![]() Adapted from An Herbal Legacy of
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We Now have a Free CD with $30 purchase or more of Christopher products. Everything You wanted to know about herbs for Health Natural remedies for over 350 common ailments. 1. Learn how to treat yourself. 2. Why natural methods are safe. 3. How to become a Master herbalist. 4. Natural vs. traditional healing. 5. Become your own doctor. The quality that I remember most when thinking of my famous father, Dr. John R. Christopher, was his extraordinary positive attitude. This positive outlook was reflected in a cheerfulness that never quit. Even when he suffered physically or even through endless persecution from the medical establishment, because of his herbal treatments, he maintained his love of life and deep concern for those in need. Living in an era when natural remedies are much the fashion, we may often forget what a pioneer Dr. Christopher was, and what he sacrificed and suffered to help bring about the renaissance of herbal healing in North America. Appreciation for his singular struggle comes when you see his life's path in the following biography. He was born November 25, 1909 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Jean Ramone and Lorena Roth Raymond. Both were emigrants to the United States, and for some unknown reason, they left their infant son and an older sister at the Salt Lake City Orphanage. When prospective parents came to that orphanage, the children would be lined up so the couple could make their choice. On one such day, Leander and Melissa Ann Craig Christopher visited the orphanage, looking for a son. Suddenly, without invitation, a baby, dressed only in a diaper and thin undershirt, toddled up, crawled into Melissa's lap, and snuggled into her shoulder. She exclaimed softly, "This is our son!" The original parents had stipulated that both children remain together, so now Raymond (often called "Ray") and his sister Ruby had a new family. They lived in Salt Lake City in the Avenues district, which was then a semi-rural neighborhood. The first glimpse the Christophers had of Raymond's unusual future came one winter's night when young Ray lay critically ill with croup. The parents were pacing the floor with him, distressed because of the high fever and labored breathing, wondering if he would have the strength to catch another breath. Suddenly a knock came at the door. Leander, startled because of the late hour, answered. Standing on the porch was a bearded man in short sleeves, with no coat in the bitter cold. He announced to Leander that their young child was ill but would not die; that he had an important mission to perform. Leander listened to the stranger give explicit directions on how to cut the phlegm and stop the croup. Leander started into the house to follow these instructions, but then turned to thank the visitor and invite him into the house to get warm. But the man was gone without a trace. There were no footprints in the deep snow. Ray's Parents followed the man's instructions, and he recovered. The Christophers never forgot this experience, and Ray always remembered that his life had an important purpose because of it. That Ray became a healer is appropriate and also ironic, because he had been born with advanced rheumatoid arthritis, walking with a cane even as a child, or often confined to a wheelchair. Along with the arthritis, he developed hardening of the arteries. Despite the constant pain and suffering, young Ray was cheerful and optimistic. Doctors at the time predicted that he would never reach the age of thirty. Raymond's adopted mother suffered from a lifetime affliction of diabetes and dropsy, which left her exhausted and debilitated. As Ray, just a little boy, observed her suffering from his own wheelchair, he resolved one day to be a doctor. His mother laughed a little, commenting that he couldn't even stand the sight of blood, that he couldn't bear to see chickens or other animals killed for the evening meal. What kind of doctor could such a person be? Raymond answered, "Mother, I will be able to heal people without cutting them up. There will be natural ways of doing it." This answer from a young child became a charter for his life's mission. When Raymond was sixteen years old, such a doctor visited the Christopher home: an Iridologist who could ascertain a person's condition from examining the iris of the eye. This doctor, seeing in her irises the very conditions she had been treated for over the years, recommended dietary changes and gave Mrs. Christopher some herbs. As the doctor left, Ray said, "That's the kind of doctor I'm going to be when I grow up." Several months later, Raymond tried to locate the doctor, but he had been arrested for practicing medicine without a license, and put into jaila foreshadowing of Ray's own future After he graduated from high school, he heard of another natural doctor in Canada, who massaged people's feet to heal them. He was in such demand that people lined up to see him, even pitching tents for weeks at a time as they waited. Ray wanted to see this man, not only to have his rheumatoid arthritis healed but to study under him. He prepared to make the trip.. His parents tried to discourage him, since they had no money at that time in the middle of the Depression. Nevertheless, Ray continued to prepare for the trip, till he heard that this man, too, had been arrested Ray worked during the days at his father's lumber mill, and at night he played with a dance band to save for college. He graduated with honors from Henager's Business College in Salt Lake City. Because he had a photographic memory and a way with words, he wanted to go to law school. He was accepted at the University of Utah School of Law. The day before classes began, Ray was riding in the car of a friend and they were hit by another vehicle. Ray was pronounced dead at the scene. His grief-stricken parents arrived at the morgue to identify the body when his mother suddenly screamed! She had seen the faintest flicker of an eyelash! The mortician bent over Ray, and he too saw the slightest motion of life in him. He was rushed to the hospital, where he lay in a coma for several days, and then, after drifting into consciousness, lay helpless only able to speak. Nurses had to feed him, shave him, and carry him to the bathroom. One afternoon, a driver from the lumber company came to visit him. He tried to cajole him into coming back to work. Ray just laughed, knowing he couldn't even move his hand. The driver suggested a chiropractor. But when Ray mentioned this possibility to the four doctors who were treating him, they scoffed at him. Nevertheless, this driver convinced Ray's parents to take him to a chiropractor. Ray resisted with all he had, but they carried him out, and to the chiropractor they went. Several days after his chiropractic treatment, Ray was working again at the office. He was still bandaged about the head, but he regained his strength and could work as he used to. However, his injuries had damaged his photographic memory and given him trouble with his short-term memory. One day he went to the bank to deposit company funds, and his mind went completely blank. He located some police officers, asking them for help. They found his identification and took him back to the office, and his memory finally returned. During this recuperation period, he would suffer periodic pain in the head and back from the injuries of his accident. At times the pain was so severe he couldn't sleep. And at the same time he was helplessly watching his mother die from complications of diabetes and Bright's Disease. Her condition stopped responding to even the highest doses of insulin, and her arms were purple from constant needles. She began to die, slowly poisoned with gangrene. As Ray watched her painful death, helpless to do anything for her, he prayed that he could learn how to stop such suffering. His own pain caused him to experience many sleepless nights. To help pass through these he would study and read. In addition to many good books, he chose to read from the scriptures. One night, confined to a chair with arthritis, he picked up The Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It fell open to Section 89, commonly known as "The Word of Wisdom," a health code for the church. Ray had read this many times before, but this time he gained some unique impressions. The words sparingly referring to meats and wholesome referring to grains and vegetables deeply moved him. He vowed to follow the health code strictly, and developed for himself a diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. He was astonished to see his health improve immediately and dramatically. Within a few months, he gained weight, began sleeping soundly at night, and had enough energy for a full day's work. In 1939 he wrote "Just What is the Word of Wisdom?", a booklet that described this experience and outlined his ideas about diet and health. Not long after, Dr. John A. Widtsoe, an authority in the Mormon church and author who had also written on the Word of Wisdom, called Ray on the phone, praising his booklet as being "well ahead of its time." He urged Ray to distribute it to as many people as he could. Ray began to do so, talking to as many people as would listen about his ideas on health. Many of them responded with derision and ridicule. With typical good humor, he often retold one particular story. He was still working at the lumber mill, and at lunchtime, one of the workers told him he was wanted at his office. There lay a sumptuous meal, set with a fine tablecloth and beautiful china: fresh green alfalfa ("common cow hay," as he later described it), dried wheat and rolled oats, and an elegant decanter of apple juice. The workers waited to see what he would do. With characteristic good grace, he pulled out his chair and plucked up the fancy cloth napkin. "How nice of you! This is really wonderful!" he exclaimed, and ate every bite. They never kidded him again, but he lived lonely among his peers, since vegetarianism was not understood at the time Ray married Irene Short in 1935, and had two daughters, Sandra Joy and Carol Ann, but this marriage did not work out, and they were divorced in 1943. He later met Wendella Walker, fell immediately in love, and they were married on August 14, 1944, in the Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She always supported his ideas about health and his work, and together they had five children: John Rulon, Ruth Ellen, David Wendell, Janet Lorene, and Steven Craig. A PRESCRIPTION FOR THE MESS SERGEANT When World War II broke out, and just a few months after the Christopher's were married, Ray received a draft notice on his doorstep summoning him to active duty. A 35-year-old man, divorced and newly married, with two families to support, he reported for service but requested status as a conscientious objector, presenting his Word of Wisdom booklet as evidence of his firm beliefs. "I'll serve my country with pride on the front lines," he said, "I'll carry stretchers that can save people. But I will not carry a gun. I cannot kill another human being." During basic training, he was told to carry a gun on night watch, but he refused. The officer thrust a night stick at him, but he shook his head, and refused to carry a night stick, too, because you could kill people with a night stick. The officer ordered Ray to be confined to quarters under guard till next morning, when he was tried for his rebellion. The officer hearing the case slapped his palm sharply on the table and shouted, "This is ridiculous! A conscientious objector that won't carry a nightstick? What if everyone in the world felt as you do?" "Then there would be no war" Ray answered. "That's the answer I needed," the officer responded. "Take this card. It shows that you are a conscientious objector, and no one will challenge you again." From Fort Douglas, Utah, Ray traveled to North Fort at Washington's Fort Lewis, where he was assigned to supervise a medical dispensary. Here was more irony Raymond Christopher, a buck private, gave orders to pharmacists and therapists, all of whom outranked him. Even the cleaning boy outranked him. Ray, in charge of the entire operation, served under a Major Shumate. At first Ray felt frustrated and angry. Having learned and seen so much healing using natural methods and nutrition (he had all ready helped many people), here he was confined to use standard medical treatments. He knew that there are better ways. He saw cases among the soldiers that he knew would quickly respond to natural treatments. However, Major Shumate was firmly against any such treatments. So he spent his time observing the effects of orthodox medications, seeing first hand the futility of the treatment. He saw that standard medicine only treats symptoms instead of the cause of disease. But one day a soldier came to the dispensary with a supposedly incurable condition, and this changed the course of his life. Black Walnut Tincture Major Shumate brought the soldier in, and' except for Ray, they all gasped with horror. The soldier's head had been shaved as much as possible, but wherever the stubble of hair grew, the scalp was covered with a crusty scab nearly an inch thick. "What a beautiful case of impetigo!" exclaimed Ray (who had never seen one quite that bad). "You must be a born doctor," said Shumate, slapping him on the shoulder, "It's one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, too. But unfortunately, we have to release this man from the army." "I object to that!" cried the soldier, "I came into this army a clean man. I caught this thing while I was here, and now you're asking me to take this filth home to my wife and children. I won't do it." "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do," responded Shumate, "We've done everything possible. We've used every cure medical science has to offer, and nothing has worked. We have to give you a release, and it will be an honorable discharge." "Wait," Ray said. "That man can be healed." Shumate whirled to face him. "None of your blasted herbs!" The other officers rolled their eyes and guffawed. The soldier spoke up. "I should have something to say about this. I don't care if he puts horse manure on my head, as long as he heals me." Shumate paused, and then said, "All right. If you sign papers releasing the government and the army from any liability, you can try this treatment." The papers were signed, and the soldier was placed under twenty-four hour military police surveillance to prevent escape. As the meeting broke up, one of the officers jeered, "When will the big unveiling be?" "Monday morning!" Ray snapped back, without really thinking. Then he realizedhe just had one week. Here, far from home without the herbs that he generally used, he had to treat the worst case of impetigo he had ever seen. Immediately he called a Salt Lake friend who had a black walnut tree in his backyard. He explained his dilemma, and his friend agreed to gather the black walnut husks, even though the ground was covered with snow. They were transported overnight to Fort Lewis. Ray picked them up in the morningsopping wet, which could weaken their potency. Not only that, but Ray only had rubbing alcohol, not grain alcohol, which was not available through the army medical system. And instead of fourteen days to macerate the tincture, he figured he could take only two days. He carried the tincture with him, shaking it vigorously all the time. At last he strained the tincture and made a compress to fit over the soldier's head like a football helmet. He left instructions that the compress should be kept wet with the tincture for the rest of the week. He also wrote a prescription to the mess sergeant, for wholesome foods for the soldier to eat. All too soon Monday morning arrived, and the dispensary heads all met, ready to ridicule Ray for his herbal treatments. "Everybody ready?" asked Shumate in a mocking tone. "Private Christopher, are you ready to show us your miracle?" "I'm ready," responded Ray, feeling nervous but determined. "I haven't seen him yet, but we'll take a look." The guards ushered the soldier in, and Ray skillfully cut away the adhesive tape. As he lifted the compress off, the scab came off with it, and the soldier's scalp was as clean and pure as a baby's. The impetigo was gone, with no scarring. The officers all gasped. Shumate shouted; "I've never seen anything like this in all my medical practice!" He took Ray aside. "I've misjudged you, Private Christopher," he admitted. "From this day on you have full permission to practice with herbs. Set yourself up a laboratory here. Do whatever you like as long as you're under my jurisdiction at Fort Lewis." And with that Ray became the only practicing herbalist in the United States Army during World War II. His black walnut tincture became famous, not only to cure impetigo, but for fungus infection and jungle rot. When soldiers learned that Private Christopher could cure jungle rot, his patient load multiplied tenfold. Eventually this tincture was successful in curing scrofula, eczema, ringworm, shingles, and chronic boils. Blood Circulation Formula,
(BPE) Soon Ray added ginger, parsley, golden seal, garlic and Siberian ginseng root to cayenne to create a formula called Blood Circulation Formula , which equalizes blood pressure and builds the health of the circulatory system. This formula, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, prolonged Ray's own life many years after the doctors' predictions. At age 45, ten years after the doctors predicted he would die, Ray had a full physical examination. The doctors were astounded to see that he had the blood pressure of a healthy teenager. Just before his death, Ray's blood pressure at seventy years was that of a young man in his twenties. During World War II, racial prejudice was still rampant. Ray began to understand and feel the distress of the black soldiers who were treated so negatively at the dispensaries. Black soldiers often suffered physical agony in silence rather than go there. But soon word spread that the dispensary head at Fort Lewis was different; within months he was seeing dozens of black soldiers every day. They received kindness as well as the superior care from herbal treatments. At Fort Lewis dispensary, Ray had the chance to experiment with different herbs that he had only studied about previously. There he began to develop his own herbal formulas, which remain to this day a singular contribution to herbal medicine. HARVESTING WEEDS AT DAWN When Ray's military obligation was over, Major Shumate invited him to spend another tour of duty in the dispensary and let the Army pay for his medical education. But Ray preferred to go home to Olympia, Washington, home to his wife. Now he was ready to become a natural doctor, his childhood dream. Coming home with the knowledge and first-hand experience of using herbs in the army, he wanted to expand his skills and help others. He and his wife agreed that he should travel to Canada to study under Dr. H. Nowell at Dominion Herbal College. There he earned his Master Herbalist Degree. He returned home to Olympia to set up his first practice. But during those final war years and their aftermath, Ray found it difficult to practice as an herbalist. First of all, it was hard to build enough of a practice to support his small family. In those post-war years, jobs were scarce, and most people had little money to pay for treatment. And unlike today, it was impossible to order herbs through wholesale houses. There were few enough of these businesses, and most of these were forced to close their doors in those lean years. But Ray figured out what to do and did it with typical vigor: he secured a job weeding gardens each morning for ready cash, and then took the medicinal varieties home in large burlap bags He would spread his morning's harvest across the counter tops of their small kitchen. Then he would wash each weed, rinsing out the soil carefully. He sorted them carefully into categories and then prepared them to use for his patients that afternoon. Ray turned a difficulty into a blessing: he had cash to sustain his family, and also had the freshest herbs one could desire. But he never withheld any knowledge to line his wallet; he taught his patients to harvest their own herbs from their own backyards and treat themselves. One of the most successful "weeds" he used was plantain . Ray knew that Galen and Pliny, ancient herbalists, had used it as a powerful blood purifier to kill infection rapidly. He also knew that it would relieve blood poisoning that can result from cuts, slivers, bites, and stings. In one astonishing case, Ray treated a man who had slipped at work and drove a chisel deep into his palm. The man couldn't afford to take time off, nor to pay any doctors' fees, so he wrapped the hand with a dirty rag and finished his day's work. He even worked for a few additional days. By the time he arrived at Ray's office, his hand was swollen and hot and a red streak ran from the badly infected hand up the arm. A painful lump the size of a baseball in his armpit prevented the man from dropping his arm to his side. The man was frantic with pain and fear. Ray asked him why he hadn't sought medical treatment when the condition became so severe, but the man was afraid that his arm would have been amputated. Ray taught him how to dig up plantain plants, wash and crush them, put them on the wound and bandage them in place. He was to add fresh herb to the poultice every time it dried out. He was also to drink at least three cups a day of the tea. The man wanted to come back for a checkup, but Ray assured him that he would be healed completely by the next day. The man did return in three days, but only to report what seemed to him a miracle. On the first day, the red streak had disappeared within a few hours and the swelling in the armpit had reduced. By evening, the wound was much better, and within a day or two, the condition was completely healed. The man had full use of his hand and arm and was able to earn a living for his family. In a similar case, a young girl had cut her foot on a shell while clam hunting at the beach. She had continued to run and play for the afternoon, but by the next morning her foot and leg were swollen and feverish. She also had a red streak forming toward her groin. Ray gave her similar instructions as he had for the man with the chisel wound. The wound healed quickly, and the next day the child skipped into Ray's office to pay him. He protested that the pay was too much, but the child said, "Mama told me to bring you this much because my foot healed so quickly." As it turned out, the Christopher's were paid many times over for this assistance, because this girl's family owned a smorgasbord in Spokane, and were some of the few people in the area who were able to get butter and fresh produce because of wartime rationing. Throughout the remainder of the war, they saw to it that the Christopher's had a little butter and some fresh fruits and vegetables as a token of their appreciation. Because Plaintain and other herbs are only available during the summer, Ray began to concoct concentrates, tinctures, and ointments to use year-round. Once a mother called Ray about her ten-year-old son who had been stung by a wasp. His hand was severely swollen and he had passed out from the pain. Ray tucked a jar of Plantain into his bag and went on the house call. When he arrived, the child was still unconscious and his hand swollen to twice its size. Ray quickly spread a thick layer of plantain ointment over the bite about the size of a silver dollar, covered the ointment with gauze, and used a gauze bandage to hold the patch in place. "Is that all you're going to do?" the mother asked. "That's all that needs to be done," Ray smiled and told her that the ointment would draw the poison from the sting and relieve the pain and swelling. The boy soon regained consciousness and sat up. Within a half hour, the pain was much relieved, and by next day he was out playing baseball with his friends. COMPLETE TISSUE FORMULA
(BF&C) The beloved story of how Dr. Christopher came by the Complete Tissue formula begins when a woman came to his office early one morning, panicky and desperate. Hours earlier, her fourteen-year-old daughter had attempted suicide. She left the daughter in the care of several neighbors to find help from Dr. Christopher. The girl had developed' almost three years before, a severe case of dermatitis, with heavy scales on her face, neck, arms and hands, legs and feet. No physician or specialist had been able to identify her condition, much less find a cure. She began to gorge herself, became extremely overweight, and eventually decided to end her life. As Ray listened to this desperate mother, he offered a silent prayer for help and "a formula came immediately to my mind" as he related it. He jotted the herbs down and gave the mother complete instructions on how to make and apply the fomentation and tea, and sent her to an herb shop to get them. Four days after this mother had come to his office, she called to report that the scabs and scales were gone, and the girl's skin began to show what the mother termed' "a healing glow." Six months later she was a cheerleader at school and enjoying all the social activities of girls of her age. Complete Tissue has been known to heal wounds, even surgical incisions that have failed to heal. One California woman had an abdominal surgical wound that had been draining for more than three years. She applied the ointment to the wound and took the capsules internally. Within seven days, the wound was entirely healed. Complete Tissue has even been known to regenerate tissue. Ray's nephew was a passenger in a car accident, and although relatives held onto him so that he wasn't thrown from the car, he was dragged for some distance along the hot asphalt, and his small fingers were scraped to stubs as far as his first knuckles. Ray gave the child capsules of Complete Tissue and told the parents to mix the powder with honey and wheat germ oil. Within two months, the fingers had healed, complete with perfectly formed fingernails. When Ray next saw his nephew, the child ran toward him and threw his arms around him. "Look, Uncle Ray!" he shouted. "My fingers grew back!" In a similar story, a young woman came to Ray and said, "How do you like my fingers?" He said he thought they were beautiful, clean, and well manicured. "Can you tell which finger was cut off?" she asked him. He couldn't tell, even when he looked close. She told him her story: her finger had been amputated below the knuckle. She had used Complete Tissue, and the knuckle had regenerated. Gradually, all the bone and flesh filled in, and even the fingernail grew back perfectly formed. I would like to relate the experience that I had with Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue formula. I was working in a kitchen when I dropped a #10 can on my large toe. The bone was crushed and even after proper care, it didn't set straight. Even though this was an old injury, I believed that Dr. Christopher's formula would help, even if it was only to relieve the discomfort. I made an ointment of the formula using olive oil as the base. I applied this ointment liberally on my toe, but after several weeks, to my surprise, my toe lost all structural support. I was naturally quite concerned, so I called Dr. Christopher, who wasn't very surprised, but told me to keep applying the ointment. I did and to my amazement, the cartilage formed, hardened into bone and now you can't even tell that it had been deformed.--Taken from video recorded testimonials June, 1979. Speaker is David Calvert, B.C., Canada. BURN PASTE (Complete Tissue another testimonial) One of Dr. Christopher's most dramatic cases of skin regeneration involved two ten- year-old boys who were playing with matches and gasoline, when the gas burst into flame. Both boys were severely burned. The surgeon at the hospital said that the hands would either have to be amputated at the wrist and iron claws attached to both arms, or the boys could endure several years of painful skin graft surgeries. After years of such surgery, the boys would have nothing better than mummified claws which could never move like fingers. One set of parents told the surgeon to begin operations; the other set of parents took their child to Dr. Christopher. He cringed at the badly scarred skin, tendons, muscles and nerves. He gave the parents a salve made of comfrey, honey, and wheat germ oil. He told the parents to keep a thick layer of this burn ointment on the area. Within a week, the parents took their son to see the surgeon, who was dumbfounded. The burns had healed from third-degree to first-degree. "What on earth have you been using?" he asked. The parents just said, "An old-fashioned remedy." "Whatever it is, keep on using it. I don't think there's need for surgery now. I can't believe it. But these hands are going to heal without scar tissue." A year after the burn, the first boy remained in the hospital. The parents had invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on the surgery and skin grafting, but the boy ended up with stiff, unbending claws that the boy hid with gloves. The other boy, whose parents had applied the herbal salve, healed completely. The tendons, nerves, muscles and flesh were all renewed, with no scar tissue. Even the fingernails grew back. The family's total investment was less than twenty dollars for the herbal salve. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. RASH OINTMENT (CMM) LYMPHATIC
FORMULA (Red Clover Comb.) He began with red clover blossoms, an alterative herb which gradually purifies and cleanses the bloodstream and corrects any deficiencies in the circulatory system. It also removes obstructions in this system while it nourishes and builds the tissues reducing, any spasms or irritability in the blood vessels. He added chaparral for its ability to clear up all infections, even stubborn ones. He had seen it heal boils, abscesses, carbuncles and other sever infections by purifying the bloodstream. He had used it to clear up several severe cases of acne within six weeks because of its power to purify the bloodstream. He chose echinacea because in those days it was famous for clearing blood poisoning. It is now know also for its supreme action to enhance the immune response. Dr. Christopher used echinacea with success in clearing up infection associated with gangrene, ulcers and cancers. He saw it clear staph infections in the bloodstream. To complete the formula, Dr. Christopher added two of nature's most powerful blood purifiers, burdock root and buckthorn bark. Ray began trying out the Bloodstream Formula , and it worked fast and well. One of the most dramatic cases was a forty-five-year-old man who had developed severe sepsis throughout his system. He had lost his hair and fingernails. His eyes were ulcerated and he had even developed some of the symptoms of leprosy. He had lost so much weight that he looked like a skeleton. Ray gave him the Red Clover Combination, together with nutritional guidelines, and within six weeks he had regained weight and had no signs of infection. A middle-aged woman had been diagnosed with cancer so advanced that her doctor had sent her home, with no further treatment, to die. Ray started her on the Bloodstream Formula , as well as a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts, and he also advised her to avoid hard water, processed foods, sugars, and cholesterol-containing foods. He also started her on the three-day cleanse once a month. Several months later, after following these directions, she had a checkup with her doctor, and the cancer was gone. She was cured. As Ray used the Bloodstream Formula for various conditions, he was amazed at its powers. A baby was born to an Rh-negative mother and an Rh-positive father which usually necessitates draining the baby's blood followed by total blood transfusion. Sometimes the treatment is successful, but sometimes the baby develops complications or even dies. The mother had previously borne three children who had to have the transfusion. When she had to have open-heart surgery a few years later, the doctor warned her not to get pregnant again, or she and the baby could lose their lives. However, she wanted a large family and went to Ray for help. He put her on the three-day cleanse , the Bloodstream Formula , and the mucusless diet , including at least a gallon of distilled water and a quart of red raspberry tea each day. She followed the program and eventually became pregnant. She maintained the program throughout the pregnancy, and when the baby was born, he had no Rh factor. The family eventually had two more Rh-free babies. WEIGHT MANAGEMENT (Metaburn
or Appetite
Appeaser) Then the children began carrying from the house aluminum pots and pans, putting them inside the grave. They marched to the outside cellar, hauling up slabs of bacon and large smoked hams, adding them to the aluminum pans. At a time of rationing and severe economic depression, Ray saw this as a significant sacrifice and an inspiration for another of his formulas. He put together Appetite Appeaser , to be used in weight loss. He combined chickweed, safflower flowers, burdock root, parsley, Norwegian kelp, licorice root, fennel seed, echinacea, black walnut hulls, papaya leaves, and hawthorn berries. Throughout the years, he saw people experience astonishing results with the formula. The licorice root and fennel seed curb the appetite and relieve cravings. Historically, the ancient Greeks nibbled on fennel seeds to control hunger during fasting. Knowing that the body holds on to fat reserves if it is missing essential trace elements, he included the powerful nutritional herbs such as kelp and parsley. He added the papaya leaves to help with metabolism and absorption. The other herbs help cleanse the blood and regulate the adrenal and thyroid glands. THE NERVINE FORMULAS MEMORY
PLUS FORMULA (MEM) RELAXEZE Ray recommended the mucusless diet and therapeutic massage . Then he came up with two herbal combinations to build and strengthen the nervous system. He showed the parents how to make the teas and give them to the boy. Within six months, this boy, who had been thought retarded, was speaking, and had tutors brought in twice a week to keep up with him in his learning! Instead of being handicapped, he was actually brilliant! Within a few months, he was at the normal level for his age. He enrolled in school, seizure-free from then on. Dr. Christopher developed and used formulas that came to be known as Ear & Nerve Formula, Memory Plus Formula, and Relax Eze. Memory Plus Formula heals the nervous system tissue, restores memory, and strengthens thought processes. Relax Eze also feeds and rebuilds the nerves and reduces irritation of the nervous system, soothes spasms and tics, and relieves pain. Relax Eze is based on skullcap, a nervine herb without the side effects of pharmaceutical nerve medications. It is naturally calming for those who are troubled by worry or emotional distress. Dr. Christopher often used it to help with insomnia. One woman who had been troubled throughout her life with chronic insomnia had never slept more than thirty minutes at a time. After one cup of Relax-Eze tea, she slept soundly throughout the night. During his practice in Olympia, Dr. Christopher developed two career trademarks: his famous house calls and his success with incurable diseases. He would sometimes travel more than fifty miles one way in the middle of the night to patients he had never even met. On one of these house calls, he found a man who was in the throes of pain and paralysis of arthritis. From his wheelchair, he said, "Please, help me. No one has been able to help me yet. I have tried every doctor, but nothing has worked. My money is gone. I have nothing left." "Don't worry," said Ray, stroking the man's gnarled hand. "You don't need money to pay me. Let's see what we can do for you." From his bag, Ray took his morning's harvest of burdock root , firm and fresh. He chopped the roots and brewed burdock tea, telling the man to drink as many cups a day as he could tolerate. Then he made poultices from the tender burdock leaves, placing them over the painful joints. He taught the man how to make his own poultices, how to eat properly and take quarts of fresh juices. Within weeks, the man's joints began to loosen, and he could stand for the first time in years. Soon he could walkand then run! Eventually he was completely healed. Only a few months after he first saw Dr. Christopher, he was back on the job as a night watchman, without pain or difficulty. Dr. Christopher had special understanding and empathy for arthritic conditions since he had suffered from the same ailment early in his life. His knowledge came first- hand: if he stayed on the mucusless diet , with olive oil or wheat germ oil, he scarcely noticed his arthritis. But if he ate breads or pastries, he needed a cane to walk. If he ate sugar, he became crippled. And if he ate red meat, he was back to his wheelchair within two days. JOINT FORMULA (AR-1) LOWER BOWEL FORMULA
(FenLB) Ray knew that the man needed a thorough cleansing, and quickly. He gave blood cleansing herbs and juices. And then he prescribed what became one of his most famous formulas, to clean the bowels and colon. Dr. Christopher knew that more than ninety percent of all disease is caused by congestion in the colon. Processed foods weaken the bowel, creating pockets and balloons filled with old fecal matter, a perfect place for germs to proliferate. And the hard material absorbs moisture, spreading the toxins back into the body. Lower Bowel works not only as a laxative to clean the bowel, but as a food to tone, rebuild and strengthen the colon at the same time. He began with barberry bark, which stimulates the flow of bile and acts as a non-habit-forming laxative. He added cascara sagrada bark, a famed laxative herb that strengthens the peristaltic muscle. Then he included cayenne to stimulate the cells of the bowel and stop bleeding; ginger to relive gas and stop cramping and pain; lobelia which acts as a catalyst as well as stopping pain and cramping; red rhubarb root, a laxative that also relieves nausea; turkey rhubarb, another gentle, pure laxative; fennel which relieves gas; and golden seal to heal, rebuild and prevent infection. This formula works on both the small and large intestine. Within six weeks, the veterinarian, who had been so near to death, was out mowing the lawn. Passing neighbors were astonished: "I thought you were dead!" they called out to him. "No sir! I've turned to herbs. And if you want to feel this great, you should see Dr. Christopher yourself!" Cases like this eventually filled the waiting room of Dr. Christopher's office each morning. One case in particular was a woman who came because of severe pain in her shoulders, so intense that she could not even lift her arms. After examining her briefly, Ray determined she had a large pocket of fecal matter trapped at the ascending transverse junction of her colon. Toxic waste had drained through her bloodstream, irritating the nerves of her shoulder and eventually causing this excruciating pain. Ray began by massaging the reflexology point on her foot that corresponded to the point of congestion. She screamed with pain as he kneaded the spot. This eased the pain in her shoulders. By taking the Lower Bowel formula, she had no more pain again. Though his practice continued to flourish, Ray and his family were becoming homesick for their former mountain home and for their friends and relatives in Utah. They decided to close his practice in Olympia, Washington and return to Salt Lake City. HOME TO UTAH In the early days of Utah history, herbalism had been well-accepted; the early church leaders had been committed to herbal healing. But things had changed in Utah, it was now a center of orthodox medical healing, unready for natural healing. During this time, he completed a naturopathy degree from Iowa's Institute of Drugless Therapy and an herbal pharmacist degree from the Los Angeles Herbal Institute. Ray couldn't make enough in his practice to make ends meet, so he started work as a salesman, often traveling out of state. As he traveled he seemed drawn to people who needed his help, and he always offered it freely. He recalled the phone call he had from a family with eight children in a tiny frame house in Great Falls, Montana; people he had met selling encyclopedias. The mother was frantic. An intestinal flu was running through the community, and two of her eight children had come home with it. Dr. Christopher knew that the family only had one bathroom ,a disaster if all should come down sick with intestinal flu! Remembering a thick patch of red raspberries along the family's back fence, he told her to gather the leaves, only stripping a third from any one bush. She was to brew a tea of the leaves. "Give the sick children nothing but raspberry tea ," he advised. "Give them all they can drink, and nothing else. Give the others tea, too. That's all they should eat or drink till the flu has cleared up." He told her that the family should be fine by morning if they followed these instructions. A few days later, she called to tell him that the children were indeed fine by morning, instead of suffering for weeks, as had their classmates. No one else in the family got the flu. The mother had borne and raised sixteen children, and later graduated from Brigham Young University as a registered nurse. At graduation, she was honored by the university president and her classmates with a standing ovation. Over the years, as she practiced nursing, she also helped patients with herbal remedies. COLD SEASON IMMUNE (Garlic,
(Adrenetone) Male
Urinary Tract Formula (Prospallate) - An aid for the prostate PROSTATE
(Prospalmetto) - An aid for the prostate
(Juni-Pars) Despite his success in developing these formulas, and his family's joy in being together with extended family in Utah, Ray was becoming increasingly frustrated. He could not be licensed in the state of Utah. One of the city's naturopaths, suggested that he become licensed in Wyoming and then return to Utah. Dr. Christopher decided to follow his advice. On the trip out, the family realized how hard their financial situation had actually been. They ran out of gas twenty miles out of Evanston. With no money to buy more, Ray walked to the nearest farmhouse. The farmer gave Ray gasoline from the tank of his tractor. On borrowed fuel, the Christopher's arrived in Evanston. EVANSTON The family found a place to live with a spacious office in front for Ray. With nothing to live on but a few boxes of food they'd packed in the car, they hung out a sign announcing their arrival and waited for patients. Local people had a hard time with this new arrival many of them didn't even know what a naturopath was. All they had experience with was orthodox physicians. Just when Ray was afraid they'd have to starve, a few patients started trickling in, most for minor ailments like athlete's foot or a sprained ankle. These few didn't provide enough of a living for the Christopher family to pay their bills and put food on the table. When circumstances were the worst, the Christophers received a phone call from Della's sister Jane. She told them she wanted to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She knew that her father couldn't afford to support her financially, and she hoped to find someone who could. Ray offered to support her on a mission for the two full years. When he hung up the phone, he and his wife looked at each other. What had he done? Sometimes there was hardly enough food; the adults would scant themselves so the children could have their fill. But they shared a faith in the Lord and gratitude for what they had. As Jane prepared to enter the mission home, she asked Ray where he might like to see her serve as a missionary. He said, "My father was from Paris, and my mother was from Switzerland. I would love to see you serve in the French-Swiss mission! But tell them to send you where they need you the most." The Christophers borrowed money against their naturopathic equipment in the Evanston office to supply her with clothing and other necessities for the mission. With the last of their funds, they boarded the train with her for Salt Lake City. The line of missionaries was long, waiting to enter the mission home where they receive and prepare for their assignments to some corner of the globe. When Jane reached the front of the line, the receptionist paused. "Where would you like to go?" he asked. "I want to go where you need me the most," she replied. "The place you are needed most is the French-Swiss Mission." The Christophers were delighted. But then they boarded the train back to Evanston and reflected on what they had done. With the last few dollars in his pocket, Ray and Della had a meal in the dining car and prayed for the family's future. When he entered his office waiting room the morning of his return, he was astonished. It was filled. Patients sat in every available space, waiting for appointments to see the new naturopath in town. There was money to keep Jane on her mission. There was money to feed his family again! The patients were the best advertisements Dr. Christopher could hope for. Word-of-mouth recommendations came from people who had suffered for years, unable to get help from the orthodox medical community. There was the woman whose arthritic joints were at last freed, the asthmatic whose airways were finally opened, and the polio victim who at last walked. In one dramatic case, a man arrived in his wheelchair, hoping for some relief from the pain of his affliction, but resigned to the doctor's pronouncement that he would never walk again. "I know I can relieve your pain," Ray told him," and if you'd like to walk again, I think I can help you do that, too." With the mucusless diet and herbal remedies, the man left the office with new hope. Within a few months, he was walking around town, telling others about Dr. Christopher. Although their business flourished, the Christophers had a hard time adjusting to the cold climate of Evanston. One of their favorite jokes was: "We missed that one day of summerwe were in Salt Lake that day!" SANCTITY OF LIFE Throughout his practice, Dr. Christopher opposed birth control and refused to assist in abortion. He remembered one belligerent young woman who came to him seeking an abortion. Although his patient schedule was full, he counseled her for almost an hour about the sanctity of life. "Let this baby come; give it life; take care of it and love it " "I hate you!" she screamed, jumping from her seat. "If I had a gun, I would kill you! I'm going to get rid of this baby, and if you won't do it, I'll find another doctor who will!" As she ran from the office, he pleaded with her to remember the things he had said. About a year later, the woman came into his office, with a sweet baby in her arms. "I just want to thank you," she said, stroking the baby's head. "I told you I hated you, that I wanted to kill you, but you made me think. I went to three other doctors for an abortion. Each time as I sat in their waiting rooms, I heard your voice. I couldn't go through with it. This baby has changed my life; she is the most beautiful thing I could ever have been given." Another day, the phone rang, with a woman on the line who was hemorrhaging rapidly, about to lose her baby. She'd had miscarriages before and wanted to save this one. He told her to stay in bed till he arrived. Just then the phone rang with another woman, on the opposite end of town, in the same precarious situation: hemorrhage, losing a baby. He told her to stay in bed. He stuffed more herbs in his bag and raced off. Dr. Christopher directed each woman to take half a cup of false unicorn tea every half hour till the bleeding stopped, stay in bed and take plenty of fresh juices. Within months, each came to Dr. Christopher's office to show him their beautiful, fully formed babies. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE
(NuFem) In one particular case, Dr. Christopher treated a seventeen-year-old girl from Texas whose cycle was so exhausting that she was hospitalized each month for dehydration and excessive vomiting. When she took Nu-Fem (new name Female Reproductive Formula), her problems disappeared. Another woman in Evanston had suffered from terrific pain during menstruation for ten years. She had invested thousands of dollars on specialists, without receiving any relief. After using Nu-Fem (new name Female Reproductive Formula) for only ninety days, she had a regular, pain-free cycle. Female Reproductive Formula also rebuilds the feminine organs, particularly the uterus. An Ohio woman had suffered severe pain from a badly tipped uterus. After taking Nu-Fem for five days, the pain cease, and within several weeks, the doctor was astonished to see that the uterus was no longer tipped. Female Reproductive Formula
also aids in conception and makes normal pregnancies
possible. One couple who for fourteen years were unable
to conceive, came for instruction. They took Nu- Fem,
distilled water, the mucusless diet, and wheat germ oil
and received the child they had longed for. Nu-Fem also
helped a forty-one year old woman from Portland who had
suffered nine miscarriages, all within the second or
third month of pregnancy. Nu-Fem restored her
reproductive system, and she too was able to bear a
(Changease) Taken from his life story - Dr. Christopher's second female formula based on false unicorn is known as Changease. He recommended it for puberty, pregnancy, nursing, and menopause, including "male menopause." The herbs in Changease provide precursors to hormones, which the body can easily convert to the hormones that it requires. Synthetic hormones, on the other hand cannot be completely assimilated by the body. They may be stored in the body tissues, with potentially serious side effects. Changease can help with the changes associated with puberty, can be an outstanding pregnancy supplement, and can relieve hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause. Because both men and women require varying amounts of female hormones, it can be used for hormonal imbalance in men as well. Blessed thistle is one of the important herbs in both
formulas. This wonder herb, which can bring up the milk
supply in a nursing mother. Dr. Christopher remembered
one mother who lost her milk for almost two months. Her
baby could not digest formula, soy formulas, or animal's
milk. He was almost dead from starvation and
dehydration. Blessed thistle brought this mother's milk
back, and saved the baby's life. Another mother was
ordered by a doctor to wean her three-month old infant.
Her milk was insufficient, he said. Blessed thistle gave
her a good supply of rich milk. Still another mother of
a large family grew fatigued and began to lose her milk,
and just two capsules of blessed thistle each night
restored so much milk that her nightclothes were wet
with it. (Blessed thistle caps, Blessed thistle
extract) But perhaps the most dramatic story about blessed thistle was the family where the mother was killed in an automobile accident. The seventeen-year-old sister brought the baby to Dr. Christopher; the infant had been thrown clear of the car and was uninjured. But it could not digest formula or animal's milk. The young woman began to take blessed thistle tea, and soon she had a good) rich milk supply. She nursed the baby till it was weaned. Similarly, a woman came to Dr. Christopher, intending to adopt a baby and wanting to breast feed. It was their fourth adoption, but she hadn't been able to nurse any of them. Dr. Christopher helped her get onto a good diet, plenty of fresh juice, lots of distilled water each day, and at least three cups of blessed thistle tea a day. A few months later, she came to see him, and, throwing back her robe, showed him a chubby Navajo baby, nursing from her stark white breast. She said, "I love my four children so much, but I feel so close to this one. He is blood of my blood." With such success, Dr. Christopher's practice in Evanston grew steadily. Each day the small waiting room was filled to capacity, all day long. Some cases were simple, some complex, and some involved mental illness. One such woman came into the office with her sixteen-year-old daughter. The girl had Down's Syndrome, and had been institutionalized in Lander, Wyoming. The girl could not speak. The woman wanted to keep her daughter home with her. Dr. Christopher recommended a complete program, and within three months, the girl was quicker and brighter, more responsive, and was even speaking simple sentences! The officials were so amazed that they allowed the child to stay at home with her family. One night there came a pounding at the door; when Dr. Christopher opened it, there were two young men, supporting a wizened old man who was struggling for every breath of air. Dr. Christopher recognized the wheezing sounds of asthma. "Please!" cried one of the young men. "Our regular doctor is out of town and we can't find his assistant. Can you help keep Pap alive?" Dr. Christopher settled the old man in a chair and gave him a cup of peppermint tea. The man had been sick with asthma for twenty- six years. For twenty of those it had been so severe that he could not hold a job. He could not lie down in bed because he choked up so much that he risked death. His sons built him a special chair to sleep in at night. The sons both worked to support the family's needs, including the high medical bills from this condition. The man required shots, respiratory therapy, and oxygen treatments, often more than twice a week. Dr. Christopher helped the man sip the peppermint tea . Ten minutes later, he gave him a teaspoonful of Lobelia Extract . Ten minutes later, as the four of them talked, Dr. Christopher spooned in another dose, and ten minutes later, another. Dr. Christopher began to quietly gather pots, pans and buckets. Suddenly the man began vomiting. From two till five in the morning he vomited the thick, sticky, blackened phlegm that had choked his airways. Because of the peppermint tea, his muscles were relaxed and he suffered no soreness from the hours of heaving. Just after five o'clock, well before dawn, Dr. Christopher said, "You can take your father home now; he is finished with the treatment. He is fine now." The two rushed to their father's side to take him home, but he said, "You don't have to help me, boys. I'll walk." Dr. Christopher settled into bed for an hour's rest before starting the next day's work. The boys took the man home to his chair but he said, "Put me to bed, boys. I'm going to sleep in a bed tonight." "You can't, Pap. It will kill you!" But the father insisted and went to bed. He fell into a heavy sleep for thirty hours. When he woke up, after sleeping soundly for the first time in twenty years, he said, "I'm healed. I'm going out to get a job." He got a job as a gardener, and he never lost a day's work. He slept in a bed every night thereafter. LUNG & BRONCHIAL FORMULA
And, most dramatically, an elderly woman had lived in blindness for many years; with the formula, her sight was restored. A young man who had suffered an eye injury and had gone without sight for ten years was able to see again. Two young adults, blind since birth, used the formula and were able to see! One Missouri baby had been born with Coloboma; one eye was smaller than the other. Three leading specialists proclaimed the blindness to be permanent. The mother began patiently using Herbal Eyebright with a dropper in each of his eyes. Within three months, this supposedly blind baby was reaching for objects. By the age of three, he ran freely, his vision perfect. Another couple had a baby born without optic nerves. Dr. Christopher knew that giving sight to such a child was almost impossible. But he knew that the formula could cause no harm, so he recommended Herbal Eyebright in the eyes and given internally, and Ear & Nerve tincture dropped in the ears and given internally. Six months later, the same couple brought the child to a lecture. He chased balls across the room and picked them up; he had normal sight. Dr. Christopher often laughed about an experience he had in Evanston. He was called to a farmhouse forty miles away in Woodruff, Utah. The rancher and his whole family were very sick from an undiagnosed sickness. The farm work and housework were all close to a standstill, because the family was so weak. "What are you eating?" Ray asked. "Oh, we eat well," said the rancher. "I just stored up a thousand pounds of white flour, and we have plenty of canned goods to see us through the winter." "Have you ever considered whole wheat?" Ray asked "You could never force that down me," the rancher jeered. "I don't believe in it. There's no sense in it at all." "Now, you're a rancher," said Ray, "and you've got some prize horses and cattle out there. Do you feed them carrots?" "You bet," the rancher smiled, "I've got about half a ton of carrots out there." "Do you ever eat them?" "Naw. . .they're just for the horsesyou know, to keep them in good condition." "What about grains?" "I've got coarse-ground grains in the shed for the cattle." "You bring in from the shed a thousand pounds of those coarse-ground grains. Prepare it over low heat till it is soft and chewy, stir in a little honey or some fresh diced fruit. You eat that. And take your thousand pounds of white flour, and give it to the cattle." "What?" the man said angrily, "That would kill my prize cattle!" Then the man's face reddened as he realized what he had said. "You caught me," he admitted. "All right. I'll do it your way." Within a few weeks, the family had received good health and vitality once again. HOME TO SALT LAKE AND TROUBLE The Christophers finally prepared to return to Utah, to family, friends and a familiar setting. Once they returned, he set up an office similar to the one he'd had in Evanston. But even though he had been licensed in Wyoming, he could not receive similar licensing in Utah. Some of the people in the area were adamant against herbs and vowed to prosecute anyone who prescribed their use. Even the few patients that made their way to Dr. Christopher were considered suspect. One day, a young man and his sister called Dr. Christopher to their home. Lying in bed was their mother, in terrible pain, almost at death's door. The children explained that she was riddled with cancer and had been given only hours to live. They wanted to fulfill her wish of dying at home and wanted something to ease her pain during her last hours. Ray had been warned against visiting the woman because of legal ramifications. But he could not turn his back when there was pain. He leaned close to her and said, "I don't know how long you'll be with us, but if you will follow this program for a few days, you will be free of pain. And I believe you will enjoy ease until your time comes." She nodded weakly, with a smile. He left the family with dietary instructions and a handful of herbal formulas. As he left the house, he noticed neighbors peering from behind heavy lace curtains. He visited her several times, and soon she was able to get out of bed, to talk walks among her beloved gardens, to smile, to associate with her children. One morning a few months later, she gathered her children around her and bid them goodbye, telling each how she loved them. She closed her eyes and died, without pain. The children phoned Ray with the news, expressing their gratitude for her final few months of joy and companionship. A few days later, the police came to Ray's house, handcuffed him, and arrested him for murder, and took him to jail. The neighbors had noted his license plate and filed charges against him when the woman died. She had been sentenced to die within a few hours and Dr. Christopher had prolonged her life by a few weeks, and eased her pain. Yet he paid the price, because he was, in the words of the prosecuting attorney, an "unorthodox physician." Ray's defense wasn't sure that they could avoid a prison term. The children of the deceased offered Ray's greatest defense. The young son passionately told how Ray's treatments had taken away his mother's pain and allowed her to live much longer than expected. He told how she got out of bed, walked around, and was happy. The judge rapped his gavel, saying, "Case dismissed." Ray always believed that the Lord was in court with him that day. Unfortunately, there were many more times that Dr. Christopher felt handcuffs slapped around his wrists, when his family had to post bail to free him from unfair imprisonment. His wife always supported him through arrests, trials, and imprisonments. As he'd leave the house each day to attend the sick, he'd called back over his shoulder, "I'll phone you when I get to jail tonight!" and they'd both smile and wave goodbye. Unfortunately, this prediction often proved true. There were so many arrests and trialsalthough, at his funeral, National Health Federation official Clinton Miller pointed out that Ray never showed bitterness or retaliation, with "no anguish in his face, no concern, no bitterness, just beauty." Eventually legislation was passed aimed specifically against Dr. Christopher, so that he could not practice natural healing anymore. But as distressing as this was, it opened a door to Dr. Christopher. When he could no longer treat patients, he began to lecture and teach. At his peak, he lectured in more than 120 cities a year. The halls were filled to capacity; eager students stood in the aisles and lined the walls in an effort to learn from him. In 1979, he began a newsletter, which, together with his books, reached tens of thousands of more people than his Practice could ever have done. His work did not stop there, however. Starting from his service at Fort Lewis, continuing in Evanston, and then on through Salt Lake, many of his patients became herbalists. Even the rancher in Woodruff who refused to feed his prize cattle white flour bought a fruit farm, learned reflexology and works as a full-time herbalist. Dr. Christopher practiced open-heartedly, without guile, with selfless concern for his patients and later for all his students. He never held back information on his formulas to gain more money; he freely shared any information he thought could help someone else. He took people into their yards and taught them to use the "weeds," when he could have easily bottled them himself for profit. He shared the ingredients of his formulas freely. Throughout his life, Dr. Christopher maintained a wonderful sense of humor. He loved to tell the story about a man who was hospitalized' with doctor's orders for an enema. A nurse administered it, and then was called away on an emergency before recording the treatment. Soon a second nurse appeared, and gave him a second enema. But she, too, failed to record the treatment. Then a third nurse did the same. When the man heard a knock on his door, he called out, "Who goes there? Friend or enema?" The press was sympathetic to Dr. Christopher's troubles. The San Francisco Recorder published an editorial commenting on Ray's arrests and the accompanying $50,000 bond' saying, "Where hardened criminals, guilty of crimes of violence and threats to society, are given low bail, some members of the legal profession are requesting that an investigation be made to determine what prompted such an excessive bail in this case. Could this be a ploy to take the heat off the doctors in the current malpractice mess by making it unpleasant for acupuncturists, herbal, and natural healers? Just asking!" Dr. Christopher continued to teach until the last of his life, when in 1983, he had slipped on the treacherous ice outside his home in Covered Bridge Canyon, Utah, and suffered what became a fatal accident. He was seventy-three years old, and through trials and suffering through his long life, he blazed the path to a way of life we take for granted today, with natural foods, healthy lifestyles, and healing with herbs. This volume remains a landmark in herbal healing, and as you read it, remember the man who sacrificed to make it possible. Written by David Christopher - his son and a renown Herbalist in his own right - He carries on the " The School of Natural Healing" in Springville, UT His classes are very down to earth and practical. He is as knowledgeable about herbs as anyone I have ever heard of. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This formula was designed to help promote the relief of flatulence. Contains - fennel, wild yam, catnip, ginger, peppermint, spearmint, papaya, lobelia. Dosages: To make tea, take one teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Testimonials: One particular woman was worried that she was dying of a heart attack. Dr. Christopher checked her eyes and told her that there wasn't anything wrong with her heart; in fact, it was in excellent condition. He wished his own heart were as good as hers! He assured her that she was not having a heart attack. She was somewhat belligerent: "Well, don't tell me, I should know, it's me that's having them. I can be washing dishes and all of a sudden, my heart will stop beating and I fall on the floor and pass out. Or I'll be walking down the street, shopping, and pass out. They rush me to the hospital, and I always come to before anything is done, like operations."Dr. Christopher told her she hadn't any heart problems at all, but that she did have a condition on her descending colon, where she had a bowel pocket, a gas pocket, and whenever she got gas in that, it pushed up against her heart valves and cut the heart off. That is why the heart would stop, because of the gas pressure. She said that she was having a heart pain right then and that the heart was constantly troubling her. She was afraid she would pass out. He told her to hang on, and he called on the intercom to the laboratory, where they always had hot water ready. He had them mix up a teaspoon of wild yam and a cup of hot water. Within a very short time he strained out a cup of wild yam tea for the woman. She was just about ready to pass out. She took a couple of drinks of the tea and started to burp. Finally the gas was completely relieved. After taking Dr. Christopher's advice and not gulping her food, but chewing more thoroughly, using wild yam as she needed, she got over this problem and never had another attack. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
1. This is a good formula to help with car, plane, or boat sickness; in fact, for most any motion sickness. It is also for nausea from pregnancy, etc. 2. Historically speaking this formula has been used to help clear up flu, earache, eruptive diseases, car-sickness, etc. 3. The best insurance in the world against the "predicted coming plagues" and "killing diseases" is to have the body in a good healthy condition. Disease germs are merely scavengers and can only live on toxins, mucus and residue from junk foods. They cannot and will not damage healthy cell structure. Therein lies the key! Have a healthy, clean body and disease germs will by-pass you--wanting nothing to do with your body, because it would be "obnoxiously clean" (in their language) and no filth for them to live on. If the plague, or some other epidemic hits before you are in a good healthy condition, it is good to have an aid for a fast cleaning. 4. Nausea: Tendency to vomit, sickness of the stomach. You may also use the anti-plague formula. Dosages: Dosage is as follows: 1 tsp. 3 times a day; or 1 tablespoon every 1/2 hour if infected. It contains the following herbs: Fresh garlic, apple cider vinegar, pure vegetable glycerine, honey, garlic juice, fresh comfrey root, wormwood, lobelia, marshmallow root, oak bark, black walnut bark, mullein, skullcap, uva-ursi. This has also been called Four Thieves. The origin of the name "Four Thieves" is as follows. "In Marseilles, a garlic-vinegar preparation known as the Four Thieves was credited with protecting many of the people when a plague struck that city. Some say that the preparation originated with four thieves who confessed that they used it with complete protection against the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead. Others claim that a man named Richard Forthave developed and sold the preparation, and that the "medicine" was originally referred to as Forthave's. however, with the passing of time, his surname became corrupted to Four Thieves." These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Useful in treating: Acidosis, Apoplexy, Asthma, Cholera Morbus, Convulsions, Coughs, Cramps, Croup, Delirium tremors, Diphtheria, Dyspnea, Epilepsy, Fainting, Fever, Hemorrhage, Hiccoughs, Hysteria, Inflammation, Mouth sores, Nausea, Neuritis, Paralysis, Pyorrhea, Rheumatic Fever, Spasms, Throat infections, Tonsillitis, Typhoid Morbus. Indigestion: Peppermint tea can help promote the soothing of the digestive tract and eliminate gas. Add six to ten drops of lobelia or antispasmodic tincture. Babies Convulsions: For baby convulsions, place a drop or two of the tincture on the tip of a clean finger and place it in the baby's mouth. This should help stop the spasms immediately. Rheumatism: The antispasmodic tincture is often applied externally for swellings and rheumatism. Contains - skullcap herb, lobelia, cayenne, valerian root, skunk cabbage, gum myrrh, black cohosh Testimonials: 1.Epilepsy: I just received your newsletter, and in reading the information on epilepsy I found that you didn't mention your Antispasmodic tincture. I have epilepsy and have followed your program with the Ear & Nerve tincture and oil of garlic and I'm sure this is effective over a period of time; but the antispasmodic tincture will stop the seizure in the process. I have used it successfully--even during home childbirth. This is a very good test, as epileptics could tell you, as childbirth always causes seizures. I have also given the tincture to a friend for her baby. They had just spent almost $1,000 on tests and medication the "AMA Way" and were having no success in stopping the seizures. They say this tincture has changed their lives. Having experienced epileptic seizures, I know that is no exaggeration. I have never read or heard of this tincture being used for epilepsy, but was led by the Spirit to use it. I hope this might be of help to others who are suffering. God bless you. 2.Croup and Coughing: I'm very interested in learning more about herbs and one day studying it so I would feet more confident using them as I do, medicinally. I've used for my son's teething problems and on insect bites and rubbing on body for fever, etc. I've used antispasmodic tincture for his croup and coughing. It works great!! I wish the medical profession would accept this miracle remedy for croup and get off their high horse! 3.Fever: My main reason for my letter is: My neighbor's little son of 3 ½ had a fever of 104 F. for three days. I brought him one cup of honey-cider vinegar and water and the antispasmodic tincture. He drank ½ cup of the mixture (1 tsp. of each) took ½ dropper of the tincture and in three hours the fever was broken--his mother thought it was a miracle. So do I. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Liver-Gall Bladder Formula contains the herbs barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint. This combination will aid in purifying the blood stream. For if the bile does not flow freely into the intestinal tract, it goes directly into the blood stream and circulates throughout the system causing a toxic condition known as cholemia, producing indigestion, sluggishness, fever, fatigue, constipation, upset stomach, chills, and vomiting, among some of the symptoms. In addition to the above formula, the castor oil fomentation may be used over the liver. This will open the constipated capillaries within the liver. Excesses in eating and drinking should be avoided. If gallstones are present and the ducts are blocked, bile may be forced back into the liver and enter into the bloodstream. The skin may take on a jaundiced color. Ultimately, the bile is excreted through the urinary tract. The urine is often dark red or amber color and is very concentrated. Clay color stools are another symptom. During a time of a gall bladder inflammation, heavy eating should not be done. Fruit and vegetable juices are recommended along with the liver-gallbladder herbal formula. The bowels should be kept open and unconstipated through the use of the Lower Bowel formula. Olive oil (2 tablespoons, 3 times a day) should be taken to lubricate the bile ducts. Dr. Christopher's hydrangea root formula, made with 1 quart of apple juice and one ounce of hydrangea root soaked together for three days in a cool place and taken in two ounce doses during the three day cleanse, is capable of dissolving stones anywhere in the body. Light, more frequent meals are preferred over large heavy ones. Suggested dose: 1/3 Cup or one or two capsules or tablets, 15 to 20 minutes before a meal. GALLSTONES Dr., Christopher used to give thirteen lectures a week, in six or seven different towns throughout Utah. During a lecture in Ogden, one of his students, a lady, came to him, saying she was in terrible trouble. She had gallstones so bad and painful that her doctor would give her pain shots. The doctor now refused to give any more shots, but if she had another attack, the stones would be removed. Another attack was starting, and the doctor told her that an operation to remove the stones would cost $1200. "I haven't got the money," she told the doctor. He said to put it on the medical credit card, which she didn't have either. He said that he couldn't help her until she had the money for the operation. Then she remembered about the three-day cleanse that goes with the mucusless diet. You use apple juice for three days, as well as olive oil, a couple of spoonfuls three times a day. She decided to try it. After about a week, Dr. Christopher returned to Ogden. This lady came bouncing through the door, with no pain at all. "Hello, doctor," she said, "I am so glad to see you. We had a rock slide last night." "A what?" Her husband, following her in the door, explained that he was in the other room and heard the gallstones hitting the bottom of the toilet bowl as they dropped out. He collected maybe a cup of gallstones that had come out after three days of juice. Instead of $1200 for the operation, it cost them about $12 for the juice and oil. She had no more gallstones, and felt wonderful. Bee
Combination BILBERRY EYE SUPPORT (Bilbrite) - Eye Circulation Formula Black
Drawing Ointment
Skin Formula These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Assimilation Formula or Kid-e-calc
(Calc Tea) Calcium Formula
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
A blessing for infants. A fine combination for colic, biliousness, flatulence, spasms, etc. The catnip and fennel tincture works wonders in a colicky baby, and it is so mild that you can feel confident in giving it as needed. If you are uncomfortable with the alcohol content, drop the dose into a spoonful of boiled water and let the alcohol evaporate; then give the dose by spoon. In ten minutes or so the cramping should cease and the baby cheer up. Catnip and fennel extract massaged into the gums help take off the edge. Use a few drops, or as much as needed, when desired. Cayenne
, Cayenne
Salve and Cayenne
- For use in These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Itch
Ointment (Chickweed) Eczema/Skin Ointment These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This is an antiseptic to be used on lesions, eczema (dry), poison ivy and poison oak, soothes inflamed surfaces, abrasions, burns and sunburns , hemorrhoids, blood poisoning, cancer, for bruises and swellings. Good to have on hand at all times. Dosages: Hemorrhoids and Rectal Cancer: Bathe the area 2-3 times daily with the decoction, infusion, or diluted tincture (as warm as possible) of chickweed, then apply Itch ointment. or Dr. Christopher's Healing Rash Ointment. Contains: Comfrey, marshmallow, marigold, bee's wax, oils. Testimonials: 1. I Have Had a Long History of Poison Oak. I would get it from my children's clothing, our dog, or sitting on a couch the dog managed to get on for a short time. Once it went internal and I was in bed six weeks because I could not take cortisone, being in first six weeks of pregnancy. Once I got it, it just got worse and worse until I took cortisone. The doses became larger and larger. Large doses of Vitamin C and Niacin help a few times, then no longer helped, as did other things I tried. Twice I got blood poisoning in my arm from poison oak. I was desperately searching for a cure when someone led me to herbs. It took me about three years to find the cure but I did. As soon as I realize I have poison oak, I start taking licorice root , which is a natural cortisone and use Dr. Christopher's Rash Ointment. This dries it up in just a few days. I usually take rose hips for good measure. As for the blood poisoning, the first time my poison oak went into blood poisoning, I took penicillin. The second time, my arm was swollen, big red swollen, full of fever and painful. I put Itch ointment on a bandage, taped it on my arm over the affected area and went to bed. In the morning the swelling was gone, the pain was gone, the fever was gone, and the large red area was gone. This has really been exciting to me to find natural cures. 2. Dog Story: The next story is about my large black dog. I did something dumb -- put some chemical anti-itch stuff on him to keep him from itching. Well, the next morning my husband said for me to check Chip's mouth, it seemed swollen. (He had licked it all off during the night - yuk!) I knew what had happened and said, I would, turned over and went back to sleep. When I did see him (about one hour later) I was glad my husband had said to check him out. His poor mouth and lips were swollen out to the size of his head -- about 3 times the normal size. Poor baby. I was concerned about getting the swelling down, but also that his throat might swell up and he would not be able to swallow, or breathe. His tongue seemed okay and so did his throat. I put the Complete Tissue syrup on the outside of is mouth -- he turned his face right after that so I could reach the other side. Then I gave him some yellow dock tablets to keep him from scratching. Also, he ate about 1½ jars of Itch ointment. It seemed to soothe his mouth while the poison went out. We discovered he liked the Rash Ointment for poison oak -- he would lick it off my husband, given the chance. Strange dog. However, since we gave him the jars of chickweed, his appetite for it diminished to zero. The next morning Chips was fine -- in fact a few hours later the swelling was down dramatically. A happy ending to a dumb beginning. I'm learning. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
An excellent asthma syrup. Can be used for sore throats and mucus. Excellent for fighting toxins. Recommended use--a teaspoon or more, as required, as often as needed. Contains: Comfrey, mullein extracts, garlic syrup, vegetable glycerine (as per the FDA the Comfrey has been removed - the new formula has Onion juice, Garlic juice, fennel extract, nettle leaf, mullein leaf & chickweed herb.) Testimonials: Cough and Cold Helped: When my little girl Hanann came down with a cough and cold we struggled to get her to take some herbal remedies but she refused because of their taste. Then we tried the Comfrey-Mullein-Garlic syrup and hit a home run. The runny nose, lung congestion, and sore throat quickly diminished and she was up and going in no time. Her cousin of the same age who lives next door came down with the same thing and required 2 additional weeks to get over it (they don't use herbs). Hanann now has her own bottle of Comfrey-Mullein-Garlic syrup and she goes to the fridge to take it when she needs it. -L.M., Mapleton, UT CSR Cold Sore Relief Formula Bladder
Formula (DRI) also Kid-e-Dry
Bed Wetting Formula (Incontinence,
Kidneys) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Unicorn & Lobelia
- Anti-Miscarriage Formula
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The heart is our life pump, and when it is not properly fed (with wholesome foods) it suffers malfunction (weakness and heart attacks) causing the heart failure condition that is one of the world's greatest killers. The mucusless diet used over a period of time can rebuild a heart to a good strong condition, but if the heart, its valves, and other working parts are in a weakened condition and need quick help we use a great "heart food or tonic" to assist it back to health. This food is the hawthorn berry... This natural drug is claimed to be a curative remedy for organic and functional heart disorders such as dyspnea, rapid and feeble heart action, hypertrophy, valvular insufficiency sufficiency, and heart oppression." Also used to treat leakage of the heart...lesions left by former heart attacks... cardiac dropsy, hypertrophy, and other functional and congenital heart disorders. There are several hundred types of heart diseases known to the medical profession, but the good thing about hawthorn berry syrup is that it will heal all of them, including 'broken hearts'. Recommended dosage is one half teaspoon three times in a day. Ingredients: Hawthorn berry syrup is made with hawthorn berry juice concentrate using grape brandy and glycerine as aids and preservatives. Testimonials: 1. Heart Attack: One doctor who had learned the formula for Hawthorn berry syrup from Dr. Christopher raised his hand after a lecture to tell the following story. He had gone on a house call in response to a call about a heart attack, one so serious that the family was afraid that death was imminent. The doctor had no cayenne in his bag and the family had no cayenne; the doctor began to panic. He remembered that he had a bottle of Hawthorn berry syrup with him. The usual dose is a half-teaspoonful, but the doctor thought a little more might help, so he gave the patient a full tablespoonful. The patient drank it down, sat right up, and said, "Well, I feel okay". The doctor checked him with the stethoscope and the heart sounded alright. As the doctor said, "Talk about quick relief!" 2. Heart Leakage Healed: During the second World War a man had been accepted to work in a large chemical depot. The firm had hired him because he was physically unfit for military service--he had a heart leakage--and they were short of manpower. They placed him in their construction division without a physical examination when he was sixty-two years of age, and he worked for them until he was sixty-five years old. He had begun using this heart tonic when he was sixty years old, using it faithfully because, according to him, it tasted good. Now he was sixty-five years old and the war came to an end. He was called into the company's main office, where they complimented his work record and asked him if he would remain as an employee. He wanted to, but feared the necessary physical examination. He finally agreed to take the examination. You may imagine his surprise when he found that he had been given a clean bill of health. He asked the doctor, "What about my heart leakage?" The doctor replied, "I wish I had a heart as good as yours. You should never worry about dying from a heart attack; in fact, if you don't get hit by a truck or lightning you will probably die quietly in your sleep from old age and won't even muss up the covers." This man worked several more years at the plant, retired, and then lived on until he was in his eighties. On a July evening in 1970, he went to the rodeo with his family and enjoyed the evening like a kid as he watched his son ride and perform. The next morning one of his sons came over to his home and found his father lying peacefully in his bed. He had passed away with his hands folded over his chest and, just as the doctor had predicted, the covers were not even mussed up. No heart attack, just the final sleep of old age. 3. Edema: Hawthorn is also known for its specific action on edema. During one of Dr. Christopher's lectures, a young man asked if he could relate an experience of his mother's. He said that his mother had had such edema in the ankles that they were so swollen you couldn't even see the bones. Many remedies prescribed by various doctors had made no difference at all. The young man asked his mother to come up to the front of the lecture hall and stand on a chair so the audience could see her feet. She now had well-defined ankle bones after less than a week of using the syrup. 4. Heart Operation: .... I called your friend J.D. about eight times the last part of February, as I had a close friend in the hospital that had two heart attacks and the team of doctors told his wife that his heart was not worth a by-pass. J.D. gave me B.W.'s phone number, then she rushed me a pint of the (hawthorn berry) syrup. This gentleman had his second heart attack on a Thursday night. The doctors told her the sad news Friday, that they could not do anymore for him, as his heart was not worth a by-pass. I received the pint of syrup late Friday, so I called his wife early Saturday morning telling her that I was bringing the hawthorn syrup to her with a plastic spoon and a sheet on the story and history of the syrup, so she could read it to him before she gave it to him. When she got to the hospital Saturday morning at 11 a. m. the nurses had just removed the tube from his mouth, so that helped. She read the paper to him, but the problem was he wanted to take it but the doctors and nurses were always in the room. Her quick thinking saved his life. She went to the water cooler and got a paper cup and put the syrup into the cup. Right in front of the doctors she kept giving him a sip every little while. They thought she was giving him water. She did that until 10 p. m. The next day was Sunday when the doctors examined him again. They could not believe and never did figure out how his heart improved so fast. Now his heart was worth a by-pass. 5. Off Oxygen: .... Monday afternoon we took a bottle over to my 85 year old sister-in-law who has been in and out of hospitals for years with a bad heart and a bundle of other ailments. She kept a large oxygen tank in her living room, as she had trouble with breathing spells. Believe it or not, after the first ½ teaspoon of hawthorn berry syrup she never used oxygen again, in fact, they had Medicare pick up the tank last month. Then they charged her $240 rental. 6. Moves Easier: "I am so much better--I am 66 years old and I couldn't pick up anything the least bit heavy. I couldn't bend over. Now I can pick up things and I can almost run. My dad is 92. He can walk without getting so tired and giving out. It is wonderful to know I can get the Hawthorn Berry syrup." 7. Angina: "Several people have scoffed at the story I have told that after 4 months on the Hawthorn Berry Syrup, my angina attacks have dwindled to almost zero and my premature ventricular contractions have been reduced to almost zero as well. For the first time in 10 years my cardiac blood tests have returned with results placing me in the protected shelter group whereas I had always been in the high risk group. The people who scoff at this insist that it is the 12% alcohol content that relaxes the heart muscles when I take it. It would be interesting to ask a cardiologist if a 12% solution of alcohol taken 3 times a day in ½ teaspoon dosages could accomplish the results I have achieved." These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Contains bugleweed, yellow dock, and lobelia. This is the herbal combination for combating pollution, both external and internal. It helps draw out minerals, drugs, and other pollutants trapped in our system. The dosage is two #0 capsules daily in conjunction with 6 #0 chaparral capsules taken three times a day. (This formula including the chaparral, is avainable in extract form.{liquid} form.) Every other day bathe in 1 to 3 pounds of Epsom salts in a tub of hot water. The bathing routine whould continue for three weeks then rest a week but continue taking the herbs. Product names - Bugledock combination, Bugledock tincture. Chest Comfort (Herbal
A fine old fashioned combination for coughs. Recommended use--a teaspoon or more, as required, as often as needed. Contains: Fresh onion juice, licorice root, honey, vegetable glycerine. Herbal Tooth
Powder Kid-E-
Mune - Immune
Stimulating Formula Imucalm
& Kid-E-Soothe
- Immune Calming Formula -
System (Immutone)
- Strengthening Formula Jurassic
Green - Greens Combination
This is a thyroid and assisting glandular aid. This herbal group assists in controlling metabolism and gives herbal feeding to the thyroid glands to do their job more efficiently. This is a very fine glandular aid. Two capsules, 1 or 2 times daily as needed. Contains: Kelp, watercress, mullein, parsley, nettle, Irish moss, Iceland moss, sheep sorrel Testimonials: Insomnia Cured: I have found great relief by taking Dr. Christopher's calcium formula (Herbal Calcium) and thyroid formula (Thyroid Maintenance ) through the night which was recommended in his "How Important is Calcium" newsletter. I have recommended this treatment to others and to my mother and they all have found it helps their insomnia also. -A.R., Williston, ND Use for: Constipation, Dyspepsia, Glands, Headache Kid-e- Soothe
Immune calming formula
Kid-E- Mune Immune
Stimulating Formula Glandular
System (Mullein & Lobelia) - Malfunctioning
Glands These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Apply to the inside of nose when it is congested, dry, sensitive or chapped. Ingredients: Coconut oil, Spearmint oil, Peppermint oil, Castor oil and Beeswax. Testimonials: You need to put the Nose Ointment in a smaller container so I can carry it around. It works! When I'm stuffed up and can't draw any air up my nose, I use my finger to put the nose ointment inside my nostrils and in the air goes and WOW, instant relief! -W.C., Spanish Fork, UT Useful in treating: Asthma, Colds, Catarrh, Coryza, Influenza. Pancreas
Formula (Panc Tea) - Aid for the Pancreas
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Using this tea (or two or three capsules) morning and evening is an aid in giving elasticity to the pelvic and vaginal area and strengthening the reproductive organs for easier delivery. Should be used only in the last six weeks before time of birth. Contains: Squaw vine, Blessed (holy) thistle, black cohosh, pennyroyal, false unicorn, raspberry leaves, lobelia. Testimonials: 1. Much Easier Second Delivery: We have had, just recently, a report come to us about a young mother-to-be for the second time who had never heard of the "pre-natal combination" [ Pre-Natal Tea] and her previous labor was very severe (lasted around 30 hours). After she became pregnant the second time she heard about this pre-natal combination, so got some, used it the last week before delivery, and cut the labor time down to about four hours. She just recently had her third baby with a very short labor and more ease than she had dreamed possible, after using the pre-natal formula for the last six weeks. Many people believe the change from difficult to easy delivery results from using red raspberry leaf tea (and squaw vine tea) throughout the nine months of pregnancy and using the pre-natal combination during the last six weeks. 2. Breech Baby Turns: A naturopathic physician told this story at one of Dr. Christopher's lectures. He had had a patient for three pregnancies. Two times she had carried the baby breech, and the doctors had taken them Caesarean. The third time, she happened to be carrying the baby breech, the same pattern as before, and she expected she would have to be operated on again. She began to take Dr. Christopher's pre-natal formula [ Pre-Natal Tea ] and began to assure herself that the baby would be born normally. The doctor said that it was impossible; no matter how good the formula is, it cannot work. When labor began, the baby was still in the breech position. The doctor said to put the lady on the table to prepare to operate, but she said, "No, when it's ready to come, it will turn and come out right." The doctor said, "That's ridiculous!" He had put on one rubber glove; the lady screamed, "Here it comes!" Before the doctor got the other rubber glove on, the baby came, head first, having previously flipped over. He had to catch it with one hand while the nurse was putting on the other glove. The doctor confided to this naturopath that he thought this could never happen. But with the use of the prenatal tea the baby came out normal. Useful in helping with Pregnancy. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Balances the negative extremes in the body with herbs to cleanse, nourish, stimulate and calm your mind during the chemical detoxification process. The currently accepted therapy for "chemical imbalance" is to prescribe more chemicals. These drugs can cause negative side effects for children and adults - in both the short and long-term. Two organs for detoxification, the liver and kidneys, are already working as hard as they can to keep up with the daily burden. Why add to the Problem? To overstimulate can result in an overload. Below is a behavioral spectrum depicting over-activated liver energy: ![]() Liver
Transition & D-Tox. is for use before MindTrac.
for the transition process of detoxification. Once the
transition is complete, MindTrac is an alternative to
drugs for emotional clarity. Usually, the detoxification
process lasts one or two months, but each individual is
different. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
MindTrac is an Alternative to drugs for: Depression, Anxiety, Hyperactivity MindTrac will benefit: Adults, Adolescents/Children, Seniors It contains properties similar to its drug counterparts without harmful chemicals. Psychiatric drugs are far more dangerous to take than people realize. They have negative side effects including addiction, and they can produce withdrawal symptoms that are emotionally and physically distressing or even life-threatening. The herbs in MindTrac are formulated to support and heal the body naturally in response to stress. Drugs are used to treat the symptoms, NOT to cure the problem. Cleanses - Science continues to show that the mind and the body are connected. Stress creates biochemicals which circulate along with the blood. Because the liver is already burdened by pollutants, these "stressful" by-products are less likely to be eliminated quickly. To reduce the burden on the liver, MindTrac contains three herbs - Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Oregon Grape Root - to cleanse the blood and to stimulate liver detoxification. Nourishes - A food base of Jurassic Green TM (flash dried Alfalfa, Barley, and Kamut) supplies the body with essential vitamins and minerals in an all natural form. B vitamins, Chlorophyll, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium help regulate nerve transmission and muscle response. Stimulates - St. John's Wort has been proven in scientific studies to mimic the effects of antidepressant drugs. It is so effective that we strongly advise against combining this herb with any antidepressant drug. To transition safely from prescription medicine to natural healing, check out our product called Liver Transition & D-Tox. MindTrac contains two additional stimulants, Gotu Kola and Gingko Biloba, to synergize the St. John's Wort herb! By improving the blood flow and oxygen circulation to the head, these herbs have been used traditionally to improve memory, nerve response and mental alertness. Calms - Scullcap and Valerian root are both nervine sedatives and antispasmodics. Besides their calming nature on the nerves and muscles, these herbs promote regular and restful sleep. Mullein and Lobelia are antispasmodics as well as cleansers. They help cleanse the blood by assisting the lymph and the glandular systems. There are serious consequences to using or discontinuing prescription drugs. Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done slowly and only with professional guidance. MindTrac Ingredients: Valerian root, Scullcap, Ginkgo Biloba, Oregon Grape root, St. John's Wort, Mullein, Gotu Kola, Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Lobelia, and Jurassic Green . Dosage: Take 2 capsules three times a day as a tonic dose or as needed. Children: 1/2 - 2/3 of adult dosage or Kid-e-Trac . These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. As the name indicates, this balm brings blood circulation to the surface of the skin causing it to turn red. Used to relieve tension and pressure. Great for tension headache or sinus pressure. Use sparingly as this formula is strong. Contains: Olive oil and natural oils of cassia, eucalyptus, cajeput, pure menthol, camphor crystals, other fragrant natural oils. Smoke Out Stop-Ache Vaginal
Bolus (VB) - Herbal Bolus
This combination is to act as a vermifuge (a combination that will cause expulsion of worms from the body) and/or a vermicide (herbal agent that destroys worms in the body). Recommended dosage is to take one teaspoon each morning and night for three days. On the fourth day drink one cup of senna and peppermint tea (1/2 and 1/2). Rest two days and repeat two more times. Contains - Wormwood, American wormseed, tame sage, fennel, male fern, papaya. Vitalerbs
Nature Balanced Vitamins & Minerals Nerve Comfort (Wild
Lettuce & Valerian) - Minor
Pain Formula (& Nerves) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This tincture is good for infection, both externally or internally. Includes Pyorrhea, Thrush, Wounds. X-Ceptic tincture is a certain cure for sore throat pain, but only very brave souls can tolerate the taste. A toothache can be devastating. We have used ... a few drops of X-Ceptic tincture. Of all the temporary treatments, the herbal antiseptic tincture works best...We have had cases where the toothache was dispelled after one application. Dosages: Thrush: If your baby has thrush, which you can determine from white spots on the sides of the mouth, a white tongue, or soreness during nursing, you can try several remedies. Dip a Q-tip in X-ceptic (an herbal extract) and swab the area several times per day, then give raspberry tea in a bottle. Ingredients: Oak bark, Golden seal root, Garlic, Comfrey, Myrrh, Capsicum (cayenne) Yellow
Dock Combination
- Prolapse Formula These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Family Herbal
Medicine Kit Extracts (some by Energique): Horsetail................................................Cramps, bleeding Blue Cohosh & Black Cohosh Comb.......Uterus & Cervix Mistletoe.....................Bleeding, equalizing blood pressure St. John's Wort.........................................Afterbirth pains Shepherd's Purse........................................Hemorrhaging Cayenne.....................................................Hemorrhaging Yarrow.....................................................Infectious fever Catnip & Fennel......................................................Colic Teas: Prenatal Tea 4 oz. Ginger.............................Sitz bath Healing Orsa Clay - 1/2 oz....For healing umbilical cord and torn perineum. Capsules: Prenatal Formula......................................6 weeks formula Alfa Max.................................Vitamin/mineral supplement False Unicorn/Lobelia......................................Miscarriage Ointments 2 oz.: Breast Mend Formula.............Sore nipples, swollen breasts BF&C Ointment............For bone flesh & cartilage, prevent stretch marks & help torn perineum These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
1. Drink plenty of water between meals.- Cannot substitute pop, juice, milk, coffee or tea for the water. (At least 2 quarts a day - only increase by 1 cup every day or two or you will spend a lot of time in the bathroom) 2. Follow the muculess diet as close as possible. 3. Take the following herbs/combinations THE
THREE-DAY CLEANSE These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The second step to healing the body is for an individual to eliminate the mucus-forming foods from the diet, so as not to put mucus into the body faster than it can be taken out or eliminated. With this preventative procedure, not only are the sinuses, the bronchi, and the lungs cleared, but also the constipating mucus (catarrh) in the tissues of the body from the heart to the bottom of the feet. Items to Eliminate: Salt: Eggs: Sugar and all sugar products: Meat: Milk: Flour and Flour Products: Those are our "don't's," and now for the "do's." Supplements: Revitalizing and healing aids. Cayenne
: Honey and Apple-Cider Vinegar: Kelp
: Molasses: Wheat Germ Oil: Dietary suggestions: Regenerative foods Do not be overly concerned because this diet omits meat and the commercial types of protein (as are so well advertised), and don't worry about adding protein, as you will get all that you need in these foods. The gorilla is built on the same order as the human being, and he gets all the protein he needs from just fruit and nuts (and for the human, the greens will round out the body requirement). Don't panic; just prove this program to you self! Morning: Noon: Juices may be taken during the afternoon: carrot, grape, apple, etc. Dried fruits and nuts are very nourishing and beneficial, and the latter are better (as a whole protein) when used in combination with the garden greens. If a person has cancer or is inclined towards cancer, do not overdo eating protein (such as nuts). This is one thing that does damage to the pancreas and in these cases, eat nuts only in the morning. Stay away from peanuts and concentrate on almonds. A person with a cancerous condition should use from 8 to 10 almonds in the morning and the same at noon. But do not take any protein from evening time until the next morning, allowing 16 to 18 hours for the pancreas to clear and start to work on enzymes again. All protein should be taken early in the morning. In cancer cases never use any second-hand or secondary protein (such as meats). Regular meals can start off with a cup or bowl of potassium broth. Dehydrated vegetables in the form of potassium powder or broth can be purchased from most health stores or you can prepare your own. There are some of your health books that provide instructions for making potassium broth. You can add the left-over, low-heated vegetables from the day before to the broth with a few savory herbs (and here you have one of the most exotic tasting low-heated vegetable soups that is imaginable). The broth starts the meal off, and is followed with a salad. There are thousands of salad combinations, and with some experimentation, you will never run short of interesting ones. After that, serve the low-heated vegetables (many types can be prepared with various savory herbs removed from the low-heat just before serving) At least five or six vegetables should be eaten each day, of which two should be green, leafy ones. A small amount of bland oil (such as olive oil) added to baked potato, baked squash, etc., is very good. You can explore and concoct some very interesting, intriguing meals with a little daring and imagination, and you will never need to worry if you eat until you are satisfied, and you will have all the nutrition that is needed for ample physical strength. Evening: Juice or nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits are all excellent. Whenever you use a fresh fruit, use it alone (a monodiet). When you want to eat some other type of fruit, wait for one-half hour or more at least before eating it; this will prove much easier on your digestive system. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
(New name is Herbal Iron Formula) Bulk formula is the same, however, the capsule formula has been reformulated because of the FDA so it no longer has Comfrey in it) As an aid in prolapsed uterus, bowel, or other organs, to assist in giving relief Herbal Iron tea or you can make the concentrated tea (simmer down to 1/2 its amount) by mixing six parts oak bark , three parts mullein herb , four parts yellow dock root , three parts walnut bark , or leaves, six parts comfrey root , one part lobelia , three parts marshmallow root . Inject with a syringe (while head down on slant board) into vagina, or rectum for prolapses or hemorrhoid problems and leave in as long as possible before voiding same. Dose: suggested use of 1/4 to one cup one or more times in a day and drink 1/4 Cup in 3/4 Cup of distilled water three times in a day. Three-oil
massage, which is as follows: The first
two days, the patient should be massaged with castor
oil, using a clockwise circular motion. This
castor oil cleanses and flushes the skin and removes
toxins. The second two days, the area is massaged
with olive oil, which feeds and rebuilds muscles and
flesh. The next two days, wheat germ oil is used
for massage, which heals, being high in vitamin E.
On the seventh day the patient rests. Immediately
after the massage, the patient takes a sunbath,
starting with only two minutes a day and increasing two
minutes each day, up to a half hour. Use direct
sunlight, though not in the heat of the day, and in
cloudy weather use a sunlamp. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseaseThe FDA has forced Christopher's Enterprises Inc. to remove all comfrey from their internal supplements - This they have done - see FDA statement here https://www.ftc.gov/opa/2001/07/chrisenter.htm
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