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Cancer is a Fungus

To Find a Cure for Cancer We Must Discover the True Nature of the Disease

To find the cure for cancer, we really need to know what we are dealing with. Why do cells suddenly start replicating out of control? Why are cancers often different colors, not normally found in the human body? Why do  cancers spread through the body?

Fungal spores are everywhere, millions of tiny particles are in the air, and the food we eat. They can enter the body in many ways, through the intestinal tract, the nose and lungs, and organs exposed to the world at large. We generally do not develop an infection from these intruders. However, when the immune system is compromised, the tissues are poorly oxygenated, the body is malnourished, these spores become the dominant life form and begin to grow.

Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner) found that simply reducing the oxygen supply to normal healthy tissue, it became cancerous. What he was really experiencing was that fungal spores, hidden in most living tissue, were able to grow aneorobically, becoming the dominant life form. Normal healthy tissue needs oxygen to live and grow, cancer and fungus cells can use sugar as their primary source of energy for growth, this is called anaerobic respiration or fermentation.

The True Nature of the Disease

Skin damaged by the sun becomes more vulnerable to melanomas and other types of skin cancers. Healthy skin can protect itself and the body from these fungal spores in the air and environment around us. Damaged skin becomes vulnerable to fungal spores which can grow on the skin, enter into the body and spread the infection.

Tobacco is processed by fermentation with yeasts. Smokers are inhaling fungal spores, mycotoxins which enter the lungs but at first are unable to grow in this highly oxygenated area. However, after many years of smoking, the lungs are covered in tar and little oxygen can get to the surface. This is when the spores become the more dominant life form in the lungs, they start to grow and when the reach their maturity, spread spores into the bloodstream and cancer throughout the body.

Colon cancer may be caused by a diet, rich in yeasted foods (breads etc.), high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, (which feed and accelerate cancer growth) but lacking in the fiber necessary to keep the food moving through the body. Any slight damage to the delicate lining of the colon could allow the spores to enter the tissue. At first the immature cancers are polyps, tiny mushroom shaped growths. However, when they mature, they need more food to nourish themselves and stimulate the body to produce a blood supply, to feed the cancer.

An Italian doctor, Tullio Simoncini, a brilliant and courageous man who has refused to bow to the enormous pressure he has faced, and continues to face, after he realised what cancer is and how it can be dealt with.

Tullio Simoncini says that cancer is a Candida fungal infection

Simoncini states that cancer is a fungus caused by Candida, a yeast-like organism that lives in the body in small amounts even in healthy people. The immune system keeps it under control normally, but when the Candida morphs into a powerful fungus some serious health problems can follow - including cancer.

Simoncini realised that all cancers acted the same way no matter where they were in the body or what form they took. There had to be a common denominator. He also observed that the cancer 'lumps' were always white.

What else is white?

Simoncini realised that what mainstream medicine believed to be cell growth going wild - 'cancerous growth' - is actually the immune system producing cells to defend the body from Candida attack. He says the sequence goes like this:

·         Candida is normally kept under control by the immune system, but when that becomes undermined and weakened the Candida can expand and build a 'colony'.

·         The Candida eventually penetrates an organ and the immune system has to respond to the threat in another way.

·         This 'way' is to build a defensive barrier with its own cells and this growth is what we call cancer.

It is said that the spreading of cancer to other parts of the body is caused by 'malignant' cells escaping from their origin. Simoncini, however, says this is not the case at all. The spread of cancer is triggered by the real cause of cancer, the Candia fungus, escaping from the original source.

What allows cancer to manifest is a weakened immune system. When that is working efficiently it deals with the problem before it gets out of hand. In this case, it keeps the Candida under control.

The immune system is weakened and attacked by food and drink additives, chemical farming, vaccinations, electromagnetic and microwave technology and frequencies, pharmaceutical drugs, the stress of modern 'life', and so much more.

What defences are today's children going to have when they are given 25 vaccinations and combinations of them, before the age of two - while their immune system is still forming for goodness sake?


Chemotherapy is a poison designed to kill cells.

The 'cutting-edge' of mainstream cancer 'treatment' is to poison the victim and hope that you kill the cancer cells before you have killed enough healthy cells to kill the patient.

But wait. This chemotherapy poison also kills the cells of the immune system and leaves it shot to pieces. And the Candida is still there.

This devastated immune system cannot respond effectively to the Candida and it takes over other parts of the body to start the process again, so causing the cancer to spread. Even those who appear to have recovered after surgery and chemotherapy and been given 'the all-clear' are just a ticking clock.

Their immune system is now shattered and it is only a matter of time before the Candida triggers a relapse.  In other words:

Chemotherapy is killing the people it is supposed to be curing.

Of course, it can never 'cure' anyone of anything, except life. It is a poison destroying the very system that we need to be healthy and strong if we are to be cured.

When Simoncini realised that cancer is a fungal infection, or infestation, he went in search of something that would kill the fungus and so remove the cancer. He realised that anti-fungal drugs don't work because the fungus quickly mutates to defend itself and then even starts to feed off the drugs that are prescribed to kill it.

Instead, Simoncini found something much, much simpler - sodium bicarbonate. Yes, the main ingredient in good old baking soda (but I stress not the same as baking soda, which has other ingredients).

He used this because it is a powerful destroyer of fungus and, unlike the drugs, the Candida cannot 'adapt' to it. The patient is given sodium bicarbonate orally and through internal means like an endoscope, a long thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery. This allows the sodium bicarbonate to be placed directly on the cancer - the fungus.

The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and Indian books going back a thousand years actually recommend 'alkaline of strong potency' for treating cancer.

In 1983, Simoncini treated an Italian man, Gennaro Sangermano, who had been given months to live with lung cancer. A few months later he wasn't dead, he was back to health and the cancer was gone.

More success followed and Simoncini presented his findings to the Italian Department of Health in the hope that they would begin scientifically-approved trials to show that it worked. But he was to learn the true scale of medical manipulation and deceit.-

But Simoncini refuses to buckle and continues to campaign for what has been seen is an effective treatment for cancer, while, in the 'real' world, the number of cancer deaths goes on rising incessantly because of treatments that don't work based on assumptions that aren't true.

This link may or may not work -

Substances found effective in treating fungal infections have also proved to be active against cancer. The following are examples of natural and chemical substances, active against both fungus and cancer:  Berberine, Aloe Vera, Bee Propolis, Sesame Oil.

Candida albicans - Otherwise known as a Systemic Yeast Infection

Have you heard of the "Spittle Test"?  WOW!!  It is a quick diagnostic test that you can do at home to check for Candida.  Not for the queasy, however, it is quite accurate.  Lab tests are expensive and sometimes hard to come by.  The test can be done successfully time of the day, however,  morning will be the most accurate.
Spittle Test
First thing in the morning before you even clear your mouth - spit into a glass of water. 
If your 'spit' remains floating, in a cohesive 'blob' you're probably Candida free. 
If  after a minute or two your 'spit' begins to develop long tendrils (strands) that dissolve downward into the water or spreads out over the surface of the water you probably have a Candida condition.
Some Symptoms
Feeling  "drained"
Swelling in joints
Memory problems
Diminished immune function.
Things that create uncontrolled yeast in body
Antibiotics (especially tetracyclines) destroy 'good' bacteria as well as bad bacteria.
Steroids (cortisones)
Birth control pills,
Anti-ulcer medications (Tagament, Zantac, Pepcid, Axid, etc.)
Sugars (food source for candida)

Candida works by encapsulating red blood cells, which cause diminished ability for oxygen exchange across  membranes.  Sometimes it begins to grow in long strands that can pierce the intestinal walls, causing a condition known as "leaky gut". It can also cross the blood/brain barrier and be mistaken for neurotransmitters, creating a host of neurological symptoms.
Some Natural Treatments
To get control of Candida it requires 2 steps - eliminate the yeast and then repopulate the normal bacteria.

Repopulating the normal bacteria by consuming yogurt and acidophilus products. 
Acidophilus powder is usually needed even when taking yogurt because it has a larger bacteria count to replenish the natural intestinal & stomach flora.   (link to our products)

You need to work to reduce or eliminate sugar consumption at least during the treatment period. Not only does Candida rapidly proliferate in the presence of sugar, but research has shown that sugars dramatically increase Candida's ability to adhere to the epithelial mucosa cells. Antifungal treatment depends heavily on this dietary change.

Also Eat smaller meals. Large meals travel farther into the intestines before they are fully digested and absorbed. It's believed that the yeast generally resides down farther in the intestinal tract. If our meals are digested before they hit this area of the intestines, the yeast is effectively starved.

Increase dietary protein and reduce carbohydrates. Proteins tend to starve yeasts and carbohydrates break down into sugars.  Blue Green Algae (a protein), protein drink in the morning is good.
Natural antifungals
  Gentian violet
Pau d'Arco
Tea Tree essential oil
Cinnamon and Oregano are also excellent in Essential oil form

Tasty way to help keep healthy. - Spiced warm apple cider  - Spice with your favorite spices such as Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Ginger, etc. to your taste.

Taken from our Remedies pages on Cancer* 

Cancer - Essential oils
Clove Bud Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      OilsCloves,   Cypress Blue Essential Oil by Garden
                      Essence Oils Cypress Fennel Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Fennel,   Frankincense Essential Oil by Garden
                      Essence Oils Frankincense Geranium Rose Essential Oil by Garden
                      Essence Oils Geranium Lavender Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Lavender
Lemon Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Lemon,
  Myrrh Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Myrrh Rose Otto Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Rose Sage Essential Oil by Garden Essense OilsSage Tarragon Essential Oil by Garden Essence
                      Oils Tarragon Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil by
                      Garden Essence OilsHelichrysm

You can't cure cancer as long as you dwell in the past. 

Black Walnut Hulls tincture or extract, Wormwood, Cloves (either herb or essential oil)   Here are 3 products that combine all 3 of these herbal combinations.  #1 Kroeger's,   #3 Christopher's,  
               - See newsletter

Latest studies show that a major portion of Breast Cancer is caused by anti-perspirants.  Deodorants don't seem to have the aluminum and other ingredients that block and  keep your cells from functioning as a toxin cleanser. (My favorite deodorant - Everclear from a liquor store. You can add your favorite Essential oil to it. Not for alcoholics or recovering alcoholics) 

Dr. Christopher's Vaginal Bolus for internal organs  (can be used in rectum for men)

Essiac formula   #1 link   


Arsenic Album 1M homeopathic is reported to have helped with the pain better than morphine.

Research conducted by a major drug company revealed that extracts of the Amazonian Graviola tree actually seek out, attack, and destroy cancer cells, without harming healthy cells.

An animal study at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed that curcumin may significantly reduce the inflammation and scarring that are common with radiation therapy. 

 In the 1970s, doctors found that 547 breast-cancer patients who used mistletoe after tumor removal had significantly increased 5- and 10-year survival rates when compared with patients receiving only conventional treatment.    (liquid extract)

Scientific research has found that Astragalus  literally brings your immune cells back to life. In fact, it can even repair cells damaged by cancer and radiation.  #1 link    #2 link    Researchers have also found that astragalus even prevents colds and flu! And unlike echinacea, it's safe to take every day.

There is a link between breast cancer and the prolonged use of antibiotics see

Glutamine enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer while reducing toxicity and damage to body.

Intravenous vitamin C (IVC) therapy."The principles of IVC treatments are that at high doses the vitamin C is toxic to most cancer cells and is non-toxic to normal cells. Vitamin C supports tissue repair whereas radiation damages tissues. Vitamin C supports the immune system whereas most chemotherapy depresses the immune system and people become more susceptible to other infections. Vitamin C helps the body to detoxify 'foreign' chemicals which includes the breakdown products of dead cancer cells. Most people can continue with their normal routine on the days between IVC treatments which is certainly a plus.  For more information you may write to   Don C. Hemingway  -  Box 1126, Souris, MB. Canada, R0K 2C0   - 
Sources for more information
"Vitamin C: Cancer Cure" Marie McCullough, The Philadelphia Inquirer,  6/18/06,
"Intravenously Administered Vitamin C as Cancer Therapy: Three Cases"
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 3/28/06,
Some of the original studies indicated that vitamin C was ineffective in treating cancer. Additional studies have shown the reason those studies failed: The researchers used oral vitamin C instead of intravenous ascorbic acid

"I've had several women with bad Pap smears revert to normal after using L. acidophilus intra-vaginally (after all, that's all Doderlein's Bacilli are in the first place - the medical people just change the name of the bugs in the vagina to make it sound scientific), along with high-dose B-6, magnesium and folic acid orally, and B-12 sub-lingually (along with getting off the Pill)."  (quote from a M.D.)

Eggplant extract  (BEC5)- straight from Royal London Hospital's double-blind, placebo controlled study. It is a cost-effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer. Even more important is that follow-up research on patients shows once their cancer went away it did not recur.

AHCC - besides being of benefit in  helping to prevent and control Cancer it greatly improves survival rates, while reducing the bad side effects of chemo and radiation treatments. 

Subjects who took supplements that supplied at least 400 IU of vitamin D (#1 link,) per day (the recommended daily allowance) lowered their risk of pancreatic cancer by 43 percent.  The two most prominent controllable risk factors are obesity and cigarette smoking, both of which raise the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.   Cancer links - 
Early warning signs - click here
These keep changing as the Pharmaceutical's keep harrassing and closing sites - 
We would love to have more links - click here to add to this list.  (more about essiac formula)   A book and information
   Holistic Only—Answers, US Doctors w/high success rates
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