Treating Depression Naturally without Pharmaceutical
1. What your doctor hasn't told you about
depression and antidepressants
2. Treating depression naturally
3. Web sites, books, help! for you and yours
While researching this newsletter I was overwhelmed
by so much information on the subject of depression
that it would be literally impossible to convey
everything that is out there. So I will attempt
to hit the high points and send you to other web sites
and books for more info.. Depression, according
to Dr. James Balch ("Prescription for Nutritional
Healing"), is a disorder involving the whole body
including the nervous system, moods, thoughts, and
behavior. It has the potential to affect the way
you eat, sleep, think, feel, and interact with the
people around you. It can affect you for days,
weeks, months, or even years. The symptoms of
depression are many and varied including chronic
fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite,
headaches, backaches, digestive disorders,
restlessness, irritability, anger, loss of interest or
pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, and
feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. If you
can identify with many of these symptoms you have
something in common with more than 18 million American
adults (that's 9.5% of the population). But
before you run to the phone to set up an appointment
with your doctor, let's take a look at the most common
treatment doctor's prescribe for this disorder,
antidepressant medications.
There are three major classes of antidepressants:
tricyclics such as Norpramin, MAOIs (monoamine oxidase
inhibitors) such as Nardil, and SSRIs (selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Prozac and
Zoloft. The most common treatment for depression
is an SSRI. Serotonin is a brain chemical which
is closely linked to mood. Brain chemicals,
called neurotransmitters, regulate our behavior.
The neurotransmitters most commonly associated with
mood are dopamine, serotonin, and
norepinephrine. SSRI's manipulate the way
the body uses serotonin, in an effort to conserve
serotonin stores in the body, thus optimizing its
calming effects. In the 1980's and 90's,
antidepressants were considered a cure-all for the
rapidly increasing incidence of depression.
Unfortunately, they don't work for a significant
portion of the population (latest figures indicate a
70% failure rate) and have been linked to
suicide, violence, psychosis, abnormal bleeding and
brain tumors. Additionally, researchers have now
discovered that insufficient serotonin may not be the
only reason for depression. Too much cortisol, a
stress-related hormone, may also play a role.
Dr. Balch ("Prescription for Nutritional Healing")
indicates that depression may be triggered by tension,
stress, a traumatic life event, chemical imbalances in
the brain, thyroid disorders, upset stomach, headache,
nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, the consumption
of sugar, mononucleosis, lack of exercise,
endometriosis, or any serious physical disorder.
He cites food allergies and hypoglycemia as the most
common causes. If depression is a secondary
symptom of a more serious underlying problem, taking
an antidepressant only serves to mask symptoms and
create more dysfunction. Prescription drugs DO
NOT CURE ANYTHING! They only treat symptoms and
do not address the underlying cause of an
illness. Drugs such as Prozac, Luvox, Paxil,
Effexor, Elavil, and Zoloft (just to name a few)
cannot create neurotransmitters, but can only
manipulate what is already available. And if
there is an underlying problem such as low thyroid
function, female hormone imbalance, hypoglycemia,
adrenal exhaustion, candidiasis, food allergies,
inadequate nutrition, or any of a host of other
ailments, it will not address those either.
To make matters worse, according to the World Health
Organization, these drugs ARE addictive and do produce
withdrawal, contrary to what your doctor may have told
you. To learn the REAL facts about
antidepressants and other mind altering drugs we
suggest you visit
Dr. Peter Breggin is a psychiatrist and expert on the
subject and has written these excellent references,
"Your Drug May Be Your Problem" and "The
Antidepressant Fact Book". We also consider Dr.
Ann Blake Tracy's, "Prozac, Panacea or Pandora" a must
read. The horror stories linked to this drug
(and other antidepressants) will break your
If drugs are not the answer, what is? The
answer is as complex and multifaceted as the disorder
itself. We believe it is imperative that you
initially try to establish the source of the
depression, whether there is an underlying physical
condition(s) present. Engage the services of a
natural practitioner who is willing to look at
disorders of the endocrine system (hormone imbalance),
food allergies, or chemical imbalance from a
nutritional (not drug) standpoint. Try tracking
your depressive episodes, looking for a correlation
between what you eat and how you feel. According
to Dr. Balch, most depressed people are allergic to
something. Analyze your life, looking for
emotional and mental reasons, problems that can be
resolved by changing your outlook, relationships, or
approach to life's challenges. Often the
physical and emotional issues are intertwined.
Eastern healing philosophies have long accepted that
nothing is purely physical or purely
mental/emotional. The mind and body are
inseparably connected. Any healing
discipline that treats one and not the other is an
incomplete approach and more likely to fail.
The most important first step in any healing process
is to optimize nutrition. Our bodies operate on
a system of chemical language, the communication that
is carried on at a cellular level. This chemical
language involves neurotransmitters and
hormones. The level of neurotransmitters
and hormones in our body is controlled by what
we eat and assimilate. If we do not get the
building blocks from our diet to produce adequate
levels of neurotransmitters and hormones,
communication begins to break down and we experience
dis-ease. Our body's chemistry holds the key to
the way we feel, and our chemistry begins with what is
on our plate! For instance, eating complex
carbohydrates raises the level of tryptophan, a
precursor to serotonin. Complex carbohydrates
include whole grains, vegetables, peas and
beans. High protein foods, such as salmon and
turkey, promote the production of dopamine and
norepinephrine, and contain the added benefit of
essential fatty acids, both important nutrients
contributing to mental alertness. For more info.
on how food affects mood we recommend, "Potatoes, not
Prozac", by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
If you are considering using an anti-depressant, you
owe it to yourself and your family to be well
informed. The media is rampant with ad campaigns
to convince you and your family that your problem will
be solved if you use these products. The real
story behind these drugs reads more like a
nightmare. There is no such thing as an
antidepressant deficiency! Don't be fooled by
the big business hype of pharmaceutical
companies. The cells of the body do not require
toxic chemical compounds. Drugs
block metabolic reactions, but nutrients
facilitate metabolic reactions.
late Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D., known for his work
in orthomolecular (nutritional) medicine, stated, "We
have found that if a drug can be found to do the job
of medical healing, a nutrient can be found to do the
same job. When we understand how a drug works,
we can imitate its action with one of the
nutrients." The
brain is the busiest, yet the most undernourished
organ in the human body. Every tissue in the body is
affected by nutrition. Under conditions of poor
nutrition, organs begin to break down and become
dysfunctional. The brain is no different.
Since the 1970's, orthomolecular therapists and
doctors have been using amino acid therapy to
treat depression. Amino acids are the building
blocks of protein and are used by the body to make
neurotransmitters and hormones. Dr. Billie
Jay Sahley addresses this subject in two excellent
books, "Breaking Your Prescribed Addiction", and "Heal
With Amino Acids and Nutrients". Dr. Sahley
suggests a program that includes a complete amino acid
supplement, as well as single amino acids specific to
treating depression. Vitamins and minerals are
also needed as co-factors. Specific amino acids
used to treat depression include L-tyrosine,
taurine, L-phenylalanine, glutamine, glycine,
GABA, and 5-HTP, with B-6, magnesium and zinc as
co-factors. Tyrosine is an anti-anxiety,
anti-stress and antidepressant amino acid which
increases norepinephrine and dopamine. Clinical
studies have shown that L-tyrosine controls medication
resistant depression. Taurine is involved in
many brain functions, including the cerebral cortex,
cerebellum, and others. L-phenylalanine is the
raw substance that produces several compounds
responsible for transmission of nerve impulses.
Glutamine is the third most abundant nutrient in the
blood and brain. Glutamine is the brain's major
source of fuel. Glycine helps trigger brain
cells to fire electric charges. GABA is involved
in the condition of nerve impulses and is widely
distributed throughout the brain and body. 5-HTP
is converted to serotonin, the major neurotransmitter
responsible for communication between cells.
Research has found a definite link between serotonin
deficiency and depression. Multiple vitamins and
minerals are absolutely essential, with the
B-vitamins, zinc, calcium and magnesium being
especially important. Lecithin aids in nerve
transmission in the brain, with 30% of the brain being
comprised of lecithin. Essential fatty acids
also play an important role in maintaining the
integrity of cell membranes.......and I could go
on. Bottom line? FEED YOUR BRAIN!
You'll be surprised what it can do for you!
can often be more dangerous than continuing on a
medication. If you are currently on
an antidepressant, DO NOT stop your medication
abruptly. Enlist the services of a health care
professional that can help you very gradually
taper your dose. These drugs alter brain
chemistry and upon withdrawal can cause severe and
even life threatening reactions. Also, some of
the amino acids mentioned can be used during
withdrawal to support the body nutritionally during
the process. However, others must not be used
until complete withdrawal from the
antidepressant. For complete information on
amino acid programs for depression, see Dr. Billie Jay
Sahley's books, mentioned above. Excellent
information for withdrawal is also found at Dr. Ann
Blake Tracy's web site.
An average way that usually works is to reduce
the dosage very slightly every 10 days, however, you
need to check with your health professional as
everyones body is different and you may be the
Essential Fatty Acids -
NAD - B-3 (niacin) supplement. Regarded as one
of the most effective nutrients in elevating mood and
overcoming moderate depression -
SAMe - may support nervous system function by
increasing the synthesis and recycling of certain
neurotransmitters.. SAMe is believed to positively
effect a number of neurotransmitters, including
serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline and norepinephrine
John's Wart - most comprehensive mood
balancing support supplement, combining herbs,
vitamins, amino acids and other essential nutrients
known for their ability to safely and naturally
provide a calming effect on body and mind. -
Dr. John Christopher, M.H., N.D. took a
cleansing, nourishing view of treating
depression. See his formulas at the link below.
Transition Formula (to aid in the withdrawal
from prescription drugs. Cleanses the liver of
toxic chemicals)
Trac (mental and emotional clarity formula)
(children's version of Mind Trac)
Green (green drink, high in minerals and
(herb based vitamin/mineral)
NOTE: If you suspect your problem may be
related to endocrine dysfunction (pituitary, thyroid,
pancreas, adrenal, or sex hormone imbalances) see Dr.
Christopher's formulas for these organs.
Liver cleansing may also help with depression.
The liver must break down all the bi-products of
metabolism. Faulty liver function can contribute
to depression. See Dr. Christopher's Liver
Gallbladder formula at the link below.
Dr. Christopher's products,
References for this Newsletter:
"Prescription for Nutritional Healing", James Balch,
"Breaking Your Prescribed Addiction", Billie Jay
Sahley, Ph.D.
"The Anxiety Epidemic", Billie Jay Sahley, Ph.D.
"Heal With Amino Acids & Nutrients", Billie Jay
Sahley, Ph.D.
Suggested Reading:
"Your Drug May Be Your Problem", Peter Breggin, M.D.
"The Antidepressant Fact Book", Peter Breggin, M.D.
"Toxic Psychiatry", Peter Breggin, M.D.
"Breaking Your Prescribed Addiction", Billie Jay
Sahley, Ph.D.
"Prozac, Panacea or Pandora", Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D.
"Potatoes, not Prozac", Kathleen DesMaisons,
. .

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