhelming; they were oblivious to things that would normally make them feel very uncomfortable). The child whom I thought would most resist new smells was the most fascinated and amused by the experience.Because of his obvious enjoyment he washighly motivated to find ways to regulate incoming sensory stimulation by switching off one sense while receiving another, a skill that could be adapted for use in other situations - a skill that is also pursued in Sensory Integration Theory (Hatch-Rasmussen 1995, p1).

For the most difficult and aggressive child, the sessions were a legitimate way to satisfy a constant need to self stimulate, yet still being able to practice the valuable social skills of sitting in a group and turn-taking without feeling the need to become aggressive or disruptive.

For all ofthe children, the experience of aromatherapy has led to new opportunities for interaction and communication. The sessions have given staff new ideas for interacting with some very isolated and difficult children.

Many of the Essential Oils overlap in their properties. This is just a few possible uses of Eucalyptus globulus. Each of the essential oils have a similar number of properties that aren't usually listed. 
Various published references suggest or imply the following benefits from
Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil

Expands alveoli (tiny air sacs of lungs)
Temporarily expands lung capacity
Increases air flow into lungs Increases oxygen flow to body
Has stimulative effect
Its effects are immediate
Acts as a decongestant
Reduces nasal dripping
Reduces nasal stuffiness
Helps to clear sinuses
Reduces severity of sinusitis

Can prevent some asthma attacks
Can cure some cases of asthma
Reduces severity of asthma attacks
Reduces severity of some Respiratory allergies
Thins mucus in nasal passages
Thins mucus in bronchial passages
Thins mucus in lungs

Mucus thinning effect
Reduces chances of
getting lung infections
Good expectorant
Can reduce coughing
Good for treating chronic bronchitis
Helps clear mucus from obstructed "smoker's
Helps clear up raspy chest coughs
Helps clear mucus from bronchial tubes
Used to treat whooping cough
Can prevent colds and flus

Reduces the length and severity 
of colds and flus

Reduces the severity of symptoms 
from colds and 
Reduces the severity of symptoms from croup

Once infected, will NOT cure colds and flus
Prevents spread of head colds and flus into

Prevents spread of head colds and flus into lung
Cures some cases of pneumonia
Cures some cases of TB
Kills infectious bacteria that can cause pneumonia
Kills infectious viruses that can cause pneumonia
Kills infectious fungi that can cause pneumonia
Kills certain antibiotic resistant pathogens Prevents influenza
Good for all types of respiratory disorders
Good for treating COPD ("Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease")
Old-time prescription for emphysema
by preventing lung infections,
Can prevent resulting emphysema
Good way to prevent becoming tethered to Oxygen tanks for life
Other than possible allergic reactions, few known
side effects
No known deaths from inhaling vapors from Eucalyptus Oil
Is very safe when compared to prescription drugs

Is very safe when compared to other
Is very cost effective when compared to prescription drugs
Avoids putting pills in your stomach to help
your lungs

Provides first line of defense saving antibiotics for later use


Honey as a Beauty Aid
along with essential oils
  • Cleansing Scrub: Honey mixed with ground almonds and 3-4 drops of Lemon essential oil makes an excellent facial cleansing scrub.
  • Skin Firming Mask: A tablespoon of honey whisked together with an egg white, 1 teaspoon of glycerin and about 1/4 cup of flour 2 drops of Lemon essential oil makes an excellent firming mask. Just smooth on the face, leave on 15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water. You will be pleased with the results. 
  • Skin Moisturizer: Honey also makes a great moisturizing pack. Just mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 teaspoons of whole milk, adding a drop of Rose Otto or Frankincense essential oil -  heals and nourishes facial tissues - smooth over the face and throat, and let it do its job for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and finish splashing with cold water. 
  • Lotion for Dry Patches: Honey also makes a great lotion for dry patches of skin on hands, elbows, or other parts. Just mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 2 drops of Lemon essential oil and a 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply to hands, elbows, heels of your foot, etc., and wash off after 15 minutes. Fast relief! Other Essential oils you could use instead; Camphor, Lavender or Grapefruit
  • Cure for Chapped Lips and Acne: Honey works well on chapped lips and for acne add a drop or two of Lemon or  Tea Tree essential oil because it has antibacterial properties.  or  
  • Shampoo & Conditioner for Dull Hair: Wash hair with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of honey with your favorite shampoo. choose from the list below of essential oils and add a few drops for an extra boost.To give your hair lustrous shine, mix 1 teaspoon of honey into 4 cups of warm water. Use as a hair rinse. And if you're a blond, add the juice of 1 lemon, too.
  • Hair - Essential oils
     Beard - Cedarwood, Cypress, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary
     Dandruff - Basil, Birch, Cedarwood, Cypress, Lavender, RosemarySage, Thyme
     Dry - Birch, Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, Sandalwood
     FragileBirch, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender, Sandalwood, Thyme
     Greasy - Petitgrain
     Loss/growth - BasilCedarwood Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, Ginger, Hyssop
     GrapefruitLavender Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Ylang ylang
  • Antibacterial Mouthwash: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with a cup of warm water and one drop of Tea Tree. Use it as a mouthwash. Honey cleans teeth and dentures, and kills germs in the mouth.You could add 2 drops of X-Plague, Healthy Spice or Clove for a fresh clean feel.

Dandruff can be a sign of Candida. This fungus on the scalp can cause itching and irritation. It is treatable using the recipe below;
A great scalp stimulator can be made by using a small amount of Everclear (not rubbing alcohol) and mixing it with different oils for different need applications. Using Everclear leaves the hair soft and manageable without an oily feel. Another perk of Everclear is that it will leave the scalp feeling clean and fresh without the heavy smell of a vodka or vinegar application and it is Ph balanced to your skin.  (Not to be used if there is any alcoholic tendencies.) 

3-4 Tablespoons if Everclear is all that is needed for an effective scalp treatment. When 3-4 drops of Tea Tree oil and 2 drops of Peppermint oil is added the effect will be a mild tingling sensation. The following oils can be added to the Everclear according to your personal sensory preferences. When oils such as Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary or Sandalwood are used, the mixture will be relaxing, comforting and soothing. When oils such as Lemon, Lemongrass, Cypress, Helichrysum, or Birch are added to the original mixture it will be invigorating and uplifting. 
Taken from our Blog Take It Easy and Relaxread more > > >

Fighting a cold
Sugar lowers your Immunity. (2 teaspoons of sugar lowers your immune system by 50%.)

The best cold-fighting weapon may be your tennis shoes
The best way to protect yourself isn’t with a pill, but by breaking a sweat. The immune system and viruses are affected by exercise. Any exercise, however limited, is great. If you really want to ward off colds this winter, you’re best off working out at least 5 days per week. A brisk 30-minute walk 5 times per week does the trick to cold-proof your immune system. “Mild exercise is good as it moves the blood around the body and also moves the immune white cells around to search for infection. Rub a few drops of  X-Plague or Healthy Spice.

Late nights could be contributing to your sniffling and sneezing
How much sleep did you get last night? If it was fewer than seven hours, you’re three times more likely to catch a cold. It’s also important to use your time in bed wisely—meaning, when you're in bed, sleep. To get more shut-eye, sleep experts recommend banishing the TV as well as night lights, which can distract and impede your sleep cycles. Magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia. Without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages, and become excitable and highly reactive. Magnesium in a drinkable form is far superior to tablets.

If you’re under a lot of stress, or are putting your body to the test—for example, training for a marathon—a daily dose of 200 mg of vitamin C may reduce your chances of catching a cold by about half. To get more C naturally, load up on these foods: oranges and citrus, of course, and also papaya, broccoli, tomatoes, red peppers and kiwi.

There’s a flower that may help fight cold viruses
Echinacea is believed to help boost the immune system. University of Connecticut researchers put the theory to the test recently, and after studying more than 1,600 people, they reported that not only did echinacea cut the chances of catching a cold in half, but also those study participants who took it reduced the duration of their colds by about 14 days.

Thyme has a long history of use in natural medicine in connection with chest and respiratory problems including coughs, bronchitis, and chest congestion. Thyme has proven effective in the treatment of wounds, ulcers and abscesses, and is an invaluable disinfectant that is highly effective in disinfecting sick rooms.

A cold virus could make you fat
Could you blame that extra 15 pounds you’ve gained on the cold you got last spring? It may not be a far-fetched idea, according to researchers at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego. In their study of children, published in a recent issue of the journal Pediatrics, they found that kids who had been infected by adenovirus 36, a common cold virus that causes typical cold symptoms and sometimes gastrointestinal issues, were, on average, 50 pounds heavier than children who hadn’t been infected by the strain, suggesting that a viral infection may cause excess weight gain. While researchers aren’t implying that all cold viruses—even this particular one—cause lifelong weight problems, it's some extra incentive to stay healthy this season, right?

Hot drinks can help zap the symptoms of cold viruses
Tea and hot soup may be the keys to feeling better when you're hit with a bad cold. Simply sipping a hot beverage can provide immediate and sustained relief from your worst cold symptoms, like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue. The researchers tested hot beverages versus room-temperature drinks and found that the warmth in a cup had soothing, feel-good properties. Your new feel-better-fast remedy: herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon and one teaspoon of honey, which has also been proven to soothe sore throats.Thyme tea is been found to be very benificial.

An ingredient found in breast milk can make you feel better fast
It turns out that an ingredient in breast milk (that you can find via supplements—whew!), may help your most intense cold go away. A derivative of lauric acid, monolaurin, is a fatty acid found naturally in breast milk. It is known to decrease symptoms of the flu and fatigue. 

Colds are really not that contagious.
We hear so much about the dreaded rhinovirus that most people think a mere handshake with a sick person is going to send them coughing. Not true, say experts. Recent research by the Cardiff University Common Cold Centre found that when healthy people were put in a room with cold sufferers, it was “remarkably difficult” to spread the infection from one person to another. In fact, the cold virus has to have the ideal conditions when hitting your body to infect you. Colds are not very contagious, and most colds are caught at home from kids and partners from prolonged and close contact.No need to don a mask in public—just use common sense

Cut Short a Cold: Sip a faux hot toddy. Cut a vitamin C-rich lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into a cup. Studies show that vitamin C taken before the onset of a cold shortens its duration and severity. Drop the lemon half shell into the cup. Add boiling water and a teaspoon of organic raw honey, an immunity booster that also coats painful throat tissues. Breathe in the healing vapor of Eucalyptus and Peppermint to open sinuses, then sip a cupful of tea two or three times daily to fight the bug. (To make a traditional hot toddy, add a half shot of brandy.) Congested? Try inhaling the steam of essential oils here is a good recipe: Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, take the pan off the stovetop and add:

2 drops myrtle essential oil
3 drops rosemary essential oil 
3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
2 drops tea tree essential oil - Breath in the clearing vapor.

For more information on colds - using essential oils please refer to the following article > > >

Spicy Tomato Tea Cures Severe Sinus Congestion
Add 1 cup tomato juice, 1 tsp chopped fresh garlic, 1/2 tsp of hot sauce, 1 tsp lemon juice, and a pinch or two of celery salt for flavor. Heat ingredients and drink hot.


Basic but Important Breathing
Article from our Alternative Health Resource BlogSpot

The primary causes of faulty breathing are anxiety or stress, poor posture can also be a contributing factor. Wearing clothing that is too tight can also be a cause of faulty breathing as well as some surgically procedures. All of these can leed to simple bad habits of shallow or inadequate breathing. Without proper breathing, our lymphatic system becomes sluggish and does not "fire" properly.

When we breathe in, oxygen passes through the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream, or at least this is the perfect way our bodies are designed to function. We then breathe carbon dioxide back into the air, but if our breathing is too shallow, the body does not eliminate enough carbon dioxide through the mucous membranes of the lungs. This then disrupts cellular respiration and cell metabolism and can be the cause of a decline in mental capacity because the brain does not get enough more > > >

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 Don't forget prayer and listen to your body as you take anything.  Remember that even doctors are only practicing.

God Bless each of you in your quest for health.Lynne

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