What to Do When Antibiotics Don't Work!! 
If you use ESSENTIAL OILS therapeutically – or if you have ever considered it – NOW is the time to BUILD your aromatherapy and herbal expertise! 

Based on the same Highest Quality Available Essential Oils and Herbal Extracts  as we sell
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Whether you’re an expert or a newcomer to aromatherapy and herbal extracts/tinctures, you’ll be pleased with a recently published book called "What To Do When Antibiotics Don’t Work, How To Stay Healthy and Alive When Infections Strike." 

This book, based on French medical practice, is very different from other aromatherapy books you may have read. This book explains how French doctors use both essential oils and herbal tinctures – not antibiotics – to treat infectious diseases! 

Medical aromatherapy – the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes – originated in France. For more than 50 years, the French have been the world leaders in aromatherapy. But the possibility of using essential oils for treating infections is still not well understood! Until recently, most aromatherapy research was available only in France! 

Dirk van Gils, the author of "What To Do When Antibiotics Don’t Work" spent months researching French medical publications. The result is specific information you can use to help build your aromatherapy expertise! This 200-page book contains aromatherapy and herbal medicine formulas for nearly FIFTY infectious illnesses – the illnesses you are most likely to encounter! Specific, drop-by-drop directions for using essential oils and herbal medicines are listed – information no herbal company will list on a label! 

The International Massage Therapy Association (IMA) recommends this book! It is well referenced and based on scientific research . With world conditions as they are, there could not be a more timely book for you to read and study! 

If you’re concerned about infectious diseases, epidemic plagues, and drug-resistant germs, then this is a MUST HAVE book you will want to reference over and over! And for only $19.95 plus $5.95 S&H 

To obtain your copy of "What To Do When Antibiotics Don’t Work," simply call us at 801-465-4949 or our toll free number 888-469-4950. You will be delighted with your order, because aromatherapy is truly what is needed to promote health! 

P.S. Your satisfaction is FULLY GUARANTEED or your money back!

  (They get their oils from the same source that we do  - check prices - Link to our Essential Oils )

Aromatherapy Book Review by Gayle Eversole, Ph.D

"What To Do When Antibiotics Don't Work, How To Stay Healthy and Alive When Infections Strike" by Dirk vanGils (Health Practice Books, $19.95) 

I worked in an open heart / surgical ICU, and managed a burn center in the 1970s. The discussions, at that time, centered on the overuse of antibiotics, and how so many drugs were no longer effective. Thirty years later the same discussion is commonplace. We now have a very well referenced book that gives us options. 

This topic of this new book was exciting as soon as I learned about it. I became more excited when the author contacted me. This came on referral from the marketing director of a new journal, Integrative Health & Healing. 

The short conversation we had, and the e-mail we exchanged, made me eager to read what this author had to say about one of my favored natural treatments. 

When the book arrived, I sat in the parking lot of the post office that day, quickly perusing the index, references, and a few of the recommended treatments. I knew this was an important book. 

Historically, medical aromatherapy is long established in Europe, and particularly, France. The tradition and uses are mostly unknown or not accepted in the states. Here Van Gils provides the reader with a sound overview of the way in which medical aromatherapy developed. He tells you about the way it is practiced, and the benefits to users. 

The first three chapters discuss plant medicines, natural antibiotics, and offers sound reasoning for using these natural healers. Several key points look at the importance of using whole plant, organic remedies. There is further discussion of the trend in the natural remedy market place today, toward synthetic and adulterated products, and why they will not offer health improvement. 

Understanding Infections, discussed in Chapter 4, gives the reader solid information about the body and immunity. This knowledge is paramount for anyone who wants to safely care for themselves and their family. The review is good for health professionals, and may assist them in moving out of the traditional antibiotic prescription  mode. 

Using plant medicines is an art. It takes study and practice. Van Gils provides a concise presentation of the remedies can be used, safely and effectively. Help for almost fifty infections, supported by five decades of effective use in the French medical system, is offered in this book. 

What To Do When Antibiotics Dont Work! How to stay healthy and alive when infections strike by Dirk Van Gils is timely, unique, and credible: valuable to health professionals, students, and health conscious people. 

Gayle Eversole, CRNP, PhD, AHG, DHom 

To order "What To Do When Antibiotics Don't Work" 
or you can order at 801-465-4949 or our toll free number  888-469-4950      

There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed. 
Mahatma Gandhi 


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