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Disillusioned with Veganism

Perfect, decay-free, straight teeth are a common sight among peoples all over the world
(without dental care) who eat their whole native foods.

      It all started with teeth. You see, my first 4 children had very good teeth, and my 5th was still a little one when I noticed a "stain" on the front teeth of my 6th baby. He was just a year old, so it seemed strange to me. I had the dentist look at it and he shook his head and referred me to a pediatric dentist. I took my first four children to their first dental exam at 4 years old and they were each told "no cavities!" so it seemed unusual to me to need to take a baby to the dentist. I did put it off for several months, but when I did finally take him to the dentist, was I ever in for a shock! My baby had "rampant dental decay". The dentist recommended extracting several teeth and putting in false ones, all under general anesthesia in the hospital. I couldn't conceive of such a drastic need. Why? How could this happen? I had brushed and cared for his teeth more diligently than my first babies. I was still breast feeding and kept him away from sugar, white flour and other known decay agents. I really couldn't believe the dentist's verdict. It was all so upsetting. I knew that I couldn't allow him to be put under general anesthesia, where they would stop his breathing and put him on a respirator while they did the dental work.    How could a such a little one need such a thing anyway? 
     I reeled in shock and felt upset for weeks, considering what to do. I phoned and asked the dental office so many questions and had so many discussions with them that they begin to treat me like a "problem patient". I begged for information, something written that I could study about but the dentist had none, and it was hard to find anything more than a verbal opinion. The dentist tried to answer my question, but wondered why I was making such a big deal. It was no big deal to him, since he did ten or more surgeries just tike it every week. 
     In answering one question, the dentist mentioned the word "remineralizaton". That caught my attention. You mean, there might be a way to "heal" a tooth?! I got on the Internet and searched. All the information I found seemed to back-up what the dentist had told me. I couldn't find any "natural" way to handle this problem. It seemed extensive decay in babies and treating it under general anesthesia was a common occurrence, growing more common every year in America. In fact, thereis a shortage of pediatric dentists (who can make a great deal of money just doing surgery after surgery on tiny children with rampant decay). I scheduled the hospitalization, but I could not go through with it. It just seemed too unnatural. Adam and Eve's babies certainly didn't have this problem! 
     So, I let the problem sit on the back burner for a few years, striving to use herbs that would strengthen the teeth and fight the infection caused by an abscessed tooth. I could see slight improvement, but overall his teeth were in very bad condition. He needed treatment and yet I couldn't bring myself to casually put my child under a general anesthesia. There are children who do not wake up. This child had suffered with spinal meningitis when he was 2 years old and had several febrileconvulsions, chipping some of his front teeth. I thought the abscess was caused by the broken teeth. I worried that his nervous system had not healed sufficiently to undergo the strain of a general anesthesia. He was still "twitchy" and nervous, I assume from the nervous system damage caused by convulsions. 
      One day, when he was just four years old, one of his front teeth actually broke off while he was eating. It was such a shock to see that I immediately phoned for a dentist. I thought I'd try a different dentist, the most highly recommended pediatric dentist in the state. He examined my son and with great alarm told me that he needed immediate hospitalization and extensive treatment at a cost of over $3,000 (we had no dental insurance). I asked my questions again! Why? How did this happen? He answered that breast feeding had rotted my baby's upper teeth and that the infection had spread through his mouth to all the other teeth. He looked at the new baby on my lap and  pronounced that she should have her mouth and eventual teeth washed after every nursing, and that I should limit her nursing to only giving her the nourishment she needed, never letting her nurse for comfort or fall asleep nursing. I cried, "Surely this is not how God intended it! Breastfed babies all over the world have strong teeth. I cannot believe that nursing causes rampant decay." I could not see another option so for a week I tried to follow his advice to save my baby from the same dental problems that my son was experiencing, but I soon realized that nursing was a whole way of mothering, and I could not rip the breast out of a sleepy baby's mouth just to wash her teeth. It wasn't working. 
     I wrestled with the idea of general anesthesia and finally decided I could not accept any risk at alt to my son's life, in spite of the dentist's confidence and assurance that everything was perfectly safe. I convinced the dentist to do the necessary work right there in the chair without general anesthesia, which he had never done before in his 20 years of practice. The next hurdle was getting him to do the work without the "drunk" medication that they prescribe to relax the patient before giving them Nitrous Oxide. I cringed at all the anesthetics that they wanted to pump in his system. The whole thing was a nightmare, but my son did sit quietly and have the hours of work done without extra anesthetics, which was amazing to the dentist. 
     Now that the crisis was over and I wasn't upset all the time, I really began to ponder and search for the answers to my questions. How could my first four children have good teeth and suddenly my babies have serious dental decay especially since I'd gone to great effort to change over to only plant foods, thinking a vegan diet would only increase their health? What makes strong teeth? Have babies the world over for centuries suffered from rotten teeth as a result of nursing? Can it just be a fluke that one child gets healthy teeth and the next suffers? The word "remineralization" came to mind and I thought at length about it. Could teeth heal? God provides for healing in every other area of the human body. Adam and his kin were so strong and perfect that they lived hundreds of years. Surely they must have had strong teeth. Is it possible for man to have decay-free teeth? 
     About this time, I was fortunate enough to happen upon a short mention in a magazine about the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. Writing to the address given, I obtained some information from them, and strange it was! This organization found fault with the vegan diet to which I was so committed! They were bold enough to defy the commonly held beliefs about diet in America. I was stunned at their information: some animal fat is healthy and necessary for optimal vitality, animal products are irreplacable for some vitamins and minerals, birth defects can be prevented, etc. But most of all, I stood in awe that they had a very reasonable and well-proven explanation for the condition of my children's teeth when the best dentist I could find could not give me a suitable reason at all. Not only did they have an explanation, they had countless research subjects photographed to prove their stand. 
     I soon purchased their book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price, a dentist during the 1930's-l 950's, and began studying. I could hardly believe what I was learning! Did I believe it? Could I make such an abrupt change after years of vegetarianism and of late, a vegan diet (no animal products)? I felt so brainwashed with the culturally correct diet 
that it was hard to even believe that animal fats could be good for you! 
     Basically, Dr. Price taught that those who eat in accord with nature earn healthy, vibrant, bodies and straight, decay-free teeth. Those who violate nature's laws suffer the unhealthy consequences. Traditional dietary wisdom should be heeded. Newfangled foods generally debilitate health. How a mother eats prior to and during her pregnancy determines the health of the child. The first signs of degeneration occur in the mouth (decay and crowded teeth). Advanced signs include lack of immunity, reproductive problems such as miscarriage, infertility, and birth defects. When a whole community or nation eats poorly, history has proven countless times that eventually reproduction is impossible and that people dies out. Noting America's current soaring infertility rate, I shudder to think where we are headed. 
     These research studies were based on the world travels of Dr. Price, who could see, even back then, that America's health was deteriorating rapidly. He knew there were people on the earth with incredibly good health that had no dental care at all. He searched out these pockets of people and examined them to determine how they prevented dental decay. What he discovered in his ten years of globe trekking, was that those people who eat their native diets, different and unique as they may be in different parts of the world, had the same thing in comonon: immunity to dental decay and vibrant health. Those people who had adopted western foods (white sugar, white flour, pasteurized dairy products, vegetable fats such as margarine in the place of butter, vegetable oils, etc.) had innumerable maladies. The hopeful and amazing thing is that when any person returned to his native diet and rejected the western foods, within 6 weeks they were on their way back to immunity and good health. The body does heal and regenerate! Dr. Weston Price took over 18,000 photographs of primitive peoples of every land in all their health and splendor. His photos (found in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) show beautiful, well formed bodies and wide smiles of flawless straight teeth! 
     When Dr. Price analyzed their extremely varied diets in the laboratory, he found they all had one point in common. This common factor he named "Activator X". Later research has confirmed that Activator X is only present in animal products and belongs to the group of fat soluble vitamins. Dr. Price became a sought after healer of sorts and was able to cure severe dental decay, arthritis, infertility and many other illnesses by supplementing the diet with vitamin/mineral dense animal products. In all the peoples he studied, the conclusions were the same: no people can long maintain health, vitality and fertility on plant foods alone. Animal products are essential. 
     When I studied to the point that I felt fully convinced, I was stunned and amazed to finally know some truth about diet, but I felt so bad and guilty for my erroneous influence on others. How I yearn to have had this information early in my childbearing years so that I could have made a difference for my children! I began to feel such a deep desire to publish the news as far and wide as possible so that there might not be so much suffering. "If only" are not happy words, but perhaps I could prevent another mother from having to live through health problems, infertility problems, severe illness or allergies in her children, and many of the other trials I have experienced. 
     During my first three pregnancies, I was eating a healthy diet (whole grains, low sugar) but we ate meat and dairy products (pasteurized). Then I began to learn about veganism and I gradually moved toward that way of eating. My body's mineral stores were sufficient to get my through the next pregnancy and that child shows minimal signs of my deficient diet. By the time I had been vegetarian for a few years, I cut meat and dairy out of my diet and my next child has crowded teeth and some decay. Thinking I was choosing health, I inched closer to veganism eliminating all animal products and replacing them with soy products. My next child suffered severe eczema, rampant dental decay, crowded teeth and a very narrow dental arch and jaw (signs of deficiency in the pregnant mother's diet). Since I did not fully realize the extent to which diet and reproductive capability are related, I kept with my vegan diet, drinking soy milk and eating soy products such as soy cheese, tofu, and even soy ice cream. I was sickly myself and now experienced repeated miscarriage. I now know that repeated miscarriage and infertility are the screaming signs that vitamin/mineral levels are too low to produce another whole life. I was pregnant with my last baby while I was on a vegan diet. I felt very poorly during the pregnancy, and barely was able to hold the pregnancy and keep from miscarrying. I drank soy milk constantly to try to give myself a protein boost, as I felt so very ill and feeble. Only though blessings, herbs and constant vigilance was I able to complete the pregnancy. Now that baby is suffering from early decay. I wish now that I could have learned sooner! 
     How did I get duped? The answer to that is known to all who are LDS. The scriptures tell us not to rely on the arm of flesh (2 Nephi 4:34) and yet it is not easy to separate ourselves from the culture in which we live. Maybe we are too believing of all that the media, government agencies, RDA, doctors and health literature has to say. All of the health books that I have studied and reviewed in the last 5 years (with the exception of the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) have all promoted the same ideas. To back them up, the government strongly promotes the "fats are bad" myth. Even with the blessed gift of personal revelation, we have to be open to new ideas and willing to "hear" what the Spirit dictates. Sometimes our own cultural conditioning prevents us from "hearing". 
     Since my own discovery, I have since met others who have suffered the ill effects of lack of animal fats in the diet. One sister experienced the painful results of diet deficiencies in the birth defects of her children. Her first baby had a heart defect that was serious enough to cause death at 15 days old. Subsequent pregnancies (while she was on a vegan diet using lots of soy products) resulted in miscarriage of defective fetuses. It was only after learning about the need for animal fats in the human diet that she was able to give birth to healthy babies. 
     As I began to share my newfound knowledge with others, I was met with much resistance to the idea that veganism isn't really good for us! I know I myself was not easily convinced that I was on the wrong track, so I suppose I can't expect others to believe right off that these conclusions are correct. I am so glad that Dr. Price documented his work so thoroughly, and that others have followed up on his work, proving his research results to be accurate. You can study it yourself and be convinced on this vitally important issue of how to have health for yourself and your family. May you be successful in your search for health and strong teeth! —DH 
Taken from Issue 6, 1998 of "The Latter-Day Family"  #6905  (Used with their permission) 
author - Diane Hopkins. 
This article comes from the Latter-day Family Newsletter. 
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 by Dick Bauman, Charter Member IMCBS, owner of PRETTY GOOD MINI-HEREFORDS 

      Basically, we're simple people. We're simple by choice. I do have a couple college degrees, and was a Doctoral Fellow, and have several other certificates stuck away somewhere, but we live simple by choice. That's why we have dairy goats for milk (goat milk is more digestable and has more nutrients than cows milk), and we raise miniature cattle for meat. Our  little 65 acre farm has about 40 acres of woods and several ponds, which provide proper environment for deer, turkey, small animals, and fish (some of which we eat, too.). 
      My wife's garden is too big. It's her choice. The 20 open acres in the middle of our property I've divided into five pastures for our mini-herefords takes too much of my time for mowing, checking fences, and pulling the water tub (and old bathtub) back into the pasture. (Pretty Good Cal, our bull, is totally committed to tipping over the water tub and pushing it out of the pasture every time he has finished drinking!) It's my choice to live here like this. 
      This is America. Supposedly, we are free to live our lives and use our properties as we choose to, as long as we don't interfere with someone else's rights. You notice I emphasized the word supposedly. (The topic of our supposed freedom is too lengthy to cover at this time.) Anyway, when some people start imposing their values on me, I do get upset. I've noticed lately that when a sufficient number of activists start shouting the words "you shouldn't", it soon 
becomes "you can't"! So, when I hear someone voice the words, "you shouldn't eat meat!", I have a few words of response. 
      First of all, I can categorize these people into two groups: scientific vegetarians or religious vegetarians. However, NONE of THEM stand up to facts and open-minded reasoning. Also, vegetarians may be "pure" (no animal products whatsoever) or be ovo-lacto vegetarian (includes milk and eggs in their vegetarian diet.) 
      William Campbell Douglass, M.D. in his book THE MILK OF HUMAN KINDNESS IS NOT PASTEURIZED, discusses the many studies of diets of people all around the world, including vegetarians. Rampant tooth decay, weakness, breast-fed babies in poor health, Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency), and shortened life span are common among strict vegetarians. And a new disease, Ceroid Storage Disease, may soon become an epidemic. (Soybean milk 
and wheat protein cooked in corn or Wesson oil creates a wax that plugs the spleen..) 
      Soy milk is also high in an estrogen-type substance. What effect does this have on your children? Girls may develop too early, boys development is delayed, sterility, and many other problems are surfacing. Indeed, giving soy formula to your baby provides the same amount of estrogen as five (5!) birth control pills a day! 
      In contrast, groups that were almost totally fish, meat, egg, and raw milk eaters had no cholesterol problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, tooth decay, or scurvy. 
      Robert Barefoot, co-author of a book called THE CALCIUM FACTOR, (also put out a cassette tape that I have) points out that NO centenarians are vegetarians. He not only discusses different native peoples, from coast to mountains, and their diets, but how the proper ratio of certain nutrients cured 109 terminal cancer patients, who went on to live many years before dying of NO diseases. Among the findings of this expert researcher, he noted: (1) NO centenarians are vegetarians, (2) vegetarians die 10 years sooner on the average than those who eat meat, (3) we need proteins: animal proteins are the best (meat and milk). 
      A study of 400 centenarians in Colorado discovered: (1) they all are in the sun seven hours per day, (2) they all drink milk, (3) they all eat some meat, and (4) they all drink 2-3oz. of alcohol per day.       He also points out that women that have a tablespoon of animal fat per day reduce their chance of breast cancer 100%, and men that have a tablespoon of animal fat per day reduce the incidence of stroke 100%. Space and purpose for this article do not permit me to do justice to all of Barefoot's findings. I suggest you do further study. 
      Sometimes, vegetarians try to humanize animals by talking about "what the animals feel", or "what the animals think". (Anthropomorphize: attribute human characteristics.) They might learn from reading THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS, by Bird and Tompkins. They discuss the feelings and communication of plants. Perhaps the vegetarians will think twice about eating plants! I shudder to think what these plants "think" when a family of vegetarians invade the garden. ["O, No! Here comes the Chubkin family. They're always hungry. Quick cover your fruits! Wilt, thou, and look sick. They eat three times as much because they aren't satisfied!"] Personally, I believe there is a place for plants and animals in the Divine scheme of things and we are to use them in a respectful manner. 
      A person who USED to be a friend of mine is a vegetarian. He weighs about 300 pounds (about 150 pounds overweight). He tried to embarrass me in front of a group of people: "Dick, everyone should be a vegetarian. It's more natural." "Yes," I said, "I've noticed elephants are the world's biggest vegetarians. They also have the biggest bellies to process it." At which point everyone turned and looked at the size of his stomach. I haven't seen him for years. 
      The "religious" vegetarian is one who tries to club you over the head with God. Their big whip is to quote from Genesis 1:29: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." 
      Yessiree, it does say that in the Good Book. Now, bear in mind when He said that, the earth was in a PERFECT state. Soils were PERFECT. Minerals were balanced. ALL the minerals - and ALL the trace minerals - in PERFECT balance. There was 25% oxygen in the atmosphere (we have about 17% now, and diminishing!), and atmospheric pressure 2.2 times what it is now! PLUS a firmament composed of a layer of frozen hydrogen that filtered out harmful rays. These PERFECT conditions allowed perfect plant growth and long life. This is no longer theory. It is provable. (Dr. Carl Baugh, Director of the Creation Evidences Museum at Glen Rose, Texas, previously a consultant for NASA, puts out a set of tapes that undeniably prove scientifically that the Genesis account of Creation is true! He proves seven different ways that evolution is wrong, and only the account in Genesis is correct.) 
      Now with the flood, and the collapse of the firmament, drastic changes took place. Tremendous rains and erosion took away valuable soils and balanced minerals. Harmful rays from the sun bombarded plants and animals alike. Less and less oxygen and a tremendous decrease in pressure, combined with unbalanced soils, and the loss of the firmament's greenhouse effect resulted in the drastic loss of plant and animal forms (dinosaurs, etc.) and the decline of human 
longevity. Now with this background, we now see the need for a different diet on the menu as soon as Noah leaves the ark to venture forth in a remodeled world. (Evidently, those vegetarians who still held to Genesis 1:29 missed the boat!) 
      So now we see that about 1655 years AFTER Adam was told to be a vegetarian, God speaks to Noah when the flood was over, and says, (Genesis 9:3) "Every moving thing shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things." Since that time, then, we are omnivores (meat and vegetation eaters). Four thousand three hundred years later vegetarians still don't get it. 
      Some years ago I invited a nationally-known herbalist from Utah who was giving a lecture in Kansas City to our home for supper. Knowing he was primarily vegetarian, but would occasionally eat some fish; Barbara fixed home-made bread, baked fish, vegetables and a salad. The herbalist ate several slices of warm bread, remarking he hadn't had any for two years, and helped himself to a second piece of fish saying "nothing could be better than this fish". Knowing 
he considered himself a devout Christian, I set the trap, "Only a good beef steak would be better!" 
      He grabbed the bait. "Oh, no, we shouldn't eat meat!" he gasped. 
      I replied, "If beef is good enough for the Lord, it's good enough for me!" 
      He looked at me as if what I said was blasphemy. "Show me in the scriptures." 
      I handed him a Bible, and said, "Open to Genesis chapter 18 and read the first verse. He read, "And the Lord appeared unto him (Abraham) in the plains of Mamre. . ." 
      "Now read verses 7 and 8," I said. He read, "And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it. And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them (the Lord and two angels); and he stood by them under a tree, and they did eat!" 
      "What was that last part, again?" I coaxed, "read it louder." He was totally astonished. He stumbled. He halted. And finally slowly said ".and they did eat. It says it! I never knew it said it." He stared into space. 
      I pointed out to him that in the New Testament Christ used the example of the fatted calf as a reward (Luke 15:20-30), and also that it's not which goes into the mouth that defiles a man but that which comes out from the heart (Matthew 15:11, Mark 7:14-23). And also, that what we eat is sanctified by thanksgiving and prayer (I Timothy 4:1-5). Then he asked, "Well, if you like beef better, why didn't you have beef tonight?" 
      I responded: "To eat it in your presence would offend you, or you might be tempted, or feel pressured, to eat something YOU feel is unclean. As long as you have the Bible in hand, turn to Romans 14:13-15." He read: "Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean." 
      Then I added, "You see, because of my belief and understanding, I'm able, with a clear conscience, to enjoy eating beef whereas you cannot. Now read the first two verses in that chapter." He slowly read, "Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs." 
      Now, this fellow and his wife left us still being friends, howbeit he was shaken in his beliefs. I still remember one of his final comments; "Well, I suppose beef would be O.K. if we raised it ourselves in a wholesome environment without all those hormones, etc." (Isn't that what the miniature cattle breeders are trying to do?) 
      Which brings us to a final point: Vegetarians used to point the finger at the meat and milk industry and say, "You have no idea how the hormones, cloning, and combining genetics will affect the animal products that go into your body!" That's true! And I can add that one industry (on TV news a couple days ago) that cloned over 20 animals, just now admitted ALL OF THEM DIED PREMATURELY OF UNKNOWN CAUSES! I must also add, GENETIC ALTERATION OF PLANTS WILL BRING UNNATURAL NUTRIENTS TO THE DIGESTIVE AND METABOLIC PROCESSES OF OUR BODIES. 
      Canola, (re-named, after Great Britain's bad experience with rapeseed oil, Canada oil - CANOLA) is turning out to be a colossal nightmare. It has replaced peanut oil, which is high in good arachidonic acid, in peanut butter, candies, food mixes, and animal feeds. It is a hundred times more toxic than soybeans. These products are linked to blood clumping, baldness, blindness, craziness and death. It was thrown out of England and Europe in 1991, but it is a 
lucrative business in America, so it was re-named Canola. When rapeseed oil was removed from animal feeds in Europe, the viral disease called scrapie disappeared. 
      I suggest you read chapters 25 and 26 of YOUNG AGAIN, by John Thomas, Plexus Press, to get more details on what I'm saying. He also points out that a derivative of soybean is used to make rotenone, nerve poison used on insects and fish, while a derivative of rapeseed is used to make mustard gas used in military warfare. Soy and canola, promoted by anti-meat people, are dangerous! 
      My friends (I hope you're still my friends), I've tried to give factual information - including references that the anti-meat contingency would have to accept. Scientific, scriptural (not to teach doctrine, but references "religious" people would have to accept), and logical reasoning. I hope this will arm you when that occasion arises that some person says," You shouldn't eat meat!" 
      So there! Now I'm going to go give my mini-cows, T-Bone and Sirloin a couple extra alfalfa cubes! ( July 9, 2001) 

 Jean Baugh 
 Old*Glory Nubians-Boers-Anatolians 

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