Essential Oils are
naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and
they naturally
energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
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on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week!
Sale Starts on
Making Essential Oils More Affordable
One Week at a Time.
You at Risk for
such as depression and anxiety, insomnia,
high blood pressure or a Hormonal Imbalance?
Feeling stressed and anxious
lately? You know the signs, your jaw is often
clenched, you grind your teeth, your palms
sweat, your heart pounds and your stomach
Of course, stress and anxiety often present
themselves differently depending on the
person, but the symptoms are usually similar.
In our modern world, many of us are suffering
from chronic stress and anxiety, and sometimes
we go on, and on, like robots, without even
realizing we’re being affected by it.
The Effects of
Perhaps it’s been going on for
so long, we’ve learned to live with it, but
doing nothing at all often leads to a wide
range of illness and disease – and, it could
eventually kill us. That’s because whether we
go through a minor inconvenience, a life
threatening experience or something in
between, those things all have the same
result: adrenaline and cortisol is released
into the bloodstream. Adrenaline raises blood
pressure and boosts energy supplies, while
cortisol releases a surge of glucose, limiting
some functions that wouldn’t be productive in
a dangerous situation, as well as altering the
immune system. All of that can happen from
something as simple as thinking about running
late or an upcoming test. When you’re
chronically stressed, it means your body is
reacting like this on a continual basis, and
that can lead to serious health risks such as
depression and anxiety, insomnia, high blood
pressure or a hormonal imbalance.
There are several ways to treat
anxiety, from forms of therapy to medication.
However, as you’re probably aware,
pharmaceutical drugs typically come with a
very long list of side effects that can
sometimes be even worse than the original
Essential oils
are a natural, proven way to help reduce the
symptoms of anxiety
and restore a healthy balance |
Essential oils are a natural,
proven way to help reduce the symptoms of
anxiety and restore a healthy balance, without
any side effects, making them a much better
long-term solution for those who suffer from
chronic stress and anxiety. There are a number
of essential oils that offer calming effects
on the nervous system to help you relax, and
halt that “fight or flight” response. One of
the easiest ways to take advantage of them is
to make your own DIY anti-anxiety roll on.
a DIY Essential Oil Roll On |
You need a carrier oil – fractionated
coconut oil would work best, but sweet
almond oil and jojoba
oil are also good options.
The key ingredients in your
anti-anxiety roll on are the essential oils.
There is a reason behind each one of the oils
in this particular recipe – and they all come
together to offer the ultimate anxiety and
stress-fighting personal care product.
5 drops patchouli essential
5 drops Roman
chamomile essential oil
10 drops lavender
essential oil
7 drops ylang-ylang
essential oil
3 drops cedarwood
essential oil
3 drops bergamot
essential oil
3 drops
frankincense essential oil
10 ml roller bottle
Or you could get the blends
already made:
The oils in this blend have been used to
reduce depression, anxiety, stress and
Memories Helps to bring back
memories of being loved, being held, sharing
loving times. When there is grief, adenoids
and adrenal glands shut down. Happy Memories
helps to open these glands.
Cut your
chances of Getting the Flu
research suggests vitamin
D deficiency may actually be a major
cause of influenza. People with the lowest
vitamin D levels report having significantly
more colds or cases of the flu
Scientific review confirms
vitamin D optimization boosts immunity and
cuts rates of cold and flu. Among people
vitamin D blood levels below 10 ng/mL, taking
a supplement cut risk of respiratory infection
by 50 percent
To prevent influenza in one
person, 40 people must receive the flu vaccine
whereas one case of the flu can be prevented
for every 33 people taking vitamin D. If
you’re severely vitamin D deficient, vitamin D
supplementation is 10 times more effective
than the flu vaccine.
A good vitamin D
source found here
Painful Joints?
Get some Natural Relief
Gout is an arthritic condition
of the joints that usually strikes the big
toes, but it can affect ankles, heels, knees,
wrists, fingers, and elbows too.
Do you really want the side effects of
pharmaceuticals to ease the pain when nature
already has your back!
The reason gout is so painful
is due to a buildup of uric acid – sharp,
crystal like deposits in the joints, most
often in the big toe. If you suspect a mild
case, your doctor will most likely recommend
NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
which can have long term effects on your gut
and your heart. Why not try a natural blend of
essential oils with known pain relieving
properties that won’t give you a new set of
John's Wort essential oil: Recent
research suggests the effectiveness of this
herb in treating other ailments, including
cancer, inflammation-related disorders,
and bacterial and viral diseases.
I had a 3-day migraine. I had
tried everything I could find and nothing was
helping. I had my bottle of Birch
essential oil in the shower and thought,
well, I’ve tried everything else… I mixed a
few (3) drops in with my handful of shampoo
and massaged it in my scalp. I just let it sit
there and tingle a few minutes before rinsing
it out. After about 20 minutes my migraine was
gone!! I don’t know how good Birch
is for your hair but at that point I
really didn’t care. This stuff is wonderful!
Painful Gout, or any
Joint ..Relief:
5 drops St.
John's Wort essential oil
5 drops Birch
essential oil
Carrier oil of your choice . . . sweet
jojoba, or grapeseed
oil. Massage into the painful
Other Essential Oils and Blends
that can be very
effective in relieving joint pain:
Grain essential oil Blend
Mo Pain essential Oil Blend
essential Oil
Anti Inflammatory
Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A
50% Off Retail on the
Essential Oil of the Week!
Sale Starts on
50% Off Retail Starts Monday
6th on
Essential Oil
Vitex, have been used for the relief of
paralysis, pains in the limbs, weakness, and
breast pain, in addition to the menstrual
regulation and treatment of hemorrhage.
Prolonged use of Chaste Tree significantly
reduces a range of PMS symptoms, from
irritability and headaches to cramping and
breast pain. Other trials have shown genuine
effectiveness for women suffering from
infertility and irregular periods.
Our 50% Off Retail
Starts Monday March
Balancer Essential Oil Blend
The oils in this
blend help balance male energy and help
regulate prostate funtion. Helps men with
support for the male glandular system. Helps
with stress by promoting greater inner-body
balance. Recommended for men over 30. It has
also been used to eliminate hot flashes for
Our 50% Off Retail
Starts Monday March
Oil Blend
This oil works great for people suffering from
depression. It helps them to get over the
feelings of sadness or loss and fills them
with new hope.
It soothes inflammation, particularly if the
inflammation or irritation is a result of
fever, and it also provides relief from the
fever itself.
Antiseptic: Patchouli essential oil protects
wounds and ulcers from developing infections
and becoming septic. Patchouli also can help
speed the healing process of cuts and wounds,
and also hastens the fading of scars. It is
similarly effective in eliminating marks left
by boils, acne, pox, and measles.
Our 50% Off Retail
Starts Monday March
Essential Oil
North American Indians used
catnip for its sedative effect on the nervous
system as well as for treating colic in
infants. Catnip has been documented as
normalizing blood pressure. It is a mild
tranquilizer that helps relieve stress,
promotes restfulness, stimulates the appetite,
soothes babies and children. Used to treat
anxiety, colds, flu, bronchitis, fever,
inflammation, and general aches and pains. A
good remedy for diarrhea, even in children,
and for inflammatory bowel conditions,
infections, and constipation. Has been
known to help headaches caused by tension,
indigestion and stress-related conditions.
Our 50% Off Retail
Starts Monday April 3rd
Essential Oil
Fir needle is
reported to help with arthritis, bronchitis,
colds, coughs, flu, muscle aches, rheumatism,
sinusitis. Airborne germs and bacteria, Fever. |
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Just choose the
beginning letter of an ailment to find a remedy that
might help!
Link to how we know the
quality of our oils.
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Essence Essential Oils
Don't forget prayer and listen to your body
as you take anything. Remember that even
doctors are only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
This statement is for educational purposes only
and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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We are committed to your health at the lowest
possible prices!
Quality determines results!!
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