New Approaches To An Old Problem
1. New information - the fungal connection, the vaccination connection, below and a link to Lynne's story in her own words. Read about her amazing response to an all natural program to control sugar levels. Link: Lynne's Own Diabetes Story 2. The diet connection - The diet that can heal your metabolism.- See link below 3. Help! - Books, supplements, and links to read more about it. Currently, the cause of diabetes is unknown, although it is believed that heredity and environmental factors play a role. However, information has come to our attention that suggests a fungal connection. In an interview with Doug Kaufmann and David Holland, M.D., authors of "Infectious Diabetes", we learn that contrary to being a genetic disease, diabetes may actually be caused by microbes and toxins found in the food we eat. They found in the medical literature a documented link between fungal toxins, called mycotoxins (myco means fungus), and the epidemic of diabetes that we are currently seeing in this country. The toxins that these fungi produce can cause cancer, damage our organs, alter our immune system and affect hormonal balance. Laboratory scientists have injected these mycotoxins into animals causing them to develop Type 1 diabetes and insulin resistance. Other excellent Diabetes links - Fermenting foods/Acid foods - https://www.mendosa.com/acidic_foods.htm This information should make the headlines, but have you seen anything in the news about this discovery? It is generally accepted that diabetes is incurable and that insulin replacement and/or medications, along with all the paraphenalia required to control the disease, become a lifelong reality for those diagnosed. Peruse any diabetics medicine cabinet and you will find blood sugar medications, blood sugar monitors, glucose testing strips, maybe even syringes and insulin. The estimated cost of these treatments is $10,000 per year, and remember, this is for life! In the U.S. alone, diabetes effects approximately 18 million people. Diabetes has been around for a long time. Why aren't we any closer to a cure or knowing the cause of this problem? Do the math. Diabetes is a goldmine. That's not all. Evidence suggests a connection to vaccinations as well. Researchers published data in 1986 on several children who developed diabetes 2-4 weeks after receiving the mumps vaccination. Several new cases of diabetes were reported in 1990, 30 days following vaccination. In 1991, a case of Type 1 diabetes was reported by scientists, occurring five months after mumps vaccination. In the same year, several cases of diabetes and pancreaitis after mumps vaccination were documented by researchers. In 1992, 180 European doctors confirmed that the mumps vaccine can trigger diabetes, only becoming apparent months after the vaccination. Data was published that same year by the New England Journal of Medicine confirming that viruses can trigger diabetes. Our government continues to receive reports of diabetes following vaccination with the MMR vaccine. The Hib vaccine may be linked to the new epidemic of diabetic cases. Significant increases of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have been documented in the USA, England, and other European countries following mass immunization with the Hib vaccine. In a landmark study published in the British Medical Journal, October 1999, a 26 percent increase in cases of diabetes was documented in the group receiving this vaccine, compared to those who did not. Other vaccinations have also been implicated as the cause of diabetes. For more information on this correlation and vaccine statistics we suggest reading "Vaccines, Are They Really Safe and Effective?" by Neil Z. Miller. (link to purchase - https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1881217108/102-6589556-6400102?v=glance Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to regulate glucose and insulin. Glucose is the fuel used by cells to produce energy. Insulin is the hormone that helps the glucose get into the cells via cell receptors (doors). Symptoms of diabetes may include fatigue, hunger, thirst, increased frequency of urination and unintended weight loss. Severe blood sugar issues could also cause dizziness, sweating and confusion. Type I diabetes is a condition in which the pancreas cannot produce sufficient insulin for the needs of the body and consequently the blood becomes flooded with sugar that it cannot use. Type II diabetes is a condition wherein the cells of the body have become resistant to insulin and therefore cannot absorb sugars. In Type II diabetes the blood contains not only high concentrations of sugar but also high concentrations of insulin as well. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas in response to carbohydrate foods (grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, candy, etc.). Frequent consumption of large quantities of carbohydrate foods, especially refined sugar, results in high insulin levels in the blood. Because the cells do not respond to the insulin and the sugar remains in the blood, the pancreas produces even more insulin in an attempt to overcome this resistance. The high insulin level creates a cascade of hormonal imbalances in the body, resulting in a damaged metabolism. By controlling the secretion of insulin with careful monitoring of carbohydrate intake, we can over a period of time, actually heal the metabolism. If this trend is not halted, the pancreas eventually becomes exhausted and can no longer produce insulin in sufficient amounts to meet the needs of the body. How do we reverse the trend? The medical model focuses on controlling insulin and glucose levels with medications and insulin replacement. But if you take over a job that the body is supposed to be performing, eventually it will give up trying to perform that particular task. An organ that has lost its job and is no longer useful will, over a period of time, begin to atrophy and lose its ability to function altogether. Hence, if you replace a substance that the body is supposed to make on its own (such as insulin, or any other hormone for that matter), the body will eventually lose its ability to make the hormone and replacement of it becomes mandatory. The natural healing model suggests that we work with the body (and not against it) to cleanse and heal the dysfunctional organ or system, while providing all the building blocks necessary for the body to produce the needed substance. (CAUTION: If you are taking insulin or any other medication, DO NOT go off of these medications abruptly. The body requires TIME to repair itself and discontinuing medications must be done with careful tapering of the substance and only under medical supervision. The longer you have been on these medications, the longer it will take to heal. Always consult a health care professional before beginning any health program.) How do we begin this healing process? As in any natural health program, diet is key. What we eat profoundly affects how we feel. Treating any condition with supplements alone, while ignoring diet, is no different than the medical model which tells us to take a pill and our problem will be solved. This is especially true of conditions involving a derangement of the metabolism. Controlling insulin and sugar levels requires significant diet modification. The American Diabetic Association recognizes this fact. Unfortunately, their diet modifications don't seem to make much sense when you look at the mechanism of this disease. If a person has high sugar levels, why in the world would you tell them to eat primarily carbohydrates? And yet, this is exactly what the ADA has suggested by their endorsement of the Diabetes Food Pyramid. The foundation of this diet is grains, beans, and starchy vegetables, the very foods that are causing your problem to begin with! Another interesting fact about the ADA diet, it restricts fats, but healthy fats are vital to the production of hormones. If hormone balance is disturbed, restricting fats can be disastrous. Dr. Diana Schwarzbein, a practicing endocrinologist, and author of "The Schwarzbein Principle", suggests a diet to heal the metabolism, consisting primarily of non-starchy vegetables, proteins, healthy fats, and carefully controlled portions of carbohydrates in their whole form (unrefined). For more information on her books, including cookbooks for vegetarian and non-vegetarian healing diets. In addition to diet, many supplements and herbs are available to help treat this problem. The late Dr. John Christopher, master herbalist, naturopathic doctor, and author of "The School of Natural Healing", treated diabetes successfully with a formula containing cedar berries, along with dietary changes and cleansing. To learn more about his program click here Diabetes. The reason he gave for becoming a doctor was to help his Mother who had diabetes. Hannah Kroeger, author of numerous books on health and healing and founder of Kroeger Herb Company outlines a program for diabetes in her book "New Book on Healing". (Link to purchase the book ) For a link to her formulas, see below. What these great herbal healers knew is that the body is designed to heal itself. If you cleanse and nourish the organs, they will heal themselves. Lynne O'Larey, founder and owner of Health Resources, was diagnosed with diabetes in April of this year. Her blood sugar reading upon first being diagnosed was over 600, a very dangerous level. But true to her belief in the power of herbs and diet to heal, she politely refused their offer of an insulin shot or medications and went home to deal with the problem naturally. Using strict diet modifications, herbal supplements, and exercise, within a short time her blood sugar readings had returned to normal. To read the complete story of her amazing response click here Lynne's Own Diabetes Story We're excited to share with you one of her discoveries. The Health Sciences Institute recently published information on a new product for diabetics known as Glucomannan. Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from the konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac). As with other soluble fibers, Glucomannan delays stomach emptying, which results in a more gradual absorption of dietary sugar, thus reducing the elevation of blood sugar levels typical after a meal. Clinical studies confirm the blood glucose lowering effect of konjac mannan. For more information on this diabetes break through keep reading and scroll down. Our favorite products and links where you can find them: Dr. John Christopher, M.H., N.D. Pancreas Formula - an herbal formula to nourish the pancreas - Link to more information Adrenal Formula - an herbal formula to nourish the adrenals that are often exhausted as well* Vitalerbs - Dr. Christopher's whole food nutritional supplement to provide essential vitamins and minerals* Master Gland Formula - an herbal formula to nourish the pituitary, the gland in the brain that controls all the other glands* Liver & Gallbladder Formula - an herbal formula to cleanse the liver, which plays an integral part in controlling blood sugar levels* Link to Dr. Christopher products: Chromium When chromium levels are low, HDL levels fail, insulin resistance develops and triglycerides and total cholesterol both rise. Glucomannan - an herbal formula to help control blood sugar levels* Hanna Kroeger Pancreas Formula (old name D Bets) - a quintet of herbs to help maintain a healthy pancreas* Candida Formula #1 (old name Kantita) - in combination with Candida Formula #2 (old name Foon Goos #2) and a proper diet, helps balance intestinal flora* (this formula helps rid the body of candida [fungus] a possible contributing factor in diabetes)* Candida Formula #2 (old name Foon Goos #2) - helps balance intestinal flora* (this formula works with Candida Formula #1 (old name Kantita) to rid the body of candida [fungus])* Link to Hanna Kroeger products Other Products Completia® Diabetic (Iron-free) Daily Support by Nature's Way Cinnamon is a natural insulin and can be found by clicking on this link Alpha-lipoic acid is one of the strongest and most versatile antioxidants in the body. It exists in our every cell and tissue and is very effective in lowering blood sugar and preventing diabetic complications -- especially cardiovascular and neurological problems. It also strengthens immunity, improves energy in cells, protects brain cells against excitotoxicity and removes excess iron and other toxic metals. A number of studies have shown that it can correct blood sugar in type 2 diabetics and improve or even eliminate insulin need in insulin-dependent diabetics. #2 link CoQ10 has been shown to lower blood glucose in diabetics by 30%. It also cuts ketone bodies (potentially poisonous chemicals produced by the body when there is an insulin shortage) as much as 30% to 59%. CoQ10 increases cellular energy, is an antioxidant, reduces toxic iron levels in cells and protects the heart and brain. *This statement is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Caution - Never go off any pharmaceutical medications "cold turkey". When cutting down you should always be under a health practioners care and do it slowly. Usually lowering the dosage a little every 10 days while listening to your body and testing the results as you go. Gymnema Sylvestre, #2 extract also known as Gurmar and Meshashringi, whose Hindi name literally means 'sugar destroyer', has been used in Ayurveda for several centuries to regulate sugar metabolism. The hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) action of gymnema leaves was first documented in the late 1920s. This action is gradual in nature, differing from the rapid effect of many prescription hypoglycemic drugs. Gymnema leaves raise insulin levels by regeneration of the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. Other research has shown that gymnema also improves uptake of glucose into cells by increasing the activity of the glucose utilizing enzymes, and prevents adrenaline from stimulating the liver to produce glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. The leaves are also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. It also abolishes the taste of sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralizes the craving for sweets. The leaf extracts contain gymnemic acid which inhibits hyperglycemia and also acts as a cardiovascular stimulant. The primary clinical application for this botanical is
as an antidiabetic agent. Gymnema has been the subject
of considerable research since the 1930s, with promising
results for types 1 and 2 diabetes. Gymnema has been
successful in controlling the blood sugar level without
reducing it to below the normal blood sugar level, an
effect seen with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic
sulphonylurea compounds. Gymnema provides a simple and
effective method to help maintain healthy glucose
levels. Gymnema contains Gymnemic acid (GA), quercitol,
lupeol, ß-amyrin and stigmasterol, which have glucose
lowering properties. It works safely within your current
regimen to promote proper pancreatic function. They gave a testimonial of a woman (Catherine Downs) who was able to get off of daily insulin injections. She is/was 56 years old and had been on insulin injections for 40+ years. She has lowered her hypoglycemic prescription down to 2mg per day and she's eating like a normal person, real sugar and all. They say that clinical tests confirmed extracts of konjac mannan are as effective at lowering glucose as drugs like Acarbose. Cinnamon is a natural insulin so it is also good, however, it should not be over used. Some of the best herbs for Diabetes are fenugreek, gymnema sylvestre, glucomannan, and the nopal cactus. Possibly due to the same delay in stomach emptying, glucomannan may improve blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. Because the absorption of carbohydrates from foods is slower when glucomannan is taken, blood sugar levels may not rise as high or as fast as usual. Some preliminary results from animal studies also suggest that glucomannan may increase the sensitivity of body tissues to the insulin that is produced or taken. In several studies, taking glucomannan has also appeared to lower blood levels of total cholesterol. Although more research on this possible use of glucomannan is needed, it is believed that glucomannan may increase the elimination of cholesterol and its components from the body. It may also keep bile acids from being reabsorbed in the intestines, further reducing cholesterol levels in the blood, because the body uses cholesterol to produce more bile. Glucomannan delays stomach emptying, leading to a more gradual absorption of dietary sugar; this effect can reduce the elevation of blood sugar levels that is typical after a meal. Controlled studies have found that after-meal blood sugar levels are lower in people with diabetes given glucomannan in their food, and overall diabetic control is improved with glucomannan-enriched diets according to preliminary and controlled trials. One preliminary report suggested that glucomannan may also be helpful in pregnancy-related diabetes. One double-blind study reported that glucomannan (8-13 grams per day) stabilized blood sugar in people with the insulin resistance syndrome. In a preliminary study, the addition of either 2.6 or 5.2 grams of glucomannan to a meal prevented hypoglycemia in adults with previous stomach surgery. What does it do?
Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber that is derived from konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac). Like other forms of dietary fiber, glucomannan is considered a “bulk-forming laxative.” Glucomannan promotes a larger, bulkier stool that passes through the colon more easily and requires less pressure—and subsequently less straining—to expel. Good results have been noted in preliminary and double-blind studies of glucomannan for the treatment of constipation. In constipated individuals, glucomannan and other bulk-forming laxatives generally help produce a bowel movement within 24 hours or less. The use of glucomannan for diverticular disease of the colon has also been studied in preliminary research; about 1/3 to 1/2 of the subjects were found to benefit from glucomannan. Like other soluble fibers, glucomannan can bind to bile acids in the gut and carry them out of the body in the feces, which requires the body to convert more cholesterol into bile acids. This can result in the lowering of blood cholesterol and other blood fats. Controlled and double-blind studies have shown that supplementation with several grams per day of glucomannan significantly reduced total blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and in some cases raised HDL cholesterol. One double-blind study reported that glucomannan lowered cholesterol in people with the insulin resistance syndrome. Glucomannan may help weight loss by occupying space in the stomach, thereby making a person feel full. One double-blind study reported weight loss averaging 5.5 pounds in adults when one gram of glucomannan was taken with a cup of water one hour before each meal for eight weeks. However, a similar study of overweight children found that glucomannan was not significantly more effective than a placebo. Other controlled studies have found that glucomannan improves the results of weight loss diets in overweight adults and children. Where is it found?
Glucomannan is a purified fiber from konjac root that is available as a bulk powder or in hard-gelatin capsules. Whether any foods contain significant amounts of glucomannan is unclear How much is usually taken?
The amount of glucomannan shown to be effective as a laxative is 3–4 grams per day. Effective amounts for lowering blood cholesterol have been 4–13 grams per day. For controlling blood sugar, 500–700 mg of glucomannan per 100 calories in the diet has been used successfully in controlled research. For weight loss, 1 to 3 grams before each meal has been effective. When using glucomannan and other dietary fiber supplements, it is best to start out with a small amount and increase gradually. It is recommended to drink at least 8 ounces of water each time any bulk-forming laxative, including glucomannan, is taken. Are there any side effects or interactions?
People with any disorder of the esophagus (the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach) should not take any fiber supplement in a pill form, as the supplement may expand in the esophagus and lead to obstruction. Preliminary reports in humans, as well and animal research, suggest that some people may be sensitive to inhaled glucomannan powder. Since intestinal bacteria ferment water-soluble fibers, a great deal of intestinal gas may be produced in individuals not accustomed to a high fiber diet, leading to flatulence and abdominal discomfort. At the time of this writing, there were no well-known drug interactions with glucomannan. God Bless each of you and me as we learn together. I am always amazed at the information that keeps coming as we have a need & we pray about it. God Bless Lynne «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§« We are angels with but one wing, and to fly we must embrace each other. _,.-=*'`^`'*=-.,_,.-=*'`^`'*=-.,_,.-=*'`^`'*=-.,_ Alternative Health Resources Website - https://www.zhealthinfo.com and also https://www.alternative-healthresources.com E-mail - Lynne@zhealthinfo.com Toll free telephone & fax # 888-469-4950 We are committed to your health at the lowest possible prices! Quality determines results!! References: Prescription for Herbal Healing, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch, M.D. Lifetime Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies, Myra Cameron The Schwarzbein Principle, Diana Schwarzbein, M.D. Help One Another, An Anthology of Teachings and Remedies, Hanna Kroeger The School of Natural Healing, John R. Christopher, M.H., N.D. Vaccines, Are They Really Safe and Effective?, Neil Z. Miller Dr. Christopher's Pancreas Formula information The breakthrough came a number of years ago by accident (divine providence, I believe). A patient came to me with the problem of "having trouble in voiding his urine." This was years ago when I would mix my formulas, as needed, in my own herb laboratory. As I was in a hurry that day and did not have time to mix up a regular diuretic formula for him, I told him to use some juniper berries, and, if they were fresh to chew them, or make them into a tea. His response was that he had some growing in his own backyard and would use them. Weeks later he returned and said the juniper berries were not giving him much help in voiding his urine. Knowing how efficient they really were in doing this, I asked him to let me see the juniper berries he was using. He took some from his pocket (as he carried them around, chewing on them during each day) and showed them to me. I laughed and said those are not what I meant. The true juniper berry I had recommended to him would have five or seven small stones in each berry, but the ones he had been using had only one. It was actually of the juniper family but was a "Utah monostone" cedar berry (Juniperus monosperma). It grows in the West such as in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Texas, and in the national cedar forests but entirely different from our regular juniper berry (Juniperus communis; Pinaceae). When I told him about the "mistake," I gave him some juniper berries which eventually worked and did the job. I was astounded about his reply because after thanking me, he stated he would continue using the cedar berries anyhow. When I asked him why, he said, "Well, since using what you call cedar berries, I have been able to cut down on my insulin as I am a diabetic. I wasn't sure I heard him right (after looking for something like this for years) and asked him to repeat what he had said. Upon his verification of what I hoped he had said, I was very excited and asked him to increase the amount he was using and keep in touch. He did so, and in a few months his pancreas, which had found the right food (cedar berries), was healed and producing its own insulin. I then tried it on a number of my patients, who were diabetic, with great results! One of them was a lady using about eighty-five units of insulin a day. She was put on the mucusless diet, given the lower bowel formula, and told to use at least six cedar berries three or more times a day. She was instructed to continue on using her insulin but to watch the litmus paper carefully and taper her insulin intake gradually as the litmus paper would act as a gauge. So she had gradually tapered off her insulin and by the end of the year was not using any more. Her own body (pancreas) was supplying it as she required its use. She had no reoccurrence, but of course she stayed on the mucusless diet, because a faulty diet is the cause of pancreas malfunction. We have had remarkable success over the years with diabetes, using this system. One day a middle-aged man and his sister came in to see me. They were from a family with a "weak pancreas background." He had advanced low-blood-sugar (hypoglycemia) and she had high blood sugar (diabetes). They were both put on the same program and within six months his blood sugar, because of having a "healed" pancreas (a malfunctioning one is the cause) was adjusted and he went to his family physician, had a glucose tolerance test and passed with a clean bill of health. His sister within the year had dropped from around ninety units of insulin a day to none. Both were on the same program--using the herbs to rebuild the faulty pancreas (the cause) instead of working only on the effect (disease) (using a crutch such as insulin). As time went on, we found that some of our ailing pancreas patients, though the sugar and insulin problem was adjusted, would have problems with the pituitary, pineal or adrenal glands. We had not, at this time, taken the thought into our mind that the pancreas doesn't work alone, but is assisted by other glands. When the pancreas was healed, toxic burdens centered more, now, into the other glands. This was the time we added additional herbs to take care of these other glands--and since then they all are rejuvenated and healed together. The formula we have used for years, with success in all age groups from children to old aged patients is as follows: Cedar berries sixteen parts and one part of each of the following--golden seal root, uva ursi, cayenne, licorice root and mullein. The mullein is a specific herb for the glandular system and cleans and rebuilds all the glands mentioned in this article. Mullein is high in chlorophyll, a free phosphoric acid uncrystallizable sugar, mineral salts composed of potassium phosphate, calcium phosphate and a mucilaginous saponitic substance, an anodyne principle and other beneficial ingredients. Another great glandular aid is the herb golden seal. It is also noted for its ability to clear up infection. An alterative for the mucous membranes and glands, an antiseptic a deobstruent, for glandular system and many other attributes. Uva ursi or bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: Ericaceae) is an excellent herb for the adrenal, for diabetes, Bright's disease, and assists in controlling kidney and bladder congestion. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). This herb was used from before the time of Hippocrates, prescribed by early physicians in cases of dropsy and diabetes, to prevent thirst. This herb is another glandular food and cleanser, being an emollient, demulcent, pectoral and laxative. Licorice root has 6-8 percent glycyrrhizin; a sweet white crystalline powder, consisting of the calcium and potassium salts of glycyrrhizic acid, sugar, starch, gum, protein, fat, resin, asparagine, and etc. All of the glands can be cleansed and nourished with this herb. The cedar berry is a food to the pancreas as is cascara sagrada a food to build the peristaltic muscles in the intestines, or the hawthorn berry a specific food to rebuild the heart. This is an herb of many attributes, but yet has not been listed in any herbal catalogue we have ever found, up until the time we have used it as a pancreatic help. Cayenne is a great herb in aiding the digestive system, pancreas, etc., to have smoother performance and working in cooperation with the other organs and the circulatory system. Cayenne (Capsicum minimum; C. fastigiatum) has the following therapeutic action: stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialagogue, stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, antirheumatic. Cayenne is a medicinal and nutritional herb. It is the purest and most certain stimulant. This herb is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again and the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. It rebuilds the tissues in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers; in equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth; and in stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestines, it aids in assimilation and elimination. When the venous structure becomes loaded with sticky mucus, the blood has a harder time circulating; therefore, higher pressure forces the liquid through. Cayenne regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet so that it is equalized; it influences the heart immediately, then gradually extends its effects to the arteries, capillaries, and nerves (the frequency of the pulse is not increased, but is given more power). We have a group of herbs, then, in this formula that works well together and accomplishes what it is intended to do--go to the cause and heal--not work on the effect alone to just pacify and give temporary relief from discomfort. It is becoming increasingly certain that dietary manganese deficiency is one of the causes of pancreas problems. Although a new idea to medical science, it is one well known to folk medicine. The use of "wholesome" (unprocessed) foods high in manganese has been a fact known and used in our field for a long time. Using such foods high in this element (manganese) such as blueberries, onions, cabbage, whole wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat and rye (these grains yield three to five milligrams per one hundred grams), dried peas, lentils and beans (one or two milligrams per 100 milligrams), nuts, etc. |
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