
In this newsletter:

Information on Helichrysum essential oils  benefits.

How & where to use essential oils.

What essential oils do and do not do. 

Supplement that appears to be helping Mothers that are prone to miscarriages. 

Sunburns & Insect Stings.

Marjoram & Rose Geranium.

Helichrysum Prices Come Down....Yeah!

It makes us very happy to say that we are able to lower the price on Helichrysum angustifolium from Madagascar. Our previous supplier raised their price $100 for 16 oz., however, we have recently been able to locate a direct source for premium quality Helichrysum (organic) from Madagascar. This direct purchase and the negotiation on a very fair price has enabled us to lower our price instead of increasing it. Click here to learn more about essential oil usages and for a link to our essential oils.

Why Helichrysum and what is it good for? 

This oil has been found by European  researchers to generate tissue, reduce tissue pain, helps to improve skin conditions, circulatory function, prevents phlebitis, helps regulate cholesterol, stimulates liver cell function,  reduces scarring and discoloration. It is anticoagulant, anticatarrhal, mucolytic, expectorant  and, antispasmodic.  It has  also been known to help in improving certain types of hearing loss. (nerve damage)

Link on How to use Essential Oils

What Essential oils do and their limits.

Essential Oils are great for killing bacteria, virus', parasites, yeast and other unwanted organisms, however they do not feed and nourish the organs which means that they will not heal diabetes, gall bladders, livers, etc.  You need to take herbs to nourish and feed the organs. They are also good at stimulating various parts and organs of the body.  Usually however, most of our organs are already overstimulated and need soothing and calming - not more stimulation.

Essential oils are also excellent when working on the emotional and spiritual aspects of health.

Essential oils can be over done to the point of making someone allergic or even sicker. A little goes a long way as they stay in the body for 21 days (life span of the blood cells) . You don't need to apply them daily for a long period of time. (Especially important for massage therapists)

Summer means sunburn and insect bites

Like it or not, in the summer someone in the family always ends up with too much exposure to the sun. Whether it be gardening, hiking, floating on an inner tube down a lazy river or strolling on the beach.  It is too easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to protect your skin.

Shea Butter is a natural sun block. 

Bee or wasp stings are something to expect during the warm summer months. You might consider keeping a bottle of Tea Tree essential oil in your purse or pocket just for this purpose. It is our first choice for any type of painful sting. Our second choice is Lavender. As soon as anyone reports a sting, put the essential oil on the area of pain right away. Don’t wait! Of course, don’t forget Pest A Way or Catnip to keep bugs away. Citronella in your diffuser works really well, too.

Marjoram and Rose Geranium

We keep hearing favorable testimonials from people using Marjoram essential oil to assist with sleep and high blood pressure. Another best seller continues to be Rose Geranium, an essential oil effective for women seeking relief from unpleasant symptoms associated with PMS and menopause. If you have friends or family complaining about these conditions, just have them try these oils! They are extremely easy to use: just put a drop or two on the pulse points of one wrist, then cross your wrists over each other and rub into the skin! It just takes a drop or two.

Prone to Miscarriage?

You might consider taking Shark Oil. - It has been doing miracles on women that are having problems carrying their babies to term. 

Also it is very often a lack of sufficient progesterone. Chaste Tree is a natural source.

For more pregnancy information click here and then scroll down

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Deet vs. Catnip essential oil. 
How & where to use essential oils.
Diabetes - New Approaches To An Old and Growing Problem
How to recognize when someone is having a stroke
Importance of Hormones in our Body and their effect on our system
Compulsory Vaccination
Are Secret Vaccinations Killing Soldiers?
A Quick Reference guide using Essential Oils for Emotions
Belly Diminishing Foods
Symptom of Blocked Chakra Emotion and some physical manifestations
Essential Oils have a Frequency

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