Also see article
on Fertility
& Balance by Syringa
This page is
dedicated to additional information and
of Estrogen
- PMS symptoms
- Cramps
- Moodiness
- Endometriosis/uterine
- Fibrocystic
- Infertility
- Migraine
- Headache
- Epilepsy
- Fainting spells
- Lethargy
- Motor coordination
- Excess use of
- Leg and muscle
- Eye irritation
- Feelings of being
- Breast engorgement
- Asthma
- Backache
- Hypoglycemic
- Spontaneous
- Constipation, gas
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Bloating
- Boils
- Inflammatory
- Poor dream recall
- Dry skin
- Water retention
- Hoarseness
- Sinusitis
- Upper respiratory
- Dry hair
- Exhaustion
- Dark circles under
- Facial pallor
- Bronchitis
- Greasy hair
- Attempted suicide
Cold extremities
White spots in
Capillary fragility
Toxemia of pregnancy
Gall bladder
Frequent urination
Accident proneness
Falling hair
Lowered libido
Mood swings
Crying & weeping
Feelings of Panic
Blurred vision
"Baby Blues"
Hot flashes
Sudden anger
Joint pain
Muscle pain
Runny eyes
Flu & colds
Breast tenderness
Bruise easily
Herpes simples (#1)
Joint swelling
Lack of appetite
Slow digestion
Inability to
Arthritis flare
And more....
to buy
to help keep you informed
Susan Lark, M.D.
- Click here
Susan Lark, M.D.
on toxins - Click here
Dr. Lee
information - Click here
One woman's story - Click
More information - Click
Resolve by Syringa - Click
For those trying to
This is one of the best overviews of women's hormones
on the web. She
recommends using wild yam and not progesterone the
drug. She is from AU and
it is illegal there. Find the web site and get the
rest of this part and the
second part as well. Lots of education
Estrogen's Deadly Truth,
Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 3, #4 (June - July
Women are misinformed about their hormones, to the
detriment of their health, while drug company's reap
huge profits at their expense. For over 300 years,
beginning in the 13th century and continuing well into
the 16th century, the Inquisition was a reign of terror
for the vast majority of people living throughout Europe
and Scandinavia. The political, economic and religious
forces of that time joined together to consolidate their
power by eliminating those whom they perceived as
impeding their ultimate objectives. The unfortunate
target of their efforts were the keepers of the healing
arts and the ancient spiritual and cultural wisdom's.
Historians debate the exact toll of such a hellish time
- whether it was several hundreds of thousands or as
many as nine million people. What is undebatable
is that the vast majority of the victims were women. In
fact, the
Inquisition is now regarded as a period of genocide
against women, which successfully divested women of
their power, self-respect, wealth, healing arts, and
prominence and influence in their communities. The
Inquisition guaranteed that the Church fathers were the
indisputable spiritual authorities. It was also
successful in enshrining medical knowledge securely in
the realm of men, since the Inquisition decreed that
only trained medical doctors could now practice the
healing arts and, needless to say, medical schools were
barred to women (for that matter, so was any form of
education). What a relief that such a violent and
misogynous era ended long ago. Or did it? Unfortunately,
it appears that some traditions linger on. Women of
today are still prey to vast political and economic
interests, with dire consequences to their health,
financial independence and personal power. Perhaps the
Inquisition didn't end it all but just took on a more
subtle and
devious form. Women are certainly big business to the
medical and pharmaceutical interests.
According to John Archer,
author of "Bad Medicine", about 600,000 hysterectomies
are performed every year in the USA, and about 45,000 in
Australia. (1) In 1994, it was estimated that 45,000
Australian women were taking hormone replacement therapy
(HRT). (2) Many women are presently encouraged to
remain on HRT for the rest of their post-menopausal
According to Dr. Stanley West, noted infertility
specialist, chief of reproductive endocrinology at St.
Vincent's Hospital, New York, and author of The
Hysterectomy Hoax, about 90 per cent of all
hysterectomies are unnecessary. Gynecological
consultants to Ralph Nader's Public Health
Research Group reached a similar conclusion in 1991 in
their book, "Women's Health Alert". According to Dr.
West, the only 100 percent appropriate reason for
performing a hysterectomy is for treating cancer of the
reproductive organs.
However, hysterectomies are all
too frequently offered as treatment for a variety of
conditions including endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian
cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease and uterine prolapse.
It is no accident that gynecologists happen to be the
highest earners of all specialists. Throughout their
lives, women are encouraged to be subjected continuously
to various medical treatments and procedures. Natural
female functions, from menstruation through childbirth
and into menopause, are taken over by medical and
pharmaceutical interventions. Barraged by
misinformation, myths, propaganda and, in some cases,
downright lies, it's no wonder that so
many women are thoroughly confused about matters
relating to their own bodies and their health.
The History of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Perhaps there's no topic of greater confusion to women
than the highly publicized introduction of HRT for the
menopausal woman. It is touted as the best thing for
liberating women since the discovery of oral
contraceptives - even though the statistics now show
that the wide use of the Pill has given rise to health
hazards such as breast cancer, high blood pressure and
cardiovascular disease on a scale previously unknown in
medicine. (4) Investigation into the theory of hormone
replacement goes all the way back to the 1930s with the
research of Dr. Serge Voronoff. His research involved
implanting fresh monkey's testicles into men's scrotums,
with limited effectiveness. Offshoots of his research
led to the grafting of monkey ovaries in women, with
rather dire consequences. After several fatalities (to
both monkeys and women), the search was redirected to
the use of synthetic estrogen. With the advent of World
War II, research was put on hold.
Menopause didn't really come
into vogue as a topic of concern for the medical
profession until the 1960s. In 1966 a New York
gynecologist, Dr. Robert Wilson, wrote a best seller
called "Feminine Forever", extolling the virtues of
estrogen replacement to save women from the "tragedy of
menopause which often destroys her character as well as
her health." His book sold over 100,000 copies in the
first year. Wilson energetically promoted menopause as a
condition of "living decay." According to him, estrogen
replacement was a kind of long sought after youth pill
that would save poor, fading women from the horrors of
age. He popularized the erroneous belief that menopause
is a deficiency disease.
Women's magazines eagerly
seized upon his ideas and extensively promoted his
concepts. This pleased Wilson no end, since he had
earlier set up The Wilson Foundation for the sole
purpose of promoting the use of estrogen drugs. The
pharmaceutical industry generously contributed over $1.3
million to his Foundation. Each year he received funds
from such companies as Searle, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
and Upjohn which made hormone products that Wilson
claimed were effective in treating and preventing
menopause. Pharmaceutical
companies jumped on the bandwagon with aggressive
promotions and advertising campaigns. His message hit a
receptive chord: mid-life women need hormone drugs to be
rescued from the inevitable horrors and decrepitude of
this terrible deficiency disease called menopause.
Wilson pioneered the use of
unopposed estrogen. However, there had been no formal
assessment of the safety of estrogen therapy or its
long-term effects. Unopposed estrogen went out of vogue
when it became obviously apparent that it shortened the
lifetime of its users. In 1975, The New England Journal
of Medicine examined the rates of endometrial cancer for
estrogen consumers, concluding that the risk was seven
and a half times greater for estrogen
users. Women who had used estrogen for seven years or
longer were 14 times more likely to develop cancer. (5)
As the popularity of unopposed estrogen therapy waned,
new approaches were sought. The focus was also directed
away from the false claims of preserving feminine
beauty and youthfulness and towards more urgent health
matters. The pharmaceutical industry resurrected
estrogen replacement therapy with the new 'safe' hormone
replacement therapy - a combination of synthetic
progesterone and estrogen which would supposedly protect
menopausal women not only from cardiovascular disease
but also from the ravages of osteoporosis. While the
so-called 'experts' on women's health are reassuring
women that there are no, or at least only very minor,
unpleasant side effects, Dr. Lynette J. Dumble, Senior
Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne's
Department of Surgery at the Royal Melbourne Hospital,
believes that "the sole basis of HRT is to create a
commercial market that is highly profitable for the
pharmaceutical companies and doctors. The supposed
benefits of HRT are totally unproven." She believes that
HRT not only exacerbates the presenting health problems
but also contributes to the acceleration of the aging
process of women. It either hastens the onset of other
medical conditions or worsens the existing ones. This
perspective seems to be validated by the recent findings
from a landmark study, published in The New England
Journal of Medicine in 1995, involving 121,700 women,
which revealed startling effects from HRT. It warned
women who used HRT to offset the symptoms of menopause
also increased their chance of developing breast cancer
by 30 to 40 per cent by taking the hormone for more than
five years. In women aged between 60 and 64, the risk of
breast cancer rose to 70 per cent after five years of
HRT. Finally, the study concluded that women using HRT
were 45 per cent more likely to die from breast cancer
than those who chose not to use HRT or used it for less
than five years. (6)
According to Leslie Kenton,
author of Passage to Power, "everybody who is anybody
will tell you that menopause is an estrogen-deficiency
disease and that you will need to take more estrogen as
you approach mid-life. What may surprise you is this:
not only is most of such commonly given advice on
menopause wrong, a great deal of it can be positively
Fortunately there is another side to the hormone story -
a perspective that not only can assist women of all ages
to attain greater health but also to reclaim a greater
sense of power, responsibility and dignity in their
A Brief Gynecological Tour of a Woman's Body
In order to understand the HRT debate, it is important,
first, to have a rudimentary knowledge of a woman's
cyclic nature. Until recently, doctors thought that
menopause began when all the eggs in the ovaries had
been used up. However, recent work has shown that
menopause is probably not triggered by the ovaries but
by the brain. It seems that both puberty and menopause
brain-driven events. Menstruation depends on a complex
network of hormonal communications between the ovary,
the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland in the brain.
The hypothalamus
secretes gonadotropic releasing hormone (GnRH) which
triggers the production of follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) by the pituitary gland. The FSH then stimulates
the growth of the egg follicles (a small excretory sac
or gland) in the ovaries to trigger ovulation. As the
egg follicles grow, estrogen is manufactured and
released into the blood. This chain reaction is not just
way. Estradiol, one of the ovarian estrogens in the
bloodstream, also acts on the hypothalamus, causing a
change in GnRH. Next, this altered hormone stimulates
the pituitary to produce luteinising hormone (LH) which
causes the egg follicles to burst and the ovum to be
released. After the egg is expelled, progesterone is
also manufactured by the collapsed egg follicle
which develops into the corpus luteum. All the hormones
released during the menstrual cycle are secreted not in
a constant, steady way but at dramatically different
rates during different parts of the 28 day cycle. For
the first eight to 11 days of the menstrual cycle, a
woman's ovaries make lots of estrogen. Estrogen prepares
the follicles for the release of one of the eggs. It is
estrogen which proliferates the changes that take place
at puberty: the growth of breasts, the development of
the reproductive system and the shape of a woman's body.
The rate of estrogen secretion begins to fall off on
about day 13, one day before ovulation occurs. As
estrogen falls, progesterone begins to rise, timulating
very rapid growth of the follicle. Beginning with this
secretion of progesterone, ovulation occurs too. After
the egg has been released from the follicle (known as
the luteal stage of a woman's cycle), the follicle
begins to change, enlarging and becoming a unique organ
known as the corpus luteum. Progesterone is secreted
from the corpus luteum, this tiny organ with a huge
capacity for hormone production. The surge of
progesterone at the time of ovulation is the source of
libido - not estrogen, as is commonly believed.
After 10 or 12 days, if
fertilization does not occur, ovarian production of
progesterone falls dramatically. It is this sudden
decline in progesterone levels that triggers the
shedding of the secretory endometrium (the menses),
leading to a renewal of the entire menstrual
Ovarian estrogen and progesterone stimulate the growth
of the endometrium, or lining of the uterus, in
preparation for fertilization. Estrogen proliferates the
growth of endometrial tissue, and progesterone
facilitates the secretory lining of the uterus so the
fertilized egg can implant successfully. Adequate
progesterone, therefore, is the hormone most essential
to the survival of the fertilized egg and the
At around 40 years of age, the
interaction between hormones alters, eventually leading
to menopause. It is still not clear how. Menopause may
start with changes in the hypothalamus and the pituitary
gland rather than in the ovaries. Scientists have
conducted experiments where young mice have had their
ovaries replaced with those from aged animals no longer
capable of
reproducing. The young mice can mate and give birth.
This shows that old ovaries placed in a young
environment are capable of responding. On the other
hand, when young ovaries are put into old mice, these
mice cannot reproduce.
Whatever the mechanism
triggering menopause, as fewer egg follicles are
stimulated, the amount of estrogen and progesterone
being produced by the ovaries declines although other
hormones continue to be produced. By no means do the
ovaries shrivel up and cease functioning, as is
popularly believed.
With the reduction of these
hormones, menstruation becomes scantier and erratic and
eventually ceases. However, other body sites such as the
adrenal glands, skin, muscle, brain, pineal gland, hair
follicles and body fat are capable of making these same
hormones, enabling the female body to make healthy
adjustments in hormonal balance after menopause -
provided a woman has taken good care of herself during
the pre-menopausal years with proper lifestyle, diet and
attention to mental and emotional health. Menopausal
women have the opportunity to enter this phase of life
empowered in their wisdom and creativity as never
before. They have access to profound inner knowing. The
renowned sociologist Margaret Mead said, "There is
more powerful than a menopausal woman with zest!" In
many cultures around the world, menopause is a
transition and an initiation into the fulfillment of a
woman's power, totally symptom-free. She is held in the
highest regard in her community as a wise, respected
This is a handout Syringa
provides about their product Resolve. Some of you
already have it available, others may be receiving it
for the first time. I find it nice to have in my
email so that I can forward it on to women who are
interested in their hormonal balance. Hope you
find it helpful.
· Resolve may effectively treat PMS, endometriosis and
fibrocystic breasts.
· May prevent or reverse osteoporosis.
· Resolve has a proven track record, having changed the
lives of thousands of women.
· Resolve is the leading natural wild yam cream sold in
the United States!
· Resolve is your natural choice - the key to hormonal
balance. A quality cream base is vital for effective
absorption. 'USP' or 'Natural' progesterone is a drug
synthesized from diosgenin.
· Wild yam provides the hormonal chemistry your body
· Resolve is carefully made from only the highest
quality ingredients.
"Before Resolve I was bedridden, now I am full of life!
Thank you Syringa!"
Dioscorea (wild yam) has become widely used as a
natural hormonal supplement. Its value lies in the close
resemblance of the phyto- hormones to those in human
physiology, and with the ability of the human body to
synthesize its essential hormonal chemistry from the
building blocks provided by Dioscorea supplements. In
order to be maximally effective there are a number of
factors to consider. These are: 1) The extraction
process of the dioscorea and components from its plant
source; 2) processing of the plant extract; 3) the
effectiveness of the transport method into the
Wild yam is a most common source for diosgenin and its
related plant saponins. In order to make a product based
on diosgenin, the phyto-hormonal chemistry must be
extracted from the plant source. This process is
crucial. There are several common processes used to
produce the plant extract, most of which use too much
heat or involve chemicals which reduce the active
components of the plant sterols. The most common
extraction processes are cold press, hot press, steam
distillation, glycerin, and ethanol. Most of these
are very rapid processes and the quality of the extract
is often questionable. Because Diosgenin extract is not
a pharmaceutical product, there are no guidelines nor
standards upon which to base an objective analysis. A
particular product may claim to have a 12% Diosgenin
content, but in fact be totally devoid of the useful
chemistry it is meant to provide.
It is important that diosgenin alone is not the only
component extracted from the plant source. The purpose
of Dioscorea supplementation is to provide the body with
the complex building blocks it requires to manufacture
its own hormonal chemistry. One should not consider a
wild yam cream as direct progesterone supplementation.
While such products exist, they are much
inferior. What the body needs is to regain and maintain
its correct hormonal balance. The endocrine system is a
marvelous and miraculously complex system. It involves
multiple sources of stimulation and many levels of
feedback. Many different organs and tissues in the body
make hormonal requests, and all of these factors are
integrated together as the endocrine system produces
just those amounts of hormones necessary to maintain the
delicate balance of good
health, and to reserve the normal healthy cycles of the
When properly functioning, the endocrine system
utilizes a myriad of different protein complexes in the
form of enzymes, co-factors, hormones, and hormonal
building blocks. Each of these is essential in the steps
producing the correct homeostatic balance. If any one
factor is missing, the body may fail to incorporate a
path of hormonal stimulation, feedback, and/or control.
It is for these reasons that one should avoid using
Dioscorea products which have been reduced to only
Diosgenin. The other plant sterols, enzymes and protein
factors may be just as critical, or even more so for a
given individual.
The same is true for products based on USP
progesterone. USP, or 'natural', progesterone is
synthesized from diosgenin. This extra step produces a
product which has none of the other essential plant
sterols and sapogenins. To make matters worse, natural
progesterone products are actually a drug. Giving a
woman progesterone will in many cases relieve symptoms
associated with progesterone deficiencies, but at the
same time, available progesterone in the blood stream
signals the endocrine system to shut down its production
of the steroid hormones. This includes the important
precursor hormone pregnanolone, an essential step in the
production of DHEA, cortisol, aldosterone, estrogen and
progesterone. By supplementing a woman directly
with progesterone, or any other hormone in this chain,
the delicate balance of stimulation and feedback is
disturbed. While the symptoms of progesterone deficiency
may be alleviated, there will be side-effects resulting
from the disturbance of the entire reproductive hormone
The final factor relating to the effectiveness of a
wild yam product is the method and implementation of the
transport mechanism. In the simplest approach, one
simply eats wild yam. The digestive system reduces this
to basic components to be delivered through the blood
stream. This is not effective unless one's entire diet
is based on the wild yam. The problem with
ingestion is that the digestive tract reduces much of
the active components beyond what is usable by the body.
Only a small fraction is absorbed into the blood stream
and delivered to the cells in a form useful to the
endocrine system. The only other common application is
in the form of a skin cream. The transdermal transport
mechanism is far superior because it does not chemically
alter the Dioscorea components through the absorption
process. Even with this, however, not all skin creams
are as effective.
An effective skin cream is first, one into which the
Dioscorea can be incorporated without undue processing
and reduction of the active components. Secondly, it is
essential that the skin cream be readily absorbed, and
that it effectively carries the phytochemistry through
the dermal layers and delivers it to the blood stream
for transport to the target cells. A good cream will
also provide its own mechanism for transportation across
cell membranes, thus helping to place all of the
phytochemistry into the active regions of the
With the foregoing as a basic understanding, we can now
look specifically at our product, Resolve. Resolve is
made from the highest quality extract available in the
United States. The plant is grown in an organically
certified herbal plantation. The extraction process
takes 6 weeks and is done most carefully and under
constant observation to insure that the integrity of the
extract is preserved. For this process we pay a premium
cost, but it is the only known extraction process which
does not compromise to any degree the value of the wild
yam extract.
Resolve is 7% wild yam extract by weight. Our initial
product offering contained 6% wild yam extract. This was
based on calculations of the amount of progesterone a
healthy woman needs in her body. During the course of a
normal menstrual cycle a woman's progesterone production
level varies from 2 mg/day to 25 mg/day. Diosgenin is
known as a phyto-progesterone, and we
intended to provide a supplement for progesterone
deficiencies. While we achieved excellent success with
the 6% composition, we felt that adding the extra 1%
would insure that enough of the critical phytochemistry
was available to help a majority of women in need of our
product. Indeed, we have maintained for several years an
85% success ratio for helping women regain
their hormonal balance.
The skin cream base used for Resolve is marketed by
Syringa as Lite Replenishing Cream. This skin cream was
developed many years ago by Syringa co-founder Homer
Wolfe. The late Mr. Wolfe was a pharmacist and
biochemist. He developed our replenishing cream with the
encouragement and help of the local dermatologists and
cosmetic surgeons. They were in need of a good skin
healing cream, which Homer was able to provide. This
cream has been available
commercially for 12 years, during which time it has
achieved great success at reducing the healing time for
skin. The cream was developed especially to promote
rapid cell division. The cream is absorbed rapidly,
providing cell hydration and carrying nutrients to, and
transporting through, cellular membranes. This cream was
a natural selection for the base of our wild yam
product, and has been key to Resolve's success as the
most effective wild yam cream available. At the time
Resolve was initially formulated, it was one of only
thre such products available in the U.S. It is in fact
largely due to the succes of Resolve that the current
widespread interest and awareness of thebenefits of the
wild yam have sprung. Resolve remains by far the most
successful product
available, as evidenced by the extremely high success
ratio of women using our product.
In the last couple of years there has literally been an
explosion of interest in the health benefits of wild
yam. This has of course been accompanied by an
incredible proliferation of wild yam products. It is
very difficult to make meaningful comparisons between
products based on lists of ingredients and percentages
of active elements. The quality of the wild yam extract
is not
disclosed for specific products, nor is it clear the
quality of the skin cream base. It is possible to make a
clear distinction and comparison with any product
labeled as 'Natural' or 'USP' progesterone. These are
products based on wild yam extract where the diosgenin
of the wild yam has been synthetically altered into the
identical progesterone molecule. By their very
nature such products are inferior for the reasons
described at the beginning of this brochure.
Aeron Lifecycles, an independent laboratory, has
performed an assay on the progesterone content of wild
yam products. The best products are not those that show
the highest progesterone content. The opposite is true.
The best products have little, if any, natural
progesterone. Instead the best products provide all of
the fundamental building blocks necessary for your own
body to function naturally, producing the levels of
hormonal activity you need. Why take a drug when a
wholesome, natural and nutritional source is readily
available and more effective?
The only significant measure of a wild yam cream's
efficacy is in how it affects the lives of the women who
use it. In this respect Resolve is clearly the leader.
We have the experience of many years working with
Resolve. We are constantly providing lectures to women,
educating them on how to properly use Resolve. We
continually receive unsolicited letters from women whose
entire lives have been changed by our product. We firmly
believe that our product is the most carefully
constructed, most efficacious and most beneficial wild
yam product available.
Dear Friend
This article came in my email. Since it is the
same kind of information I try to share with every woman
I visit with, I am passing it on to you.
I am ever more convinced that we must have the balance
of our female hormones. Both play such an important part
in our health and well being. I see women's lives
changed for the best when they add a wild yam cream
(Resolve) to the lives and get that necessary hormone
balance back. For some it does take a while to reverse
things, but the rewards are wonderful. There
is more and more information in the news and literature
that validates this information.
Giving more estrogen or estrogen unapposed is certainly
being questioned by many. The results of natural
progesterone tell the story.
Subj: Progesterone and Women's
Date: 03/23/2001 5:29:40 AM Mountain
Standard Time
Progesterone and Women's
By Dr. Deborah Moskowitz
Menopause is not an estrogen-deficiency disease as the
media and pharmaceutical companies seem to portray it.
In fact, if we were to base our understanding of
hormones on the media as opposed to the physiology
books, we might think the only hormone a man made was
testosterone, and the only hormone a woman made was
estrogen. Well, it's time see ourselves as we truly are,
Both men and women produce estrogen and testosterone,
as well as numerous other hormones that also play
important roles in who we are and how we feel. Women
however, produce more estrogen, while men produce more
testosterone. And then there's progesterone, until
recently relatively unheard of by the lay public and
wholly under-appreciated next to the media-blitzed
Progesterone plays an integral part in a woman's life
and the life of the human species as well. When
scientists first discovered progesterone at the turn of
the century, it was named after its only known action of
that time, "pro" meaning in support of, and "gestation"
meaning pregnancy. For years to follow, the only
recognized role of progesterone was to support
Like all of our steroid hormones, progesterone is
formed in the body from cholesterol. It is made
predominantly in the ovaries, with small amounts
produced by the adrenal cortex and other tissues, such
as nerves. In a woman's body the majority of
progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum, which
forms in the ovary following ovulation. For half of each
monthly cycle,
from ovulation until menses, progesterone is designed to
be the dominant hormone. Progesterone plays a role in
the orchestration of other hormones at ovulation and is
linked in some literature to a rise in libido . Other
reproductive roles include preparing the environment of
the uterus for
implantation of the fertilized egg, and enhancing the
sperm's ability to reach the egg.
Progesterone and Fertility
Not all women produce sufficient progesterone during
the second half of their cycle, leading to symptoms of
estrogen dominance, such as bloating, breast tenderness,
irritability, PMS mood swings, cravings for sweets, and
more. These women may also have difficulty conceiving
and maintaining a pregnancy. When a woman becomes
pregnant, the placenta, or sac that forms around the
fertilized egg, takes over the production of
progesterone from the corpus luteum at approximately
weeks 8-12, producing steadily more progesterone each
month. By the time a woman reaches the third trimester,
the placenta is producing upwards to 300 mg of
progesterone each day. This is significantly more than
the 20-30 mg produced daily by the corpus luteum from
ovulation until menses. Progesterone plays a critical
role in fetal development as well as in maintaining the
pregnancy. Approximately 10% of cases of infertility are
associated with luteal phase defect, a condition of too
little progesterone during the second half of the
menstrual cycle.
PMS and Progesterone
Dr. Katharina Dalton, a British physician, originally
coined the term "premenstrual syndrome" (PMS) in 1953
and soon after established the world's first PMS clinic
in London. Dalton was one of the first physicians to
recognize the pattern of symptoms that occurred for some
women one to two weeks before their period started. Far
from being "all in her head," PMS can cause mental,
emotional, and/or physical symptoms. PMS may be the
result of hormonal changes, inadequate nutrition, lack
of exercise, and physical and/or emotional stress.
Twenty to ninety-five percent of women experience
premenstrual syndrome, with 10-12% severely affected.
Some of the more common symptoms associated with PMS
include: mood swings, painful menses, food cravings
(especially salt and sweets), bloating, abdominal
swelling, constipation, frequent urination, breast
tenderness, backache, forgetfulness, irritability, and
migraines. Many symptoms related to PMS can be
attributed to "estrogen dominance," a
condition of relative excess estrogen activity in the
body. This can be caused by too much estrogen, or by
sub-normal levels of progesterone.
Researchers over the last forty years have identified
four major types of PMS, determined by a woman's
predominant symptoms. Some women have only one group of
symptoms, while others suffer with a combination of two
or more symptom groups. Of the four PMS types, three may
benefit from progesterone supplementation. Clinically,
physicians have seen as high as an 80% response rate
with the use of supplemental progesterone.
Progesterone has many opposite, balancing activities to
those of estrogen. In addition to normalizing blood
sugar levels and water metabolism, progesterone also has
a calming effect on the central nervous system.
Supplemental progesterone during the luteal phase of the
reproductive cycle (days 14-28), has been found to
address many of the symptoms of PMS listed above.
Progesterone and Menopause
Natural menopause is defined as the cessation of menses
as a result of the normal decline in ovarian function.
Women may experience a wide range of symptoms in varying
degrees of severity, or they may experience no symptoms
at all. Some of the signs and symptoms associated with
menopause include, but are not limited to: hot flashes,
sweating, fatigue, nervousness,
irritability, dizziness, numbnes, palpitations, insomnia
, depression, vaginal dryness and/or pain, nausea, gas,
urinary incontinence, pain with urination, constipation,
diarrhea, joint pain, and muscle pain. Prior to
menopause, as ovarian function wanes, cycles frequently
occur where a woman does not ovulate. This period
leading up to menopause is referred to as
Anovulatory cycles that begin in the perimenopause can
lead to hormone changes that may result in hot flashes,
changes in bleeding patterns, PMS-type symptoms, as well
as many other menopausal symptoms. Progesterone levels
fall close to zero due to anovulatory cycles, while
estrogen levels only decline to about 40-60% of
pre-menopausal levels. This precipitous drop
in progesterone can lead to an imbalance between
estrogen and progesterone, causing a relative "estrogen
dominance" within the body. Many women report a decrease
in hot flashes and other symptoms with progesterone
supplementation, which has been supported by recent
research evaluating the effectiveness of topically
applied progesterone cream.
Progesterone has a number of important roles relative
to menopause. Progesterone is the natural balancer to
estrogen, as well as being necessary for optimum
estrogen utilization. The presence of progesterone in
the body sensitizes both estrogen and thyroid hormone
receptor sites, enabling the body to use these hormones
more efficiently. Research over the years has also
elucidated other protective roles for progesterone in
the heart, blood vessels, nerves, and brain.
Progesterone Supplementation
It is important to note that the roles of progesterone
differ considerably from those of its synthetic
counterparts, such as medroxyprogesterone acetate and
others commonly utilized in oral contraceptives and HRT.
Synthetic progestins further complicate the issue of
hormonal balance as they have been shown to reduce the
concentration of natural progesterone in the body.
also compete with natural progesterone for receptor
binding, decreasing the body's utilization of
Originally, progesterone was only available through
suppositories and injections. In 1979, it became
available in a cosmetic cream, which allowed for
absorption through the skin. Progesterone is well
tolerated and absorbed through the skin as is seen with
other hormones, such as testosterone, scopolamine, and
Consulting with a naturally minded physician can often
facilitate managing menopause and PMS naturally. Many
women have found success on their own through the use of
herbs, nutrients, natural hormones, and dietary and
lifestyle changes that can markedly affect well being.
Use of these approaches for women with serious health
conditions should be undertaken with
the guidance of a licensed health care provider.
Again I will submit that using a good wild yam cream
like Resolve is the best option to support
progesterone. USP progesterone is a drug and why
use a drug when natural will do?
March 28, 2001
The results of the Center for Disease Control's (CDC's)
first-ever study on toxin levels in humans has just been
released -- and the results are, to say the least,
CDC measured blood and urine levels of 27 chemicals in
3,800 people. Perhaps the most disconcerting
finding was the unexpectedly high levels of synthetic
compounds called phthalates. These ubiquitous
substances are used for everything from softening
plastics to emulsifying soaps to carrying fragrances in
Large doses of phthalates have been shown to disrupt
normal hormone function and cause birth defects in
rats. Their effect on humans, and the
concentrations at which they might be harmful, are not
yet known. Of interest, the Consumer Product Safety
Council has already asked toy
manufacturers to stop using phthalates to soften toys
like doll heads and teething rings.
Another bit of distressing news was the discovery of
higher levels of mercury than anticipated among women of
childbearing age. Mercury is believed to cause
fetal brain damage. Even when tissue levels aren't
high enough to cause severe toxic damage, they can
produce fatigue and depress brain function.
The CDC study results have already prompted the
government to conduct yearly studies of human toxin
exposure and increase the number of substances examined
to 100. No doubt, the results will spur research
on the levels of certain substances that can be
considered "safe."
I urge you: Don't wait for the CDC's next report to
take action. Instead, start making changes that
will immediately reduce your toxic load and protect you
from the toxins you can't help being exposed to.
You can't avoid toxins completely -- they're in the
water, the air, your food, and just about everywhere
else. But you can greatly reduce your intake of
phthalates and other toxic substances by taking just a
few simple steps. For example:
* Purchase pesticide-free produce, if possible.
If you can't, wash regular produce with a cleanser that
removes pesticide residues (available at most
health/natural food stores).
* Avoid fragranced products whenever possible. Purchase
unscented versions of products you use every day, like
laundry detergent. Avoid room fragrancers unless
they contain only natural scent in an oil, water or
alcohol base.
* Eat minimally processed food, to lessen your intake of
chemical additives and preservatives.
* Don't microwave food in soft plastic containers.
* Don't use synthetic weed killers, chemical
fertilizers, etc. on your yard or lawn.
* Filter your drinking water.
* When you substitute fish for red meat, avoid
swordfish, tuna, and other large fish. They carry a
substantial load of heavy metals, including
Unless you've read the January 2001 issue of The Lark
Letter (my monthly newsletter), you may not know that
your liver is a metabolic powerhouse. Among
other things, it has primary responsibility for the
breakdown and excretion of many toxins -- including
pesticides, drugs, and carcinogens. What your liver
doesn't have the power to remove from your body often
stored in your tissues. These stored toxins may be
released during stress, exercise or weight loss.
So to take a load of your body -- and help keep it from
accumulating a new load -- you need a "detox" program
that does two things at the same time:
* releases stored toxins, and
* gives your liver maximum power to remove them and the
new toxins that enter
your body every day.
You'll find a condensed version of my detox program
are two other timely tips to decrease your toxic
* Eat lots of fiber-rich plant foods like fruits,
vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. The fiber
binds to certain toxins, aiding their elimination from
your body.
* Try adding seaweed (a staple of Oriental cuisine) to
soups and other foods.
The alginates in seaweed aid elimination of toxic
metals, like mercury and lead, by binding to them.
For more information on how you can use diet,
supplements, and cleansing methods to become a detox
dynamo, check my latest book, "The Chemistry of
Success," available at your local book seller.
Please, don't wait for some Federal agency to admit
that the byproducts of our "chemical culture" are
harmful. Start cleansing and protecting your body with
my detox tips today!
Until next time,
Susan M. Lark, M.D.
To subscribe to her newsletter -
This is a letter I received
today from a new Resolve user. I asked her to
please write her history and send it to me while I was
talking to her originally about what this product might
do for her. This was before she even tried the
products. Virginia
I've always thought of myself as a "late bloomer". I
didn't have my first period until I was 16, and then
having 2 cycles 2 months in a row was unusual. I
never really worried about it much until I was 22 years
old and didn't have a cycle for about 9 months. In
preparation for an LDS mission overseas, I went to the
gynecologist, and she suggested that I should go on the
pill. She said that either stress or weight gain
could be the reason that I hadn't had a period, but said
that stress could cause frequent cycles as well as
skipped ones, so it would simplify things to know that
every 28 days my period was going to start. I took
her advice and started taking the pill. After being on
the pill for about 3 months I started noticing massive
mood swings and depression, which was not "me" at
all. I knew that the pill was responsible, so I
stopped taking it. I didn't
menstruate for about 6 months afterwards, but my body
eventually regulated itself to having a period about
every other month. That was in 1995.
In 1999, I got married, and my husband and I decided
that the pill would be the most convenient birth control
method. I expressed my concerns about the mood
swings I had experienced before, but my gynecologist
assured me that the hormone dose in the pill was less
than it had been 4 years earlier, and that I would
probably not have the same reaction this time.
When I expressed concerns about other women I knew who
had had difficulty conceiving after
being on the pill, she said that there was no meidical
evidence that being on the pill affected future
pregnancy. After taking the pill about 3 months, as I
expected, I started having the same response as
before. My husband must have been completely
bewildered by the change in me. I almost went off
the pill then, but the next time I went to the pharmacy,
the pharmacist said that if I was on the pill, I should
be taking a multi-vitamin. He explained that the
pill can deplete the body's B-vitamins, which affect
brain chemistry and mood. I faithfully took a
after that, and my symptoms were completely
reversed. I felt great for about 9 months, and
thought I had found the solution to staying on the pill,
but then the mood swings and depression returned.
I also noticed that my sex drive was very low; the
thought of intimacy was completely unappealing, to the
point that I started avoiding any interaction with my
husband. Unfortunately this time, I was so depressed
that it took much longer for me to realize that it
wasn't me, it was the medication I was taking.
After about 3 months of deep depression and feeling that
I was going crazy, I went off the pill.
My husband told me that his friends at work often
warned him, "women change after they get married, and
not for the better". Well, they were right, but
only now do I realize why. If other women go on
the pill like I did around the time they get married, no
wonder their personality changes! I wonder how
many marriages could be saved if young couuples didn't
use hormonal birth control?
When I was introduced to Syringa about 3 weeks ago, it
had been a year since I stopped using the pill, and I
still hadn't had a period. My husband and I were
contemplating starting a family sometime in the near
future, but I was starting to worry that it wouldn't be
possible for us to have children; especially after
hearing the stories of some of my cousins who had a lot
of difficulty conceiving after being on the pill. When
you said on the phone that God intended for our bodies
to function a certain way, it really hit home with
me. I had never thought of it in that way, that I
was trifling with the way my body worked by taking
hormonal birth control. After using the Syringa
product only a couple days, I experienced a positive
response. The last few months, I've been
experiencng fatigue and mental confusion, especially in
the afternoons. About the second day of using the cream,
I decided to apply Resolve in the afternoon to see if it
would help, and within 10 minutes, the "cloudy" feeling
was gone and I was able to get on with my day! It
was really quite remarkable. Since then, I've been using
Resolve and Balance 3-5 times a day, and I am happy to
report that, after a year, I have finally had a period
So, that's my story. I had never heard of Wild
Yam before, so I'm really grateful that my Aunt would
recommend your company to me. Besides the problems
with my menstrual cycle, about half of the symptoms
listed on the flyer she sent also apply: lethargy, eye
irritation, weight gain, backache, facial hair
hypoglycemia, mental and physical exhaustion, and
insomnia, among others.
Thanks to this fine young lady who so lovely shared her
self. It just reaffirms to me what this product
does and why this information is so important to all
women. It also is the second witness that what we are
doing to so many of our young women is so wrong.
Best regards
Received this
in my email. This is what I talk about all the
time. It is coming from a MD who is really
concerned about our issues. Enjoy and share with all
you women friends!!!! - Virginia
Don't Let Them Get
Your Ovaries!
Date: 04/25/2001
12:28:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time
(Susan Lark, M.D.)
April 25, 2001
Dear Virginia,
The indiscriminate use of
hysterectomies to correct "female problems" has long
been one of our greatest national health care
scandals. It heartens me to see that more and
more women are saying "no" to having their
reproductive organs surgically removed and "yes" to
alternative treatments that strengthen and preserve
them -- and that more and more physicians are becoming
sensitive to this issue. As a result, the hysterectomy
rate is on its way down.
Nevertheless, hysterectomies are
still all too common: By the time an American woman
reaches the age of sixty, chances are one in three
that she will undergo this surgery to relieve a
gynecological problem. To make matters worse,
many hysterectomies are far more extensive than they
need to be. I can't tell you how many women have told
me that their surgeon advised
removing their ovaries and
fallopian tubes, even if they were healthy, because
"without a uterus, you don't need them." (A
variation on this misguided theme is, "As long as
we're in there, we might as well remove
I confess, it can be really hard
for me to maintain my professional demeanor when a
woman tells me that she has wrongly been deprived of
her reproductive organs, especially if her ovaries
have been unnecessarily taken from her. That's because
it's simply not true that your ovaries don't do you
any good when you don't have a uterus and therefore
can't bear children.
The truth is that, when left in
place, your ovaries continue to produce the hormones
estrogen, androgen and -- if you're pre-menopausal --
progesterone. Even if your uterus is gone, even after
you go through menopause, your ovarian hormones make
an important contribution to your overall
If your ovaries are removed
before menopause, you immediately go crashing into
surgically-induced menopause. To add insult to
injury, the loss of ovary-produced hormones makes you
more likely to suffer severe menopausal symptoms --
including hot flashes, vaginal dryness and loss of sex
Whenever your ovaries are
removed, the resulting lower hormone levels place you
at greater risk of such post-menopausal health
problems as heart disease and osteoporosis.
If hysterectomy really is an
appropriate solution to your gynecological problems,
fight for your ovaries! If they're perfectly
healthy, don't let them go.
If it is medically necessary to
remove your ovaries, I urge you not to give in to
pressure to begin conventional hormone replacement
therapy (HRT). While it prevents you from suffering
the symptoms of sudden menopause, it has numerous
long- and short-term side effects, ranging in severity
from bloating and breast tenderness to increased risk
of breast cancer.
Instead, I encourage you to use a
strong program of natural remedies -- including
natural hormones -- to treat your symptoms and
maintain health. Even if you don't have your ovaries,
this approach has the power to prevent you from
suffering all types of menopausal symptoms, without
the high risk of side effects............
Susan M. Lark, M.D.
To subscribe to her newsletter -
This is
information from the Dr Lee website. Most of
what he says is
correct. He certainly has
brought women some valuable information and
suggests we should be responsible
for our own health and that we do have
choices. However I
personally feel that using wild yam as a source
progesterone is a much better
option for most women. His books describe
important it is that we use
natural things and that we cannot metabolize and
utilize artificial things
correctly. Then he suggests we use a
semi-synthetic drug to help with
women's issues. Wild yam is nature's
of phyto progesterone or basic
steroid chemistry. Thousands of women are
having success with a more natural
way than using a semi-synthetic
progesterone. That is what
happens when wild yam is converted to the drug
progesterone. Refer to the
article "Wild Yam vs. Progesterone".
- new12
Why doctors keep writing the same
old prescriptions
Want to feel better?
First, stop the problems caused by
medicine itself...
About Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis A crippling disease
that is preventable and reversible-
Osteoporosis Awareness
How Aware of Osteoporosis Are You?
A Gallup poll sponsored by the National
Osteoporosis Foundation found
that-Osteoporosis Guidelines
Dietary Guidelines for
Osteoporosis You May Be Surprised to Learn that
is Not a Calcium Deficiency
Disease- Osteoporosis Prevention
To Prevent Osteoporosis AVOID Soda
Pop and a High protein Diet-
Dear Friend,
You may be one of the millions of
American women who are suffering because of
"ignorant medicine".
In fact, most women who have been
made miserable by hormone replacement--
putting up with the headaches,
weight gain, irritability and the risk of
breast cancer-- are suffering
Did you know that most women who
are given hysterectomies and mastectomies
don't need them? There are much
better, less invasive solutions that many
physicians are ignorant of.
Meanwhile, the Harvard Nurses'
Study just announced that if you've been
taking Provera or any other
synthetic progesterone, you have been increasing
your risk of breast cancer by 8%
per year. *
What makes me really angry is that
most physicians and health publications
are not educating American women
about these facts. Luckily, nearly a million
women have read my book What Your
Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause.
Those women stopped taking Provera
years ago and have been using natural
progesterone cream, which is more
effective and has none of the side effects.
* Schairer, C et al, "Menopausal
Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin Replacement
Therapy and Breast Cancer Risk,"
Journal of the American Medical Association,
January 26, 2000.
Let's explode some of the
common myths and lies right now, and learn
solutions that will make you feel
a lot better quickly and give you peace of
· LIE #1: Most menopausal women
can benefit from estrogen replacement.
· LIE #2: Premarin & Provera
are your best choices.
· LIE #3: Eating eggs can cause
heart disease.
· LIE #4: The new generation of
birth control pills is safe.
· LIE #5: Estrogen can improve
your memory.
· LIE #6: All bottled water is
· LIE #7: Soy doesn't have side
In a moment I'll explain why
doctors continue to prescribe Provera and other
drugs that don't work well, and
I'm sure you'll be furious.
At the same time, almost every
health publication you read pushes soy-based
foods as if soy is a miracle
nutrient. Yet for a couple of years, researchers
have known that eating too much
soy can cause zinc deficiency, which weakens
the immune system, exposing you to
a variety of illnesses, including cancer.
Even the Japanese have always
eaten only a modest amount of soy daily.
There's more: whole soybeans and
some soy proteins also contain enzyme
inhibitors that can lead to
thyroid disease and potent allergens that can
trigger allergic reactions. Sure,
soybeans contain important phytonutrients,
but they also contain
hemagglutinin that decreases the ability of red
cells to absorb oxygen, reducing
your cells' strength to defend themselves
against disease.
If you eat a lot of soy and feel
worn out all the time, now you know a
possible reason.
So why has everyone from doctors
to health magazines ignored the latest
studies? Could it be the vast
amount of money the powerful soy industry is
spending on public relations?
Millions of American women are poisoning
themselves with a soy overdose
this very minute!
Why doctors keep writing
the same old prescriptions
You know how physicians in the
U.S. are trained: they're taught to fight
every illness and medical
condition with a prescription drug.
What you may not realize is that
most doctors get their education about new
drugs from the drug companies.
Maybe you've seen the attractive young men and
women in expensive suits who hang
out in your doctor's office. What are they
there for? They're constantly
feeding your physician company literature that
highlights the drugs' benefits and
obscures the drugs' side effects.
The drug companies are brilliant--
they make their fact sheets a lot easier
to read than the New England
Journal of Medicine! Why should doctors bother
reading the actual medical
Even if physicians do read the New
England Journal of Medicine, they probably
don't realize that many of the
studies were paid for by the drug companies
and the articles were written by
researchers directly or indirectly being
paid by the big pharmaceutical
And those well-dressed men and
women you see in the waiting room are giving
your physician a carton full of
free drug samples, which the doctors pass on
to us, the patients, in order to
seem generous. Doctors love to receive and
give out free samples.
The drug companies are taking your
doctor out to lunch at four-star
restaurants and sending him or her
to expensive resorts for professional
seminars. On what subject? Their
newest drugs, of course!
It gets even uglier...
Did you know that these days drug
companies routinely give physicians big
"commissions" for writing
prescriptions for new, unproven medications?
right, outright bribes for
prescribing the medicines you may take for
arthritis, osteoporosis,
depression, high blood pressure, menopausal
and many other common conditions.
And it's still completely legal to bribe
physicians, until Congress finally
does something about it.
Doctors get big commissions for
prescribing new drugs because the long-term
side effects aren't yet known.
Remember the women whose hearts were
permanently damaged because
doctors were writing thousands of prescriptions
for Fen-Phen before all the facts
were in?
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical
companies are making obscene profits on drugs
most women don't even really need
to get better.
Women, please be cautious!
Health lies and misinformation
affect women even more than men. Women make
the health and nutrition decisions
for the family. Women spend more time with
doctors, especially before, during
and after menopause.
That's why I wrote the book on
menopause and that's why I publish my monthly
Medical Letter-- to bring American
women the truth about drugs, nutrition,
hormones and medical procedures.
And I supply much better solutions than
you'll get from the average
doctor, who is basically a product of the
pharmaceutical industry and their
medical school training facilities.
The bottom line is you can sail
through your menopause years, free of drug
dependency, free of side effects.
You don't need Premarin and Provera. You
don't have to alter your diet
radically. You can prevent osteoporosis, heart
disease and breast cancer, and
I'll fully explain your best options and cut
through the misinformation for
you. That's my mission.
Why the John R. Lee, M.D.Medical
Letter is the only health publication you'll
ever need...
I began my monthly newsletter
because of the overwhelming positive reaction
to my book. Shortly after
publication, the letters started flowing in...
Women who read my book were
reporting an end to their menopause symptoms --
migraines, hot flashes, weight
gain, mood swings, loss of libido.
Hundreds of women were reporting
better bone density tests, without taking
Fosamax, drinking more milk or
eating dozens of Tums for extra calcium.
Other women who tried natural
hormone replacement were reporting a reversal
and remission of their fibroids
and endometriosis. Without surgery or any
None of this was a surprise to me
-- I had achieved similar results with my
own patients during a lifetime of
innovative family medicine practice.
I began my monthly newsletter to
keep women up-to-date on the real truth
behind the latest studies. I
wanted to inform women about the dangers of many
of the new drugs and what to do
instead. Women need to know about the many
benefits of -
progesterone supplementation,
including its ability to protect against heart
disease and breast cancer...not to
mention the added benefit of healthier,
younger-looking skin.
And women need to know about the
overwhelming dangers of excessive estrogen
replacement. Keep reading...
Want to feel better?
First, stop the problems caused by
medicine itself...
The most important way I can help
you is to end your suffering at the hands
of drug companies and food
manufacturers, and physicians who have been
completely manipulated by the
system. The first step to better health is to
stop the problems caused by
medicine itself.
Let's explode some of the common
myths and lies right now, and learn
solutions that will make you feel
a lot better quickly and give you peace of
LIE #1: Most menopausal women can
benefit from estrogen replacement.
TRUTH: Menopausal symptoms such as
hot flashes, unusual aches and pains,
foggy thinking, irritability,
depression, low libido, headaches, insomnia,
sugar craving, weight gain and
fatigue are NOT usually due to a lack of
estrogen, but instead, an
imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
In fact, you can be taking a high
level of estrogen and still have many of
the above symptoms. Most women on
Premarin (synthetic estrogen) are getting
up to 10 times more estrogen than
they need. When your estrogen is too high
in relation to your progesterone,
you have "estrogen dominance," which
creates a lot of problems,
including fibrocystic breasts, uterine fibroids
and breast cancer.
So if you're on hormone
replacement and feel lousy, there's a good
Unfortunately, most physicians
prescribe the usual .625 dose of estrogen --
often without even testing your
estrogen and progesterone levels! Sloppy
work, if you ask me, but it's
standard practice. Most women don't need that
much estrogen, and Premarin .625
gives them more symptoms than they started
off with.
Why? Because the physician didn't
take into account the fact that as you
approach menopause, your ovaries
produce less and less progesterone. By the
time you've actually entered
menopause, your progesterone level is almost
zero, so there's nothing to
balance the estrogen.
So taking Premarin will usually
increase your estrogen dominance and cause
new problems. Estrogen dominance
is a new concept I introduced to women's
medicine, and it's only now
becoming "common knowledge" among
What you should do if you have
menopausal symptoms:
1) Ask for both your estrogen AND
progesterone levels to be tested.
2) You'll probably find you need a
progesterone supplement.
Keep reading, because I'm going to
tell you about natural, non-prescription
progesterone that doesn't have any
side effects...
* Cummings SR, et al, "Endogenous
hormones and the risk of hip and vertebral
fractures among older women," New
England Journal of Medicine, Septemer 10,
LIE #2: Premarin & Provera
are your best choices.
TRUTH: Your intuition is correct
about adding synthetic hormones to your's dangerous. If you're
on Premarin, Provera or any other synthetic
hormone, you may be experiencing
symptoms such as anxiety, depression, weight
gain and migraine headaches.
You're not crazy. Your body doesn't feel right
for a reason. You don't need to
add Prozac or an anti-anxiety drug to your
list of medications. What most
women on HRT need is a lower dose of estrogen
and a real (not synthetic)
progesterone replacement.
I've had wonderful success with
natural progesterone cream. This
over-the-counter supplement (there
are many good brands) contains real
progesterone -- identical to the
progesterone found in your body. That's why
there are no side effects.
Synthetic progestins such as Provera DO NOT have
the same molecular structure as
your body's hormones, and that's why your
body complains when you introduce
these foreign substances.*
I've seen fibrocystic breasts heal
rapidly when natural progesterone is used.
You can also expect a reduction of
anxiety, better sleep and a decrease or
disappearance of your symptoms of
menopause, including weight gain. And
scientific evidence supports my
experience that natural progesterone can
decrease your risk of breast
For complete instructions on using
natural hormone cream and a list of many
good brands (I don't endorse
specific brands). (Insert: wild
is certainly the most natural
option for balancing hormones.)
Also, this month I am giving new
subscribers a special two tape set: "Dr.
Lee's Complete Hormone Balance
Seminar" (usual price $19.95). Free with your
subscription, these tapes explain
everything you need to know so you can end
the symptoms of PMS and menopause
once and for all. Please see the enclosed
brochure for a detailed
description of this free gift.
LIE #3: Eating eggs can cause
heart disease.
TRUTH: The statement "eggs are bad
for you, the cholesterol causes heart
disease," is an unfortunate myth.
The famous Harvard Nurses' Study followed
127,000 people over 14 years and
compared their cardiovascular health with
their egg consumption. Those who
ate an egg a day did not have a higher risk
of any kind of cardiovascular
* Physician's Desk Reference,
2000 under "medroxyprogesterone acetate."
Sure, eggs have some fat and
cholesterol, but your body NEEDS a certain
amount of fat and cholesterol-- as
well as protein and carbohydrates to
survive. In fact, eggs are nearly
a perfect "energy food," since they have a
good balance of protein and
So where did the egg myth come
from? Mostly from articles and propaganda
sponsored by the cereal and
"breakfast foods" industry for years. Maybe
you've seen all those milk
advertisements? Industries like that spend
millions of dollars on advertising
campaigns to "re-educate" America about
its products. Actually, no one
except children and young animals should drink
milk -- that's what it's designed
for. Cow's milk contains a high level of
growth factors that may contribute
to cancer in adults. The milk industry
won't tell you that -- they want
you to drink more milk, and they're
I blast through the media and
drug company hype about drugs such as Fosamax,
Tamoxifen and anti-depressants.
The truth will startle you.
Here's an example...
LIE #4: The new generation of
birth control pills is safe.
TRUTH: You'd think that medicine
is getting better and safer all the time.
Unfortunately, that's not always
the case and it's very important to have a
professional "reality-check" on
new medications prescribed for you. Every
month in my Medical Letter, I
include a special "Health Watch" column that
reveals the truth about new
medications and procedures. I tell you which
options are best and worst.
My advice: Don't use the new birth
control pills. Drug companies claim that
the "third generation" of birth
control pills are safer because they contain
a lower dose of estrogen and
progestins (synthetic progesterone). However, a
Danish study just revealed that
many of these medications sharply increase
your risk of
*JAMA 1999;281:1387-1394
Thromboembolism is a blood clot
that starts in your legs, which can be
extremely painful. If a piece of
the clot breaks off and travels to your
lungs it can be fatal.
LIE #5: Estrogen can improve your
TRUTH: This is yet another case of
the drug industry purposefully
misinterpreting a medical study
for its own profit.
The study, published in the
Journal of the American Medical Association,
clearly stated that "Estrogen did
NOT affect actual performance of the memory
Some of the media-- especially
news shows that get their video clips directly
from the pharmaceutical companies
-exaggerated one of the study's findings,
the fact that estrogen increases
brain nerve cell excitability.
"Excitability" has nothing to do
with why did the media twist the
results, misinforming millions of
American women?
In fact, many women can improve
their memory and sharpen their mental
function by taking LESS estrogen.
I explain other, natural means of improving
your thinking power in my report
Surprising Truths That Can Improve Any
Woman's Life, which you'll also
receive free of charge if you subscribe to my
Medical Letter.
LIE #6: All bottled water is
TRUTH: You know the tall plastic
bottles of water you buy in the supermarket"
They're a health hazard! Why?
Because the plastic leaks toxic chemicals such
as acetaldehyde, dimethyl
terephthalate and xenohormones into the water.
These chemicals can harm your
digestive system, worsen the symptoms of
menopause and have even been
linked to cancer.*
*Physician's Desk Reference,
2000, under "estrogen"
*Shaywitz SE, et al, "Effect of
estrogen on brain activation patterns in
postmenopausal women during
working memory tasks," Journal of the American
Medical Association 1999;
My advice: Drink 6-8 glasses of
water through the day, but DON'T make a habit
of buying water stored in plastic.
Use glass-bottled water or a water filter.
You can safely transfer the water
into a plastic container for the day, since
it takes much longer than that for
the dangerous chemicals to accumulate.
For more eye-opening advice about
food and nutrition, see your free copy of
Surprising Truths That Can Improve
Any Woman's Life.
LIE #7: Soy doesn't have side
TRUTH: Soy has been the darling of
the natural health media for years now,
but the notion that "the more soy
you eat the better" is very dangerous. As I
began to explain on page 3 of this
letter, more and more studies are showing
that eating lots of soy can have
harmful side effects, such as a compromised
immune system, blocked absorption
of minerals and thyroid disease. When this
new information becomes
mainstream, the soy craze will be over.
Women are particularly affected,
since soy can inhibit the absorption of
zinc. A deficiency of zinc can
cause terrible mood swings and irritability in
menopausal women and women with
My advice: I want you to benefit
from soy's antioxidant properties without
any of the risk. Make sure you
choose the right kind of soy-- fermented
products such as miso, tempeh and
tofu. Avoid eating whole soy beans, soy
milk or soy protein powders on a
regular basis, since they include toxins
that can contribute to disease. By
the way, the Japanese have traditionally
eaten only fermented soy.
Unfermented soy is only one of
many "false friends" from your local health
food store. Each month in my
Medical Letter, I show you exactly the best ways
to improve your health with
natural products and I expose the common natural
products that can harm you.