. Newsletter15
May 2008
Spring Time Sinus
Surprising Secrets for Sinus Health
Here are some all-natural ways to gain freedom from
sinus suffering.
• Clear your sinuses
and your mind with a steamy stove top spa. Add a few
drops of wintergreen
oil to a pot of boiling water and inhale the
steam. Take care not to be burned by the vapor.
• Herbs
and spices like ginger,
scallion, basil,
oregano, cayenne
peppers, white pepper, horseradish
and turmeric
will have your sinus passageways unblocked in no time!
• The
bromelain - a papaya and pineapple-based enzyme -
helps reduce histamine release, the body's natural
allergic response.
Clear your nasal passageway daily for healthy, happy
sinuses. Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 drop of oregano
oil, and 1 drop of wintergreen
to a cup of warm water. Fill a small-spouted squeeze
bottle with this warm solution. Squirt into one
nostril at a time and blow out through the nose.
Alternate nostrils.
• Press
one clove of garlic, mix with 1 tsp of olive oil and
soak a clean cotton ball with the oil mixture and
place in nostrils after having washed the nostril with
warm salt water. Leave in for 20 minutes and repeat
three times a day until the symptoms clear up.
• These
two simple self-massage practices that follow are
incredibly effective for relieving sinus congestion.
For both, sit at the tip of a sturdy chair with your
back erect, spine stretched, and your head tilted
slightly forward.
1. Inhale
and gently press your forehead just inside the temples
with your palms. Exhale and release.
Repeat three times.
2. Cross
your middle and index fingers by placing the tips of
your middle fingers on top of the
fingernails on your index fingers. Rub the sides of
your nose 36 times in a circular motion,
warming your fingers first if they're cold.
What you eat affects your sinus health
Avoid the foods that
produce mucous and dampness: dairy products, cold and
raw foods, corn (including corn syrup), and simple
sugars. Choose whole grains like quinoa, amaranth and
brown rice instead of wheat, rye and barley, which are
typically high allergy grains. Opt for papaya,
cranberries, pear, pineapple, cherries, mango, and
citrus fruits. Eat more green vegetables such as
artichoke, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale,
cauliflower, and spinach.
Both alcohol and smoking
should be avoided during a sinus flare-up as they
irritate the respiratory tract and worsen nasal
inflammation. Also, sinus congestion is often worse
with lack of quality rest so be sure to get plenty of
sleep and keep your stress level low.
you have the winter blues? Are you bloated or do you
suffer with swelling feet and legs, or ballooned eye
lids, which are the classic signs of water
retention? Hawthorn
and Uva-Ursi
are powerful botanicals for water retention and help
the fluid balance. Hawthorn
is in Hanna Kroeger’s Circuflow
and excellent product for the heart, circulation.
Dr. Christopher has Hawthorn
berry syrup.
Edema is an observable swelling from fluid
accumulation in certain body tissues. The swelling is
the result of the accumulation of excess fluid under
the skin in the spaces within the tissues that are
outside of the blood vessels. Vitamin B6, Silicon and
Hawthorn all act as diuretics which help to reduce
excessive fluid in the body. Other helpful botanicals
are Corn
Silk, Uva-Ursi,
and Kelp.(Dr
Christopher's Jurassic
B vitamins and amino acids that are commonly
deficient in people with Edema.
Both Vitamin C and Bioflavonoid Mix may help to
control edema and fluid balance. Potassium replenishes
potassium lost in diuresis. Vitamin E is well-known as
being important for the health of the circulatory
system. Alfalfa has been used as a detoxifier for the
body. Kelp is a natural source for essential nutrients
such as minerals and B vitamins.
Ready for Spring ... a good cleanse?
Dr. Christopher and Hanna Kroeger have Nourishing,
Healing cleanses already in kits. You save more
money this way.
Wasp Stings
Stinger Removal
It was once thought that stingers should be
scraped out with a credit card, finger nail,
or any such device. Research has shown that
the best course of action is to pull the
stinger out as soon as possible with your
fingers or tweezers. The remaining venom in
the sac of the stinger DOES NOT increase the
reaction should you inadvertently push more
venom into your wound.
Outdoor Treatment and
We do not know and
cannot predict allergic reactions,
specifically anaphylactic reactions.
Follow the ABC’s, Airway, Breathing, and
Circulation, which must be adhered to in
that order when watching for reactions.
The first
step is to pull the stinger out if
possible. (Many times you can see
it as it isn't very deep and sometimes it
stays with the bee or wasp.
If a severe
allergic reaction occurs, you must
transport immediately and resort to basic
life support.
Diphenhydramne (Benadryl) can be given
to decrease minimal allergic
Common folk
remedies which may be applied to the sites
of stings are:
- A paste of baking soda and water
- Vinegar
- Cool compresses or ice.
- A paste of Aspirin and water
- Tobacco juice
- A paste of vinegar, baking soda,
and meat tenderizer
- Toothpaste
- Raw onion
- Copper penny over sting site
Of the above remedies, ice looks to be the
most effective. Those who turn to their
physicians instead for relief from
bee stings will likely be prescribed oral
antihistamines and/or topical (cream or
ointment) cortisteroid preparations.
Jewelweed Impatiens capensis
with Poison Ivy, Poison Oak,
Nettle etc.
The Jewelweed plant has
been used for centuries in North
America by Native Americans and
Herbalists, as a natural
preventative and treatment for
poison ivy and poison oak; and is a
folk remedy for many other skin
disorders .
Jewelweed is
best known for its skin healing
properties. The leaves and the juice from
the stem of Jewelweed are used by
herbalists to cure poison ivy and other
plant induced rashes, as well as many
other types of dermatitis. Jewelweed works
by counter-reacting with the chemicals in
other plants that cause irritation.
Poultices and salves from Jewelweed are a
folk remedy for bruises, burns, cuts,
eczema, insect bites, sores, sprains,
warts, and ringworm. Taken
from http://www.altnature.com/jewelweed.htm
There is almost always a jewelweed plant
growing close by poison ivy, poison oak
and nettle plants. Isn't Heavenly
Father great!! He gives the antidote
close by. It often grows on the edge
of creek beds. It should not be
cultivated as it is very invasive.
Jewelweed will take over areas and crowd
out other important wild herbs.
Here is a link to a website on
anti-allergens. Bee stings, Poison
Ivy and Oak, Carbon Monoxide in Blood
using herbs such as Jewelweed,
Plantain, and Vitamin C. Also
has good picture to help you identify the
plants in the wild.
Pictures to help identify Jewelweed.
Bra wearing could be
hazardous to your health |
For years, a lot of articles
with regards to the causes of breast cancer point to
an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise or your choice
of perspiration as the major links to this disease
which happens to be the biggest killer among women
during these last two decades.
These studies would have been
most credible if it were not for the fact that several
women including Linda McCartney who have been
religious vegetarians and exercise- freaks have also
been unfortunate in suffering breast cancer.
In the 'Bra and Breast Cancer
Study' in the United States, It was discovered that
women with breast cancer had a history of sporting
tighter and longer bra-wearing than did the women who
had not (yet) developed the disease.
In fact, virtually the entire cancer group wore bras
over 12 hours.
When a woman wears a tight
bra, she subjects her breasts to pressure, closing off
the lymphatic pathway from the breast to the
nodes. This causes fluid built-up swelling,
tenderness and cyst formation. Toxins must be
flushed out via the lymphatic, however, a
bra-constricted breast cannot adequately perform this
cleansing process, resulting in toxin accumulation in
the breast.
Truthfully, bras are creating
droopy, weak breasts......the breast relies on the
bras for artificial support; the body loses its
ability to support the breast by itself.. This is why
many women feel uncomfortable without the bra.
Also jogging which makes everything in the body drop.
What cuts down on your chance
of getting breast cancer? DON'T WEAR A
TIGHT BRA! Also sleep without them.
It is true that bras do not
cause breast per se, but ill-fitting, too
tight bras can help cancer growth since they can
prevent your body from excreting dangerous
cancer-causing chemicals.
There is a remarkable success
rate for recovery from fibrocystic breast disease
within 10 days to two weeks of going bra-free. Also
many women have tried going bra-less and recorded a
miraculous improvement in their health!
Christopher Herbal Medicine Kits
This kit is designed for
home and travel.
It includes remedies
for colds, flu, bleeding, cuts, burns, nausea,
cramping, poision ivy, bruises, contripation, eye
infections and much more.....
Kit includes:
Complete Tissue
& Bone - Regenerates
healthy skin, connective tissue, bone, teeth &
gums, hair, skin, nails, etc.. .
- Relieves indigestion, gas nausea,
- Calms yet strengthens the body's immune
system, helps with allergies, hay fever, asthma
Infection Formula
- Natural infection fighter: reduces
inflammation, kills infection, clear toxins from
lymph system.
Lower Bowel
- Colon cleanse and rebuilding.
Slippery Elm
- For inflammation of the lungs etc...
Extract - Used for
convulsions, fainting, cramping, delirium, tremors,
hysteria, pyorrhea, mouth sores, coughs, hiccoughs,
throat infections, tonsillitis etc...
- Helps stop bleeding, stimulates heart,
(strokes, heart attacks).
Alcohol Extract - Helps
promote healthy immune system function.
Ear & Nerve
Extract - For nervous
tension, insomnia, hearing loss, ear infections,
Herbal Eyebright
Extract - Used for any eye
disorder, eye infections, etc...
Lobelia Alcohol
Extract - Liver disorders,
produces vomiting.
Super Garlic
Extract - For colds, flu,
& to build the immune system.
X-Ceptic Extract
- For all types of infection.
Glandular System
Massage Oil - Helps promote
healthy glandular system function, respiratory
ailments such as colds, coughs, asthma, etc...
Oil of Garlic
- Natural antibiotic, asthma, earaches.
Cayenne Heat
Ointment - .25 oz. -
Gives relief of sore and tense muscles and joints.
Complete Tissue
& Bone - 2 oz. -
Promotes healing by regenerating healthy skin,
connective tissue, bone, teeth & gums, hair,
skin, nails, etc...
Balm Ointment - .25 oz. _
For sore throats, sore teeth headaches, etc...
Sting and Bites
Ointment (Plantain) - 2 oz.
- Used to help draw out toxins and poisons.
new dimensions to your life with our
New and
Exciting Essential oils.
Myth, Magic, or Medicine
Febrichiev, classic, natural perfumer.
house guest)
In the past few years, interest in
Aromatherapy has increased so that what
was considered to be something which
members of counter-culture groups or so
called, a few "health nuts" in the past
had considered a new medical discipline is
now advertised on national television and
in main-line magazines. What is the
truth? Does Aromatherapy have any
value, or is it just another crazy
fad? Let's examine the facts and the
fiction surrounding it.
Fact #1: Our olfactory sense, or
sense of smell is the strongest of all our
senses. Further, it is the only
sense that does not cross over in the
brain. For instance, images
perceived by our right eye are processed
on the left hemisphere of our brain.
It is the same with the sense of touch,
hearing, and taste. And even
further, the signal is passed to our "old"
or reptilian brain. This is the
portion of our brains over which we have
no control. It is like a computer
that runs our body, heart-beat, blood
pressure, digestive and elimination
processes and numerous other bodily
Fact #2: Since the mid 1980's the
improvement of the sensitivity of our
scientific testing equipment has been
greatly increased by computer
enhancement. This has led to the
discovery of literally hundreds of
micro-bio-chemicals which even in
microscopic quantities effect our
metabolism and the function, or
malfunction of our bodies. What was
thought to be a disorder of the thought
process is now proven to be a chemical
imbalance. Another example are the
endorphin (endomorphines) released by
strenuous exercise and labour during
pregnancy, and are superlative pain
Fact #3: The inhalation of various
odours, usually from essential oils, cause
the release of micro-bio-chemicals.
Roses for instance cause a release of the
endorphins. Sampaquita causes an
increase in the neuro-transmitter
seratonin, the lack of, or diminishment of
which is the primary cause of clinical
depression. The absolute
oil of the Chinese hedge Osmanthus
releases a micro-bio-chemical which is at
the center of our brain and causes
cravings to be satisfied. Lavender,
especially when augmented with Chamomile
Blue (german), and a touch of violet
leaf has a most profound calming
effect. Kara
Karounde, a rare flower from the
Congo has been shown to stimulate the
developmentally disabled and children
suffering from Down's Syndrome.
Whether the lovely fragrance or the
release of micro-bio-chemicals causes
these reactions is unknown as far as my
research has taken me.
Fact #4: During the Victorian Era
the crowned heads of Europe made use of
the many aromatherapy compounds available
at the time. The famous Yardly
Company compounded numerous remedies for
H.R.H. Queen Victoria. Franz Joseph,
His Imperial Majesty, the Holy Roman
Emperor swore by a longevity compound
compiled by the famous Viennese firm of
Mann and Winter. Both lived notably
long lives.
Fantasy#1: Synthetic aromachemicals
and essential oils are just as effective
as the natural product. Research in
Germany and Switzerland have shown that
synthetics have little or no effect.
With the information given above, I leave
you to draw your own conclusions.
One thing I must mention for the safety of
my readers is that many of the products
sold today by the large corporations are
totally synthetic. Many of which are
referred to by classical perfumers as
"Frankensteins" as they do not occur
in nature. One wonders if exposure
to such products might have a truly
adverse effect on the delicate chemistry
of the human body, if not immediately,
over a period of time. My advice,
therefore, gleaned from experience
after 29 years of study and research on my
part is that Aromatherapy is effective and
the conclusions reached by the early
researchers and those conducting studies
today are valid and may well lead to a new
discipline for the relief of human
suffering and the propagation of good
health and well-being.
(**see more information on Sampaguita below)
Fragrans) represents Dignity
It is a new Australian essential oil.
Like a candle carrying the light of dignity,
Fragonia is fertiliser for the spirit, taking
you beyond lingering hurts and emotional
enmeshments stemming from any unresolved family
When your life force
has wilted and you are feeling fragile, frail,
debilitated and separate, Fragonia will move you
away from your fragility and lovingly demand
that you call on your self-respect and dignity
when dealing with memories of the far, far
Patterns of repetition
in your consciousness can keep you trapped
within the limitations of your personal
history. What was in the past can
uncannily show up again in the present.
These patterns take the form of grooves in your
emotional grid and denote patterns of energy
layered with emotional scarring. Fragonia
gently helps to remove those scars from the
emotional framework, alleviating toxic residue
and mental static.
As we become personally
accountable for the accumulative effects of our
emotions, thoughts and attitudes, purufication
practices are required to burn off layers of
buried negative impressions, repressions and
suppressions that come forth as old blockages
are released.
At the top of the
spine, at the base of the skull, there is an
emotional release point which acts a filter for
the nervous system and spine. By applying
Fragonia tho this reflex point the nervous
system will relax, allowing feelings, emotions
and thoughts to be processed differenty.
Brisk friction massage alongside the spine with
Fragonia is also an important aspect of this
release, strengthening the power of the neural
On a molecular level,
Dr. Daniel Pénoël,
well known French doctor and aromatic medicine
practitioner, has described Fragonia as the
Golden Triangle. The ratio of its'
functional groups and the proportions between
the molecules are arranged according to the
golden proportion which is reproduced at several
levels, like a fractal. "The golden
proportion and the fractal structure is
absolutely unique!" says Dr. Penoel.
Preliminary testing
shows that Fragonia has anti-microbial,
anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and
expectorant properties. Dr. Pénoël
suggests a couple of drops of Fragonia applied
daily to the groin area, under the armpits, and
on the side of the neck, where the lymphatic
nodes are siturate, to enhance one's immune
system. Fragonia is non-toxic and
non-irritating and can safely be used with
infants and children.
Dr. Pénoël
suggested at a seminar that everyone dab
some on each chakra point before going to sleep
at night.
Dr. Penoel describes many cases of those who
have been able to unblock their emotions, open
their heart and allow peace to enter with the
help of Fragonia.
It can be uses 'neat'
or diluted in a carrier oil.
( Kunzea ambigua - Tick Bush)
Developed by a Tasmania
farmer, John Hood, who noticed that the steel
wire fence that had this strange plant growing
near it was not rusting, and decided to find
out why. After years of investigation, trials,
etc, the result is this amazing essential oil,
with unique properties.
Common Uses:
Kunzea ambigua is registered with the Australian
Therapeutic Goods Administration for the relief
of symptoms of influenza, arthritis, rheumatism,
muscular aches and pains, and to help relieve
nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety. In
skin care, Kunzea has been found to help serious
skin conditions such as eczema and rashes.
It is refreshing,
clean, stimulating and invigorating. Kunzea is
one of Australia’s newest oils, from Tasmania.
Blends well with other Australian natives and
with most essential oils including peppermint,
lemon myrtle and lavender
Aromatic Scent: Kunzea has a
clean balsamic scent with fresh invigorating
undertones. The essential oil of Kunzea ambigua
has been found effective against several
bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, E.
coli and Candida albicans. In many cases, Kunzea
ambigua has helped improve severe skin
conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, ulcers
and chillblains. It is anti-inflammatory (makes it a great oil for
treating insect bites and stings, etc,)
, anti-infectious and antimicrobial (makes it into a very effective
essential oil for the treatment of many types
of infection, including the common cold and prevents infection from taking
medical aromatic doctor, Dr Daniel Pénoël,
uses kunzea in his medical practice to control
inflammation, including using it internally,
taken in capsules.
Cautions: Generally
and non-sensitizing. Use well diluted. Avoid
during pregnancy
National Filipino Flower is an Arabian from
India! - Sampaquita
Filipino what their national flower is and
chances are he’ll know it’s the Sampaguita.
Ask him to tell you something about
it and he’ll probably say it’s fragrant,
small and white. Can he think of anything
interesting about it? Hmm ... well, we do
have a female rock singer named after it!
truth is, not many of the Filipinos give
this heavenly-scented blossom much thought.
Yet they see it practically every day sold
practically everywhere by street children.
They are strung into fragrant garlands –
often given as offerings on many altars, as
tokens of welcome to visitors to our
country, are omnipresent in our countless
processions, and are often seen dangling from
rear view mirrors serving as natural car
fresheners. But it is a wonder that despite
the fact that it’s all over the place,
nobody can really say much about it!
A Sampaguita is a Sampaguita is a
For one
thing, do you know how the rest of the world
calls it? Its common English name is Arabian
Jasmine, while its botanical name is Jasminum
sambac. Sambac is how the Western world often
refers to it for short. In our country, it also
goes by several aliases ranging from sampagung
and kampupot, to kulatai, ponso, lumabi and
The Filipino national
flower is called Arabian Jasmine, hails from
India, has a Japanese game named after it, and
that it was declared their symbol by an
American, the sampaguita suddenly sounds a lot
more colorful than its unassuming white petals,
doesn’t it?
But the surprises
aren’t over yet. The sampaguita is actually
considered an herb. It is said that the roots
were once used to treat wounds and snake bites.
The young leaves and flowers were also used to
make a putty which was mixed and eaten with rice
to dry scabies and other skin eruptions. The
Chinese are also said to use it to flavor food,
tea and wine. To this day, Arabian Jasmine is
used extensively in fragrances in cosmetics.
final thing about the sampaguita: each
flower actually lasts for less than a day on
the plant, lasting anywhere from just 12 to
20 hours, usually reaching its peak a few
hours before midnight, but each plant
flowers profusely the whole year through.
Top Ten
immune fighting foods. |
Tea/Green Tea
show that green tea — infused with
the antioxidant EGCG — reduces the
risk of most types of cancer. "The
phytonutrients in tea also support
the growth of intestinal bacteria,"
says Bowerman.
they inhibit the growth of bad
bacteria — E. coli, Clostridium,
Salmonella — and leave the
beneficial bacteria untouched." Why
is this important? "Because up to 70
percent of your immune system is
located in your digestive tract,"
says Bowerman. "Four cups a day will
keep it functioning at its peak."
Chili Peppers
"Chilis stimulate the metabolism, act as
a natural blood thinner, and help
release endorphins," says Petersen.
Plus, they're a great way to add flavor
to food without increasing fat or
calorie content. Chilis are also rich in
beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin
A in the blood and fights infections, as
well as capsaicin, which inhibits
neuropeptides (chemicals that cause
inflammation). A recent study in the
journal Cancer Research found that hot
peppers even have anti-prostate-cancer
properties. All this from half a chili
pepper (or one tablespoon of chili
flakes) every day
Contrary to popular belief, ginger — a
piquant addition to so many Asian dishes
— isn't a root, it's a stem, which means
it contains living compounds that
improve your health. Chief among them is
gingerol, a cancer suppressor that
studies have shown to be particularly
effective against that of the colon.
Chop ginger or grind it fresh and add it
to soy-marinated fish or chicken as
often as you can. The more you can
handle, the better.
"This potent little fruit can help
prevent a range of diseases from cancer
to heart disease," says Ryan Andrews,
the director of research at Precision
Nutrition, in Toronto, Canada. One
serving (3.5 ounces) contains more
antioxidants than any other fruit.
Drizzle with lemon juice and mix with
strawberries for a disease-fighting
Known for making desserts sweet and
Indian food complex, cinnamon is rich in
antioxidants that inhibit blood clotting
and bacterial growth (including the
bad-breath variety). "Studies also
suggest that it may help stabilize blood
sugar, reducing the risk of type 2
diabetes," says dietitian Nancy Clark,
author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition
Guidebook. "What's more, it may help
reduce bad cholesterol. Try half a
teaspoon a day in yogurt or oatmeal."
Often confused with yams, this tuber is
one of the healthiest foods on the
planet. In addition to countering the
effects of secondhand smoke and
preventing diabetes, sweet potatoes
contain glutathione, an antioxidant that
can enhance nutrient metabolism and
immune-system health, as well as protect
against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, liver
disease, cystic fibrosis, HIV, cancer,
heart attack, and stroke. "One sweet
potato a day is a great alternative to
the traditional variety," says Clark.
"I think of tomatoes as the
'fighting herpes helper' for the divorcé
crowd," says Petersen. Their lycopene
content can also help protect against
degenerative diseases. "Cooked tomatoes
and tomato paste work best," he says.
Shoot for half a tomato, or 12 to 20
ounces of tomato juice, a day.
Packed with potassium, manganese, and
antioxidants, this fruit also helps
support proper pH levels in the body,
making it more difficult for pathogens
to invade, says Petersen. Plus, the
fiber in figs can lower insulin and
blood-sugar levels, reducing the risk of
diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Select
figs with dark skins (they contain more
nutrients) and eat them alone or add
them to trail mix. Newman's Own fig
newtons are also a quick and easy way to
boost the immune system. Aim for four
figs per week.
(reiki, shiitake, maitake)
Delicious when added to brown rice or
quinoa, these mushrooms are rich in the
antioxidant ergothioneine, which
protects cells from abnormal growth and
replication. "In short, they reduce the
risk of cancer," says Bowerman, who
recommends half a cup once or twice a
week. "Cooking them in red wine, which
contains the antioxidant resveratrol,
magnifies their immunity-boosting
The juice from the biblical fruit of
many seeds can reduce your risk of most
cancers, thanks to polyphenols called
ellagitannins, which give the fruit its
color. In fact, a recent study at UCLA
found that pomegranate juice slows the
growth of prostate cancer cells by a
factor of six. "Drink a cup a day," says
Bowerman. |
Don't know where
to start or
need a gift for

Health Chest Sampler for
most of your Aromatherapy needs
only $29.95 for 8
different 1 dram bottles (3.75 mls. ea.)
Audio Cassette size so they can
be easily slipped into your
purse or pocket.
Sale Price
May 25 through June 25 is only
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select a kit of 32 different
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(4 cassettes of 8 oils
each.) Normally $99.95 on
sale for $79.95 from May 25 to
June 25, 2008
(1 dram = 3.75 mls. 30 mls. = 1
to essential oil KITS #
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Link to our
Essential Oils
Testimonial on Tea Tree
and Mouth Health
I just have to tell you, My
daughter was at the dentist 6 months ago the
hygeinist said her gums were pretty bad at 3's and
4's. After Cecelia's
class, I've been putting tea tree 1 drop along with
what ever tooth paste I use, same with my kids,
Today at the dentists the hygienist was so amazed at
the difference in my daughters gum health!!! Her
gums were at 1's and 2's.
Isn't that amazing?
Apparently bacteria in the mouth causes the problems
and by using just one drop of tea tree when brushing
(this has been for 1 month.) it has cleared up quite
a bit of her gum disease!!!
I just had to tell you! Sandy
As we were getting our
links ready to launch our new shopping cart
we found some pages
we thought you might find useful or fun or
Just a Reminder
of some of our pages from the past
forget prayer and listen to your body as you take
anything. Remember that even doctors are
only practicing.
God Bless each of you in your quest for health.
Disclaimer: The statements in this website
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. These products are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The
descriptions of nutritional combinations are based on
the historical usage of the various ingredients. They
are not intended to promote any direct or implied
health claims, and actual results of usage can vary.
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