Garden Essence Oils 
Garden essence oils quality determines results
February 2017
Side-effects of these natural remedies may include relaxation, improved quality of life, frequent smiling, laughing, increased vitality, and a pleasant aroma.

Essential Oils are naturally antiviral, anti-fungal, and antibacterial,
they naturally energize, deodorize, clean and refresh.
To enjoy, I mean really enjoy and get the most from your life, You need to have good health and a strong belief in yourself.
We are so glad to have Blue Tansy now available in 5ml and 15 ml sizes
Blue Tansy essential oil traditionally used to support the body’s natural response to irritation.
It supports the nervous system by relaxing and soothing stress and irritation.

Free Shipping on Orders of $50.00 or more
50% Off Retail on the Featured Essential Oil of the Week! 
Sale Starts on Monday!
Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week at a Time.
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil
of the Week!
See The Full February list Below

Add Body to Lifeless Hair Naturally
To transform your hair  to fabulous without splurging on pricy products try this:
Pour: 1/2 cup uncooked rice 
1 cup warm water
5-10 drops Chamomile essential oil

Into a glass container  let sit over night In the morning spray onto damp hair and style as usual. The starch in the rice water will cling to strands of hair for bouncy beautiful hair.
  chamomile essential oil by garden
                            essence oilsChamomile essential oil used  to nourish the hair and scalp. It is effective on dry and brittle hair. It retains the moisture level and strengthens the hair from within, leaving behind soft and strong tresses.

Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February,
although flu activity can last as late as May

8 of the Most Powerful Antibacterial Essential Oils
Essential oils aren’t just for use in aromatherapy, massage, and other spa treatments. Many have been extensively researched, leading the scientific community to discover their benefits for treating a variety of diseases. There are hundreds of different essential oils and more than a few offer unique antibacterial properties.
Essential oils have historically used for their ability to help heal, but few people realize that they may even kill off bacteria, viruses, and fungi, have been used for fighting off and preventing a host of infections, treating skin conditions and more. They can be a great way to fight bacteria without having to experience potentially severe side effects that come with antibiotics. In fact, they’re generally much safer than taking a prescription antibiotic and you’ll be helping to address the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance as well.
Tea Tree essential oil is only one of a few antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial essential oils that can be applied directly to the skin without diluting it first. It was historically used for its ability to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, acne and warts.
Used for centuries by aboriginal communities in the country as an antiseptic by crushing the leaves of the tea tree, and applying them to cuts, infections, and burns.
Oregano essential oil has been used for its antibacterial and disinfecting properties in ancient Greece, where it was frequently used to treat wounds and bacterial infections on the skin. It contains bacteria-killing abilities and may even help control staph infections. It may also provide antiseptic, antiviral, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties as well.
Cinnamon essential oil may be one of the strongest antibacterial essential oils of all, according to research. In a 2006 study conducted out of Loyola College’s Entomology Research Institute in Chennai, India, it was tested against a number of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Cinnamon essential oil came out on top as the most powerful over other antibacterial oils like Clove, Rosemary, Geranium, Lime, Orange, and Lemon.
Grapefruit essential oil has also been reported to be a highly effective natural antibiotic which may have the ability to fight a host of common infections. Grapefruit essential oil contains antimicrobial properties that may help treat and may prevent an infection in wounds and cuts as well as eliminate microbes in the kidneys and gut. It supports endocrine function, encourages the production of bile and gastric juices to aid the digestive system, and it offers stimulating effects that can make you feel more alert.
Use grapefruit essential oil by inhaling it to help eliminate mental fatigue, headaches or depression, as well as to activate the lymphatic system to clear toxins.
Clove essential oil  You can also use it topically to treat skin conditions like acne and warts or inhale it to help ease respiratory problems like a cold, cough or asthma.
In a test of 21 essential oils that went up against bacteria like E. coli, it came out second only to cinnamon, as the very best inhibitors.
Thyme essential oil is antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and contains calming properties. Research conducted out of the University of Tennessee’s Department of Food Science and Technology evaluated its effect against bacteria in milk and salmonella. Results, published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, indicated that its “nanoemulsions” may be an excellent option for protecting the body from harmful bacteria by using it as an antimicrobial preservative for food.

Thyme essential oil may have the ability to drain congestion and may cure an infection, helping one to fight off a cold and upper respiratory conditions. It may also help to rid the body of toxins, making it an ideal remedy when you feel a cold,  flu or other illness coming on. Thyme essential oil is also used to treat conditions like fatigue, gout, arthritis, wounds, menstrual, pre-menopausal and menopausal symptoms. Researchers from Babol University of Medical Sciences in Iran confirmed that thyme actually reduces the pain of menstrual cramps better than ibuprofen.
Lemongrass essential oil has been found in studies to be another one of the most potent antibacterial essential oils out there. While not as strong smelling as lemon essential oil, which is commonly used in antibacterial cleansers, it’s no less powerful. It has the ability to inhibit bacteria growth both externally and internally, as well as battle bacterial infections, skin conditions, body odor and even food poisoning, thanks to its citral and limonene content.

Lemongrass essential oil can be used in a carrier oil as a natural cleanser, taking advantage of its antiseptic and astringent properties for more evenly toned skin, and rubbed into the scalp to relieve the pain of a headache, or on the body to alleviate muscle pain. It may help improve blood circulation, relieving cramps, backaches and muscle spasms. If you’re prone to athlete’s foot, rub it onto your feet to help stifle the growth of fungi.
Bergamot essential oil has a delightful citrus scent along with powerful antibacterial properties. Italians have long recognized its medicinal potential, using it to get rid of intestinal worms. It’s been used to heal scars, relieve the pain of a headache, reduce muscle tension and kill bacteria. It’s has been well known to fight off certain types of bacteria, and battle infections like endocarditis, meningitis, and urinary tract infections.

Bergamot essential oil can also help those suffering from conditions like cold sores, herpes and mouth ulcers, as it helps to speed healing. It can even heal and prevent acne breakouts too.

If you’ve got a urinary tract infection, take advantage of its benefits by rubbing the oil diluted in a carrier oil onto your abdomen and throat, and add a few drops to your diffuser as well.
Cold and Flu Care
Naturally care for your loved ones and yourself. See full article Here

Making your Own Natural Emergency Kit With Essential Oils

When an emergency happens, it is important to be prepared. It is often hard to think about what to do next. Having a well stocked first aid kit and being familiar with how to use the essential oils in it, will be very beneficial to those around you.

Your First Aid Kit should have the following essential oils:

bug stick by garden essence oisBug Stick Bug Stick Lavender, Tea Tree, and Lemongrass A tried and true recipe for natural insect repellent. Apply to exposed areas before venturing outside. Not a bad idea to roll a bandanna with the blend and keep it around your neck, the under side of a ball cap and/or over the part in your hair (exposed scalp).

owie stick essential oil blend by
                                garden essence oilsOwie Stick This is a favorite healing blend! For camping or any outdoor activity this is an all purpose healing remedy for burns, bites, scrapes, breakouts, rashes and a makeshift deodorant too! Apply topically to area of concern as needed.

sore muscles essential oil blend by
                                garden essence oilsSore Muscle & Headache Stick Sore Muscle & Headache Stick - Peppermint and Lavender This is a great remedy, common essential oils that address sore muscles and headache pain! Apply to area of concern after a strenuous hike. For headache, apply topically just behind temples, forehead and back of neck and shoulders as needed.

stomach ache stick by garden
                                essence oilsStomach Ache Stick 
Digestion Blend and Peppermint. Summer stomach issues can come from food, splash parks, the ocean or even a drinking fountain. Apply topically to abdomen as needed.  

lemon essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsLemon ~ This oil is known for its cleansing ability. Add a few drops to your water to purify it. It is also great for intestinal parasites, dissolves petrochemicals from your body, effective for colds & flu, helps your digestive system and liver work, helps reduce stress and fatigue, calm upset stomachs, is effective for gout, sore throat, and is a disinfectant and an antiseptic. Lemon is a tonic for supporting the nervous and sympathetic nervous system. It is recognized as being antiseptic,  Sore throat, Nervous Conditions, Blood Pressure, Digestive Problems, Gallstones, Debility, Fever, and for Anxiety. *Do not put on skin exposed to sunlight.*

no mo pain, no more , essential oil
                                by garden essence oils, powerful
                                anti-inflammatory properties of the
                                other oils, this blend helps to reduce
                                pain, headaches, swelling, bleeding and
                                stimulating quicker healing, helps
                                circulationNo-Mo-Pain ~ is soothing to the skin while providing comforting warmth to muscles after exercise. Due to the aspirin- like properties of Birch and the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of the other oils, this blend helps to reduce pain, headaches, swelling, bleeding and stimulating quicker healing, helps circulation.

peppermint essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsPeppermint ~  For Indigestion and Cooling – This essential oil is effective for treating nausea and digestive issues, allergies, menstrual problems, reduces fever, increases alertness and focus, and increases oxygen absorption. It is great for headaches or any muscle aches or pains and is also a catalyst when mixed with other oils. Peppermint is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, can be used for shock, colds, colic, heartburn, and fevers. I have brought down a fever in my daughter , using a carrier oil and peppermint stroked down her spine and the back of her knees.

lavender essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsLavender ~ It is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. Lavender is an adaptogen, and therefore can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It is a great aid for relaxing and winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. It may be used to soothe and cleanse common cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. The French scientist René Gattefossé was among the first to discover these properties when he was severely burned in a laboratory explosion.

x plague essential oil b garden
                                essence oilsX Plague ~ The highly anti-viral, antiseptic properties of the single oils contained in this blend help protect the body from the onset of flu, E-coli, candida, colds, sore throats, gum infection, canker sores.This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities. It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.

oregano essential oil by gaarden
                              essence oilsOregano Essential Oil - For Natural Immune System Support –This oil is effective in treating bacterial infections and yeast infections, relieves back and joint pain and inflammation, colds & flu, kills warts & skin tags and athlete’s foot, and is an effective cleanse for GI health.

tea tree essential oil, melaluka,
                              Powerful antiseptic, analgesic, antiviral,
                              antirheumatic, powerful antispasmodic
                              anti-inflammatory, bactericidal,Tea Tree Essential Oil For Soothing and Healing – This oil can be used as a first aid ointment, useful for skin irritations, bug bites, athlete’s foot, eczema and psoriasis. It aids in immune function and supports against throat and respiratory pathogens, and helps with slivers in the skin.

helichrysum essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsHelichrysum Essential Oil - For Bruising and Swelling – This oil is great for bruising, sprains, and swelling. Any injury, that does not have broken skin, can be treated with helichrysum oil. This essential oil can be used to treat shock, heal bruises, help with broken bones, help with allergies, and is beneficial against infections and viruses.

myrrh essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsMyrrh Essential Oil - For Infections and Pain relief – This oil is good for antiseptic needs, pain relief and swelling of cuts, wounds or bruises. Can be applied on open wounds. It stimulates the immune system and blood circulation and promotes tissue regeneration. It has astringent and analgesic properties and can ease coughing/tonsillitis and other infections.

clove essential ouil by garden
                                essence oilsClove Essential Oil For Pain and Toxins – This oil helps to relieve toothaches, headaches, and other pain and can be used to draw toxins and infections from the body. It also aids in relieving nausea or constipation.

frankincense essential oil by
                                garden essence oilsFrankincense Essential Oil For Inflammation and More –Frankincense oil enhances the effects of other oils, helps reduce inflammation, relieve headaches, and supports skin tissue recovery. It also helps to soothe hyperactivity and restlessness and facilitates clarity and focus of the mind.

lemongrass essential oil by garden
                                essence oilsMorning Fatigue Syndrome, to
                                detox lymph and cellulite and cleanse
                                oily skin and hair. Antiseptic,
                                anti-inflammatory, vasodilator,
                                sedative, tonicLemongrass Essential Oil For Cramping Muscles – This oil soothes Sore and cramping muscles, is naturally cleansing and helps to warm feet in the winter.

cleansing essential oil by garden
                                essence powerful antiseptic,
                                anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and
                                sanitizing properties. Helps kill odors,
                                bacteria, molds, fungus, anaerobic
                                bacteria, mildew, cigarette smoke and
                                other odors, repel spiders, bees,
                                hornets and wasps. Good for first aid in
                                sterilizing wounds and cuts.Cleansing ~ The individual oils in this blend have some powerful antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and sanitizing properties. Helps kill odors, bacteria, molds, fungus, anaerobic bacteria, mildew, cigarette smoke and other odors, repel spiders, bees, hornets and wasps. Good for first aid in sterilizing wounds and cuts.

respiratory congestion respiratory
                                sinus relief essential oil Allergies,
                                Colds, Bronchitis, Flu, Cold sores,
                                Sinusitis, Sore throat, Mucus, Bone
                                SpursRespiratory Sinus Relief  ~ The oils in this blend are good for Allergies, Colds, Bronchitis, Flu, Cold sores, Sinusitis, Sore throat, Mucus, Bone Spurs

As you can see from this list, essential oils can be used for almost any type of pain or ailment that you might encounter!

Making Essential Oils More Affordable One Week At A Time
50% Off Retail on the Featured
Essential Oil of the Week! 

Sale Starts on Monday!
Check in every Monday to see the New Essential Oil of the Week!
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday February 6th on
  rose essential oil, anger cannot be
                              where rose is, heart related troubles. It
                              lowers blood pressure, relieves
                              depression, sorrow and increases
                              happiness. Anger cannot exist where there
                              is Rose Otto.
Rose Essential Oil
Delight your senses with this royal oil. Healing can be on every level especially heart related troubles. It may lower blood pressure, relieves depression, sorrow and increases happiness. Anger cannot exist where there is Rose Otto.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday February 13th on

 pine essential oil Pine purifies
                                  the lungs and the skin It stimulates
                                  circulation and prepares muscles for
                                  exercise. Pine Needle Essential Oil
 A breath of fresh air reminiscent of a forest walk. Pine can purify the lungs and the skin. It may stimulate circulation and prepares muscles for exercise.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday February 20th
  Gain essential oil by garden
                                      essence oils Enhances Magnetic
                                      energies and helps create the law
                                      of attraction for Prosperity and
                                      Abundance anti-viral properties,
                                      an abundance of health as well. Gain Essential Oil Blend
Important things in life flow via the magnetic force of which Health is only one. Gain my enhance Magnetic energies and help create the law of attraction for Prosperity and Abundance. It contains tremendous anti-viral properties, which gives one an abundance of health as well.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday February 27th
  ginger essential oil warming,
                                  stimulating and grounding pain relief
                                  and detoxification. Muscular Aches and
                                  Pains, Flu, Sprains, Broken Bones,
                                  Fever, Alcoholism, Colic, Motion
                                  Sickness, Disorders, Cramps. Ginger Essential Oil
  Ginger is warming, stimulating and grounding. It aids memory and is an aphrodisiac. Helps with pain relief and detoxification. Muscular Aches and Pains, Fiery and dynamic, it activates willpower, and restores determination. Indicated for those who lack personal drive to make real their dreams.
Our 50% Off Retail Starts Monday March 6th
  vitex, chaste berry tree,
                                    essential oil relief of paralysis,
                                    pains in the limbs, weakness, and
                                    breast pain, in addition to the
                                    menstrual regulation and treatment
                                    of hemorrhage Vitex, Chaste Berry Essential Oil
Vitex Essential Oil  has traditionally been used for female hormonal problems, assisting to resume halted menstrual bleeding, stopping cramps and depression, relieving breast pains and swelling. Vitex Essential Oil relaxes the nerves, frees spasms, relieves pain and calms the liver. Vitex Essential Oil regulates the pituitary and harmonizes the endocrine system. Vitex Essential Oil is Known for its benefits as a decongestant, stimulant and relaxant action on liver, intestines and uterus. Vitex Essential Oil  has been found to be 89% successful in remission of Parkinson's Disease in laboratory animals.

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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
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Garden Essence Essential Oils

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