Your World Has been
Rescue RemedyR will help
Turn Things
The original Bach
Flower Rescue RemedyR is the one product you need to take care of
all kinds of emergency emotional stress. It was
first formulated in the 1930's by Dr. Edward Bach - a
noted British physician, bacteriologist and
immunologist. Made from 5 of the Doctor's original
Flower Essences including Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem,
Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis, Rescue Remedy
has helped millions of people all over the world in
stressful situations.
For most of us, are in
a stress-filled environment. There are deadlines
to meet, bosses/co-workers/clients/family
emergencies to deal with and the constant pressure
to produce. Sometimes an event or series of events
gets so blown out of proportion that a stress emergency
---Rescue RemedyR to the Rescue
Stress can play
havoc with our looks. Too many impossible
deadlines, too much worry, too many sleepless
nights. Very soon wrinkles start to replace
laughter lines. We become tight and tense and it
shows in our face. So, if the face you see in your
mirror is not as relaxed and carefree as it used to be,
it's time to de-stress and tap into your true beauty
potential. Rescue RemedyR will help
combat stress, relax that furrowed brow and enhance your
Many common drugs that cause dry mouth can be leaving
millions of people at an increased risk for tooth decay.
Researchers at the University of Rochester say more than
600 medications create dry mouth. They tested the
affect the drug clonidine, a medicine used for treating
high blood pressure in adults and hyperactivity in
children, had on tooth decay. Researchers found that
rats, which develop cavities similar to humans, that
were given clonidine had an increase in cavities of 84
percent. The
cause is twofold. Saliva washes away sugars and other
substances that promote cavities. In addition, a dry
mouth can also start an unfortunate cycle. It causes
people to drink liquids constantly, oftentimes juices or
colas that contain sugar and are acidic, which also
promotes tooth decay.
By JIM KLING (UPI) Copyright 2000 by United Press
Heavenly Father made your body
to heal itself! You have twice as much lymph in
your body as you do blood. The lymph system is
made to cleanse your body.
I am taking most of this out of Dr. Schultz writings
although there are libraries of studies and writings
that substantiate everything he writes.
The first law of natural healing is that you must
thoroughly cleanse your organs of elimination and your
bloodstream BEFORE you can expect anything else to
You have to give the toxins, etc. a straight path
out of the body. Whatever therapy you use, it will
work better and faster when you cleanse your elimination
systems FIRST. (See a good cleanse using
herbs at the end of this information.)
Quote from Dr. Schultz "I saw one guy opened up
in Santa Barbara who was a pretty healthy runner, a
non-smoker, non-drinker, exercise guy who dropped dead
of a heart attack while he was running......He was
considered a fairly healthy guy, not over-weight at
all. I saw his gall baldder and, I thought I was
going to throw-up. It was about the size of a
softball, it was like flourescent golden-green in color
and packed hard with cholesterol and probably a thousand
stones. And this guy was considered healthy by his
It is impossible to cure anything in a few days
that it has taken us over thirty years to build up
The gallbladder protects the liver. When the
gallbladder is removed, the liver has no place to
deposit the excess fat, which means stones are more
likely to form in the liver itself--which can be
dangerous. Dr. Schultz is also convinced that by
removing the gall bladder it puts an unnecessary strain
on the liver and pancreas - removing the gall bladder
will lead to diabetes down the road by weakening the
pancreas. This is the reason it is so important to
cleanse the system and get the body back into a smooth
working organism of health again.
This is a simplified quick and easy liver flush that
you can do before you go to work in the morning.
Just brush your teeth well to get rid of the garlic
smell. You can also chew on parsley or use
chlolophyll as a mouth wash (swish & swallow) to get
rid of the garlic smell.
Put in a Blender - 1 Tbsp. olive oil, 1 large clove of
garlic (fresh is a lot better), 1 fresh piece of ginger
root (about 1 inch long), 1 cup of freshly squeezed
orange juice or an apple, 1 cup of water. Blend
until smooth and drink.
You can double and then triple the amounts as you feel
the need - build up to it. He guarantees anyone - even
"healthy" people will benefit from this detox formula
and pass stones (none or minimal pain - not like a
regular attack because the stones are softened and
lubricated.) Do this for 6 days and rest on the
7th for 2 or 3 weeks.
I would consider this program prior to the
liver/gallbladder cleanse above so that the pathways are
Herbal Cleansing Program
1. Drink plenty of water between meals.- Cannot
substitute pop, juice, milk, coffee or tea for the
least 2 quarts a day - only increase by 1 cup every day
or two or you will spend a lot of time in the bathroom -
2. Follow the mucusless
diet as close as possible. (Basically no animal
products as they will stop/slow down, most of the
3. Take the following herbs/combinations
Lower Bowel (Fen LB)
Gallbladder Formula (Barberry LG)
Formula (Juni-Pars)
When you have finished one bottle of the Kidney
begin taking the Blood Stream Formula (Red Clover
Combination). While
continuing with the Lower Bowel and the Liver
4. Tailor this to your body's needs
Follow by drinking 2 cups of peppermint or ginger
Do this for 6 days and rest on the 7th for 2 or 3
These are Dr. Christopher's formulas - Dr. Schulze was a
student of Dr. Christopher's.
You can read more about Dr. Christopher and his formulas
or we carry his products here.
• Dr.
Christopher's publications
(All discounted )
School of Natural
Link to his products & books • Dr.
by Dr. John Christopher
20th Anniversary Edition of Dr. Christopher's world
renowned work. This text combines his methods and
famous formulas in an easy-to-use volume for personal
and classroom study. Now expanded, revised and
updated, this book will enlighten generations to come.
The Complete Herbal Writings of Dr. Christopher on
CD Rom for WindowsR
of Natural Healing
Every Woman's Herbal
Herbal Home Health Care
Over 6 years of Dr. Christopher's Newsletters
Over 2,000 pages of Unpublished Writings
Also includes color pictures of nearly 100 herbs
This Folio based program can allow you to search quickly
and easily for any topic Dr. Christopher ever wrote
on. Search in a particular book or scan the entire
library. This easy-to-use CD Rom will speed up
your study and research time. (see picture
An Herbal Legacy of Courage -
by David Christopher, M.H.
What prompted Dr. Christopher's passion for study of
herbs and natural healing? Learn fascinating facts
and history in this, the first biography written about
Dr. Christopher. Authored by his son, this book
recounts Dr. Christopher's youth, his roots in
herbalism, methods of healing and his joys and struggles
as he sought to teach and heal. (paperback)
Capsicum -
by Dr. John Christopher
As one of Dr. Christopher's favorite herbs, cayenne's
versatile and safe healing properties make it the most
useful first aid herb available. Discussed are its
history, botanical information, and variety of medicinal
uses. Discover how cayenne has been applied in
cases of heart attack, high blood pressure and severe
bleeding. (paperback)
Christopher's Complete Works and Biography
on CD) The Complete Herbal
Writings of Dr. John R. Christopher, the founder of The
School of Natural Healing, contains the full writings of
Dr. Christopher's publications in HTML format.
Search through every word on the disk or use one of the
Index Pages to easily and quickly find information on
ailments, herbs, and products.
Herbal Home Health Care - A Modern Herbal
by Dr. John Christopher
This excellent reference volume lists diseases in
convenient alphabetical order with concise definitions,
symptoms descriptions, causes and herbal aids.
Other natural treatments are outlined, including the
cold sheet treatment, the incurables program,
detoxification and the mucusless diet. A book for
every family.
Herbalist Seminar Video Course - $325 (sug. retail $395)
You and your family can enjoy timeless herbal
information from America's premier natural healer in the
comfort of your own home. Herbal students of all
ages will delight in the information gained through
nearly 17 hours of lectures by Dr. John Christopher
captured on video cassette. Literally hundreds of
herbs, formulas, case histories and therapies are
expertly detailed.
Set includes eight VHS cassettes in two
Video Albums - Also available in PAL format
the Incurables A Home
Therapy Program -
by Dr. John Christopher
This booklet outlines the procedures used historically
by Dr. Christopher for ailments deemed incurable by
modern medicine. The Incurables Program is
effective in its simplicity through a combination of
cleansing, massage, diet, exercise, sunshine, and
herbs. It has given new hope, health and happiness
to those who have been left to die by their
3 Day Cleanse, Mucusless Diet & Herbal
Combinations -
Learn the fastest program for detoxification through
simple juice cleansing and revitalization by nourishing
the body with live foods found in the "mucusless
diet." Also contained are 63 of Dr. Christopher's
famous herbal combinations with descriptions for their
components, uses and benefits. (paperback)
Sheet Treatment &
Anti-Plague Recipe-
by Dr. John Christopher
This booklet expounds step-by-step the safest and most
effective methods of using hydrotherapy and the body's
own healing system to combat colds, flus, and other
viruses. By aiding a body's fever, one can quickly
increase the immune system and easily overcome
illness. This revised edition includes the Anti-Plague
Formula recipe.
Diet -
by Dr. John Christopher
This book is a compilation of Dr. Christopher's writings
on health, diet and nutrition. The importance of
feeding the body organic vitamins and minerals are
dicussed along with simple methods to cleanse and
nourish. (Paperback - see picture
through Elimination -
by Dr. John Christopher
The lower bowel is perhaps the most important
eliminative organ - if it gets backed up, everything
gets backed up. Many diseases would be eradicated
if we would only give proper care to this neglected
organ. With exercises, diet, and the recipe for
the Lower Bowel Tonic, you will be on the way to health
and vitality. (Paperback)
Dr. Mom -
by Sandra K. Livingston Ellis, M.H.
Sandra Ellis, a student of herbal studies, was suddenly
faced with family health crisis after crisis. Some being
extremely severe. After putting her new-found
herbal knowledge to use she discovered that there was
almost no disease or emergency that could not be easily
remedied by safe, natural methods. You will enjoy
learning from her experiences.
Every Woman's Herbal -
by Dr. John Christopher & Cathy Gileadi Wilson
Dr. John Christopher and Cathy Gileadi span the life of
women, offering bountiful knowledge to aid puberty,
preparation for childbearing, pregnancy, the new baby
and menopause. Other topics include nutrition,
hormone therapy, infertility, healthy recipes and
(Paperback, see picture below.)
Herbs to the Rescue -
by Kurt King, M.H.
An emergency first-aid herbal handbook. Herbs
to the Rescue expounds herbs for specific
diseases along with 13 easily accessible first aid
herbs. First aid techniques are also
outlined. A wonderful book for hiking and camping
to help in those unexpected emergency situations.
Herbal Preparations & Natural Therapies
by Debra Nuzzi St. Claire, M.H.
This wonderful set will help you learn to gather herbs
and prepare them into tinctures, salves, ointments, oils
and much more. Watch the process step-by-step on
video, then do it yourself with help from the reference
manual. (Two 2 hour VHS videos and a Ref. Manual
133 pp.)
Transfiguration Diet
by Littlegreen Inc.'s Thinktank
Students of Dr. Christopher transformed their everyday
diets into diets of pure health and nutrition - the
Mucusless Diet. This book offers firsthand advice
to aid people in changing their eating habits.
wonderful information and recipes round out this
enlightening work.
(Paperback - 159 pp.)
Mild Food Cookbook
by Michael Tracy
This wonderful cookbook offers delicious, healthy
recipes for salads, vegetables, soups, stews, a variety
of beverages and nutritious deserts. Enjoy eating
healthy! (Paperback 72 pp.)
is a CD
for windows -
